Who is a brutal man. Is brutality a new concept or archaism? What does this word mean? Why brutal men are always in fashion

Origin of the concept

There are several options for explaining the etymology of this concept:



  • Friedrich Hacker: Aggression - Die Brutalisierung der modernen Welt, Verlag: Molden, 1985, Org. Ausgabe 1971, Deutscher Bücherbund Stuttgart, ISBN 3-217-00349-7


  • Wiktionary, the concept of "brud" in the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages.
  • Big dictionary Russian language. chief editor Kuznetsov S.A. St. Petersburg, - 2006. P. 99

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Brutality" is in other dictionaries:

    brutality- and, well. brutalite f. 1. Rudeness. He loved youth, vulgarity, brutality. N. Klimontovich Lenechka. // DN 1998 5 82. The grim brutality of real vampire style. IK 1998 1 82. 2. claim. Straightforwardness of expression, sharpness, sincerity, bordering ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Exist., number of synonyms: 9 glamorous (7) gothic (1) rude (62) ... Synonym dictionary

    brutality- brutality, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    brutality- see brutal; and; and. Brutality / lability of judgments ... Dictionary of many expressions

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    Carry the wide area of ​​functioning to S. h., beginning from osn. physiol. differences between men and women, to the features that characterize masculinity and femininity, and latent and manifest sexual behavior. Often the word "sex" ... ... Psychological Encyclopedia

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  • About Cats, Charles Bukowski. The brutality and nonconformism of Charles Bukowski were "domesticated" when he wrote about four-legged pets. Cats were for him a source of inspiration, an object of love, a cure for the hardships of life, ...

For many representatives of the stronger sex, it is no secret that young ladies often prefer brutal men, but not everyone thinks about what exactly women invest in this concept.

Women's opinion

What is associated with a brutal man in most ladies? Most often, this refers specifically to the appearance, for example, light unshaven, untidiness, well-developed muscles, etc. This is also: confidence in yourself and your actions, responsibility and even in some situations arrogance. Such images of real men drive a huge number of women crazy.

Some facts

First, let's look at history. The Roman emperor Caesar was killed by the senator Mark Brutus, who looked like a typical "chick". Such an event gave the word brutus a negative character, and now it meant: rude, heavy, impudent, etc. Several centuries have passed and the concept has changed, turning into something alluring and sexy.

What does a brutal man mean, how to recognize such a male?

In primitive times, women chose strong male earners as a couple, who provided for themselves and their families. Time passed, customs changed, but the genetic principles of choosing a soulmate remained. Despite the fact that many women will deny it, you can’t argue against nature. How in modern world men can declare their solvency, of course, with their appearance. In general, the image of a brutal man will be in contact with his prototype, but now he has a civilized and beautiful treatment.

beautiful wrapper

As they say, they are met by clothes ... So a brutal man will certainly stand out from the crowd. Representatives of the stronger sex in this category pay much attention to their body. They regularly visit to boast of a beautiful relief in the future. Also of great importance is the brutal style of clothing for men. An important rule is not to overdo it, since slight negligence, on the contrary, is welcomed.

What is in the wardrobe of such a man:

  • a huge number of jeans, even if they are the same;
  • different shirts;
  • expensive leather items;
  • loose jackets;
  • expensive accessories, such as watches, belts, etc.

internal state

The image, of course, is important, but it must match the behavior and character of the male. Otherwise, a beautiful mask will not help to hide the internal state. The main attribute of a brutal man is self-confidence, but here it is important not to confuse it with self-confidence and pomposity.

To get a woman, he will never puff up, but will pretend that he simply does not notice her. He, without hesitation, will defend his point of view, and stand up for his loved ones. A brutal man will never humiliate the dignity of another person in order to assert himself. At times, he can show sharpness and assertiveness, but at the same time he will not go too far. For many women, it is this image of a man that inspires a sense of reliability, stability and confidence in the future.

How to become a brutal man?

In our world, there are different types of men, differing from each other in character and temperament. And what is the meaning of the term "brutal man"? The meaning is hard to describe simple sentence, since brutality can be both real and simulated. Under the expression "brutal man" they perceive a real man who knows how to stand up not only for himself, but also to protect his beloved people, a man.

Sometimes this type is not clear to everyone and likes it because of arrogant behavior, vulgarity, straightforwardness, but people close and loving him know that you can rely on him in any situation and he is a good person. Brutality is not a minus, but a plus. As a rule, such men in reality become good husbands and great fathers. Growing up, they become calmer, wiser, but charm, strength and masculinity remain with them throughout their lives.

How to distinguish a brutal man from a pseudo-brutal

Initially, the definition of "brutality" meant cruelty, rudeness. But now this concept is perceived in a different coloring.

What is a brutal man? It means courageous, straightforward, tough, but not cruel. He is surrounded by a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, he knows how to win a woman with his inflexibility, masculine charm, charm and strength. It is difficult to leave such people and it is difficult to refuse them. Even initially irritating a woman with rudeness, the irritation gradually disappears and its rigidity begins to be perceived as masculinity.

With such guys, every woman will feel protected, as if behind a stone wall. Of course, others do not like this type, especially parents or other men. Their vulgarity, harshness, swagger even makes relatives beware, and other men get angry out of envy.

Subconsciously tough, rude and adamant guys like girls because they feel the power in them. Other representatives of the stronger sex understand the privilege of brutal people and envy. Indeed, a brutal man will not allow himself to raise his hand against a woman. He can be cruel in behavior, in words, towards males, but he considers hitting a girl below his dignity.

A true brutal values ​​himself and will never fill his own worth in all sorts of ways. In any situation, he remains himself. His masculinity, toughness are manifested in the choice of a vehicle, style of clothing, manner of speaking, moving, looking, and all this will look harmonious in him. Such a guy will not try to look worse or better than who he really is.

Feelings are not alien to this type of men, but he will tell about them only to a select circle - the closest. Brutal representatives of the stronger sex do not give in to emotions, do not try to seem like notorious villains, they simply do as they see fit. Never and under no circumstances will they prove something to others by showing their strength. Such people draw conclusions for themselves and act accordingly.

Pseudobrutality- this is the type of guys who put their vulgarity and rudeness on display. They make vulgar jokes for no reason, wanting to purposefully offend or humiliate someone, especially when they find themselves in a male company. But it should be noted that the company should consist of younger, weak and cultured guys. If a pseudo-brutal guy sees that the power of the fist and his words are not on his side, then the ostentatious arrogance disappears at once and he begins to behave very quietly and even complaisantly.

These guys talk a lot about being great defenders and machos. In fact, it is the pseudo-brutals who rush headlong into the moment of danger, if someone approaches them in a dark alley. And these guys behave like this even in the presence of women. After such an incident, they, of course, will tell an amazing story in their defense. The rest will depend on the girl's feelings for him, whether she believes it or not.

Also, men with a similar temperament can easily offend a girlfriend and even hit her. It seems to them that this proves their strength and cruelty. They constantly justify their actions in the eyes of the people around them. In fact, they simply do not have enough intelligence or strength to find worthy rivals, they need to prove all the time, both to themselves and to those around them, their masculinity and brutality that do not exist in reality. However, people around are able to distinguish brutal guys from actors. Some women believe such pseudo-actors, but then they begin to suffer and worry. This is not surprising, since every representative of the weaker sex, choosing a guy, counts on his protection and love, but in the end she gets someone who is not able to do anything, but can only assert herself due to female weakness.

The image of a brutal man

Such a man always stands out from the crowd, because people of this category pay great attention to the body and are regular visitors to the gym to create a beautiful relief. He also pays attention to the brutal style of clothing, for him it is important, the main thing is not to overdo it, a little negligence is also welcome.

What is in the wardrobe of a brutal guy:

  • Lots of variety of jeans
  • Various types of shirts
  • Leather expensive things
  • classic jackets,
  • A variety of expensive accessories: watches, belts and more.

The inner world of brutal men

The image is of no small importance and must match the character and behavior, otherwise the beautiful packaging will not be able to hide the inner state of mind from others.

The main feature of a brutal guy is confidence in his strengths, abilities, in himself, but it is important not to confuse this attribute with self-confidence and pomposity. To achieve the desired girl, he will not strain and puff up. He will change tactics and pretend not to notice her.

Such a guy knows how to defend his point of view and will always stand up for his family and friends. A brutal representative of the male half will not humiliate the dignity of other people for self-affirmation. At times he is harsh and assertive, but he never goes too far. Ladies look at such a man with admiration.

A real brutal has a special charisma and it is easy to recognize him by his toned and slender figure, courageous and easy gait, style of clothing, direct, piercing look. Many ladies find stability, reliability and confidence in such a masculine image.

How to achieve a brutal look

In order to become a brutalist, you must:

  • Believe in yourself and be responsible for your actions
  • Get rid of complexes
  • To be a little mysterious, since this trait is inherent not only in women, but also in men,
  • Be reliable so that loved ones can always count on you,
  • Choose a brutal style of clothing to be able to stand out from the crowd.

Witty people are more likely to win a woman and achieve her location. A real representative of the stronger sex should be able to support any dialogue, be able to interest the environment. Also, a sense of humor should not be alien to him.

The main signs of a brutal guy

  • Attractiveness - a mysterious smile, but without coquetry, a casually styled hairstyle, stubble;
  • Straightforwardness - hypocrisy, flirting, lies are not in his character;
  • Gait - straightened shoulders, unhurried and easy gait, straight posture;
  • Lack of rudeness - even in a conflict situation, the brutal retains his dignity and responds to his opponent tactfully and politely;
  • Confidence in every movement, because Brutal is able to instill calm in others, and they will further cherish his friendship and partnership;
  • Figure - traced muscles and a toned figure are achieved by regular visits to the gym;
  • Compliments - brutal guys favor ladies with compliments and they sound natural, without flattery and hypocrisy, although not very often;
  • His gaze is direct and piercing, he never takes his eyes off or hides them, as his self-confidence is read in his eyes.

Brutal means charming, charismatic, courageous, confident, etc. It is difficult to compete with such people. Currently, there are few brutes left. Unfortunately, today you can often meet representatives of the stronger sex, who, with their manners and behavior, have become more like hysterical young ladies, but real brutal men still remain. Each girl prefers to see next to her a man who has inherent brutal character traits, so such a man is always surrounded by female attention.

I played Caesar. Brutus killed me.
From his side it was brutally to kill such a calf...

The word got into the Russian language, probably through French (à la brutalité). The translation of the German word "brutalitat" (German: Brutalität) - rudeness, cruelty, insensitivity, callousness, atrocity, violence.

AT English language the phrase "police brutality" is popular, while in French the term "Violence policière" (Police Violence) is used to refer to the same phenomenon.


Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in his addresses to the Congress of the Communist Party in December 1922, characterized Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin as follows: “Stalin is excessively brutal, and this vice, which can be tolerated in our midst, in contacts between us, becomes intolerable in the position of general secretary” (translation from Ukrainian, maybe someone will find a literal Russian translation)



  • "Ukrainian Small Encyclopedia", prof. Evgen Onatsky
  • German-Russian electronic dictionary
  • Friedrich Hacker: Aggression - Die Brutalisierung der modernen Welt, Verlag: Molden, 1985, Org. Ausgabe 1971, Deutscher Bücherbund Stuttgart,

Any man should have a bit of brutality in himself. Brutality in a man allows a lady to feel that behind him she is like behind a stone wall. But what is this concept of "brutal"? And what are the criteria for this very "brutality"?

What does direct meaning mean

"Brutalis" (brutalis) in translation from Latin is interpreted as "animal, bestial, carnal", in the version of "brutus" (brutus) the translation will be "heavy, rude, stupid". But this does not mean at all that a brutal man should be a stupid, rude and brutalized male to the end, always thirsting for flesh. In the Russian version of brutality, everything is much more clever.

What is meant by the term

Let's see what the phrase "brutal man" means. So, what qualities should a male representative have in order to be called “brutal”:

1. Physique. The body of a man should not resemble an animal, but it is the man who must be determined by the silhouette in it. If a man is thin, does not play sports and does not take care of himself, he is far from brutality.

2. Hot temper. Only not one in which there is no place for prudence. A man should always be ready to stand up for himself and for his lady of the heart, and this should show through in everything, in his look, in his habits, in his behavior and in his very character. And this should be known to others.

3. Manner hold. No, he shouldn't be arrogant. But he should not behave awkwardly in order to be ridiculed even furtively. Brutal men are slow, but purposeful. They are not snobs, but they do not shield themselves.

4. No macho. Macho man is from another area. From another area and Casanova with womanizers. A brutal man is by no means a womanizer. He never sticks to women, only if he does not decide to make a serious acquaintance, and he never flaunts his appearance, although he is not used to getting lost among the extras. You can not call it the "golden mean". Brutal man out of categories. Rather, he is above them all, because if he wishes, he can restore order in any "cohort". But for this there must be really serious reasons.

5. Natural masculinity. In a brutal man, a fraction of natural masculinity should be traced. No, not animal habits, inclinations or other unrestrained reflex habits. He should stand above reflexes, but they should not be alien to him and, when necessary, should always be "at hand". But only in strictly deliberate, thoughtful and appropriate situations. Otherwise, the man will be not so much brutal as an unrestrained and eccentric brawler.

6. Appearance. The fact that a man has brutality does not mean at all that he should not be groomed like an animal. No, their appearance should be one hundred percent, and regardless of whether they are wearing a suit, uniform or ordinary everyday T-shirt with shorts. And even if he is slightly unshaven (which happens often), two or three days of stubble does not look out of place on him and does not speak of his neglect. Rather, he has such a habit and style.

Let's summarize

So, from all of the above, it can be understood that a brutal man is one who is always taut, is in good physical shape, does not give anyone a descent and does not allow them to tease either themselves or their lady. He is moderately restrained, thoughtful and reasonable, but when necessary, he can instantly turn into a real furious destruction machine. In a word, this is exactly the type of man behind which any woman will be like behind a stone wall. That's what it is, brutality.

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