Kamchatsk city. Settlements of Kamchatka (dates of occurrence, names, renaming, abolition; brief toponymy of Kamchatka). Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - the administrative center of the Kamchatka Territory

Spring lasts from April to June, since the snow usually melts in May or June, in early April it is still possible to ski.

Summer is the most popular period for travelling, and many seek to capture this short period of time to enjoy the warm days on the peninsula and its natural surroundings.

The summer months are July, August, and the beginning of September is also added here. This is the most favorable time for hiking tours, river rafting, fishing, exploring the wildlife of the peninsula, helicopter excursions to the Valley of Geysers.

Autumn period - the end of September-October, at this time the hills are covered with the first snow.

The nature of Kamchatka is beautiful in any season, so it is better to choose the time for travel based on your vacation preferences. One more piece of advice - do not plan your trip for the off-season - spring and autumn, at this time the weather changes are especially noticeable, which can limit the possibilities of spending time in Kamchatka.

Reviews by month

June 5 July 33 August 22 September 11 November 1 December 1

Photos of Kamchatka


Not on the peninsula railways, but there are cars, they allow you to get to many attractions. There is a main highway here, along which, for example, you can get from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Elizovo or Klyuchi. There is also a road that leads to Esso. Thanks to existing roads, you can also reach other small settlements.

Someone prefers to get to the sights by bus or taxi, some rent a car, but it is important, due to climatic features and terrain, to choose models with high traffic. Another option for moving is hitchhiking, it is especially relevant when traveling long distances (allows you to save on travel) and when visiting places that cannot be reached by public transport.

However, there are also attractions that are difficult to reach on your own. For example, the territory of the reserves can only be reached by helicopter and as part of an excursion group. You can order a tour to other hard-to-reach objects, its organizers usually provide a transfer to the place using off-road vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, water transport, helicopter transfers, or a combination of several of these modes of transport. Horseback riding to some of the sights is also offered, and in winter you can ride a dog sled to the place.

You can learn more about the main ways of getting around Kamchatka thanks to a special material, which also contains tips on how to get to the natural objects of the peninsula more conveniently.

Districts and cities

There are only three cities on the Kamchatka Peninsula - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yelizovo and Vilyuchinsk. And if the first two are of interest to tourists and they can be freely visited, then Vilyuchinsk is a closed territory, mainly military personnel and their families live here, there is a base of nuclear submarines in the city. The region is divided into 11 districts in which there are small villages, some of which are located close to iconic natural attractions, some of them have a well-developed infrastructure necessary for comfortable living and recreation.


Founded by Vitus Bering during the Second Kamchatka Expedition, it is one of the oldest cities in the Far East. Tourism is actively developing in the city, there are many agencies offering excursion services. Due to the large number of places of residence, tourists like to stay here, because the city has places to go and things to see.

In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, you can find accommodation options designed for almost any budget - there are inexpensive hostels, mini-hotels, and for those who are used to comfortable conditions, there are hotel complexes with an extended range of services. The beauty of the city is that the developed infrastructure in it is adjacent to nature - from almost any of its districts you can see home volcanoes, so named by the locals for their proximity to the settlement. These are Avachinsky and Koryaksky volcanoes, which are active, as well as extinct Kozelsky, Arik, Aag.

But where the closeness of wildlife is especially felt, it is in the bay called Mokhovaya. It seems surprising that within the city you can see a rookery of sea lions listed in the Red Book. If you catch them on the spot, you will be amazed by the sight of these animals graceful in the water, their immediacy and lack of fear of people. However, you should not get too close to them and even more so feed the animals, it is better to just observe sea lions from a distance in their natural habitat.

A walk around the city will help you get to know it better, walk along the embankment with its beautiful views, visit Nikolskaya Sopka with its memorial complex in honor of the defense of the city during Crimean War and cozy park.

If you want to see the city in all its beauty and diversity, be sure to climb Mishennaya Sopka, the highest point in the city. Here it is viewpoint, which offers a stunning view of the city and its surroundings - the mysterious ocean, rocks, picturesque bays, volcanoes and city buildings.

If you are not indifferent to boat trips, then be sure to go on a trip along Avacha Bay, look at the hills from the water, visit bays, capes and islands.

There are routes to picturesque lakes. Fans of extreme entertainment will enjoy rafting on the Bystraya River among the rocks and forts of the Sredinny Ridge, which is organized by guides. There are also opportunities for fishing.

The real highlight of the place is the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and rituals of the indigenous peoples of the region. On the territory of the village there is an ethnographic museum, part of the exposition is located indoors, part is right under the open sky. Here you can see reconstructions of traditional aboriginal dwellings, musical instruments, shamanic paraphernalia, household items and other exhibits. Another original museum in the village is dedicated to bears, which were considered a totem animal by the indigenous people.

In winter, you can go skiing and snowboarding at the Moroznaya Mountain ski base, which is located nearby. The trails are designed for both experienced skiers and beginners. Also at this time of the year you can go snowmobiling or hunting.

Sights of Kamchatka

What is worth visiting in Kamchatka? Of course, its main asset is nature, pristine and full of landscapes unusual for most. There are also curious museums here, but many of them, one way or another, are connected with the nature of the region.


Untouched nature is the main feature of Kamchatka, so it is quite understandable that they are trying to preserve this natural wealth. Huge territories are occupied by nature reserves and natural parks whose employees monitor the state of natural objects and conduct scientific research. Despite the special status of protected areas, tourists are welcome here, for whom ecological routes are being developed that allow them to get acquainted with natural objects, flora and fauna, observing the rules that will avoid harm to natural complexes.

Kronotsky State Reserve

It consists of three specially protected natural areas - the Kronotsky and Koryaksky reserves, the South Kamchatka Federal Reserve named after. T. I. Shpilenka. Due to the status and inaccessibility of these places, they can only be visited by using the services of travel companies that deal with obtaining permission to visit, organize transfers and provide excursion services.

Among the most famous objects of the Kronotsky State Reserve:

This is one of the most spectacular places in Kamchatka, many people are impressed by the boiling springs that throw columns of water and steam to the surface. An ecological trail has been laid for tourists, which allows you to see constantly operating and pulsating geysers, as well as thermal springs, mud boilers.

No less striking is the bowl-shaped basin, which was formed on the site of the Uzon volcano more than 40 thousand years ago. There are many lakes in the caldera, foam and bubbles can be observed on their surface. On the territory you can see thermal springs, columns of steam rising above fumarole fields, streams and rivers. The place is also of interest to scientists who use it to study hydrothermal processes.

It attracts with picturesque views and ranks first in terms of area among the fresh water bodies of Kamchatka. It has several islands where bears like to swim in search of eggs, which are laid here by seagulls.

Swans are considered the decoration of the lake, which become especially noticeable in the autumn.

One of the most popular among travelers objects of the South Kamchatka Reserve. This is explained by the opportunity to watch bears who like to catch sockeye salmon in the lake - it comes here to spawn in large numbers. You can also find many bird species here. Add to the contemplation of animals the mesmerizing view of volcanoes reflected in the waters of the lake in clear weather, and you get the perfect picture of outdoor recreation.

Natural Park "Volcanoes of Kamchatka"

The territory is divided into 4 natural parks:

  • Natural Park "Nalychevo"

It is popular among tourists who prefer hiking, climbing volcanoes. Home volcanoes are especially often visited due to their transport accessibility. On its area there are active and extinct volcanoes, among them: Avachinsky, Kozelsky, Koryaksky, Arik, Aag, Zhupanovsky, Dzenzur.

Travelers are also attracted here by rivers, lakes and thermal springs.

The flora and fauna of the park is diverse, especially the tenderness of tourists is caused by evrazhki - these are Kamchatka ground squirrels that easily make contact with people and safely accept food from their hands.

On the territory of the park there are volcanoes: Vilyuchinsky, Mutnovsky, Sopka Asacha, Khodutka, Ksudach, Zheltovskaya Sopka.

There are also many thermal springs here, among the most famous are Khodutkinsky, Mutnovsky, Vilyuchinsky, Asachinsky.

Fans of hiking and active sports will like the park - on the mountain ranges and slopes of volcanoes you can ski, snowboard, snowmobile, and you can do it almost all year round. If you want to see geysers, but there is no way to go to the Valley of Geysers, go to Mutnovsky Volcano, where you can see boiling springs.

  • Natural Park "Klyuchevskoy"

Considered the most powerful volcanic region of our country, there are majestic and hard-to-reach volcanoes, 4 of them are active. Among the most famous are: Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Kamen, Bezymyanny, Ushkovsky, Tolbachik, Zimina.

Among the developed tourist routes, the one on which you can see the consequences of recent eruptions may be of particular interest. Especially the destructive power of volcanoes is reflected in the Dead Forest, it is located next to the Tolbachik volcano. The vegetation was burned out, only the strongest tree trunks remained standing, which look lifeless, the ground here is covered with a layer of ash and slag.

It is worth a visit for those who are interested in the life and traditions of indigenous peoples, because it is here that they mainly live today. Their original way of life is best preserved in the villages of Esso and Anavgay. In Esso you can visit the ethnographic museum, in Anavgay an open-air ethnographic complex is now being formed. The park offers tourists various options for active pastime - climbing volcanoes (Ichinskaya Sopka is located here), swimming in lakes and open thermal springs, river rafting. In winter people come here to ski and snowboard.

Avacha Bay

It occupies the second place in the world in terms of its size, the peculiarity of Avacha Bay is that it does not freeze even in winter. Here you can take a boat trip, on the way to the Avacha Bay you will meet 3 rocks of an unusual shape. According to legend, these are brothers who protected the inhabitants from the tsunami and were petrified forever.

Blue Lakes


Museums and galleries

Where to eat and drink


Parks and recreation areas



Shops and markets

Wellness vacation

Private guides in Kamchatka

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Kamchatka in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Things to do

Kamchatka is beautiful because there are many opportunities for recreation: climbing volcanoes, river rafting, skiing and snowboarding, fishing, animal watching, visiting national holidays - this is not a complete list. Yes, you need to reckon with the harsh climate - many activities are seasonal, but there is something to do here almost at any time of the year.

Event tourism

The originality of the region can be felt through national holidays, they allow you to preserve the traditions of indigenous peoples and introduce them to tourists. Plan your trip to one of them, and along with the natural beauties of Kamchatka, you will get an unforgettable experience from contact with a new culture.

Reindeer herder's day held on the first Sunday of March in the village of Esso. Before the start of the main events, an ancient rite of offering to the fire is performed and a traditional yurt is set up, which can be visited by each participant of the event. Of course, many people come here on this day to see a spectacular action - a reindeer sled race.

The program also includes competitions in national sports, performances by national creative teams, and an entertainment program for spectators. Well, what is a holiday without treats? Get ready to taste venison shurpa and tea with flatbread.

"Beringia" is a traditional Kamchatka dog sled race, which has been held since 1990. This long race, usually starting in March, covers the whole of Kamchatka, it has been marked by the Guinness Book of Records more than once. "Beringia" is considered one of the most significant events in the region, because it combines the sports component, the desire to preserve the cultural characteristics of the area.

In addition, the race participants perform an important mission to deliver sports equipment, stationery, books and other necessary items to remote villages. It will be interesting for tourists to visit the opening of the race, where you can see dog kennels, get acquainted with their furry inhabitants, and take part in festive events - quests and contests.

Indigenous peoples are grateful for the natural wealth of their land, they strive to live in harmony with nature. You can verify this at Day of the first fish, which is celebrated on the first Sunday of June in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Once here, you will see the ancient rites that the natives perform, luring fish into the rivers so that the catch is rich in summer and autumn. In addition, exhibitions of arts and crafts, ethnic discotheques, and competitions are held. According to tradition, they treat the audience with fish soup.

Is it possible to note New Year summer? Yes, if you are in Kamchatka! On the third Sunday of June is celebrated here Nurgenek- the beginning of the year for the Evens. In the vicinity of the village of Anavgay, those who wish can participate in dance marathons in traditional aboriginal costumes, make a wish by tying a piece of fabric on a rope wrapped around two larches. The Evens believe that the more people they treat, the better the coming year will be, so you will not go hungry at the holiday.

Perhaps the most significant event of the summer is volcano day taking place in August. The main locations on this day are the slopes of Avachinsky and Kozelsky volcanoes, where master classes are held on harvesting fish and caviar and other useful local crafts, picnics, competitions, movie screenings, playing golf in volcanic terrain. The most spectacular part is the competition on jeeps and motorcycles. As part of the celebration, a mass ascent to Avachinsky Sopka is held, in which everyone can participate.

Alhalalalai- such an unusual and melodic name for the autumn holiday that falls on the last Sunday of September. It can be translated as thanksgiving - this is the time to say thank you to nature for its harvest. In the village of Pimchakh, rituals of Itelmens are held in the language of this people, in parallel, their words are translated into Russian. Spectators can take part in a dance marathon that can last several hours.

It will help to get acquainted with the traditions of the Koryak people Hololo- a holiday in honor of the first caught seal. It is held on the first Sunday in November. Here you can see rituals for luring a large seal - dancing to the sound of a tambourine, burning twigs smeared with fat in a fire. Festive events are held on a grand scale in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the participants have the opportunity to get acquainted with the ancient culture of the Koryaks and taste local cuisine - fish soup, crush, shurpa from seals.

  • in the village of Esso.
  • Fishing in Kamchatka

    It can be both an independent type of pastime, and an integral part of a sea trip. On the peninsula, you can fish at least all year round, it is famous for its fish resources. In warm weather, the period from mid-May to early December is considered the most favorable, because at this time salmon species enter the rivers from the ocean - sockeye salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, pink salmon and other species. Ice fishing also has its own charm; in winter, grayling, char, flounder, and smelt bite well.

    seasonal holiday

    Depending on your preferences, you can choose different options for seasonal activities.

    Hiking in Kamchatka

    Travel agencies of Kamchatka offer various tours, including walking tours and full hikes.

    The former can last from one to several days and are suitable for tourists who want to see the famous natural attractions of the region, but are not ready for the hiking life - heavy backpacks, life in a tent camp - or are able to live in this mode for only a few days. For those who do not want to deprive themselves of a comfortable overnight stay, there are even tours with accommodation in modern hotels.

    For tourists who are ready to test themselves and break out of their usual comfort zone, trips have been developed with complete immersion in the wild nature of Kamchatka with all the attributes of a camping life - long transitions with heavy backpacks, food cooked on a fire, the absence of the benefits of civilization. But, according to many tourists, all the difficulties on the way are worth it, because how else to really get acquainted with the beautiful wildlife of the area. Such tours usually include climbing volcanoes, visiting local lakes and thermal springs, observing animals in their natural habitat.

    Hikes are designed for different levels of training - if climbing the Avachinsky volcano does not require special skills, then to conquer the Kozelsky, Koryaksky or Vilyuchinsky volcanoes, you need special equipment, mountaineering experience and the accompaniment of an experienced guide.

    One of the popular routes is a trip to the Nalychevo park, which includes swimming in hot springs, visiting the Dzenzur volcano, picking berries that the area is rich in, and, of course, enjoying the landscapes of the Nalychevo Valley.

    If you are attracted by volcanoes, then you can choose tours dedicated to them. For example, there are routes along the Klyuchevsky park, which are at a sufficient distance from civilization. In addition to climbing the Plosky Tolbachik volcano, the last eruption of which occurred in 2012, they can cover visiting Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanoes, as well as acquaintance with other natural objects.

    Helicopter tours

    You can only get to some sights by air - after all, cars cannot drive through the territory of nature reserves. Routes with flying around and visiting volcanoes, the Valley of Geysers and other natural complexes will leave unforgettable experience because the views from the air are truly breathtaking.

    Beach holidays in Kamchatka

    To visit Kamchatka and not see the Pacific Ocean would be an omission. Go to Khalaktyrsky beach, look at the waves, take a walk on the black volcanic sand. Only the most desperate decide to swim here - the water does not warm up above 15 ° C on the warmest days. You may be surprised, but here you can meet surfers who are not afraid cold water and strong waves.


    They are often combined with fishing. You can choose routes of varying difficulty, one of the easiest is rafting along the Levaya Avacha River, more difficult ones are along the rivers Bystraya, Opala, Pymta. For lovers of extreme sports, spring rafting is more suitable, at this time the speed of the river reaches its maximum.

    Ski holidays in Kamchatka

    There are several bases on the peninsula with equipped infrastructure, among them: Krasnaya Sopka, which is located in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and Moroznaya Mountain in the vicinity of Yelizovo. The slopes of the volcanoes Koryaksky, Kozelsky, Vilyuchinsky are also suitable for freeriding. Do not forget that mountaineering experience and equipment are required to climb these peaks.


    Of course, in Kamchatka you can buy magnets and other popular souvenirs depicting sights and local animals. However, there is also a large selection of original things that convey the special flavor of these places. True, you need to be prepared for high prices for such products.

    Fish and seafood

    Fish, caviar and seafood are the first things travelers bring back from their trip to Kamchatka. Of course, it is important that the products do not deteriorate along the way, so you should opt for delicacies in airtight packaging. You can buy such products in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, for example, at the market, which is located on 50 Years of October Avenue. Here you can buy fresh fish, caviar, smoked products, canned food. The products are fresh, the choice is large, in addition, the sellers give the opportunity to taste different types caviar to compare and choose the one you really like.

    herbal teas

    Another popular gastronomic souvenir of the region is various herbal teas. Before the arrival of the first Russian settlers, the indigenous peoples of Kamchatka did not know about black tea and drank teas based on local plants and berries. As part of ethnic tours to the camps, travelers have the opportunity to treat themselves to traditional herbal teas. From the trip it is also worth bringing collections of Ivan tea, bearberry, cinquefoil and other herbs in combination with berries - blueberries, cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries.

    bone souvenirs

    Like other northern peoples, bone crafts in this area are considered one of the crafts. Products are made from the horns of deer, elk, rams, walrus tusks. The drawing is applied to the bone plate, and then processed with an engraving needle. Souvenir shops sell knife handles, figurines, bracelets, hairpins.

    wooden crafts

    Master carvers for author's products mainly use alder: in addition to being easy to work with, it has a beautiful texture on the cut. Amulets are made from wood - figurines of heroes of local legends. Often you can find images of Kutkha - the deity of the natives, who is depicted in the form of a raven. Also common are figurines of the good spirits of Pelikens, which bring happiness and good luck to their owner. In addition to amulets, you can find wooden figurines of animals in shop windows.

    Souvenirs made of leather and fur

    The harsh climate required warm clothing, which was made by the indigenous peoples. Now in stores you can buy traditional-style clothing - warm hats, vests, high fur boots or cozy slippers.

    Food and drink

    Not only nature makes this region unique, its cuisine is also considered a calling card. It is closely intertwined with the history, lifestyle of the indigenous peoples and the natural gifts of the peninsula. Itelmens, Evens, Koryaks have achieved perfection in the combination of fish and meat with berries and herbs, due to this, the food becomes especially tasty and fragrant, acquiring a northern exotic flavor.

    Aborigines have developed many options for preserving fish for the future - they dry it, dry it, smoke it, ferment it and freeze it. Yukola is one of the most popular dishes of the national cuisine. This is a rather easy-to-cook delicacy that requires only fresh fish and time. It does not require salt or spices - the fish is suspended and, thanks to the wind, dried and dried.

    Yukola can be used to prepare another dish - tolkushi. Red caviar, shiksha berries and lingonberries, pine nuts, and herbs are added to yukola crushed in a wooden mortar. Usually this dish is seasoned with fish oil.

    Of course, people in this fish region are very fond of cooking and eating fish soup, and the recipes may be different, but the taste will be amazing anyway thanks to fresh ingredients.

    In addition to fish, peoples know how to cook venison deliciously. This meat has a peculiarity - it is dryish to make it tender, Koryak add lingonberries and honeysuckle to it. Stroganina prepared by local residents is famous.

    Thanks to Russian settlers, a dish called telne appeared. To prepare it, you need to chop the fillet of red fish and onion, then mix them with flour, eggs, dried porcini mushrooms and herbs. From the mixture you need to form crescent-shaped zrazy, adding mashed potatoes as a filling.

    So where in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to try local food and drinks? Perhaps the most colorful place is the ethnocafe "Kelylan", its furnishings resemble the traditional semi-dugout of Kamchadals, the staff in national costumes serves the guests. Acquaintance with the culture of peoples takes place not only through local cuisine, but also through songs and dances. Here you can try squid salad, marinated venison, grayling stroganina, berry juices and fruit drinks. However, the institution has one peculiarity - they work only by prior order with groups of tourists.

    Fans of burgers and craft beer should visit the Friends&Burgers grill bar, where you will be treated to a king crab burger.

    Do you want to try original cocktails? Then head to the Alchemist bar, here you will find signature cocktails, craft beer and seafood dishes.

    What cities in Kamchatka do you know? There are, in fact, not so many of them. In this article we will talk about each of the cities of the distant peninsula. When they were founded, how many people live in them, what interesting things can a tourist see there?

    The Kamchatka Peninsula: cities, natural conditions and tourist resources of the region

    Kamchatka Krai is a subject of the Russian Federation, one of the most sparsely populated. For many residents of Russia, and the whole planet, it is literally perceived as "the end of the world." Nevertheless, it is very difficult to find a person who has not heard about the peninsula of volcanoes and geysers.

    The total area of ​​the Kamchatka Territory is 464 thousand square kilometers. The peninsula is washed by the waters of two seas at once - the Bering and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The climate in the north of the region is subarctic, and on the coasts it is temperate maritime with some signs of monsoon. At least 14 thousand rivers, rivulets and streams flow through the territory of Kamchatka. But the main natural feature the edges are volcanoes. About three hundred of them can be counted within the peninsula, 29 of them are active.

    Only 317 thousand people live in the Kamchatka Territory. Almost 80% of them are city dwellers. The cities of Kamchatka are small both in terms of area and population. We will talk about them in more detail in the following sections.

    Kamchatka is visited annually by thousands of visiting tourists and wildlife lovers. All of them come here to visit the unique natural parks of the peninsula, see with their own eyes the authentic villages of local aborigines, admire the views of the highest volcano in Eurasia. Extreme tourists go to Kamchatka to raft down one of the local rivers.

    Kamchatka: cities (list and population)

    As mentioned above, only one in five of the region lives in villages. The cities of Kamchatka (there are only three of them) are small, two of them have less than 50 thousand inhabitants. There are much more villages and settlements in the region - 85.

    All cities of Kamchatka are listed below. In parentheses is the population of each of them, as of 2015:

    • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (181 thousand people);
    • Yelizovo (38.6 thousand people);
    • Vilyuchinsk (21.7 thousand people).


    The largest city of the Kamchatka Peninsula is located on the Pacific coast. It was founded in 1740. Modern Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is a fairly large and prosperous city with a population of 180,000.

    Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is one of the few cities in Russia that has retained its original (historical) specialization. The main branch of the local economy is still catching and processing fish. The catch is processed at the Akros, Okeanrybflot and several smaller enterprises.

    Along with this, the tourism industry is rapidly developing in the city. After all, the demand for travel to this amazing region is growing every year. Travel companies are developing more and more new routes with a visit to the famous Valley of Geysers, hot springs, volcanoes and other natural wonders of the Kamchatka Territory. Unfortunately, the infrastructure of the city and the region is developing very slowly so far. About 20,000 tourists come to the peninsula every year, while neighboring Alaska is visited by almost a million travelers. Although, in terms of tourism potential, Kamchatka is in no way inferior to the American state.


    Yelizovo is the second largest city in the Kamchatka Territory. People settled and lived here for a long time. This is evidenced by the finds of traces of ancient sites on the banks of the local Avacha River. But the history of the modern settlement began in 1809, when the first settlers from Central Russia settled here. The main sources of income for the city budget of Yelizovo are also tourism.

    What interesting things can be seen in this city? Here is the only international airport and zoo on the peninsula. In the vicinity of Yelizovo there are 20 out of 29 active volcanoes. In the city you can buy original products made of deer fur and skin, walrus bones.


    Vilyuchinsk is the smallest of the Kamchatka cities, the only one in which the population does not decrease every year, but increases. Today, almost 22 thousand people live here.

    Vilyuchinsk is known as a city of submariners. Back in the 1930s, a large base of diesel submarines was created here. Today, nuclear submarines of various projects are also based in Vilyuchinsk.

    The city has a technical school and four secondary schools, a house of culture, a large library and its own museum. In 2007, a water park was built here, and in 2010 an ice center.


    The cities of Kamchatka are small in terms of population. The largest of them is home to less than 200 thousand people. In total, there are three cities within the Kamchatka Territory. These are Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (the administrative center of the region), Yelizovo and Vilyuchinsk.

    Basic moments

    Kamchatka is sometimes called the "edge of geography", and in Soviet times, the name of this peninsula, one of the largest in the country, was firmly assigned to the last desks in school classes. They even joked about the students who took their places there: "He is sitting in Kamchatka." Indeed, this land is associated with such concepts as "far", "remote" and so on. Today, however, Kamchatka has undoubtedly become much closer than ever before. And all thanks to the active development of the tourism infrastructure of the region. What you will not be offered here for a good rest: these are rich excursion programs, and exclusive tours with hunting and fishing, underwater sports, cruises around the famous Avacha Bay, not to mention horse and ornithological trips and, of course, medical and health-improving and cultural and ethnographic tourism. It is also worth mentioning snowmobile and helicopter tours, but this will still be far from a complete list.

    Kamchatka bears on the background of the volcano

    Kamchatka is a land of pristine nature, so it is not surprising that there are as many as 3 state reserves, 5 natural parks, 19 reserves, which are also protected by the state, and 169 other unique natural objects. Protected are a total of 18% of the territory of this remote, largely harsh, but such an alluring region. Thus, the UNESCO World Heritage List includes 6 specially protected local natural objects, united by the common name "Volcanoes of Kamchatka". But at the same time, no statistics, even the most impressive, can replace those unforgettable feelings and emotions that await everyone who sets foot on this earth at least once. We say today to everyone and everyone: welcome to Kamchatka!

    Geography and climate

    Kamchatka stretches for 1200 km in length, but its width is half as much - 500 km. Such elongation provided the peninsula with the role of a natural border between the Pacific Ocean, the Bering and Okhotsk Seas, which wash the region from three sides. On the eastern side are the Commander Islands, in the south - the Kuril Ridge, which is part of the Sakhalin Region. In the north, already by land, the peninsula borders on the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, in the northwest - on the Magadan Region.

    Kamchatka is the realm of mountain ranges: wherever you look, you will definitely meet their eyes. The local mountain-volcanic relief originates in the distant geological past, when, apparently, the peninsula was either absorbed by the ocean, or released from its embrace. Numerous volcanoes burned this land with fire and ash in ancient times. A significant part of them, namely 141, died out over time, but 28 volcanoes are still active. Earthquakes also remain a common occurrence in Kamchatka: local seismic stations record up to eight hundred tremors a year.

    mountain range panorama

    The peninsula, as well as the Karaginsky and Commander Islands form a constituent entity of the Russian Federation within the Far Eastern Federal District - the Kamchatka Territory, which appeared on the country's map on July 1, 2007 as a result of the merger of the Kamchatka Region and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. The administrative center of the region is the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

    The Kamchatka Territory is one of the largest regions in the Russian Federation: its area exceeds 464 thousand km², which is 2.8% of the country's territory. However, you cannot call it densely populated: only 345 thousand people live here, which is 0.2% of the population of Russia. They are commonly called Kamchadals, and they are engaged in reindeer herding, hunting, fishing and processing of fish, logging, and repair of ships.

    Speaking about the climate of the peninsula, it should be noted that the proximity of the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, as well as the Pacific Ocean, has a huge impact on it. These vast expanses of water act on seasonal temperature fluctuations and give the climate, especially coastal areas, a maritime character. In general, the weather conditions of Kamchatka can be called oceanic: they are relatively mild, characterized by a large amount of precipitation - up to about 2000 mm per year. The height of the snow cover is also quite impressive: 2.5-3 m. The average temperature in winter and summer has remained unchanged for many years: in July +13 degrees Celsius, in January - 16.4 degrees with a minus sign.

    In the south of the peninsula (which is probably why it is south), there are no severe frosts in winter, but, oddly enough, it is not hot at all in summer - there are a lot of rainy days, fogs are frequent. But in the northern and remote areas of Kamchatka, the climate acquires a pronounced continental character, it is influenced by the large expanses of land of the Asian continent and the protection from the seas provided by mountain ranges. These features make the winter longer, and the summer period, on the contrary, is shortened. Not surprisingly, most sightseeing tours are organized at the beginning of summer, and trips in winter are less frequent. In the central part of the region, the winter temperature can reach -40 degrees, but in summer the heat is 30 degrees.

    A feature of the climate of Kamchatka is also the presence of strong winds. It is they who bring with them abundant precipitation to the peninsula, the largest amount of which falls on the southern regions. In general, speaking in general, the weather in Kamchatka changes a hundred times a day. However, this circumstance does not bother the local population in any way. Kids go out to frolic outside even in a blizzard, go sledding, make snowmen. Both children and adults do not even pay attention to earthquakes: for them, 3-4 points are “little things in life”.

    History of Kamchatka

    The territory of modern Kamchatka has been inhabited since ancient times by representatives of various nationalities: Ainu, Koryaks, Itelmens, Kamchadals. On behalf of the latter, according to one version, the name of the entire peninsula took place.

    Mikhail Stadukhin and his companions, who set off here in 1651, are considered the first Russians to visit these parts. For two whole months they wandered in search of the Penzhina river. As a result, they stumbled upon the right tributary and, having rafted along it on kochs, explored the western coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Around the same time, the industrialist Sava Anisimov and the former Cossack Leonty Fedotov settled in these parts. By modern standards, these were the real crime bosses, because, being very enterprising, they found a way to impose tribute on local communities, while remaining completely unpunished.

    In 1697, the expedition of Vladimir Atlasov, consisting of 120 people, reached the eastern coast of Kamchatka. She set off from the Anadyr prison and overcame the Koryaksky ridge, which was very difficult to cross. After that, brave travelers explored the west coast. They even built an ostrog in the upper reaches of the Kamchatka River, which they called Verkhnekamchatsky. In 1700, Atlasov met with Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov, an encyclopedist and cartographer of Siberia. The result of their cooperation was a more detailed and reliable map of the Kamchatka Peninsula with all the necessary descriptions.

    The development of the territory of this rather harsh region at the beginning of the 18th century deepened even more. The southern coast of Kamchatka was explored in 1729 by Vitus Bering's expedition, as a result of which Avacha Bay and Kamchatka Bay were mapped. In 1740, the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was founded. A year later, the Bolsheretsky prison was erected, an office and a command post, as well as food warehouses were located on its territory, and even a church was erected. There were also trading shops, and also four dozen private houses. In addition, a military garrison of 70 soldiers was quartered in the prison.

    In 1803, the Kamchatka region was formed as part of the Russian Empire, in subsequent years, however, more than once passed from one jurisdiction to another. In August 1854, an attempt was made to capture the peninsula by the combined forces of the British and French troops, but the troops of the Russian garrison successfully repulsed the enemy attack.

    Tourism potential of the peninsula

    Despite by no means a tropical climate, the Kamchatka Territory, this distant and fabulous land, is attractive for tourists and welcomes them all year round. The development of the relevant infrastructure has recently received a noticeable impetus here. In such picturesque places as the Valley of Geysers, Lake Kurilskoye, Nalychevo Natural Park, the Opale and Zhupanova rivers, as well as at the Khodutkinsky, Malukinsky and Tumroksky hot springs, tourist campsites, hunting lodges and even entire hunting camps, shelters, and parking lots are equipped.

    Great opportunities for the development of ecological, sports, mountain and ski tourism, as well as sports fishing and hunting, diving, rock climbing, snowmobile and dog sled racing open up due to the presence of volcanoes and glaciers, thermal and mineral springs, that is, local natural diversity and in most its untouched by civilization flora and fauna.

    The list of tourist opportunities in Kamchatka also includes hiking or trekking, rafting on flat and mountain rivers, which can be combined with both sports and amateur fishing, climbing mountain peaks, descending from volcanoes using helicopters, extreme ski tourism. Separately, it should be said about diving: despite the fact that the Kamchatka waters are cold, their animal and vegetable world in no way inferior to tropical seas.

    Sights of Kamchatka

    Not far from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 30 km to the north, the majestic Avacha group of volcanoes stretched out. Two of them - Avachinsky, whose height is 2741 m, and Koryaksky (it is even higher: 3456 m) - are active. This volcanic ridge is called the hallmark of the peninsula, and it is she who meets travelers arriving at the Yelizovo airport. The foot of the Avachinsky volcano has become a favorite vacation spot not only for tourists, but also for the people of Kamchatka. In the summer, local residents make traditional "weekend routes" - with an ascent to its crater. In winter, skiing and descents on snow-covered slopes are practiced. Avachinsky last showed his formidable character in 1990-1991: the eruption was accompanied by an outpouring of powerful lava flows.

    From the northwest, another ridge adjoins the Avacha volcanic group, enclosing the valley of the Nalycheva River in a semicircle. Among these ridges there are also two active volcanoes: Dzendzur, its height is 2521 m, and Zhupanovsky, 2927 m. There are many hot and cold mineral springs in the upper reaches of the river. And in its valley there is the natural park "Nalychevo", where many hiking trails lead, the routes along which can not do without climbing to the craters of active volcanoes and bathing in healing mineral waters Oh.

    The most active volcano in Kamchatka is Karymskaya Sopka, its height is 1568 meters. Sometimes it calms down, but not for long, and such periods of calm will certainly be replaced by eruptions with emissions of ash and lava, which can last for many years in a row. The last such eruption began in 1996 and continues to this day. Karymskaya Sopka is known for its many hot springs located at its very foot. The Karymskaya River attracts tourists with a whole cascade of waterfalls, and hot springs pulsate on the shores of the lake of the same name.

    One of the most visited "volcanic" regions of Kamchatka among tourists is the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes, covering an area of ​​about 7,000 square kilometers and numbering 12 fire-breathing giants. Travelers are attracted by landscapes created by volcanic activity, devoid of life cinder plateaus, heaps of lava flows. It is here that Klyuchevskaya Sopka “hides” - the highest volcano in Eurasia (4850 meters). Tourists and climbers visiting this area see with their own eyes volcanic processes that stagger every imagination and feel the powerful breath of the Earth. Climbing the peaks, looking into the craters, these courageous people test their will and stamina. Back in 2002, the Klyuchevsky Natural Park was formed on this unique territory.

    One of the attractions of the peninsula is considered to be the Kronotsky State Biosphere Nature Reserve, one of the oldest protected areas in Russia, which is located on the eastern coast of Kamchatka. It owes its appearance to the Kamchatka sable, whose fur is so valuable that this representative of the local fauna has been considered the main wealth of the region for many centuries. If it were not for the ban on its fishing established in 1882, the animal would probably have disappeared.

    Boiling hot springs are located on the territory of the reserve, more precisely, 14 km southwest of the Kizimen volcano or Shchapinskaya Sopka, in a swampy floodplain. They are also called Nizhne-Schapinskiye springs. The composition of the water is hydrocarbonate-magnesium, the total mineralization is 2-3 grams per liter. It also contains large amounts of iron, phosphorus and manganese ions. In addition, carbon dioxide is present in the water, which is close in composition to the Caucasian narzan.

    A place of manifestation of volcanic activity, unique on the scale not only of the Kamchatka Territory, but of the entire planet, is the caldera of the Uzon volcano. Unlike its cone-shaped counterparts, it is a deep depression 9 by 12 km, which is about 40 thousand years old. The word "caldera" does not mean anything terrible and life-threatening: it denotes such a natural phenomenon as steam coming from under the ground, therefore Uzon is also called "floating earth". Walking on the ground of the caldera - and you will have such a unique opportunity if you find yourself here - you literally feel the indomitable energy of the earth's depths to the marrow of your bones and clearly begin to understand that our planet is alive, it breathes. In addition to powerful columns of steam coming from hot springs, the caldera is also notable for its mineral lakes, bubbling mud pots and numerous streams of various colors, which look simply magical against the background of surrounding rocks.

    After mainland Kamchatka, the greatest interest among tourists is the Commander Islands, which are sheltered by the Pacific Ocean at a distance of 250 km to the east of the peninsula. The islands themselves and the 30-mile water area surrounding them make up the unified Komandorsky Natural Biosphere Reserve, where a zone of economic activity has been preserved. Within its boundaries, the indigenous inhabitants of the islands - the Aleuts - practice both traditional and modern areas of nature management.

    The main attractions of the reserve are the rookeries of representatives of the local fauna: fur seals, sea otters, sea lions. Tourists are also attracted by the islands of Ariy Kamen and Toporkov, where you can see colonies of rare bird species. Of the sights, one cannot fail to name the amazing beauty of Gladkovskaya and Midday bays, as well as the unique natural monument "Steller's Arch". It is a geological structure that really resembles an arch, the height of which is about 20.6 m. This rocky outcrop is the hallmark of the reserve, it offers beautiful views of the Pacific Ocean.

    On the Commander Islands, many mountain rivers run, rich in fish and cascading waterfalls. On Bering Island, there is the only settlement in the entire archipelago, Nikolskoye, which is also the center of the Aleutian National Region. This settlement is connected with Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky only by air. There is a unique museum of local lore, the funds of which contain the rarest exhibits. For example, a cannon from the legendary packet boat "Saint Peter", the commander of which was Vitus Bering himself, or the skeleton of Steller's cow. Here are presented interesting examples of decorative and applied art of the Aleuts. If you find yourself in Commander Bay, you can visit the grave of Bering, the discoverer of the archipelago. For the information of tourists: a visit to the Commander Islands is usually included in the tour program by prior request and is a one- or two-day helicopter tour.

    Well, now we suggest you move to the Valley of Geysers, which is rightfully considered the “pearl” of this Far Eastern Russian peninsula. In general, geysers are a very rare phenomenon in nature, they are found only in several regions of our planet, and when in 1941 they were discovered in Kamchatka by the geographer T. Ustinova, this event became a real sensation. To date, there are 22 large geysers in the region, as well as many boiling colored lakes, pulsating springs and mud pots. The largest among the geysers are Zhemchuzhny, Fountain, Giant and Bolshoy, whose names speak for themselves.

    The Valley of Geysers can be called exclusive, because it remains the only place on the planet where the geological processes of the formation of the Earth are still ongoing. And this is its main difference from the geysers of Iceland, New Zealand and the USA. The Kamchatka Valley welcomes tourists, showing itself very violently. Your eyes will see streams of swirling steam, multi-colored splashes rushing upwards, and a slight smell of sulfur is invariably caught in the air. Excursion programs usually start from the Big and Small Geysers - the most powerful, beautiful and picturesque. Next come Leshy, striking with their unearthly form the Gates of Hell, the Double and the already mentioned Fountain. The biggest surprise for travelers is usually the eruptions of the largest geyser in the valley - the Giant. Just imagine: it “shoots” about 27 tons of boiling water to a 30-meter height in just 45 seconds!

    Geyser "Giant"

    Another unique and unforgettable place in Kamchatka is the Khodutka hot springs, located in the south of the peninsula, at the foot of the volcanoes Priemysh and Khodutka (the latter, in fact, gave them their name). They are, to be more precise, right in the funnel of a volcanic explosion. The uniqueness of the springs is that you can swim in them all year round.

    No less famous and popular are other hot springs - Timonovskie, which are relatively close to the town of Yelizovo (90 km). Hot baths in them are indicated for those suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological ailments, metabolic disorders, diseases of the digestive system, dermatological pathologies, lesions of the peripheral nervous system, and water from these sources can also be drunk. And she really helps!

    Recreation and entertainment

    So, your dream has come true, and in front of you is Kamchatka! Why devote your time in this wonderful region, so multifaceted that at some point it may seem that you are not on Earth, but on some other unknown planet? Question, as they say, backfill. But we know the answer to it, and there will be several options for this answer.

    Let's start with climbing volcanoes, the tops of which are heaps of hardened lava of bizarre shapes and eternal glaciers shimmering in the sun, and the bottoms are literally seething with life. Moreover, ascents - both dormant and active volcanoes - are carried out not only by climbers, but also by ordinary amateurs. The main condition: you must be physically healthy. Tourists are accompanied to the top by experienced guides. They have the appropriate equipment (helmet, adapted shoes) and are specially trained in the skills of moving on glaciers. best time for climbing is the period from March to October.

    Climbing the volcano

    Another favorite pastime for thrill-seekers is river rafting, which is usually practiced from mid-May to mid-October. The most popular for this type of recreation are such Kamchatka rivers as the Levaya Avacha, Bystraya (Malkinskaya), Opala, Pymta and the Plotnikova River.

    If you are interested in unhurried and relaxing boat trips, you can go on an exciting boat trip around Avacha Bay. While skiing, you can see a unique natural monument - the Three Brothers rocks. An exit to the open Pacific Ocean awaits you: the boat will head towards the Starichkov Island, which will be remembered for a long time, because it is this piece of land where seals haul out. In addition, the ship comes close to bird colonies. And if you also see killer whales, this can be regarded as real luck.

    Rocks "Three brothers"

    The Kamchatka Territory literally attracts hunters like a magnet, and this is not surprising: after all, a brown bear is found here - one of the largest representatives of the bear family. Its prevalence on the peninsula is also impressive. According to available data, there are from 10,000 to 20,000 brown bears here. Hunting for this animal is usually carried out in spring and autumn. Statistics show that during the year about a thousand bears are hunted in the region.

    Inveterate hunters are no less proud of the bighorn sheep trophy, especially since its prey involves considerable physical effort, not to mention great practical experience and elementary luck. The bighorn sheep found in Kamchatka is divided into two subspecies: the Kamchatka bighorn sheep and the Koryak bighorn sheep. August-November is the season of sport hunting for him. On average, up to 150 individuals are mined per year.

    Moose, polar wolf, wolverine, lynx and reindeer are also hunted in Kamchatka. For elk hunting is carried out from autumn to mid-winter, but for the rest of the named animals it is not so common. The reason is the small number of populations and the inaccessibility of places for shooting. Hunting is also allowed for a very beautiful, but rare bird - a stone capercaillie, but only for one week in May. Meanwhile, fishing remains one of the main crafts in Kamchatka. Every year, Pacific salmon swim in large numbers in local rivers. various kinds. There are a lot of them - hundreds of thousands! Some fish are simply huge, their size exceeds a meter.

    Kamchatka, like, for example, Switzerland and other Alpine states, is hard to imagine without such entertainment as skiing and snowboarding. The routes here are laid out for every taste: both for beginners and extreme riders. Fields of untouched snow from November to July stretch for many kilometers, opening up just fantastic opportunities for skiing. Only in Kamchatka and nowhere else can skiers descend directly into the craters of active volcanoes or from the mountain slopes go straight to hot springs.

    Ski centers, in particular, are located directly in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - there are two of them. One is located in Krasnaya Sopka, the height of which is 380 m, and the maximum length of the track is 975 m, and the second one is in Pokrovskaya Sopka. The maximum length of the last track is 1305 m, and the height is 418 m. Another popular ski center of the Kamchatka Territory is Mount Moroznaya, located 30 km northwest of the capital of the region. The base has two drag lifts serving five ski slopes of different complexity. Some are designed for professional athletes, others for beginners and those who have just decided to join this type of outdoor activity.

    But the northern region of the peninsula, located 500 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, remains the most remote area for skiing. This area can be reached by air (2 hours by helicopter) and by land (8 hours by bus). In this part of the peninsula, as we said above, there is the largest cluster of volcanoes and the highest of all those active in Kamchatka.

    Are you into diving? Kamchatka Territory is one of the best places on Earth, where you can immerse yourself in this exciting activity. From May to October, diving is organized in the waters of the Avacha Bay of the Pacific Ocean and the bay of the same name. There will be something for you to look at here, because in different parts Avacha Bay has sunken ships that lie at different depths, from 5 to 20 m. Many divers, especially beginners, are interested in how safe it is to visit these dumb participants in sea disasters? Experts answer honestly: safety is relative. By the way, diving in Kamchatka is easily combined with spearfishing. On the same Avacha Bay, as many as 32 species of fish constantly live.


    The road network in Kamchatka is underdeveloped, so the main transport that delivers both local residents and tourists to remote and hard-to-reach places is aviation, primarily helicopters. Regular passenger buses, minibuses and cars are usually used within the boundaries of many settlements, such as Ust-Kamchatsk, Milkovo, Ust-Bolsheretsk, Klyuchi, Esso, and, of course, in the capital of the Land of Volcanoes and Geysers - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

    Almost all sightseeing objects of Kamchatka are usually located outside the cities and are located in the mountains, volcanic plateaus, swampy lowlands of rivers and forests, that is, places where it is very problematic to lay roads, so you have to move along such terrain along a blurred track, dirt roads, potholes - in a word , off-road. In such cases, for the transportation of tourists, so-called off-road vehicles are often used, namely snowmobiles with passenger sleds, ATVs, URALs, GAZs, KamAZs.

    There is no railway connection between the peninsula and the mainland, which affects the cost of fuel and, accordingly, the cost of travel, since maintaining and operating helicopters and large cars in proper condition is an expensive pleasure. Tourists going on vacation to Kamchatka should be prepared for some lack of comfort when moving around the edge and relatively high fares. But all possible inconveniences are more than compensated by a wonderful pastime and rest, rich in the most vivid impressions and positive emotions.

    Where to stay

    There are no five-star hotels, as you may have guessed, in Kamchatka. Hotels and recreation centers are basically located in Soviet-built buildings, but they provide everything necessary to ensure that travelers' rest is as comfortable as possible. The rooms in them, as they say, for all tastes and requests, ranging from simple and homely and ending with luxury apartments. Good level service, not to mention the dishes of delicious Kamchatka cuisine, are also distinguished by local cafes and restaurants.

    If you come to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, you can stay either in one of the city hotels or in a rented apartment. Hotels are scattered literally throughout the city, so you can find a suitable option both in the historical center and in its business part. By the way, once in the capital of the region, it is not always possible to spend time in a hotel: you can visit local theaters, museums or visit a nightly entertainment venue.

    Petropavlovsk Hotel

    Fans of a more peaceful and measured holiday can recommend the Paratunka sanatorium and resort area, located just 60 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There are recreation centers, which are small hotel complexes. Each of them is equipped with one or even several pools with hot water from local mineral springs. The choice of vacationers as common buildings, and separately located cottages.

    How to get there

    In the city of Yelizovo, which is 30 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, there is an airport that receives flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as Magadan, Vladivostok, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk.

    We have already said above that there are no railways on the Kamchatka Peninsula. To the above, we add that there are no regular passenger sea flights.

    Photo from panoramio.com

    A city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kamchatka Territory. It is located in the Far East of Russia, in the southeastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, on the shores of the Avacha Bay of the Pacific Ocean. The active volcanoes Koryakskaya and Avachinskaya hills rise near the city.

    Founded in 1740 by the Second Kamchatka Expedition, named after the ships of the expedition "St. Peter" and "St. Paul". During the Crimean War in 1854, the Petropavlovsk garrison repulsed the attack of the Anglo-French fleet. It is the easternmost city in the entire northern hemisphere with a population of more than 100 thousand people.


    Foundation of the city

    One of the oldest cities in the Far East. The Cossacks were the first to come here from the Russian kingdom in 1697. Cossacks in the Avacha Bay, near the Kamchadal village of Aushin, on the shores of the Avacha Bay of the Pacific Ocean, laid storage sheds for storing yasak and founded a prison. Forty-three years later, according to previously compiled maps of the Kamchatka land, the Second Kamchatka expedition of 1733-1743 arrived here on two packet boats on October 17, 1740. under the direction of Vitus Bering and Alexey Chirikov. Name Peter and Paul prison received from the names of the packet ships "Saint Apostle Peter" and "Holy Apostle Paul".

    The founder of the city is the navigator of midshipman rank Elagin Ivan Fomich. On September 29, 1739, on the orders of Vitus Bering, leader of the 2nd Kamchatka expedition, Ivan Elagin set off from Okhotsk to Kamchatka on the boat "Saint Archangel Gabriel". He was instructed to describe the seashore from the mouth of the Bolshaya River to the Avacha Bay, continue researching the Avacha Bay, draw up a map of it, build warehouses and living quarters to stop the expedition, and also carry out soundings to find out the possibilities for large ships to enter, since “there should be a building for housing by a servant, as well as for storing provisions for shops, and even from the Bolshaya River to the aforementioned bay, the seashore has not yet been described. Bering discovered Avacha Bay in 1729 during the return of the First Kamchatka Expedition to Okhotsk.

    On May 16, 1740, I. Elagin set off from the mouth of the Bolshoi River (Bolsheretsky Ostrog) along the southwestern coast of Kamchatka and, having rounded its cape, on June 10 arrived in Avacha Bay. The boat "Saint Gabriel" was the first sea vessel in history to land on the shore in the Avacha Bay. After examining the bay, Elagin began to describe the bay and chose a place for the construction of storage and residential premises on the northern shore of the harbor of Niakina near the Itelmen camp of Aushina. The construction of the first houses of the Russian settlement began in June 1740 from pre-prepared wood and was completed by the autumn of that year. On September 20, 1740, I. Elagin compiled a report in the harbor of Niakina and said that servicemen and local residents had built in the harbor "five residential quarters in one connection, three barracks, and three enbars in two apartments." Elagin also reported on the completion of measurements of the depths of the Avacha Bay, the compilation of maps of the western and eastern shores of Kamchatka along the proposed route of the expedition.

    On October 6 (October 17, NS), 1740, the packet boats "Saint Apostle Paul", led by Alexei Chirikov, and "Saint Apostle Peter" with commander Vitus Bering arrived in Avacha Bay. This day is considered to be the birthday of the city.

    Stepan Krasheninnikov, who was traveling around Kamchatka at that time, wrote in his book:

    Niakina Bay, which is now called Peter and Paul Harbor from the two packet boats of Peter and Paul that wintered in it, lies to the north and is so narrow that it is possible to attach ships on the banks, but it is so deep that even such ships that have more packet boats can stand in it: for it is 14 to 18 feet deep. At this bay, officers' rooms, barracks, shops and other buildings from the naval team were built. In the same place, after my departure, a new Russian prison was opened, into which the inhabitants were transferred from other prisons.

    Center of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Kultuchnoe lake. target hill View of the city, Koryaksky volcano in the background
    historical dates
    • 1779 - The Peter and Paul Harbor was visited by two English warships "Discovery" and "Resolution" of the Third round-the-world expedition of J. Cook. C. Clark, who took over the leadership of the expedition after the death of J. Cook, was buried in the harbor in August.
    • 1787 - Petropavlovsk was visited by the ships "Bussol" and "Astrolabe" of the round-the-world expedition of La Perouse.
    • 1812 - received city status and name Peter and Paul Harbor. Also, the “New Regulations on Kamchatka” were published, according to which the administration of Kamchatka was entrusted to a special chief. The place of residence of the chief was "appointed" by Peter and Paul Harbor, which becomes the capital of Kamchatka.
    • Districts of the city December 2, 1849 - the Kamchatka region was formed, headed by the governor V.S. Zavoyko, with the center - Petropavlovsk port.
    • From August 18 to August 24 (from August 30 to September 5), 1854, the defense of Peter and Paul continued. In memory of this event, monuments were erected in the city: the Monument of Glory and the Monument to the 3rd battery of Alexander Maksutov, there is a memorial complex - the Mass Grave and the chapel. All monuments are geographically located on the slopes of Nikolskaya Sopka in the historical center of the city.
    • 1913 - the coat of arms of the city was established, which in general terms repeated the regional coat of arms, but had a three-towered crown of the regional city on the top of the coat of arms, and two anchors intertwined with the Alexander ribbon at the bottom. In 1993, at the initiative of the city administration, the coat of arms of the city was restored.
    • In 1924, by a decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, it was renamed to, where the definition is included to distinguish it from the name of the city of Petropavlovsk in Kazakhstan.
    • June 15, 1932 - the Kamchatka branch of the Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography was organized.
    • April 21, 1933 - the first professional theater began its work in the city.
    • November 6, 1936 - the construction of the first stage of the shipyard was completed: "The first-born of heavy industry in Kamchatka is in service."
    • In 1942, the Marine Technical School (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Marine Fishing Technical School of the People's Commissariat of the Fishing Industry of the USSR) was opened in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
    • In 1946, the technical school received a new name - the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Marine Fishing Technical School of the Ministry of the Fishing Industry of the Eastern Regions of the USSR.
    • In 1952, the fishing technical school was transformed into the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Nautical School (PKMU).
    • In 1957, the UKK (Training and Consulting Center) of the Far Eastern Institute of the Fishing Industry was created.
    • August 31, 1958 - the official opening of the first higher educational institution in Kamchatka - the Kamchatka Pedagogical Institute.
    • In 1959, the urban-type settlement Industrialny was included in the boundaries of Petropavlovsk.
    • In 1970, a branch of the Dalrybvtuz was organized.
    • October 31, 1972 - the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
    • December 27, 1973 - Leninsky and Oktyabrsky districts were formed in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
    • In June 1976, the school of the Mikoyan Fish Processing Plant moved from the Okhotsk coast to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Since that time, it has become known as GPTU No. 2. The full history of the school is on the site.
    • In 1987, on the basis of the UKK, PKVIMU (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Higher Marine Engineering School) was created.
    • In 1991, PKMU and PKVIMU merged, and the school became known as PKVMU (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Higher Maritime School).
    • In 1991, the Kamchatka Fishery College was renamed the Kamchatka Polytechnic College.
    • In 1997 - PKVMU was renamed into KGARF (Kamchatka State Academy of the Fishing Fleet).
    • In 2000 - KSARF was renamed into KamchatSTU (Kamchatka State Technical University).
    • October 31, 2000 - by order of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation No. 3149 "Kamchatka State Pedagogical Institute” was renamed into “Kamchatka State Pedagogical University”.
    • July 15, 2005 - by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 686 "Kamchatka State Pedagogical University" was renamed into a state educational institution of higher vocational education"Kamchatka State University".
    • March 6, 2006 - by order of the Federal Agency for Education No. 120, the state educational institution of higher professional education "Kamchatsky State University" was renamed into the state educational institution of higher professional education "Kamchatsky State University named after Vitus Bering.
    • July 1, 2007 - according to the results of the referendum, it became the administrative center of the Kamchatka Territory.
    • November 3, 2011 - the city was awarded the honorary title "City of Military Glory".

    There is currently no official division of the city into districts. On December 19, 1973, the city was divided into Leninsky and Oktyabrsky districts, in 1988 this division was abolished. The towns are administratively subordinated to the city: Dolinovka, Radygino (the village of Radygina - presumably was named after one of the first commanders of the unit stationed in it, on modern maps and in the documents it is unreasonably called - Radygino) [source unspecified 1182 days] , Chapaevka, Far, Zaozerny, Khalaktyrka, Avacha, Mokhovaya, Nagorny, Zavoyko [source unspecified 1363 days] .

    View of the city center Building on Leninskaya street in the historical center

    Soviet street

    Economy and industry

    Extraction and processing of fish

    It is still the main branch of Petropavlovsk's economy. Among the largest fishing and fish processing enterprises are Akros CJSC, the fishing collective farm named after. Lenin, PJSC "Okeanrybflot" and a number of others. In general, the industry is mainly represented by small companies that work seasonally on salmon fish. While in a number of villages on the eastern and western coasts of Kamchatka in recent years, in connection with the construction of new factories, fish processing has received a "second wind", in Petropavlovsk itself the industry has lost its former importance.

    mining industry

    In recent years, the mining industry has been gaining momentum. The city has offices of mining companies engaged in the extraction of gold (Asachinskoye, Aginskoye, Rodnikovoe and other deposits), nickel (Shanuch), platinum (the deposits are located in the north of the region, in Koryakia), as well as silver.


    Tourism begins to play one of the most important roles in the city's economy, numerous travel companies offer many routes to hot springs, volcanoes, helicopter tours to the famous Valley of Geysers and the Uzon volcano caldera, horseback riding, as well as boat trips, river rafting and fishing. Unfortunately, high airfare and the lack of developed infrastructure, especially high-quality and inexpensive hotels, impede the development of the industry. Only a few tens of thousands of tourists visit Kamchatka every year, while a million people visit neighboring Alaska every year.

    Volcanoes closest to the city, called homemade, lined up in a row. There are three of them: Kozelsky volcano (2189 m), Avachinskaya Sopka (2741 m) and Koryakskaya Sopka (3456 m). On the slopes of the Kozelsky volcano there are two bases - mountaineering and skiing, operating almost all year round. To climb it, as well as Avacha, preparation and equipment are not required, unlike the Koryaksky hill.

    Night city View of the city from Avacha Bay, Koryakskaya Sopka volcano in the background


    The city has two large thermal power plants - CHPP-1 and CHPP-2, which fully meet the needs of the city in electricity. At present, work has been completed on the construction of the Sobolevo - Petropavlovsk gas pipeline, as a result of which CHPP-2 is partially operated on natural gas (2 boilers out of three). Thus, the dependence of the city on imported fuel has slightly, but decreased. In addition, the city's electrical grids are connected to the Mutnovskaya GeoPP, which is capable of providing up to 62 MW of electricity to the central Kamchatka energy hub.

    Kamchatka is a land of contrasts, quite unlike Central Russia. This is the land of volcanoes and glaciers, hot springs and boiling geysers, rushing rivers, lakes and waterfalls. There are 414 glaciers and 160 volcanoes, 29 of which are active.

    The territory of the Kamchatka region covers the Kamchatka Peninsula and the northern mainland adjacent to it, as well as the Commander and Karaginsky Islands. The peninsula is washed in the west by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in the northeast by the Bering Sea and by the Pacific Ocean in the southeast. These seas are cold, stormy, ice keeps on them for 7-8 months a year.

    The main types of recreation: adventure tourism, sightseeing tours, water tourism (rafting, boat trips, diving), ecological tourism, ski and mountaineering tours, hunting and fishing, helicopter and snowmobile tours, heli-ski.

    Despite the seeming high cost of recreation in this remote corner of the Earth, you can spend quite a budget vacation in Kamchatka. At least, eyewitnesses say so, and here is their review:.

    Difference with Moscow in time: 9 hours ahead. Regional center: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, large cities: Yelizovo and Vilyuchinsk. Main attractions: national parks and volcanoes.

    How to get there

    Regular flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar. The airport is located in the city of Yelizovo (30 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).

    There are no railways on the peninsula - as well as regular passenger sea flights.

    Search for flights to the city of Yelizovo (the nearest airport to the Kamchatka Territory)

    Weather in Kamchatka

    The climate of Kamchatka is unusual and varies greatly in its different parts. On the coast - a long snowy warm winter, warm summer, spring - snowy, and autumn - warm and sunny. In the central part of the peninsula the climate is continental: in winter the frost reaches -40..-45°C, and in the short summer in July the heat reaches +35..+40°C.

    Popular hotels in Kamchatka Krai

    Treatment in the Kamchatka Territory

    274 sources of mineral waters are registered on the territory of the peninsula. One of the most popular and affordable is Paratunka. This is a suburban area with sanatoriums and health resorts, as well as many recreation centers with outdoor thermal pools operating all year round.


    Active recreation in the Kamchatka Territory


    Climbing. The active volcanoes of Kamchatka, like huge giants, smoke into the sky. Their foot is an amazing flora and fauna, and the heights are heaps of intricately frozen lava and crystal eternal glaciers. Sleeping volcanoes are no less beautiful sight. Climbing volcanoes (sleepers - and not only) can be attended by physically healthy people, accompanied by experienced guides, in shoes suitable for climbing, a helmet - and trained in the skills of walking on glaciers. Climbing is recommended from March to October.


    Rafting on the rivers. The most popular among tourists are rafting on the Bystraya (Malkinskaya), Levaya Avacha, Opala, Plotnikova and Pymta rivers. This type of tourism is best practiced from mid-May to mid-October.

    Journey to Kamchatka

    Sea trips

    Sea walks. Journey on a boat along the Avacha Bay with observation of a natural stone monument - the rock "Three Brothers", swimming in the open Pacific Ocean to Starichkov Island. Near Starichkov Island there are places where seals haul out, in addition, boats come close to bird colonies. If you're lucky, you can even see killer whales.

    Hunting in the Kamchatka Territory

    Tourists show the greatest interest in the brown bear, which is one of the largest species of bears. Its number in Kamchatka ranges from 10 to 20 thousand, hunting for bears takes place in spring and autumn. About a thousand animals are hunted annually in the Kamchatka region and the Koryak district.

    The pride of any hunter is the bighorn sheep trophy, the extraction of which requires a fair amount of physical training, experience and, often, just luck. Kamchatka bighorn sheep abroad are divided into 2 subspecies - Kamchatka bighorn and Koryak bighorn sheep. Sport hunting for bighorn sheep is open from August to November. On average, up to 150 individuals are mined per year.

    In spring and autumn, hunting is open for one of the largest bears - brown. Moose cannot feel safe from autumn to mid-winter, and hunting for the polar wolf, reindeer, lynx and wolverine is less common due to the small number of populations and the inaccessibility of hunting grounds. Shooting of the stone capercaillie, a rare and beautiful bird, is allowed for only one week in May.

    Types of animalshunting areashunting season
    Brown bearSpring: April 25-May 20, autumn: August 20-September 20
    snow sheepUst-Kamchatsky, Bystrinsky, KaraginskyAutumn: August 1-October 20
    Snow Sheep + BearBystrinsky, KaraginskyAutumn: August 1-September 25
    ElkBystrinsky, Ust-KamchatskyAutumn-winter: November 15-January 10

    Maps of the Kamchatka Territory

    Fishing in the Kamchatka Territory

    Fishing is one of the main types of fishing in Kamchatka. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Pacific salmon of various species enter the rivers of Kamchatka. Some individuals are over a meter in size.


    The natural conditions of Kamchatka make it very attractive for lovers of skiing and snowboarding. There is a route for every taste: for both extreme riders and beginners. Many kilometers of fields of untouched snow and the season, which lasts from November to July, offer great opportunities for skiing. Only in Kamchatka you can descend into the crater of an active volcano, get from the mountain slope directly to the thermal pool.

    Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and its environs. Two ski centers operate directly within the city: in Pokrovskaya Sopka (height - 418 m, maximum track length - 1305 m with a height difference of -355 m) and in Krasnaya Sopka (hill height - 380 m, maximum track length - 975 m with a height difference of -355 m). heights of 300 m).

    One of the most popular ski centers in Kamchatka - Mount Moroznaya - is located 30 km northwest of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The base has at its disposal two drag lifts that serve five ski slopes of various difficulty levels. There are trails for both well-trained athletes and beginners, this is an ideal place for training those who decide to join this sport and outdoor activities.

    The northern region of Kamchatka is located 500 km north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and is the most remote ski area. The area can be reached either by helicopter (2 hours) or by bus (8 hours). Here is the largest cluster of volcanic structures in Kamchatka, the highest active volcanoes.

    Diving in the Kamchatka Territory

    Dives in the waters of Avacha Bay and Avacha Bay (Pacific Ocean) are organized from May to October. 32 species of fish constantly live in Avacha Bay, in its different parts there are sunken ships lying at depths of 5 to 20 m, which are relatively safe to visit. Kamchatka diving can be combined with spearfishing.
