DIY rabbit made from garbage bags. Crafts for the garden - flowers from plastic bags. New Year's decorations made of polyethylene

To create together with your child, you can use any material at hand. A mother can invite her child to make crafts from plastic bags, of which there are sufficient quantities in any apartment.

At first glance, it seems that making crafts from garbage bags is easy, but this is not so. A 3-year-old child may not be able to do everything, for example, knitted crafts from garbage bags. Therefore, it is most preferable to offer this type of creativity to a child over 7 years old. Younger children can create animal crafts using garbage bags.

To create a rabbit, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • two cardboard rings with a slot inside;
  • scissors;
  • plastic bags;
  • thick thread;
  • three beads – eyes and nose.
  1. Let's prepare the pom-poms. First we make long strips from a plastic bag and tie them together. Cut out two circles from cardboard with a slot inside.
  2. We begin to wrap the cardboard rings in a circle.
  3. If the strip is over, then cut off the ring at the root.
  4. Place the next strip.
  5. We wrap the strips in a circle until the cardboard ring is completely closed.
  6. We cut off the resulting workpiece with scissors.
  7. We stretch a strong thread between the two rings and tighten it.
  8. Remove the cardboard circles and straighten the resulting pompom.
  9. We make the second pompom in the same way.
  10. We connect the remaining ends of the threads from both pompoms. The result was a head and torso.
  11. We make rabbit ears from a strip no more than 3 cm wide as follows: twist the strip twice in the middle.
  12. Fold the strip in half and straighten it.
  13. We tie it just below the middle.
  14. Glue on the ears, beady eyes and nose.
  15. We make paws and legs from small pompoms and glue them on. The rabbit is ready.

You can make other animals in a similar way, varying color scheme packages.

Method for creating balls from plastic bags

To make it easier to make crafts from bags, you must first make skeins.

  1. We take a bag with handles and fold it like an accordion along its entire length.
  2. Cut off the bottom and handles.
  3. Cut the bag crosswise into pieces.
  4. We unwind the resulting pieces and connect them into a single thread.
  5. We wind it into balls.

There are a huge number of ways to cut plastic bags: spirally, diagonally, lengthwise, crosswise, etc.

Crafts from cellophane bags: master class

On the eve of the New Year, you can invite your child to create a Christmas tree as a craft from bags with their own hands, which can be given to someone close, for example, to a grandmother. It is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • ruler with circle stencils of various diameters;
  • compass;
  • simple pencil;
  • green plastic bags;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • beads or glass beads;
  • White paper;
  • ball pen;
  • flat button.

If you take several multi-colored garbage bags, you can make a Christmas tree like this:

By creating crafts from bags, you develop not only creative thinking, but also creative abilities. This kind of crafts can be done together with older children. This will teach them that a work of art can be created from any available and, at first glance, seemingly unnecessary material.


On the site you can find a lot of interesting materials devoted to different methods of making unique crafts and jewelry from scrap materials. . From unnecessary waste material you can create beautiful flowers and feminine DIY hair accessories . Plastic bottles, corks, cotton swabs, old CDs, natural materials can be successfully used to make educational toys and crafts . And your child will be happy to take part in the creative process, helping to create beautiful homemade things.

Use any available means and waste material in collaboration for making crafts. Invite your child to make original toys from plastic bags, which you probably have in large quantities in your home.

From this article you will learn how to make crafts from garbage bags in the form of different animals. You will also find here master classes with photos, diagrams and video lessons with which you will learn how to make... yarn from plastic bags for crocheting useful household items , rugs, women's bags. Knitting from plastic bags is a wonderful way to create useful household items and beautiful women's accessories!

Be sure to involve your children in this interesting work! You can make beautiful decorations for a child's room from unnecessary plastic bags from the store and garbage bags. And girls will be interested in making fashionable accessories for playing with dolls from plastic bags.

One of the most popular women's accessories, which our needlewomen knit with their own hands from polyethylene yarn, is a handbag. . It is very easy to make yarn from bags (we will tell you about the technique for making such yarn below), and bags crocheted from it turn out to be very modern, beautiful and durable!

There are different types of garbage bags. One of the parameters that manufacturers indicate on the packaging is the volume of garbage placed in the bag in liters (20L, 30L, 35L, 60L or 120L). The second parameter is density. Bags with higher density are stronger and rougher to the touch.

The higher the density of a garbage bag, the thinner it is necessary to cut the thread from it to make bags and rugs. With experience, you will learn to quickly select the appropriate hook for knitting items from such homemade yarn. It is advisable to knit a small sample of fabric before starting work. , from which the product will be formed. It is advisable for beginning knitters to choose plastic garbage bags with a capacity of up to 50 liters. Yarn made from this material is softer and easier to crochet. But do not use plastic bags that are too thin for knitting bags - the product will not hold its shape very well.


If you are going to knit a bag or rug from polyethylene with your own hands for the first time, choose soft matte bags for making yarn.

To form threads, you need to cut strips from bags (the width corresponds to the hook number) and connect them into a single thread. Try to cut strips of the same width so that the surface of the crocheted product is uniform;

To speed up the process of making yarn, fold the balls into an even stack (5-7 pieces) and cut the strips with scissors along a ruler, marking the width with a marker;

Having straightened each polyethylene strip, we get a ring;

We connect these rings of strips in one of the following ways:

The first method is to connect all the elements at once into a ball. To do this, place the segment on another, pass it through the ring, stretch it to the sides, forming a knot. We wind the double thread into a ball of yarn;

the second method is a little faster. We fasten each thread after knitting the previous one. That is, the next ring must be passed through the remaining tail.

- straighten the plastic bag and carefully fold it so that the fold is even along the entire length;

Then you can cut off the handles of the bag and the bottom. Cut it into rings approximately 2-5 cm thick;

The edge of one ring must be placed under the edge of the second and a knot must be tied. This is how we form yarn for knitting products. We wind this thread into a ball.


Master class 1:


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Master class 9:


DIY interior decoration for the New Year.

DIY Christmas tree. Master class with step-by-step photos

Author: Elena Yuryevna Koroleva, teacher of vocational training, OGKOU Nikolskaya boarding school VII - VIII type, Kostroma region, district.
The master class is designed for school-age children, teachers and parents.

Our Christmas tree
Here it is, our Christmas tree
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.
A fairy tale hides in the greenery:
The white swan is swimming
The bunny slides on a sled
The squirrel gnaws nuts.
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
We are all dancing for joy
On New Year's Day under it!

Purpose: The New Year tree is an integral attribute of the New Year and Christmas celebrations.
Goals: Making spruce for the New Year and Christmas from plastic bags.
- teach how to cut bags into a long ribbon and make pom-poms;
- development of creative abilities;
- fostering interest in making crafts with your own hands.

For work we will need the following materials and tools:

- 3-4 plastic bags of different colors;

5-6 bags of green and one white;
- Sheet of cardboard 30*30;
- Cardboard;
- Threads with a needle;
- Glue moment crystal
-Pencil, ruler, compass, scissors;


In this case, for work, I found green bags that are super durable. They have welded side seams. Previously, I used “T-shirt” type packaging bags for work.
Cut off the handles and bottom of the bag. It turns out to be a pipe.

We fold it almost in half (one fold does not reach the other 15-20 mm), bend it several more times depending on the width of the package.

Cut with fringe, strip width 5 mm

We straighten the twisted strips, but not completely (the long ones get tangled, become electrified and then fall under the blade of the scissors).
Straighten along the fold with the index finger of your left hand.

You can use a ruler.

Cut off the first strip under acute angle. Next we cut from undercut to undercut. We do it very carefully; in case of a mistake, it turns out not a ribbon, but rings.

We wind the ribbons onto balls.
We make double blanks from cardboard with a fold of 25 and 20 mm wide

Making green pompoms: * 10 turns with green ribbon, 3 turns with white ribbon*...130 turns in total.
Using a 4-fold thread, we tightly tie the winding towards the fold of the cardboard.

We insert the blade of the scissors between the layers of cardboard and cut the winding.

Fluff the pompom and even it out a little with scissors.

For spruce 350 mm high, prepare:
on cardboard there are 25-17 green pompoms, 3 colored;
narrow the cardboard by 2-3 mm - 13 green pompoms, 3 colored ones;
on cardboard there are 20-10 green pompoms, 2 colored ones;
narrow the cardboard by 2-3 mm - 9 green pompoms, 1 colored one;
for the top of the head 1 two-color pompom.

Glue 1/4 of a circle with a radius of 300 mm into a cone. For reliability, you can stitch or staple.
We start gluing with large pompoms. The first row of pompoms is 10 green.

Glue the second row - between 7 green ones, 3 colored ones, one at a time.
Third row 8 green pompoms slightly smaller in size.

Fourth row: 5 green, 3 colored.
Fifth row 6 green pompoms from cardboard 20mm wide.

Sixth row: 4 green, 2 colored.
Next, glue small pom-poms to the top of the head.

Glue the top of the head.
The Christmas tree is ready.

I wish you success in your creativity.

Beach basket taken from OSINKA

I knitted it simply, in single crochets. in a circle, everything by eye, but measured on the knee, when you sit, the leg is bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees, so you put this handbag on this bent knee, turn the very convenient template. Two such panama hats are knitted, then they are put into one another, the bottom I glued it together with glue, my husband gave it to me, it hardens quickly, well, probably like our Moment. On the side I also glued the edges of the panama hats, and it turned out to be two pockets, I inserted a magnetic button inside, I knitted the handles like this - 6-8 loops and then with single crochets in a circle. Well, what else, I think I wrote everything. Well, about the hook, depending on how thick you cut the ribbons, i.e. what kind of bags do you have, I crocheted 4, but again I cut them by eye, the blue ones are thicker, because... The bags are thin, and the white ones are thinner because... thicker bags...

I think these bags can also be knitted from plastic bags...

Turquoise bag

Size: 23 x 18 cm.

You will need: A total of 200 g of Record 210 Color yarn (100% cotton; 90 m/50 g): 150 g of blue-green color, No. 214 and 50 g of turquoise color, No. 151. You can use Record 210 Fancy, Scooter or Palermo yarn ; hook No. 3 and 4; 2 plastic rings with a diameter of 4 cm; 1 braided clasp and 2 plastic stoppers.
Types of loops: see description of hook loops.
Pattern: knit according to the pattern, repeat. 2-5th r.
Knitting density: 10 x 10 cm = 14 p. x 9 r. pattern.

Description of work:

Front and back parts: using a blue-green thread, cast on 33 stitches. n. and elm. 18 cm pattern according to the diagram.

Side parts and bottom: knit trace in one piece. way: with a turquoise thread, cast on 6 in. n. and elm. 59 cm art. b/n. Attach 1 r. to a knitted strip with a turquoise thread. Art. b/n to the front and back parts of the bag, then knit 1 p. Art. "crawfish step" Knit another 2 rows along the top edge. Art. b/n and 1 r. Art. “crawfish step” with turquoise thread.
Assembly and processing:
Tie the plastic rings with a turquoise thread with crochet No. 3. For the handle, pull about 40 blue-green threads between these rings at a distance of 40 cm and tie all the threads with crochet No. 3 with a blue-green thread 1 p. Art. b/n. Sew the rings along with the handles to the side parts of the bag. For ties, use turquoise and blue-green elm thread. chain of c. item 1 m long.
Tie the lace to the front and back parts and secure the stops at the ends.

New Year is just around the corner. Absolutely everyone, especially children, is looking forward to this holiday! We associate the New Year with snow and all the accompanying winter fun: sleds, skis, ice skates and, of course, the snow woman. As soon as the first snow falls, children run into the yards to build a snowman.

What to do if there is no snow, but your soul requires a snowy friend? Nothing is impossible in the world, especially on the eve of the New Year! You can make a real snowman not only from snow, and in this article we will tell you in detail and even show you how!

Paper snowmen

You can make snowmen with your own hands from any materials, even the most unexpected ones, but we will start with something simple - with paper. Well, firstly, everyone has paper in the house, even those who are completely far from needlework. In any case, there will definitely be a couple of sheets of white paper. And for the snowman we just need white paper. And secondly, paper crafts are quite simple and easy to make.

#1 Draw a snowman

Here's a great craft idea for you kindergarten- snowman in a snow globe. You need to cut out two simple blanks from colored paper; by the way, kids can easily do it on their own; the elements are large and do not require special care. And then draw a snowman and snowfall in the ball with your fingers. The snowman craft for kindergarten is ready!

Here's another craft idea for little ones. Snowmen in this case are drawn using traffic jams from plastic bottles. Need two plugs different sizes(more and less). Spread it with white paint and make an imprint. Draw in the face, handles and buttons with felt-tip pens when the paint is completely dry. A hat and scarf can be made from colored tape, colored paper or felt, for example.

#2 Applications

Easy-to-make snowman crafts using the applique technique. You will need white paper, glue and a little imagination. The simplest option is three circles glued onto a sheet of colored or painted paper for contrast. You can further decorate the craft with glitter, sequins, stickers, etc.

Here is another version of a simple craft using the applique technique. The snowman does not look straight, but upward, which adds magic and reality to the craft.

But here is a slightly more complex option with small decorative elements. You can download the template of the snowman and decorative elements below the picture.

And here is a snowman craft that can be hung on a Christmas tree as a toy or used as a gift tag, indicating who the gift is for and from whom.

And here is a version of a snowman for kindergarten. The kid will be able to cope with such a task quite well, and most importantly, he will not have time to lose interest, because he will be able to do almost everything himself.

Here is a great option for an advent calendar. You can make such a craft with your child, and it will be very convenient for him to count the days until the most important holiday or until the holidays. You can download the template under the photo.

And some more ideas:

See more:

#3 Origami

You can make a snowman out of paper using the origami technique. There is nothing complicated, you just need to strictly follow the instructions, which are detailed in the picture below.

#4 Volumetric snowmen

You can also make three-dimensional snowmen from paper. Here, for example, is a three-dimensional geometric snowman, which you can easily make using ready-made templates, which you can download below the picture. How to fold the workpiece is described in detail in the MK in the picture.

And here is the same snowman, only melted. You can also download the diagram under the master class.

And here is a snowman with a voluminous belly. Draw a blank of the snowman's body and additionally cut out several circles the size of the bottom of the snowman. Bend the circles in half and glue them together, and then glue them to the workpiece. Do-it-yourself voluminous snowman and Christmas tree are ready!

And some more ideas:

# Vytynanki

If you have never heard of vytynankas, then it’s time to get acquainted with this type of needlework. What are these same vytynanki - these are carved patterns made of paper. Moreover, you can cut out not only abstract patterns, but also entire concrete compositions. Vytynki often decorate the windows of schools, kindergartens, shops and office buildings. Winter compositions look especially beautiful. This is probably why it is customary for us to decorate windows with cut-outs in new year holidays. You can find ready-made snowman templates below.

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Felt snowmen

Felt is rightfully considered an excellent material for needlework. You can create incredible crafts from this seemingly unremarkable material. In this article you will find more than 30 templates and patterns for snowman crafts that you can make with your own hands.

Patterns and templates:

See more:


If you are a jack of all trades and excellent with a thread and a needle, then you definitely need to do embroidery with a snowman this New Year. Here you will find more than 40 cute patterns.


Snowmen treats

You can also decorate the New Year's table with snowmen. Themed treats are especially relevant for children's parties. So if you are planning a big children's party, be sure to pay attention to snowmen in the form of treats.

An unusual delicacy awaits guests, made from salted rings and white chocolate. You will need: chewing toffee, a ring, chocolate (white and dark). Place the toffee on parchment and drop a little melted chocolate in the center. Then place the rings in this place and secure with chocolate again. Fill the rings themselves with chocolate and decorate with chocolate chips (eyes, nose, mouth, buttons). Wait until the chocolate hardens and wrap the scarf in toffee. The treats will come off the parchment very easily. All that remains is to place the snowmen on a plate!

And here are snowmen on a stick. To prepare you will need sandwich cookies, white chocolate, chocolate chips and red round candies. Place the cookies on a stick and dip them in chocolate. Immediately decorate with chocolate chips and red candy and send to dry. You can put it on parchment to dry, the chocolate will not stick or rub off.

And to prepare such a treat you will need: chocolate (white and dark), bread sticks, marmalade for the nose. First, dip each stick in white chocolate and place it tightly together on parchment paper. Wait until completely dry. Afterwards, dip this design in dark chocolate (for the hat), draw eyes, a mouth and put marmalade on the nose. Wait for it to dry and you can try!

This delicious gift can be decorated as a snowman. You will need powdered sugar donuts, a plastic bag, red ribbon, black paper, and a marker. You can buy donuts at the store or make your own. Well, then everything is simple: place it in a bag, tie it with a ribbon (like a scarf), stick on a headdress and draw a face. A great gift for a work colleague!

But a special treat is melted snowmen. Take a cookie, place chewing marshmallows (marshmallows) on it, cover with foil and place in the oven for a few minutes. The marshmallow will melt a little. Now put a second marshmallow on top, draw a face and decorate with marmalade or candies. Use toothpicks as handles.

More desserts for the New Year:

Snowmen Christmas balls

You can make a snowman with your own hands from Christmas balls. For such a craft, you will need either a special blank or an old Christmas tree ball. Below are several master classes on making snowmen from Christmas tree balls with your own hands.

To make such a snowman you will need a ball blank, an old sock, acrylic paint(or gouache), marker. Cut the sock and put it on the ball. Pour a little paint inside the ball and twist the workpiece so that the paint evenly covers the inside of the ball walls. Tie the sock at the top and draw eyes, nose and mouth for the snowman. The Christmas tree toy snowman is ready!

Here is another simple option for making a Christmas tree toy in the shape of a snowman with your own hands. To make it you will need a ball blank, foam balls or white beads, and a marker. Fill the blank with foam or white beads to the top, close the ball and draw a face. The New Year's snowman ball is ready!

Here is another variation on the theme of foam balls or beads. The only difference between this MK and the previous one is the decor of the ball itself, i.e. snowman. In this craft, the Snowman is additionally decorated with warm headphones. As an option, you can put on him a hat, a cap, or a more traditional option for us - a bucket.

But here is approximately the same snowman made from a Christmas ball, only artificial snow is poured inside the blank.

And here great option crafts for children. Kids don’t yet know how to draw properly, but they can definitely decorate a Christmas ball with snowmen made from fingerprints. For detailed MK, see the photo below.

This option is suitable for those who do not have a blank, but have a regular, undecorated Christmas ball.

And some more ideas for inspiration:

More New Year's balls:

Snowmen made from scrap materials

It often happens that you want to get creative, but there is nothing at hand. Some people get upset and leave this idea until better times, while others look for other opportunities. And that’s right; you can make crafts with your own hands from a variety of different and sometimes unexpected materials, which are sure to be found in every home. Now we will talk about such crafts.

#1 Snowmen made from cotton pads

It is difficult to find a woman or girl who does not have cotton pads. And they make wonderful New Year’s crafts, especially when it comes to snowmen. The cotton pad initially has the correct round shape, so there is no need to cut anything out.

To create the volume of the craft, you can put a little ordinary cotton wool between the disks. Then the craft will resemble a miniature soft toy.

With kids, you can make appliqués from cotton pads, frame them like a picture, or make, for example, a postcard for grandma or dad.

More crafts from cotton pads:

If you can’t find cotton pads, cotton balls are also suitable for crafts. As a last resort, just pick it up small pieces regular cotton wool and glue it. It will be even more interesting.

Well, how exactly to glue the cotton wool is up to you to decide. Use your imagination, and the ice cream snowman is the limit!

#2 Paper plate snowmen

Cool crafts can be made from ordinary paper plates. Step-by-step master class How to make a skier snowman can be found below. Both toddlers and older children will enjoy this craft.

And here is a simpler option: a triangle snowman. Ideal for kindergarten.

Or, for example, another simple snowman with your own hands, which can be made with kindergarten-aged children. Simple, fast, cute!

And of course a shiny snowman. We have all seen how the snow shimmers in the sun. To make our snowman shimmer like this, we will cover it with coarse salt. A couple of buttons for the eyes, a couple for the blush - and the snowman is ready!

#3 Snowmen made from paper cups

From available materials, paper cups are also suitable for making a snowman. Additionally, for decoration you will need several strips of felt, a pom-pom and fluffy wire. See step-by-step photo instructions below.

#4 Snowmen made from plastic cups

You can also make a snowman with your own hands from plastic cups. The statue turns out to be huge and is better suited for street decor. So if there is no snow, gather the kids from the yard and make the whole yard a snowman without snow! Snow and snow, but there should be a festive mood no matter what!

#5 Snowman made from plastic bottles

By the way, great snowmen are made from ordinary plastic bottles. So if you collect your garbage separately, the time has finally come for plastic bottles. Go decor! By the way, snowmen made from plastic bottles can be used as pins for playing New Year's bowling! Sign the number of points on each snowman and the whole family will truly enjoy the New Year holidays!

More ideas:

#7 Salt dough snowmen

If you haven’t found anything suitable for crafts, then it’s time to start making salt dough crafts. Real sculptors definitely have a place to roam here. Well, kids can make crafts using fingerprints.

#8 Snowmen made from old light bulbs

You can use old burnt out light bulbs as a handy material for making a New Year's snowman craft. A little glue, glitter and an old unnecessary light bulb turns into an original snowman!
