How to make donuts from yeast dough. Recipe: Yeast donuts - with milk. Delicious donuts made with kefir and sour cream

I had never made yeast donuts before, but it turns out they are much more tender and airy than those made with soda.

1. So, first I warmed up all the milk; in this case it is not advisable to use cold milk. I poured all the sugar into it.

2. Added yeast and mixed well. Now you need to put this cup in a warm place for 10 minutes.

3. At this time, I broke the eggs into another large cup and added vegetable oil.

4. This mixture must be mixed thoroughly; by the way, eggs and butter very quickly form a homogeneous mass, you don’t even need to make any special efforts.

5. The yeast has dispersed in the milk, now you can add the contents of the first bowl to the general mixture.

6. Sift the flour (preferably a couple of times). First add 2 cups and combine with other ingredients.

7. Then add another 2-2.5 glasses and knead a thick dough, stop when the spoon (spatula) stops turning. Cover with paper or a towel and place in a warm place to rise.

8. My dough increased significantly in volume after about an hour and a half. Take a piece, knead it a little in flour and, when it stops sticking to your hands, roll it into a layer about one and a half centimeters thick.

9. Then use a wide-necked glass to squeeze out mugs into the layer.

10. Use a small shot glass or cookie cutter to make holes inside each circle.

11. Donuts from yeast dough in the form of rings can be made in another way. To do this, roll out a not very thick sausage from the dough and connect both ends together. These turn out more magnificent than the first option.

12. Or simply squeeze out dough circles with a glass (mug, shot glass) and leave them like that (whole).

13. Heat the oil in a good Dutch oven or deep-sided frying pan. Its quantity should be sufficient for frying; the donuts should float freely without touching the bottom. Place the first batch carefully. Brown both sides in turn and watch the process carefully, otherwise they may burn.

14. Place the hot crumpets on a dish, at the bottom of which you can lay baking paper, it will absorb excess fat. Immediately sprinkle with powdered sugar (if you have it).

Each yeast donut (regardless of shape and size) turned out fluffy and perfectly fried. Sectional photos:

The children really liked the small ones (I squeezed out the dough in a regular pile), although they all turned out tasty and tender. Those with a sweet tooth can increase the amount of added sugar (by 2-3 tablespoons); according to this recipe, the baked goods are not very sweet, I would say in moderation.

You can also make quick fluffy donuts without yeast, they are also made with milk, very airy and tender, but the process takes less time.

Cooking time: PT02H00M 2 hours.

Approximate cost per serving: 35 rub.

Today I want to treat you to delicious donuts. This wonderful delicacy is loved by both children and adults. And despite their calorie content, sometimes you really want to indulge in a few hot, sweet golden donuts. I offer this recipe to all lovers of this dessert.

We will need the following products:

List of ingredients:

  • 600 gr. flour
  • 260 ml. milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 50 gr. Sahara
  • 11 gr. dry yeast (1 tbsp)
  • 8 gr. salt (1 tsp level)
  • vanillin
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • powdered sugar

Yeast DONUTS with milk - step by step recipe:

You can knead the donut dough by hand, but I use a mixer.

To do this, pour flour into a bowl, add soft butter, dry yeast, salt, sugar, pour in eggs, add vanillin and milk.

We install the “hook” attachment designed for thick dough and mix the products for 2 minutes at the lowest speed until smooth.

After 2 minutes, increase the speed to medium and knead the dough for another 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes our dough is ready.

It comes away from the sides of the dish perfectly; we take it out of the mixer bowl.

The dough turned out to be soft, elastic and homogeneous. Roll it into a ball, place it in a bowl lightly greased with vegetable oil, cover with a damp towel or cling film and place in a warm place to increase in volume by 2-3 times.

Our dough has risen perfectly, remove the towel and carefully place it on the table, lightly dusted with flour.

Sprinkle flour on top of the dough and roll it out into a layer 1.5 cm thick.

We cut out circles with a diameter of 7 cm; for this you can use a glass, mug, or a special recess.

We make holes in them with a diameter of 2-3 cm. This can be done with a small glass, a bottle cap, or, in my case, a pastry cutter.

We collect the dough scraps into a ball, roll them into a layer and repeat the same procedure.

The cut out centers of the donuts can also be re-rolled, but I fry them along with the donuts.

In the end, I got 25 donuts, put them on a baking sheet and put them in a warm place to rise. For these purposes, I use the oven with the light on or the “minimum heat” function. At this point the oven temperature is 35-40°C (95-105°F).

After 30 min. The donuts have increased in volume perfectly, we take them out.

Before frying the donuts, use a soft brush to sweep away excess flour so that it does not burn in the oil.

Now let's go to the stove and fry the donuts.

A wide frying pan, wok or cauldron is better suited for this.

Pour out the vegetable oil. There should be enough of it so that the donuts do not touch the bottom and float freely. I poured out 1 liter of oil. Let me remind you that for safety reasons, you need to pour the oil into a completely dry container.

Heat it to a temperature of 160°C (320°F).

If you have a kitchen thermometer, measure with it; if not, then at this temperature a light white smoke appears, and you can also check with a piece of dough, if it quickly floats and begins to fry, it means the oil has reached the desired temperature.

Now put the donuts in hot oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.

If the oil does not reach the desired temperature, the donuts will absorb a lot of oil during frying. And if you overheat it, the crust will quickly burn, and they will remain raw inside.

Place the finished donuts on a tray lined with 2 layers of paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Thus, fry all the donuts.

Let the donuts cool slightly before dusting with powdered sugar, and in the meantime fry the small balls.

Place them on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar in the classic manner.

You can also cover them with any fruit, sugar or chocolate icing.

Our yeast milk donuts are completely ready!

They turned out to be very light, porous, with a pleasant creamy aroma.

The inside of the donuts is very soft, airy, with a crispy golden crust, and just as tasty as when you were a child.

Today I showed classic donuts that do not require filling, but can be made with custard, preserves, marmalade, fruit and chocolate.

If you are interested, write and I will make a separate video.

I wish everyone a bon appetit!

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Yeast DONUTS with milk - video recipe:

Yeast DONUTS with milk - photo:

You'll have to tinker with donuts made with yeast. The result, of course, will be much more magnificent and airy. However, why all this? You can simply spread jam on a slice of loaf, or buy “timeless” eclairs in the culinary section of the supermarket. Do not agree? Then stock up on flour and yeast and get creative, today we have yeast donuts, which means it’s almost a holiday.

Yeast donuts - general cooking principles

Yeast dough for donuts is kneaded with milk, water or kefir using fresh or bulk “quick” yeast. It is prepared using the classic sponge method or in one step.

Yeast is mixed with flour very rarely, almost always before kneading it is diluted in a small volume of a warm, liquid base and combined with other ingredients only after the yeast mixture rises into a foamy cap.

Thoroughly kneaded dough with yeast requires a long rise under certain conditions: in a warm place, not in a draft. During this time, it must be covered with a cloth so that the top does not become crusty.

The products are formed from dough rolled out in sheets, squeezing out the blanks with a glass, or small pieces are torn off from it and rolled into a ball. To obtain donuts in the shape of rings, a small hole is cut in the center of the workpiece squeezed out by a glass using a glass of a smaller diameter. Donuts are formed with or without filling. Often the filling, in the form of boiled condensed milk or jam, is filled into ready-made donuts using a pastry syringe.

Donuts are fried in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable fat or deep-fried. To ensure that the products are well fried and not burnt, the oil is heated over moderate heat to 175 degrees. No more than four pieces are lowered into the fat at a time so that they float freely and do not interfere with each other’s rise.

The finished products, after they have cooled a little, are covered with a specially prepared glaze or thickly sprinkled with powdered sugar. For extra sweetness, you can roll them entirely in powder.

Yeast donuts with filling


Milk - a quarter glass;

30 gr. pressed alcoholic yeast;

Fine salt - a quarter spoon;

75 gr. granulated sugar;

Two eggs;

High gluten flour – 300 gr.;

Sweet butter – 70 gr.

Half a glass of apple or cherry jam;

Powdered sugar;

Refined sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the yeast and sugar well in a small bowl. Add half a glass of warm, not hot milk, stir and leave for 20 minutes, covered with a towel. It may take less time, it all depends on the activity of the yeast.

2. Melt the butter in a water bath or in a saucepan over low heat and temporarily set it aside to cool.

3. Carefully breaking the shell, separate the egg yolk and pour it into a separate wide bowl, pour the white into a cup and set aside temporarily. Add granulated sugar to the eggs and beat.

4. Combine the sweet egg mass with the cooled butter and suitable yeast dough, mix. Add flour gradually, kneading the dough. As soon as it no longer noticeably sticks to the sides of the bowl, place it on the table and knead it with your hands until it becomes noticeably smooth.

5. Place the ball-shaped dough back into the bowl and, covering with a cloth, place in a warm place to rise. Make sure that the container is not in a draft, otherwise the dough will not rise well.

6. Place the increased ball in flour on the table and roll it out into an even layer, up to half a centimeter thick. Squeeze the dough out of it with a glass, and collect the dough scraps in one piece, roll out and repeat the process.

7. Beat the previously set aside egg white and brush the edges of half of the prepared circles with it. Place a little jam in their center and cover with the remaining pieces without filling, seal the edges. Cover with a towel and leave for 15 minutes.

8. Pour oil into a cauldron or deep frying pan and heat it well over high heat. Then reduce the flame to medium and fry the donuts until they are golden brown.

9. Roll the slightly cooled products well in powdered sugar or sprinkle with it, passing through a sieve.

Yeast donuts with custard


Two eggs;

Two spoons of vodka;

A full glass of sugar;

Eggs – 2 pcs.;

White chocolate bar;

7 gr. "instant" yeast;

Powdered sugar;

500–600 gr. flour;

One gram of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Heat a glass of milk, add yeast, half a spoon of fine salt, a full large spoon of sugar and stir thoroughly. Pour in one and a half tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, vodka and mix well again.

2. Knead the dough, gradually adding flour, and leave it warm, covered with a towel.

3. Prepare the cream. Take a glass of milk, boil three-quarters, and beat the rest with an egg and half a glass of sugar.

4. Add 1.5 tablespoons of flour and beat again to break up the lumps well. Then gradually add hot milk, immediately turn to low heat and cook, stirring vigorously.

5. As soon as it begins to thicken, add the coarsely grated chocolate and continue stirring until it has completely melted.

6. Divide the increased dough into portioned balls and form them into flat cakes. Place a little cooled cream in the center and seal the edges tightly.

7. Deep-fry or in a large volume of heated oil in a frying pan, first placing it on a napkin to remove excess fat.

8. When placing on a plate, sprinkle the slightly cooled products with powdered sugar.

Airy yeast donuts with filling


One whole egg;

Half a liter of milk;

100 gr. granulated sugar;

Six yolks;

20 gr. "quick" yeast;

Half a spoon of salt;

50 ml medical alcohol;

A small bag of crystalline vanillin;

One orange or zest from one citrus;

Half a stick of “Peasant” butter;

A kilogram of high quality flour;

150 gr. powdered sugar;

20 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;

Any jam or boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Sow the flour twice and mix it well with the yeast. Dissolve the oil in a water bath.

2. Whisk the yolks with granulated sugar until foamy. Add room temperature milk, salt and vanilla. Pour in 96% medical alcohol and mix well with a mixer at medium speed.

3. Pour in the egg and, without ceasing to stir, add half of the prepared flour. Finally, add the butter and mix until you get a smooth dough. Cover it with a linen napkin and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half.

4. Place the dough, which has almost tripled in size, onto a table greased with vegetable oil, lightly knead and roll out into a centimeter-thick sheet. Squeeze out the pieces with a glass and leave them to rest under a damp cloth for about an hour.

5. Fry the suitable “crumpets” in oil heated to 175 degrees and place on a wire rack, under which you must place a paper towel.

6. Fill slightly cooled donuts with any filling (jam or boiled condensed milk) using a culinary syringe and brush their surface with powder mixed with lemon juice. Sprinkle finely chopped orange zest on top.

Yeast donuts with kefir and chocolate


Margarine, creamy – 50 gr.;

Half a glass of medium-fat kefir;

300 gr. high quality flour;

Eggs – 1 pc.;

20 gr. "instant" yeast;

1 gr. vanillin;

100 gr. dark chocolate bar;

Colored cooking powder.

Cooking method:

1. Measure two tablespoons of heated water and stir dry yeast in it. Gently break the egg, separate the yolk and beat it well.

2. Mix melted margarine with kefir and add yeast diluted with water to it, mix. Add the beaten yolk, vanilla and half a spoonful of salt and stir well. You can sweeten it a little.

3. Knead the dough, gradually adding sifted flour, and remove it closer to the heat. Be sure to cover the bowl with a cloth to prevent weathering.

4. When it has doubled in size, roll it out into a centimeter-thick layer. Using a glass or mug, squeeze out the blanks, and cut a hole in the center with a glass.

5. Fry the rings in well-heated oil and place on the grill.

6. Place the chocolate broken into pieces into a small bowl, place the container over the steam and cover with a lid. When the chocolate melts, pour two tablespoons of cold milk into it and stir thoroughly.

7. Apply a thin layer of warm chocolate glaze to the donuts and sprinkle with cooking powder. Apply the glaze as soon as you prepare it, it thickens quickly.

Yeast donuts without eggs on water


Large spoon of vegetable oil;

200 ml filtered water, or boiled;

400 gr. white flour;

Three tablespoons of refined granulated sugar;

A large spoonful of instant yeast.

Cooking method:

1. Mix a full large spoonful of sugar with yeast and dissolve the mixture in a glass of slightly warmed water.

2. Sift 300 grams of flour, mix it with the remaining sugar and a small pinch of finely ground salt. Add the foamy yeast mixture.

3. Pour in a spoonful of oil and knead the dough, gradually adding flour little by little. Cover the bowl with cling film and keep warm.

4. After rising, knead the dough several times and divide into small pieces. Roll them into balls, slightly larger than a hazelnut, and fry.

Yeast donuts – American “Donuts” with glaze


Two yolks;

Half a kilo of flour;

1 gr. vanilla powder;

30 gr. ordinary yeast;

Homemade butter – 40 gr.;

Cane sugar – 60 gr.;

Medium fat milk – 250 ml.


Three spoons of milk;

Powdered sugar – 225 gr.;

Juice from a quarter of a thin-skinned, small lemon;

Any food coloring.

Cooking method:

1. Crumble the yeast into small pieces into a bowl of suitable size. Add half of the prepared sugar to them and grind thoroughly, slowly. Add a glass of non-cold milk, stir, completely dissolving everything, and place for a quarter of an hour closer to the heat. For example, not far from a switched-on burner.

2. Break the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites and, after slightly scrambling, let them stand for 10 minutes.

3. Pour the remaining heated warm milk into the foaming yeast, add a teaspoon of salt, stir.

4. Take two-thirds of the measured flour and, adding it to the yeast mixture in parts, knead the batter. Then add the yolks, knead well again and leave under a linen napkin for an hour.

5. Melt the butter, mix it with the remaining sugar and vanilla. Gradually add oil and pour the remaining flour into the suitable dough, knead into a smooth, homogeneous dough. Cover it with a cloth and put it back in a warm place.

6. Roll out the risen dough into a uniform layer of centimeter thickness and use a mug to squeeze donuts out of it. In the center of each, use a glass to squeeze out a hole and leave, covered with a cloth, for 15 minutes to rise.

7. After this, fry the dough pieces in preheated deep fat and place the donuts on a disposable towel or wire rack.

8. Mix powdered sugar with food coloring and sift through a sieve. Add cold milk, stir thoroughly. Pour in lemon juice, stir until smooth and spread a thin layer of glaze over the donuts.

Yeast donuts - cooking tricks and useful tips

For a good “rise” of the dough, so that the products are fluffy, the yeast must be activated. To do this, they are diluted only in a warm liquid and in no case should it be overheated, otherwise the yeast bacteria will die.

Deep frying uses a lot of oil. To save it, use a small cauldron or a deep, thick-walled frying pan for frying.

Yeast dough quickly absorbs poorly heated oil and the products turn out to be excessively greasy. Dip the workpieces into the fat only after it stops crackling and a slight haze, but not smoke, appears above its surface.

Hi all! My family loves yeast donuts made with milk. Milk donuts prepared according to this recipe turn out incredibly airy, very fluffy, tender on the inside and with a charming crispy crust on the outside. This wonderful delicacy is so loved all over the world that they erect monuments to it, build skyscrapers in the shape of donuts, and in the USA there is even a national holiday - Donut Day. So, I suggest you don’t stand aside and prepare fluffy yeast donuts for an afternoon snack, breakfast or dinner.

Yeast donuts - recipe


  • 250 milliliters of milk (you can take any fat content, but 3.2% is better);
  • 100 milliliters of water;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 65 grams of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 6 grams of dry yeast;
  • 600 grams of wheat flour;
  • powdered sugar for decoration;
  • vegetable oil (I use refined sunflower oil) - for frying.

How to cook

  1. Combine milk and water in a saucepan and heat slightly.
  2. Then pour the contents of the saucepan into a deep bowl in which we will knead the dough.
  3. Add sugar and dry yeast, mix with a whisk until smooth, leave in a warm place for 15 minutes so that the yeast becomes “live”.
  4. Melt the butter in the microwave or in a water bath (according to the recipe).
  5. When the dough is ready, beat one egg into a bowl and pour in the melted (and now cooled) butter. Add salt and mix with a whisk until smooth.
  6. Add the sifted flour to the liquid ingredients in parts, mixing thoroughly with a spatula each time.
  7. First mix the dough in a bowl, and then continue kneading with your hands: on a table sprinkled with flour.
  8. The finished dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
  9. Transfer the donut dough into a bowl greased with vegetable oil. Cover with a lid or cling film. Leave in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours: the dough should rise well.
  10. We form a flat cake from the risen dough, transferring it to the table.
  11. Roll out the cake into a layer 10 millimeters (one centimeter) thick.
  12. Using a glass, cut out donuts (circles).
  13. From the collected scraps we again roll out a layer of the same thickness as the previous one. We also cut donuts out of it.
  14. We wait until the crumpets rise approximately twice.
  15. Pour enough vegetable oil into the frying pan so that the donuts float in it without touching the bottom.
  16. Place the pieces in very hot oil and fry on both sides until golden brown. Turn over, helping yourself with two forks.
  17. Milk donuts fry very quickly: 40 seconds on each side.
  18. Place the finished fluffy donuts on a plate lined with a napkin, which will absorb all the excess fat.
  19. After the yeast donuts made with milk have cooled a little, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Soft airy donuts are served warm, with jam or jam, and it is better to wash them down with hot tea or cocoa. But they are also very tasty when cold.

Most often I use fast-acting dry instant yeast; it is recommended to add it directly to the flour. There is no need to activate them separately in warm liquid. Be sure to check the package instructions for the yeast you are using!

First, mix all the bulk ingredients in a bowl: flour, yeast, vanillin, salt and sugar. I recommend sifting the flour to get rid of unwanted debris. In addition, this will make the flour looser so that the dough rises better and is more uniform and airy.

Pour in warm milk or water (or a mixture of both).

Then add vegetable oil.

Mix the dough. First, mix the ingredients with a spoon, and then proceed to kneading with your hands or with a mixer. The finished dough should not stick to your hands or utensils.

After kneading, cover the bowl with cling film or cover it with a clean towel and put it in a warm place where there are no drafts.

After about 1.5 hours, the dough should have doubled in size.

You need to crush it and put it on the rise again.

This time the dough should rise faster.

Place the finished yeast dough on a table sprinkled with flour, knead a little and start cutting the donuts. I like ring-shaped donuts better, and they cook much better this way. Round donuts are more likely to have undercooked dough in the middle. Although, if you follow the frying recommendations, this should not happen. So, be guided by your preferences and choose the form option that you like best.

Roll out a layer about 1.5 cm thick. Using a round mold or glass, cut out circles and cut out another small circle in the middle of each circle. We collect the dough scraps together and roll them out again.

Leave the cut rings for 10 minutes to rise.

Meanwhile, you need to heat the oil for frying. Choose a deep enough frying pan, pour vegetable oil into about 1/3 of the frying pan and place it on the stove.

After our rings have risen a little, carefully place them in heated oil and fry on one side first. Fry over medium heat so that the donuts are evenly cooked. If the heat is too high, the crust will set quickly and the dough inside will remain raw.

Then turn over and fry on the other side until golden brown. The easiest way to flip donut rings is with two forks.

First place the finished donuts on a paper napkin so that it absorbs excess oil. And only then transfer them to a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar through a strainer. You can also serve condensed milk, chocolate spread, or your favorite jam or marmalade with the donuts.

Bon appetit!
