Why is a woman’s initiative in relationships punishable? Quotes on the topic “Initiative is punishable. Initiative is punishable. Who said it?

The expression “initiative is punishable” is quite common. As a rule, it is used in an ironic sense. But not everyone understands that it is not so harmless if you take it as a guide to action. We will discuss when they most often say that an initiative is punishable, the meaning of these words and authorship in the article below.

In the army, “it’s better to keep a low profile”

There is a version that this saying was originally born in the army and sounded somewhat different. “In the army, initiative is punishable” - this is its intended initial version. It's no secret that military people attach great importance to the hierarchical structure of relationships. But this is correct. After all, without strict discipline it will be impossible to defend the country.

But, as in any business, there is a flip side to the coin. Sometimes relationships of strict subordination do not allow a person who is lower in rank or position to show creativity and initiative. There are at least three explanations for this.

Three reasons to stay on the sidelines

Firstly, this may be hampered by the provisions of the charter, by accidentally or intentionally going beyond the framework of which one can be held accountable. Secondly, a recruit or junior officer, unsure of himself, will try to “keep his head down,” so as to avoid, as they say, causing trouble due to his incompetence and not getting scolded by his superiors.

The third reason is the pressure of the authority of the boss, who believes that people who unquestioningly follow orders and do not interfere with their suggestions should serve in the army. And if you had to take the initiative and act according to it, then in case of failure there will be punishment, and in case of success - either silence or dissatisfaction with superiors for excessively “protruding” their own person to subordinates.

It seems that here it would be appropriate to recall the words of Peter I that a subordinate, standing in front of his superior, is obliged to look dashing and stupid, so as not to confuse him with his understanding. These words of the Russian emperor completely echo the expression “initiative is punishable,” which directly follows from their meaning.

There is another assumption - about how engineers of the times Soviet Union decided why the initiative is punishable. After all, they are also credited with “inventing” this expression. As is known, the planned economy that existed in the USSR, along with all its many advantages, was characterized by such disadvantages as excessive bureaucracy, regulation, and a certain amount of routine and clumsiness.

On the one hand, new beginnings were welcomed, and people who took the initiative were held in high esteem and were awarded orders, medals and certificates. But not everything was so smooth. Having once succumbed to a creative impulse, in order to bring new ideas to life it was necessary to overcome the same bureaucracy and routine. It was necessary to go through the authorities, prove, push through, but this was not always possible. And having achieved the implementation of a project, it was necessary to accompany it until the result was obtained.

Lack of financial incentive

There was one more important point. In the USSR, every working person was guaranteed a monthly salary, even a delay of one day was excluded in principle. But at the same time, the difference in wages could not be very large, be it a worker or a plant director.

According to statistics of that time, the second could not exceed the first by more than seven times. In contrast to the current state of affairs, when there is simply a gigantic scale of stratification in society.

Therefore, a Soviet engineer, performing his daily immediate duties, receiving a good salary, could well be thinking about whether he should rush forward “to the embrasure”, if as a result of this he will receive a lot of worries and troubles, and the material reward may not be so much high. That is why the expression “initiative is punishable by execution” appeared.

To act or not to act - that is the question

Does the expression we are considering and the conclusions that were drawn from it by military men and engineers have a real basis? I think it's more likely yes than no. After all, traits such as forethought, prudence, caution are qualities necessary for a person to survive as a species, and are useful for a specific individual.

If, for example, in a market economy, working in a commercial company, you start working at an “above average” level, then, of course, you can attract the attention of your superiors. But it is not a fact that this will be followed by a decent reward, and not a banal increase in both the workload and the requirements. Often in such cases, initiative is punishable.

But in response to such “sober” reasoning, a lot of objections can be raised. There is a high probability that the company will appreciate an intelligent, purposeful employee who produces original ideas. It is these people who make a successful career and at the same time benefit themselves, the company, and the whole society, despite certain risks and difficulties encountered along the way. There are their representatives in commerce, in the army, and in the public service; undoubtedly, they were also in the USSR.

I think there are a lot of them. Therefore, it seems that the saying about the negative consequences of taking initiative should be treated with a certain amount of irony, but without forgetting about a reasonable approach to the matter.

The expression “Initiative is punishable”: who is the author of the expression

The question of who exactly is the author of this common saying remains open. As mentioned above, its “composition” is attributed to such collective authors as military personnel and Soviet engineers. But there is another “claimant” who is credited with “creating” this expression. This is J.V. Stalin.

As you know, a lot is attributed to this historical figure that did not actually happen. Let's try to understand the punishability of initiative. In order to affirm or deny the fact that words belong to a particular person, one should turn to documents.

On April 17, 1940, a meeting of the Red Army command staff was held, dedicated to summarizing the experience of military operations against Finland. It was addressed by J.V. Stalin, who, among others, raised the issue of the weak manifestation of initiative by the Red Army soldiers in this campaign.

He said that Soviet fighters lacked initiative because they were not yet sufficiently developed individually. Another reason is the soldier’s poor training, as a result of which he cannot take the initiative without knowing the matter. That's why his discipline is lame.

Based on the above, Joseph Vissarionovich concluded that it is possible and necessary to create new fighters who will be developed, disciplined and proactive. Where is the punishment here? As they say, comments are unnecessary.

They intimidated ordinary employees so that no one wants to take responsibility. Organizational leaders are surprised why employees are so afraid of overworking and do not show initiative. The latter, as is known, is punishable. People have learned this well. Quieter than water, below the grass. In the army, the meaning of the expression “initiative is punishable” is very simple: once you show activity in any matter, in the future you bear constant responsibility for it. Punishability of initiative is a principle of the bureaucratic system, of any hierarchical organization. It requires a lack of innovation and high precision in the matter outlined by the regulations. The stricter the set of instructions and regulations, the less freedom for initiative. Some organizational leaders do not like highly “smart” and active employees. The one who has shown himself and his initiative becomes a potential competitor and contender for the title of leader. Not every manager will like this. The work team also generously bestows gossip and rumors on those who “decided to curry favor.” Not everyone is able to withstand such pressure. So it turns out that in order to protect yourself, it is better not to stand out too much and do strictly what is prescribed in the job description.

Why is initiative punishable?

An initiative person is distinguished by the ability to think differently and see non-standard solutions to problems. The minds of others tend to be annoying. And the principle of punishment is simple: if you offer, they will give you an assignment; if you do something bad, you will be punished. No matter what people say in society, proactive people have more opportunities for career growth and an interesting future.

What does the expression “initiative is punishable” mean?

Very often you can hear the expression “initiative is punishable,” which essentially calls for abandoning one’s own original ideas and solutions. But what exactly does this phrase mean and what is its origin?

Why does it say “initiative is punishable”?

As often happens with common sayings, in its original form the phrase looked somewhat different, namely “in the army, initiative is punishable.” The expression appeared among military personnel and meant that any initiative shown by a junior in rank leads to the fact that he will be forced to implement it, and will also bear full responsibility for possible failure. On the other hand, he most likely will not receive any encouragement, even if the idea really turns out to be practically useful. That is why many conscripts try to “keep a low profile” so as not to once again attract the attention of their superiors, since their initiative can make their service much more difficult: it is much easier to calmly obey orders. In addition, the army traditionally does not like people who demonstrate outstanding mental qualities, especially if they are junior in rank.

Is it worth taking risks in everyday life?

However, in the ordinary world, the expression “initiative is punishable” has become an excuse for the inaction of people who are unable to offer anything new. Of course, in both the office and the enterprise, the responsibility for implementing new proposals, as a rule, falls on their author, but unlike the armed forces, which are interested in preserving and maintaining order and traditions, commercial enterprises value original ideas that save money much more , time or increase the level of reliability.

Many commercial organizations welcome and encourage initiative workers in every possible way. If you are interested in moving up the career ladder, then you cannot do without your own original ideas.

Therefore, the justification “initiative is punishable” is used by those who do not want or are afraid of the burden of responsibility, do not want to burden themselves with new tasks and generally expand the scope of their activities, preferring to act in strict accordance with the job description, even if they notice obvious errors. In the modern office world, there are few people who are ready to take responsibility for failures, take risks, take initiative, and are not afraid of failures and punishments.

Even during the times of the Soviet Union, industrial and production enterprises highly valued people involved in rationalization activities. Implemented improvement proposals were awarded with certificates and prizes.

The rest consider it more expedient not to go beyond the scope of their immediate responsibilities, hiding behind the fact that, as they say, “initiative is punishable.”

Is initiative at work punishable?

Sometimes, a person who strives for personal and career growth makes many sacrifices to achieve his goal. But before implementing their plan in real life, purposeful people do not think about the consequences that an ordinary and seemingly harmless initiative may entail.

Usually the consequences do not appear immediately. At first, the boss may offer an additional task that will not be paid, but will help gain his trust and predisposition. An executive and obligatory employee, as a rule, without thinking about such a proposal, immediately proposes his candidacy, citing a possible promotion in the future, especially if he completes several similar assignments.

Of course, you can complete a task perfectly, an attentive boss will notice this, but the question of a raise in opinion or some kind of reward may remain open for quite a long time. Ultimately, if there is no reaction soon, then it probably won’t happen at all. But a persistent employee can take the initiative and work without a bonus for quite a long time, and then the opposite effect occurs - good deeds begin to work against the employee.

A person quickly gets used to everything good, alas, such is his physical and psychological essence. The boss is also a person, so for him such properties are also normal manifestations. Therefore, after a while, he may not even be interested in who would like to complete the additional task, but immediately entrust it to the person who constantly takes the initiative. Over time, such an employee may lose initiative due to evaporated motivation, but the boss will no longer care about such an outcome. If refused, he will most likely be indignant, and in the worst case, he may show extremely negative tendencies, which will ruin any good relationship.

In addition, an enterprising person may begin to have disagreements with his family due to his frequent absence from home. After all, relatives also require attention and want to watch the responsible employee nearby. Sometimes in the most difficult situations that last for years, this can lead to divorce. Therefore, when showing initiative, it is always necessary to behave carefully and not cross the line when it starts to play against a person. Otherwise, you can lose everything that was acquired through backbreaking labor.

Do you often show initiative? Agree that the phrase “initiative is punishable” always works. As soon as we put forward an idea, we are immediately entrusted with its implementation. If we show a little activity, all eyes will be turned on us. Should we or should we not take initiative, and what does this mean for us in different life situations?

With friends

IN companies there are always leaders. These are exactly the people who are not afraid to take the initiative. They are always the ringleaders, everyone listens to their opinion, and the company’s decision on how to hold the party is based on the opinion of one person. An active leader always gathers friends, always leads, and everyone obeys him with pleasure, because he is the “soul of the party.” In fact, the person is simply proactive. You can sit quietly in a corner and look at your smiling friend, around whom all the guys are crowding, or you can take an active position yourself and offer your friends an interesting version of a disco-style party.

Of course you will have to shoulder take on most of the problems associated with organizing an event: develop a script, figure out where to get interesting attributes for, look for ideas for competitions. This is an additional burden, and not an easy job at all - organizing an event. But you will be rewarded when you become the queen of the party because all eyes will be on you! And if the evening is successful, then your friends will ask you to make a holiday for them next time.

Remember that the leader get"cream". Yes, this comes at the cost of extra hassle. But still, the attention and approval of friends is worth it. Being a true leader is not given to everyone, but to take the initiative, all it takes is a little courage and willingness to take responsibility. In the end, in such situations you do not lose anything, rather the opposite.

At work

Manifestation initiatives at work depends on what you want to achieve. Let's say you are just starting a career in a company. I seem to like the work, but I really need professional growth. Then sitting and doing the assigned work properly is not an option. Be an excellent performer at least a hundred times, you will remain one forever. No one will look at you as a promising employee or a candidate for department head in five years. Here, initiative is precisely the main trait that will help you make a career.

Show yourself not in quarrels with colleagues, not in accusations that he does nothing, but he is paid more, but vice versa. Take on any job with enthusiasm, suggest methods for improving the organization of work, identify poorly organized areas and appoint yourself as a performer. And all this in front of the authorities. Only an initiative employee deserves promotion and encouragement. Who do you think will take the vacant position of a manager: a smart little gray mouse who does her job regularly and quietly, or are you active and brave, ready to take on any job, even an unfamiliar one?

But sometimes it is useful to remain silent. In the manifestation of working initiatives you also need to be reasonable. I recently stopped a colleague who enthusiastically told me what kind of accounting system she had seen at another company, and it would be great if we had one. When I asked if she could manage the entire process alone, her passion quickly cooled. Before taking initiative in your work, think about whether you can handle it alone, so as not to lose face, because “initiative is punishable”!

In personal life

If you ask men, like Whether they, when a girl takes the initiative in a relationship, we will, of course, get different answers. It depends on what the man means by the concept of “initiative” on the part of the girl. and “shooting with your eyes” is an initiative? Then yes, manifest it. Men like it. When a girl pays attention to a guy and smiles warmly at the same time, it flatters everyone. It’s just important not to overdo it and not turn it into vulgarity. Initiative in a casual, friendly conversation and interesting questions addressed to him are “credit.”

Invite on a date admit in love, not leaving a single step at a party - this is more likely to be seen as intrusiveness. And men are afraid of forced relationships and immediately begin to stay away from such girls. Therefore, do not think that in war all means are fair, and if I don’t take this handsome guy for myself, then someone else will take him. Although the option with an indecisive gentleman is possible, then pushing him a little towards a date will not be superfluous.

The edge here is so tonka that even experienced seductresses can make mistakes. Each man is individual, and you need to be very attentive and careful before you take the risk of taking the initiative. What works for one is not necessarily what will impress another. But, girls, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne! Weigh the pros and cons and go ahead. It is better if this initiative is invisible to the man. Let him think that he did it all himself.

In general, in life you need to be proactive, otherwise she will pass by and give all the sweets of victory to her active comrades. Of course, they will also get the bitterness of defeat. But you need to see all the colors of life!

Mom, give me yours - my third hand.
Parents often complain that their children do not allow them to breathe peacefully; they take up too much time, they always need something from their parents. Actually this is not true. If you observe yourself carefully, you may notice that adults take up even more of their children's time. And too often they take the initiative. They suggest games, they fix bugs, they lead the conversation. It would seem, what's wrong with that? MINI TEST
To begin with, please answer this question: “ How to proceed
First part of the test
1. Your baby asked to read him a story, but you were very busy and promised to do it later. Finally, having found some free time, you approach him with a book, but you see that the child is playing enthusiastically and doesn’t care about the fairy tale. Will you insist?
2. You want (are going, intend) to chat with your child or ask him about something, that is, to communicate. Go into the nursery and see that he is sitting by the window, looking out at the street and thinking about something (or maybe just looking at something invisible to you). Will you interrupt his thoughts?
3. Your beloved teenager has been lying on the bed for an hour and doing nothing (well, nothing!). What do you want to tell him? (Does this outrage you? Do you think he is messing around?)
Most parents answer “yes.” What this positive answer means, you will now understand for yourself.

Second part of the test
Make a 180° turn and project this situation onto yourself (in other words, put yourself in similar conditions).
Imagine for a moment: you are persistently racking your brains over some problem, and suddenly it dawns on you! An idea came, fresh, strong, original. A little more, a little more - and the problem will be solved! And then (at the most crucial moment) a friend shows up. So, your friend appears and starts chatting incessantly, demanding attention to her person. You are hinting that you have no time for her now; in fact, you don’t care about anyone at all - you’re afraid of losing the thread of your reasoning. But your friend doesn’t let up: she either persistently offers something or demands something from you... Tell me honestly, how will you react?
However, it’s already clear: you will be indignant (externally or internally - depending on your upbringing), or lose your temper, or simply sigh sadly and start a conversation. But in any case, you will not be delighted. It’s true that such behavior will not seem to you the height of tact.
Now imagine that you weren’t thinking about a very, very important problem, but were just sitting and taking a break from the hustle and bustle, with pleasant memories swirling in your head. And then your friend bursts in and demands to do what at the moment seems most interesting to her (necessary, important, suitable). Will you like it? Will you be able to change your mind at that very second and become delighted with such an intervention?
I wonder if your friend will realize that she has shown disrespect for you as an individual?
Most parents answer “no.” Here is the answer to the test questions.
This is also how a child feels when he is busy and you are trying to turn him on to you.

Of course, one of the adults can say that he did not intend to interfere with the child, but simply wanted to do what was best. Of course, someone might say that this parallel is not entirely correct. You were doing important work, but the child...
What about a child? Let's figure it out. We consider our personal activities both important and necessary, and our children's activities - for the most part, whims and entertainment. And therefore we easily interfere in their affairs, thoughts, games. Suddenly bursting into the affairs and activities of our child (be it a toddler or a teenager), we:
We behave tactlessly because we distract the child, disturb him, that is, we show disrespect for his personality;
We extinguish children's initiative.
This time.
Second. Many parents are afraid that they will not have time to do everything that is needed for their child: explain, play, teach... And they literally tear themselves apart and try to devote every free minute to their children. They organize games, explain complex concepts, and carefully answer children’s questions. As a result, a child who always gets something ready (ready) learns to think for himself. His gray cells (the same ones that Hercule Poirot admired so much) are losing the habit of working actively. Thoughts run along beaten paths, and you are too lazy to create new ones.
What to do? Just two things:
1. Do not interrupt your child's initiatives. He's busy - and thank God, let him do it.
2. Don’t rush to give ready answers to all the questions your child asks you.. If a question comes to mind, it means that this head already knows 50% how to answer it. Your task is to encourage thinking, to help you find the right answer with leading questions or associations.
