DIY spiral staircase step by step instructions. DIY spiral staircase

In recent years, the construction of country houses with not one, but several floors has become a kind of tradition. Of course, a staircase for such a house is an integral attribute - not just a necessity, but also an additional element of the interior, with the help of which you can emphasize the special style of the room and create an appropriate atmosphere in it. In this article we will look at all existing types of stairs and tell you in detail how to make a spiral staircase in a private house with your own hands.

Types of stairs

Before you start designing a staircase, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all types of structures and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

As a rule, in country house install one of three types of stairs - on rails, marching or spiral.

Any of these types of stairs can be used both as a passage staircase and as an entrance or interfloor staircase.

These types of stairs are made from a variety of materials - artificial and natural stone, concrete, wood, metal, reinforced concrete, plastic and even glass.

And you need to choose the material from which you will make the staircase not only for financial reasons, but also based on the loads it will be subject to and its purpose.

Now let's look at the features of this or that type of staircase.

Stairs on rails. The name of this type of stairs for a private home comes from the word “Bolzen”, which means “bolt” in German. Actually, this type of staircase got its name for a reason, since the steps in it are laid on a special structure attached to the wall with bolts or screws. That is, to create such a staircase, you must have a strong stone wall on one side of the staircase. But ladders with rails can help you save on materials and are compact, which is important if there is a limited amount of free space.

The frame in such stairs is created from metal elements(pipes, rods and bolts), and the steps are made of metal, glass or wood.

Marching stairs. This type of staircase is most often used in private homes, as they are the simplest to install and easy to use. One of their main disadvantages is the need for a large space. In order to somehow save precious meters without sacrificing convenience, turning staircases are increasingly being installed. In addition to them, there are also circular flight stairs, half-turn, quarter-turn and curved flight stairs.

Spiral staircases. This type of staircase is quite often used when it is necessary to strictly save space, as well as in places where it is not possible to equip a straight staircase. A spiral staircase will undoubtedly add uniqueness to the interior, but you will still have to forget about such a concept as convenience with such a staircase. To create such a staircase, you can use absolutely any materials - wood, metal, glass, etc.

Spiral staircases in a private house can be of four types:

  • the steps rest on a support post;
  • the steps rest on a fence or bent bowstrings;
  • with pinching of steps in the support post;
  • the steps rest on a support post or on walls located around the perimeter.

Basic elements of stairs

Like any building structure, the staircase consists of individual elements. Depending on the type of stairs you choose, you may need different elements, but there are also basic parts that are needed regardless of the type of structure - these are the steps and the supports that support them.

Support beams. Bowstrings are beams that simultaneously support the steps from below and from the ends. Stringers are beams supporting steps from below. When three stringers are used, the middle one is called intermediate. These two types are more often used for arranging marching staircases, but when installing spiral staircases, pillars are used.

Tread - part of the step, which is a horizontal surface. Riser- also part of the step, more precisely, its vertical part. This item stairs are optional and provide additional support for the steps.

Supporting elements. The stand is the load-bearing element of a spiral staircase. Bolts are bolts mounted into the wall onto which stair steps are attached.

Flight of stairs consists of several steps and railings. A flight of stairs serves to rise to one level and is usually separated by landings.

Very often, although not always, details such as railings are used. Additional enclosing elements can also be used - handrails, metal posts, rods.

Baluster - a vertical element of the staircase, which consists of racks. Additionally, this detail is also a decoration. White strips are made from marble, brass, cast iron and bronze.

What material to choose when arranging stairs?

As we have mentioned more than once in this article, stairs can be made from a variety of materials: wood, metal, marble, granite, concrete, even a material like glass is no longer surprising today. When choosing a material for a staircase, you first need to pay attention to its durability and strength. This is especially true for the steps of the stairs, since they bear the main load.

So, the materials that are most often used when arranging stairs:

  • Tree. Most often, stairs in a private house are made of wood. At the same time, the most durable wood for steps is considered to be mahogany, walnut, wenge, dessie and teak. These rocks are the most resistant to both mechanical stress and humidity and atmospheric pressure. Beech, oak and maple also demonstrate fairly good resistance to mechanical stress. But it is not recommended to use pine for arranging stairs, since it is soft. Cherry, pear and larch are slightly stronger than pine.

  • Metal. Stairs made from this material can also be seen quite often in private homes. It is recommended to use stainless steel for stairs, as it is the most durable and durable, and its service life exceeds 40 years.

  • Stairs made of stone - the pleasure is expensive. However, if finances allow you to equip a stone staircase, it is best to use granite or quartzite for these purposes. Also pay attention to fake diamond on a concrete base - it is also highly durable. But it is not recommended to use marble or agglomerate for stairs, since after two years of service the marble steps will begin to wear out.

  • Glass. If you decide to use glass when arranging the stairs, then in this case it should be tempered or laminated.

Designing a spiral staircase

Designing a spiral staircase, just like designing any element during the construction of a house, is the most important, complex and lengthy stage. So, when building a spiral staircase, the steps are best made from risers. This is due to the fact that when arranging such a staircase, the width of the steps narrows closer to the axis. Therefore, if there is a riser, there is a risk that when moving up the stairs, the foot may slip, while without a riser the foot will be better fixed on the step.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the width of the step itself - it should not be less than 20 centimeters in the center of the span. At a distance of 15 centimeters from the axis, the width of the step should not be less than 10 cm.

It is also important not to forget that the distance between adjacent turns should not be less than two meters, so as not to interfere with human movement.

For the central axis it is best to use steel pipe with a diameter of 50 millimeters, which installs strictly vertically between floors. When calculating the number of steps and the height difference between them, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the steps themselves, as well as the height of the bushings (mounted between the steps) and washers (installed at the joints of the steps and bushings).

The length of the steps themselves will depend on where exactly the spiral staircase will be located and on the opening in the interfloor ceilings. And their number can be determined by dividing the height difference between floors by the height of one step. In accordance with the standards, the height of one step, taking into account the thickness, should be no more than 18-20 cm.

All steps are mounted overlapping so that one partially overlaps the other. This will make it possible to strengthen the entire structure with the help of brackets, which are located between the edges of the wide part of the steps.

several examples of drawings of spiral staircases

Spiral staircase drawings:

calculation of a spiral staircase

As an example, we will give the calculation of a spiral staircase three meters high and 0.9 meters wide. Our ladder will be located on a central post, the diameter of which will be 0.25 m.

When calculating a spiral staircase, the diameter of the planned staircase is initially determined. It is determined as follows: two widths of the steps (2 * 0.9 m) must be added to the diameter of the rack (0.25 m).

Thus: 2*0.9+0.25=2.05m

The total diameter of the rack will be 2.05 meters.

To determine the radius of the circle indicating the trajectory of a person’s movement along the stairs, it is necessary to divide the width of the stairs and the diameter of the support column in half:

(0.9+0.25)/2=0.575 m.

To determine the required number of steps for one turn, we will need to divide the circumference of a person’s trajectory along the stairs by the width of the step - 0.2 m.


Thus, for each turn we will need 18 steps.

The height of the turn is determined by adding the average height of a person (1.85 cm), the thickness of the steps (0.05 cm) and a small margin of 0.1 m. Thus, having determined that the height of each turn will be equal to two meters, we can find out how high each step should be:

For the entire staircase, three meters high, we will need 27 steps - 3/0.11=27. To calculate the final height of each step, we must again divide the height of the entire staircase by the number of steps - 3/27 = 0.11. Unlike our case, as a rule, in this case the output is a slightly adjusted value.

Making elements of a wooden spiral staircase with your own hands

Today, on the market you can find ready-made staircase elements, and you can also buy a variety of ready-made spiral staircases. However, if you want to create a staircase with your own hands, then you can try to make these same elements yourself.

To make wooden steps for a spiral staircase, it is best to give preference to species such as oak or beech. For these purposes, the easiest way would be to use ready-made rectangular steps, and then simply adjust them to the size and shape you need. After the steps are ready, you can cover them with several layers of parquet varnish or paint them, if required by the interior style of the room.

After the paint or varnish has completely dried, it will be necessary to attach bushings to each step, with the help of which the steps will be held to the support post.

To make white strips, you can use wooden rods or metal rods. Also, as an option, you can purchase ready-made white strips.

Much more problems will arise when making handrails and bowstrings with your own hands. Straight beams can be used as railings, but such structures will look impressive only in the appropriate environment. Another thing is bent railings, which will look great in almost any interior.

Making a bowstring will require certain knowledge and skill. To obtain the desired bend, wooden blanks must be kept in boiling water so that the material softens and can be bent in a certain way. A more easily curved bowstring can be obtained by gluing thin lamellas together.

Installation of a spiral staircase

Once all the details of our staircase are ready, we can proceed directly to installation. To do this, we “string” the steps onto the installed rack so that they overlap each other by at least 5 centimeters. In this case, each step must be fixed using bolts, and the finished stand with steps is attached to the ceiling and floor. A bowstring or white stripes are installed on the side opposite the post.

As you can see, the installation of the spiral staircase itself is quite simple and is unlikely to cause any particular difficulties. The main thing in arranging a staircase is not to make a mistake with the choice of the design itself, as well as with the material. It is also important, if you decide to create all the elements of a spiral staircase with your own hands, not to make a mistake with the size and shape of the parts.

A metal spiral staircase is the perfect combination of elegance and grace of design with the strength and reliability of the material. The advantages are undeniable:

  • the ability to manufacture or purchase all components in advance;
  • ease of assembly;
  • resistance to damage;
  • durability;
  • variety of configurations;
  • Possibility of combination with other materials: wood, concrete, plastic, glass.

Types of metal stairs

According to the type of construction, a metal staircase can be:

  • marching;
  • screw.

Straight flights of stairs are more comfortable and spacious, they are easier to design and install, but they also take up a lot of space.

A metal spiral staircase has a more compact but complex design, which entails both positive and negative nuances. For example, on a flight of stairs it is difficult for two people to pass each other. And it is practically impossible to carry a sofa or other large furniture over it. But the product can be installed in a minimal area and is perfect for lifting into an attic, basement or other not very popular room. These features must be taken into account when choosing the type of staircase.

An excellent solution could be a square spiral staircase, which is a synergy of both designs and has the best sides of each of them.

Metal spiral staircases

The production of metal stairs involves the use of different metal processing techniques:

  • forging;
  • casting;
  • welding.

The first two are difficult to master and are not suitable for us, but to master the skills welding work possible in a fairly short time. Read on and you will learn how to cook metal staircase.

Choosing metal

Now let's decide which metal is best to use. Cast iron spiral staircases are very popular and are sure to become a real decoration of your home. Such products are durable, reliable, good quality and at the same time beautiful. The only, but decisive, disadvantages are the high cost and complexity of production.

Therefore, to make a spiral staircase we will use steel - a cheaper and more practical material. There is also aluminum, but it is usually used for the production of components, for example, railings. It is not suitable for load-bearing elements.

Choosing a design

Depending on the design of the supporting element, the product can be mounted:

  • on stringers . The steps are laid on top of the supporting beam and secured to it. The ends of the steps remain open;
  • on the bowstrings . The steps are mounted on the inside of the supporting beams; the ends of the steps are not visible.
  • on pain. There are two options, the first , when there is no supporting beam, and the steps are fixed to the wall using special bolts. And the second, when the curved staircase has a central support, and the steps are fastened together with bolts.

Designing spiral staircases

The calculation of a spiral staircase should be carried out with an emphasis on convenience and safety of operation. Why is it necessary to study all the dimensions, norms, restrictions and requirements (GOST and SNiP).


  • H – lifting height – the distance between the floor of the first floor and the floor of the second floor;
  • H 1 - the distance between the turns, that is, the distance between the step on which you are standing and the one above you. It must be at least 2 m, otherwise you will cling to the top steps with your head;
  • h – riser height. To make it convenient to move along a flight of stairs, h should be in the range from 15 to 19 cm.
  • h 1 – tread depth. For main staircases this value ranges from 25 to 30 cm; for service staircases it can be slightly reduced. Too shallow a tread depth can cause your foot to slip off the step as you move down.

Requirements for stairs and platforms

The requirements and standards for the design of a spiral staircase are based on GOST and SNiP.

  • The dimensions of the tread and riser can vary within the specified limits, but the following ratio must always be met: 2h + h o = 60..65 cm;
  • near the central pillar, the depth of the tread should not be less than 10 cm;
  • if the width of the stairs is more than 1.5 m, it is necessary to install an additional central stringer;
  • the width of the step should not be less than 90 cm;
  • the size of the staircase opening should be 10 cm wider than the diameter of the spiral staircase on each edge, so as not to scratch your hands on the ceiling when using handrails on the upper steps;
  • if width flight of stairs less than 1.5 meters, then the product must be equipped with railings, the height of which is 90-100 cm;
  • The thickness of the tread refers to the size of the step as 1:20. For example, with a step width of 90 cm, the thickness of the cladding will be 4.5 cm.

How to calculate a spiral staircase

  • R = 1.8 meters – outer radius;
  • r = 0.8 m – internal radius. Equal to the bending radius of the wall along which the curved staircase runs;
  • H = 3 m – total height;
  • The angle of twist of the stairs is 270°.

Let's calculate the length of the stairs (L 1) based on the outer radius. Since the flight of stairs runs ¾ of a circle or 270°, the length along the outer edge is:

L 1 = ¾×2πR = ¾ × 2 × 3.14 × 1.8 = 8.5 m

We calculate the length of the stairs along the inner edge (L 2) in a similar way.

L 2 = ¾×2πr = ¾ × 2 × 3.14 × 0.8 = 3.8 m

These values ​​determine the length of the side stringers, external and internal.

If we take the step height h = 15 cm, then the number of steps (n) can be calculated using the formula:

n = N / h = 3 / 0.15 = 20

It turns out that we will have 20 steps. But the role of the latter will be played by the second floor landing, which means there will be 19 steps in total.

Now, dividing the quantities L 1 And L 2 at 19, we get the tread depth at the inner edge (h 1 = 19 cm) and at the outer edge (h 2 = 44 cm), respectively. The steps will look as shown in the photo. Spiral staircases usually do not have risers.

h1 = 19 cm, h2 = 44 cm, d = 1 m

For the outer stringer you need 19 fillies (according to the number of steps) with side sizes of 15 cm and 44 cm, for the inner one - 19 fillies 15 cm by 19 cm.

If the interfloor staircase is adjacent to the wall, the internal stringer can be omitted, and the steps can be strengthened directly on the surface of the wall.

L o = ¾×2πR 1, where R 1 = 2/3 R = 1.2 m therefore

L o = ¾ × 2 × 3.14 × 1.2 = 5.6 m

h o = L o / 19 = 30 cm

Next you need to check the results on the forum 2h + h o = 60..65 cm. If the equation does not converge, you should adjust the step height and recalculate the values. In our case, everything comes together and we can move on.

If necessary, the outer radius can be reduced. But at the same time, it is not recommended to make the width of the steps less than 90 cm, unless we are talking about a career ladder.

Calculation of the landing

Let's calculate the sizes landing top floor. Taking one step, we will rise to a height of 15 cm. Having overcome 5 steps - 75 cm. If the thickness of the ceiling is 20 cm, then on the fifth step the height to the ceiling is 205 cm, which is acceptable, since the value of H 1 must be at least 2 meters. That is, there can be no more than five steps under the second floor landing.

The projection of the product onto a horizontal surface will look like this: the beginning of the flight of stairs is marked with a vertical bold line. The end of the arrow points to the exit. The second floor landing is marked in white, below it are the first 5 steps.

How to build a spiral staircase with your own hands

If we are talking about external stairs that perform purely service functions, the emphasis must be on strength and durability, which means the components must be selected accordingly. Such products do not require additional finishing and are called open.

If you plan to manufacture spiral staircases for your home or garden, then to add visual appeal, metal carcass should be covered with decorative panels, wooden steps, aluminum railings and handrails made of solid wood or PVC. This is a closed option.

Rotary staircase on two stringers

If you plan to make a staircase on two stringers, then their lengths will be equal to 8.5 m for the external one and 3.8 m for the internal one (calculated earlier). You can order profile welding at a metal warehouse or make a steel frame with your own hands.

You will need metallic profile with a rectangular cross-section. We cut out “kerchiefs” from it, some according to the height of the riser, others according to the depth of the tread. Next, weld them together at right angles. The result should be a frame in the shape of a “ladder”.

If you decide to build a spiral staircase with an open frame that is visible and not hidden by the casing, then carefully work with the welding seams so that they are not noticeable. Cover the finished structure with enamel.

Be sure to install guardrails. On the outside of the flight, stainless steel railings can be welded to the frame of the steps, and on the inside, they can be attached to the wall. It is better to protect the wall below with a galosh. The railing posts are welded at a distance of 60 cm from each other. The height of the handrail is 90 cm, the space between the posts must be covered with panels or rails. You can also install . The finishing of the metal staircase is complete.

Modular spiral staircase on a central stringer

A prefabricated or modular staircase has at its base one stringer, consisting of separate sections that form a rigid load-bearing element - a spine, which is why such a design is also called a “spine staircase”. Each section is set in height and direction and secured. A support stand is installed under every fourth step. Prefabricated stairs have a simple design and are installed in a matter of hours.

After the metal frame is mounted, it is necessary to install wooden steps. This is done using self-tapping screws. Prefabricated stainless steel spiral staircases do not require additional finishing and fit perfectly into a modern interior.

Video instructions for assembling a modular staircase

Spiral staircase on a pillar

A product with a central pillar or support pipe is a classic spiral staircase design, suitable for any room. It is very compact, easy to manufacture and install. Let's see how to make a spiral staircase with your own hands.

For the frame of the central pillar you will need a thick-walled pipe of the appropriate length. And a thinner pipe with a larger diameter for making sleeves. The latter must be cut into equal parts so that sleeves with a height of 230-260 mm are obtained. The cut must be strictly perpendicular to the pipe, otherwise the steps will be at an angle.

The installation density of the sleeves, which we will string onto the central post, should be maximum - without distortions and cracks. If you choose a liner diameter that is too large, you will end up with gaps. To close them, you can make sealing rings from a pipe of the required diameter. Then the rings are welded into the sleeves and polished with a milling cutter.

To make steps of the same shape, you can use a special jig. We will make it from wooden pieces of chipboard and a pipe mandrel.

Now we weld the parts of the steps at the desired angle, placing them in the jig. At the same time, we weld the step to the sleeve. Upon completion, we clean the seams from burrs.

Installation of a modular staircase consists of carefully stringing the sleeves onto the central post and placing the resulting structure in the prepared place. For greater reliability and stability, the lower end of the rack can be filled with concrete.

When the installation of the spiral staircase is completed, we set the steps in the desired positions, adhering to the required angle. We securely fix and weld the sleeves together. After priming and painting the surfaces of the structure, we lay the steps on the resulting frame. If necessary, we finish the metal staircase decorative elements. The assembly of the spiral staircase is completed.

Video: installation of a spiral staircase with a central pillar

Errors in calculation and manufacturing

  • The most common mistake is an illiterately planned room into which a curved staircase does not fit in any way.
  • If the staircase opening is too small, the product may be dangerous and inconvenient to use. But it is not recommended to make an opening that is too large, as it will disrupt the temperature regime of the house. Warm air will rise to the top unhindered.
  • When installing metal stairs into a wall, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the masonry. The steps can be fixed in reinforced concrete or brick wall, but the partition will not withstand the load. When making calculations, do not forget that the spiral staircase to the second floor must withstand not only the weight of people, but also its own weight.
  • Too much of an angle on a ladder can cause serious injury. It should be remembered that you can only descend on a product with an inclination of more than 45° backwards. You should also not neglect the rules for the relationship between the height of the riser and the depth of the tread.
  • A radial staircase without railings and railings is dangerous, especially if there are children and elderly people in the house.
  • Another major mistake is lining metal stairs with slippery materials. In this regard, it is best to use wooden linings or anti-slip coatings for steps.

However, today it is not only wooden staircase structures that are popular. Marches made of plastic and made of . These building materials have good characteristics and make it possible to save on. What to prefer, what pros and cons each material has, how to build, more on that below.

Advantages of a spiral wooden staircase

When searching for the optimal staircase for a two-story house at an affordable price, stylish design and super quality, you should pay attention to solid beech structures.

They have:

  • Aesthetics:
  • Reliability;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Durability.

The texture of the wood is different:

  • Beautiful design;
  • Durability;
  • Resilience.

The cost of beech stairs is affordable for many consumers. Reviews about the material are positive. The latest wood processing technologies make it possible to give the material a wide color palette, to imitate it like rare wood, rosewood or alder. This is the reason why the best boards are used to make beech staircases and they look gorgeous.

Plastic stairs have the following characteristics:

  • Light weight;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • High wear resistance;
  • Large selection of colors;
  • Moisture resistance.

In companies today you can buy ready-made prefabricated plastic, for example, it can be an input line or, with the drawings and calculations necessary for self-assembly. You can also make the stairs yourself; the master class will be shown below.

How to make a spiral staircase with your own hands from wood and plastic

In order to make a ladder with your own hands, you need to take the following plastic: pipes, fittings, pencil, tape measure, alcohol, cotton wool, pipe cutter, welding machine. Making pipes is not difficult, just a little knowledge and skills, and everything should work out.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to draw up a project, a diagram;
  • The pipes are cut;
  • The device turns on and warms up well;
  • The ends of the pipe and fittings are degreased;
  • Warm up the pipe and fitting;
  • Combine the elements and leave to cool.

Do-it-yourself staircase made of plastic pipes is great option for a cottage or country house. This way you can assemble a structure for a garden, a swimming pool, or an attic. You can easily make many original crafts, chairs, pallets, etc. from plastic pipes.

In any home spiral staircases look elegant and expensive. The structure can be wooden or metal. It does not take up much space, is an interior decoration and perfectly solves the problem of connecting more than two floors. In our catalog you will find a wide selection of models. Our manager will help you choose and buy the most convenient one for you at a reasonable price.

Where to buy a spiral staircase to the second floor?

Are you looking for where to buy a spiral wooden or metal staircase for your home with delivery throughout Moscow and the region? Our company's catalog contains a large number of models; you can easily choose the configuration that suits you best.

We offer finished products at a competitive price. We present manufacturers Minka and Lesenka. They have long established themselves in the Russian and international markets. To order, just call us or write in the feedback form. Our phone: +7 495 923 88 66

What are the advantages of a spiral staircase

What are the advantages spiral staircase to the second floor? This design is always the central element in the overall space of the room. Both due to its functionality and appearance. The screw shape does not take up much free space. In what design feature? It is attached to a support post that holds the entire wooden structure. The peculiarity of the steps is such that when ascending or descending, only their widest part is used. What you shouldn't forget. They also determine the radius of the circle, and therefore the dimensions of the final structure. Another nice thing is that the prices when purchasing them do not differ significantly from designs with a turn or platforms.

The appearance of the spiral staircase can be anything. With clean and light modern shapes, wooden ones, or with antique patterned decorations. It all depends on the taste of the customer and the style of the interior of the house. So the screw shape can easily adapt to the interior. In addition, we offer designs for the street, which are perfect for cottages and private houses. Delivery within Moscow and the region is free. Read more in the website section.

With us you can buy a spiral wooden staircase to the second floor for the home at a competitive price. Just call +7 495 923 88 66 and ask all your questions.

Owners of houses (and, more recently, apartments) with two or more floors are definitely faced with the problem of building a staircase. Since ancient times the best option The solution to this problem is a spiral staircase. Firstly, it takes up relatively little space, which allows you to significantly save space, and secondly, due to its design it has a sufficient margin of safety. Of course, the easiest way is to entrust the construction of such a staircase to professionals or buy a ready-made structure at a construction supermarket. But if ready-made “standard” options do not suit you, and there is no desire or opportunity to hire specialists, then you can make a metal spiral staircase yourself. True, we must immediately make a reservation that this is quite a difficult matter, but armed with certain knowledge and skills, it is quite possible to cope with this task.

Spiral staircase designs

There are three main types of spiral staircases:

Quite interesting and easy to manufacture is the symbiosis of a flight of stairs and a spiral staircase. This design perfectly combines the advantages of both varieties.

The easiest to manufacture is a spiral staircase on rails with a central support column

The easiest to manufacture is a spiral staircase on rails with a central support column. Therefore, we will focus our attention on this design.

Calculation of a spiral staircase on rails

Very important stage When building a spiral staircase, it is necessary to accurately calculate the structure and determine all its parameters. To create a competent drawing, we need 5 values: the height of the staircase, its diameter, the number of steps, their width, and the height of the tread. Let's consider the process of determining each of the parameters in more detail:

Stair height

Determining this parameter is simple - just use a plumb line to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling.

Stair diameter

This value is determined in accordance with your personal preferences, as well as the characteristics of the room in which the staircase will be installed. The diameter of the staircase is equal to the length of the step multiplied by two, plus the width of the support pillar.

When choosing a diameter, it is worth remembering that the minimum step length should not be less than 50 centimeters, thus, the minimum permissible diameter of a staircase with a support pillar of 5 centimeters will be 105 centimeters. For more comfortable use of the stairs, it is desirable that this value be 135-140 centimeters with the same thickness of the support column.

Number of steps and height of offense

The required number of steps in each specific case depends on the level of the offense. It, in accordance with GOST, should range from 15 to 20 centimeters.

To begin with, you need to divide the height of the stairs by any value within these limits.

Let's assume that the height of the room is 265 centimeters. You decided to make steps 17 centimeters high. We divide 265 by 17 and the result is: 265/17 = 15.58. Since the number of steps cannot be expressed as a fraction, we round this value to a whole number (for example, 15).

Now, to calculate the required height of the offense, we divide the height of our stairs by the resulting value: 265/15 = 17.66. It is this number that will be the required level of misconduct in our case.

Since the role of the upper step will be played by the platform of the upper floor, we subtract one from the resulting number of steps: 15-1 = 14.

Thus, with a staircase height of 265 centimeters, we need 14 steps with a height of 17.66.

Since it is inconvenient to measure each offense taking into account hundredths, we will round the existing value to 17.7, while changing the height of the lower step. To do this, we use the following formula: 265 (height of the stairs) – (14 (number of steps) x 17.7) = 17.2. Thus, we have the first step with a height of 17.2 centimeters and all the rest are 17.7.

Step width

The steps for a spiral staircase are made in the form of a wedge. Thus, it will be necessary to determine their two widths - external and internal. And if the internal size can be chosen arbitrarily (the main thing is that it is at least 10 centimeters), then the external width of the steps will have to be accurately calculated. To do this, we need to know the length of the ladder along its outer edge.

When making calculations, let’s assume that the angle of rotation of our stairs is 270 degrees (the most common option).

Let's use the school formula for calculating the circumference L =2?R. Let's assume that the diameter of our stairs is 180 centimeters and the radius, respectively, is 90 centimeters. Let's apply these data to the formula and get: 2x3.14x90 = 565.2. But since our staircase is not a complete circle, we need to multiply the resulting value by? or in decimal fractions by 0.75, which will exactly correspond to 270 degrees.

If you are making a staircase with a rotation angle of 180 degrees, then the resulting circumference must be multiplied by? or, more simply, divide by 2. If the staircase makes a full rotation of 360 degrees, then no additional actions are performed.

As a result, we get: 565.2 x 0.75 = 423.9.

Now divide this value by the number of steps:

423,9 / 14 = 30,27.

This will be the width of our steps along the outer edge.

But, since the optimal place for climbing is at a distance of 2/3R from the support pillar, we multiply the length of the ladder by 0.66 (2/3 in decimal).

We get: 423.9 x 0.66 = 279.77.

Now all that remains is to divide this value by the number of our steps. The result should be between 20 and 40 (this is the width of the step that is most comfortable when climbing).

279,77 / 14 = 19,98.

As you can see, this value does not fit within the acceptable parameters, although it is quite close. Of course, you can ignore the missing 2 millimeters, but it is better to slightly reduce either the radius of our stairs or the number of steps (naturally, the previous values ​​​​will have to be recalculated taking into account the changed parameters). We reduce the number of steps to 13 (14-1) and get

279,77 / 13 = 22,84.

Now the width of our steps fully complies with GOST standards, and the stairs will be safe and comfortable.

After all the calculations, we have the following dimensions of our stairs:

  • Height – 265 centimeters;
  • Diameter – 180 centimeters;
  • Number of steps – 13;
  • The height of the offense (taking into account the modified calculations) is 18.92 centimeters;
  • The width of the step on the inside is 10 centimeters;
  • Width on the outside (taking into account modified calculations) – 32.6 centimeters;
  • The average width of the step is 22.84 centimeters.

Using the data obtained, you can easily make a drawing of both individual steps and the staircase itself.

In conclusion, it is advisable to check our steps for compliance with GOST standards for straight stairs. We use the formula 2H + B = 60-64 centimeters (H is the height of the offense, B is the width of the step in the average value).

We get: 2 x 18.92 + 22.84 = 60.68. As you can see, the result falls within the acceptable value, which means all calculations were carried out correctly.

If the result obtained is very different from the norm, you will have to carry out the calculations again, changing the number of steps or the diameter of the stairs.

If calculating a spiral staircase seems too complicated for you, then for this purpose you can use special calculator programs that can be easily found on the Internet.

Calculation of the landing

In addition to calculating the staircase itself, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the upper opening and landing. And if everything is simple with the width of the opening - it should be 10 centimeters larger than the radius of the stairs, then calculating its length is done using a slightly more complex method.

According to GOST, the height from the edge of the opening to the step closest to it must be at least 2.05 meters. We divide this value by the height of our steps and round the resulting result up.

205 / 18.92 = 10.83. After rounding - 11.

We subtract the result obtained from the total number of steps.

Therefore, the edge of the upper opening should be at the same level as the 2nd step from the bottom.

The spiral staircase with a round opening looks quite interesting. Its dimensions should be 20 centimeters larger than the diameter of the stairs.

The edge of the upper opening should be flush with the 2nd step from the bottom.

Installation of a spiral staircase on a support pole

The staircase assembly process consists of four main stages: installation of the central pillar, installation of steps and additional supports, installation of railings, and final finishing.

Installation of the central post

Ideally, the central pillar of a spiral staircase is installed during the construction of the house. In this case, its lower part is concreted, and the upper part is attached to the floor slab using dowels screwed into a specially welded heel-base.

It is MANDATORY to fasten the pole at both ends, otherwise the ladder will be unsafe

The depth of concreting into the floor must be at least 40 centimeters.

If the installation is carried out in a ready-made room, then the bases are welded to both ends of the support column. It is MANDATORY to secure the pole at both ends, otherwise the ladder will be unsafe.

Installation of steps and additional support

When the pole is installed, you can begin installing the steps. They can be made entirely of metal; it is best to use steel for this purpose. The steps are welded to the support column starting from the bottom, positioning them so that the front edge of each subsequent step is exactly above the rear edge of the previous one. And of course the distance between steps should be strictly observed.

In addition to the steps, it will be necessary to install one more additional support. It can be either a free-standing pillar located under one of the middle steps, or it can be a stop attached to the wall (if one of the steps abuts the wall).

The additional support is installed before the step resting on it is laid. If it is a pole, then it is attached to the floor using heels and dowels, if the support is on the wall - using anchors.

When all the steps are installed to give the structure additional rigidity and solidity, all steps are connected to each other by metal jumpers, which are welded on the back side of the stairs connecting the front and rear edges of successive steps.

After completing the installation of the steps, it is necessary to remove the scale remaining after welding (just knock it off with a hammer) and grind all sharp edges and burrs.

Installation of railings

Railings or handrails are an optional element of spiral staircases. Their installation is necessary in cases where the width of the steps is less than 90 centimeters, or the height of the stairs is more than two floors. The railings are installed on metal rods, which are welded to the steps of the stairs.

Decorating a spiral staircase

There are three main “classic” styles of spiral staircases: castle, forged and Provence.

The castle style involves decorating steps with stone or tiles, as well as using stone balusters when constructing railings.
