Page of Pentacles and lovers combination. Page of Pentacles in Tarot Cards: meaning, description, combination. Main meaning of the card


Page of Denarii in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - empty efforts; futile search.
With the “Magic” card - increased salary and professionalism.
With the “High Priestess” card - getting an education.
With the “Empress” card - growth in profits and results.
With the “Emperor” card - career growth.
With the “Hierophant” card - study of religion and philosophy.
With the “Lovers” card - sensual interest in a relationship.
With the “Chariot” card - lose meaning; a game.
With the “Strength” card - improve your health.
With the Hermit card there are losses.
With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - bet.
With the “Justice” card - find the grain of truth.
With the Hanged Man card - futile sacrifices; fruitless search.
With the Death card - futility.
With the “Moderation” card - experience; patience.
With the “Devil” card - make a profit dishonestly.
With the “Tower” card - deterioration in well-being and health.
With the “Star” card - a chance to find your calling.
With the “Moon” card - illusions; waste of money; incorrect conclusions.
With the “Sun” card - get to the point; opening.
The “Court” card is an opportunity to understand and strengthen your knowledge.
With the “World” card - graduate from an educational institution; obtain a degree, title.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Page of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Mag pr and per - Evasion of guardianship over elderly relatives, parents
Priestess - An attempt to understand the highest meaning of everything - actions, words, actions, relationships, love
Empress - Success in learning
Emperor - Study in paid institutions
Priest - Reverent attitude towards knowledge, learning
Lovers - Chance to get concrete results of labor
Chariot - Aggressive days, great hostility is working against you
Justice - A New Appointment Resolving Your Concerns
Hermit pr and per - Push from outside
Wheel of Fortune - Lucky Opportunities
Strength - Informant, scars, inconvenience
Hanged Man - Sclerosis, atherosclerosis, inability to concentrate
Death - Change of place of study
Moderation - Maturity, help from a son
Devil - Dystrophy of spirit and flesh
Tower - Broken deal
Star - Talented young man
Luna - Unpretentious admirer, inept in love
Luna (trans) - Indecisiveness, doesn’t know what he wants
Sun - Wealth of the soul
Judgment - Chance to “surface”, life preserver
World - Participation in exhibitions, shows, competitions
Jester - Nakhodka

Page of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an inverted position with the Major Arcana

Wheel of Fortune - Embezzlement

Page of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an inverted position with the Minor Arcana

5 of Pentacles - Waste
7 of Pentacles - Embezzlement

The Page of Pentacles is one of the minor arcana of the Tarot deck. Same as in the regular deck playing cards, there are four suits in the Tarot deck. The Page corresponds to the Jack card from a regular deck.

In the article:

Page of Pentacles in Tarot - card meaning

Upright a symbol like this usually means some kind of potential. Since the suit of Pentacles almost always refers to the material spectrum of life of a person, the meaning of the Tarot card Page of Pentacles most often speaks of the potential associated with obtaining monetary gain.

The sign may indicate some kind of profitable deal, concluding an agreement, receiving important advice or valuable experience. You may receive a job offer that interests you. It is also possible to get out of a difficult state, and the outcome of the situation will be most beneficial for you. The interpretation may apply to you personally, your business, and the people you work with.

Such a Page upside down speaks of the worst manifestations of the material side of life. This is selfishness, greed, unwillingness to look at the spiritual side of life, wastefulness. The possibilities are far from those needed to implement the idea. Plans and expectations do not live up to expectations. Loss of interest and patience is the cause of lost chances and somewhat illogical behavior.

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles card in the layout for work and affairs

This Page in the Tarot when he is in a straight position, informs about possibilities. This is working on ideas, plans, as well as receiving new tasks and assignments. Significant assistance will be provided in completing these tasks. It is also possible to change jobs to a more profitable one, as well as rise through the ranks.

This card also speaks of concluding a profitable deal, but at the same time it also serves as a warning about inattention. The fortuneteller should be attentive to the documents he signs and pay attention to all the details of the contract. Even the most insignificant nuances can play an important role in the future.

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning upside down speaks of some difficulties. As a rule, if they concern a business, it warns that more significant investments may be required in order for the enterprise to function as intended. The card can also warn that the fortuneteller does not understand well the business he is involved in. In addition, it is a warning that bureaucratic difficulties may be more serious than you expected.

Overall, this reversed card warns of problems that you have not considered because you lack specific experience or knowledge. Difficulties should be expected precisely in those nuances about which you know nothing.

Page of Pentacles in Tarot - meaning in health readings

Map in a straight position speaks of positive dynamics of recovery. If you are sick and wondering when the period of health problems will end, then you don’t have too long to wait. If this card is in an inverted position, the dynamics of recovery can be called medium-positive. That is, the disease is receding, but more slowly than possible.

Regarding health problems, this card in the upright position means the deposition of stones in the gall or bladder. Joint problems and related diseases, such as osteochondrosis, may also be detected.

Upside down this Page warns of a high probability of getting a dislocation or sprain. When it also means nervous exhaustion, which occurs as a result of long and intense work, as well as depression, stress and other psychological problems caused by fatigue.

Page of Coins in Tarot - meaning in relationships

The main meaning in relationships of the Tarot card Page of the suit of Pentacles is the opportunity to gain some experience. In this case, a lesson for the fortuneteller can be both the emergence of new relationships and feelings, and the strengthening of an existing connection. The interpretation is always positive if the card is in a straight position. It is unlikely that a fortuneteller is in danger of divorce or a quarrel with a loved one. Usually this sign foreshadows the transition of relationships to a new level.

If the fortuneteller is in a relationship, the cards advise him to take a difficult step and take the relationship to a new level, making it more serious. Such a card can also mean the resolution of conflicts and disagreements that have accumulated over the years. The transition of relations to a new level in this case has an exclusively positive meaning.

Upside down this Page says that you have ceased to respect your partner or have never even felt respect for him. There may be mutual disrespect. In addition, the card can speak of boredom and routine in which this couple is mired in the alignment.

Since Coins is a suit associated with the material aspect of life, in relationships it can signify a lack of planning family budget, stinginess of one of the partners, hoarding, excessive control of the partner’s spending.

Page of Pentacles - combinations in Tarot

A lot can be written about the combination of Tarot cards, like , which can also change meanings depending on the interpretation of neighboring cards. When it comes to combinations in the Tarot, the Page of Pentacles is no exception. There are several interpretations of combinations of this card with others.

So, for example, the Pages of Wands and Pentacles, which fell nearby, have the following meaning - receiving news of an opportunity. This could be either information about an open vacancy for a prestigious position that you have a good chance of filling, or an offer of a fairly profitable one-time part-time job.

The Magician and the Page of Pentacles are an interesting combination. It does not speak about the situation, but characterizes a certain personality that is connected with what the alignment is being carried out. This is a person who has a passion for collecting and has good experience in this matter. Most likely, he has an impressive collection. This meaning can be understood both literally and figuratively. In an upside down position This card near the Arcana Magician speaks of a narrow outlook.

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card in personality assessment

The Page of Pentacles means a dark-haired, dark-eyed guy or girl. This person was born under one of the zodiac signs related to the element of Earth. It could be Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus.

Wherein in a straight position this card speaks of an inquisitive person who is young at heart. He is constantly in search of something new that can interest him. For a fortuneteller, this is a positive character who can become a messenger of good news. He is distinguished by sophistication, sensitivity, interest in beauty, good education and erudition.

Straight position

The Page of Coins is, first of all, sensuality, naturalness, as well as a creative, non-routine approach to life. In addition, such an Arcanum presupposes the development, growth of something (in particular, with the Empress) and fruiting, which is expected with a high degree of probability and may be related to both people and the business in which the person is engaged. Moreover, in this case we will be talking specifically about tangible fruits (for example, about a future harvest, about a future child, etc.) or about specific results (say, a completed report).

As a court card, the Page of Coins symbolizes a boy or girl gifted with talents in the applied arts, capable of creating excellent works of art or craft. In such people, already in their young years, future masters of their craft can be felt (especially in combination with a Magician).

On the other hand, since the court Arcana is sometimes used to determine the approximate date of birth of a person, the Page of Coins most likely indicates a representative of one of the earth signs of the zodiac circle - Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus.

In combination with Strength, the Page of Coins speaks of excellent health, and with the Hierophant - that a person has a wonderful value system based on healthy morals and ethics.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Page of Coins immediately focuses on materialism in its worst manifestations - neglect of spiritual development, selfishness, greed. If we are talking about a person’s character, then we have to admit that he is most likely lazy, petty, perhaps not communicative enough, and also poorly trainable.

Other interpretations of such an Arcanum are changeability in mood, illogical actions, wastefulness, and not very good health.

It is always advisable to pay attention to some combinations of the inverted Page of Coins with other cards in the layout, for example, with the Chariot (meaning a frivolous attitude towards life), with the Moon (the desire to look at the world through rose-colored glasses and the inability to analyze problems), with the Nine of Wands ( manic distrust of people and their actions and words).

Love and relationships

Straight position

In love readings, the Page of Coins is interpreted as sensuality. This is the same “red” thread that runs through building relationships with partners, through the perception of representatives of the opposite sex. By the way, if the Page of Cups also appears nearby, then you are clearly a dreamer.

At the event level, this card testifies to the useful experience gained; it indicates the need to move to the next phase of the relationship (for example, from falling in love to a calm but stable period). The Page of Coins is a symbol of the beginning of the process of putting into practice what until now was only desired and existed in thoughts in the form of “Oh, if only...” or “It would be great if someday...”

If Arcan characterizes a problematic situation, this means that the opportunity to resolve it will soon arise (or has already appeared). Moreover, this is true even for long-standing conflicts and long-term mutual misunderstanding of each other (together with the Court).

Inverted position

The reversed Page of Coins reflects in a relationship a lack of respect for a partner or even mutual disrespect, inability to plan a joint budget, stinginess and attempts to control the partner’s spending (with the Emperor).

The other side of the “coin” of such a card is formalism in relationships, boredom and routine in which people who were once interesting to each other get bogged down.

From the point of view of interpretation of events, the inverted Page of Coins can warn of a difficult pregnancy, including miscarriage, as well as big money problems (with the Hermit) associated with extravagance or trust in unconfirmed information.


Straight position

From the point of view of the professional sphere, the Page of Coins should be interpreted as an activity that is practical in nature. That is, in this case it would hardly be appropriate to talk about scientific research or, say, management. It is much more likely that the person who received this Arcanum is engaged in some kind of production, gardening, creates some household items, etc. This is largely due to the fact that a person sets realistic, achievable goals and objectives and strives to see a concrete result of his efforts.

To characterize the situation, the Page of Coins is interpreted as follows: offering a new position or a new job, planning, receiving help in realizing one’s intentions.

Another important aspect of the card is the prospect of getting a good education.

Among other things, the Page of Coins serves as a warning about being extremely attentive to documents that require a signature, and generally advises being attentive to details and little things.

There are some interesting combinations of the Page of Coins with other cards in the deck. So, together with Justice or the Sun, this Arcanum symbolizes the ability to “get to the bottom” of the truth in everything, and with Peace - a high probability of receiving not just a good, but a brilliant education.

Inverted position

Such a card should tell the tarot reader that a person may be forced to make an additional cash “infusion” into his business, or that he is not well versed in what he is doing, or that bureaucratic obstacles may be more serious than he believes.

When the inverted Page of Coins in a career reading describes a specific person, this means that the fortuneteller is dealing with a technocrat (in particular, if the King of Wands is in the pair). Such a person may, moreover, be unable to adequately evaluate himself and elevate his pettiness to the rank of justified economy (together with the Ace of Swords), and consider selfishness and envy to be virtues that will help him make his way in life (paired with the Queen of Swords) .

Trust only the facts, remember that any assurances about anything that are not supported by reliable information may be deliberately dishonest. And don’t be afraid of handmade work, it will turn out much better for you than for someone else. And it will bring a lot of pleasure.

Tarot reading can provide answers to many questions. In order to correctly decipher our future, which the cards promise us, it is important to understand all the meanings of the dropped lasso.

General meaning of the Arcana Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles usually denotes a young man or girl. It can also portend good news that a person will learn in the near future. In general, this card has a fairly favorable meaning. The exact interpretation of a card is influenced by several factors: its position (straight or inverted), adjacent arcana and the type of layout. Therefore, all factors must be taken into account together.


Pages usually carry information about important news. Therefore, this lasso also reports that a person will receive some information that will be of considerable importance to him. Since the Page of Pentacles belongs to the element of Earth, news usually relates to “mundane” areas: work, study, material issues.

Arcanum can report that a person has an excellent opportunity to start a new project, which will certainly be crowned with success. It means that the fortuneteller has the necessary resources and can use them for good. Quite often, the card falls out to young people who are planning to enter an educational institution and ask a question about exams. If such a Page is present in the scenario, then the entrance tests will definitely end in success.
If we are talking about an older person, then the appearance of a card indicates good job prospects. Even if the alignment as a whole is negative, this lasso says that there is some favorable grain in the situation from which a good solution to the problem can grow. In other words, there will soon be a good chance for the situation to improve.

Inverted position

If the inverted position of the card is taken into account, then it takes on a negative value. The Page of Pentacles Tarot reports disappointments, bad news, and waste of money. He can talk about a person’s lack of demand even in the area in which he is well versed. The lasso also reports the impossibility of realizing one’s potential, of stagnation.

The meaning of the Arcana Page of Pentacles

The Arcanum changes its meaning depending on what area of ​​life interests you.

Personality characteristics

If the fortuneteller asks about himself or some person, then the fallen Page of Pentacles characterizes the person from a fairly positive side. It means that the person is a good friend and colleague. He is well aware of his capabilities and implements them correctly. Usually he is at the beginning of his journey, but considerable prospects open up before him.

The Page of Pentacles Tarot may indicate that a person is harboring an idea and intends to implement it in the near future. Often the card tells that an activity that was previously just a hobby is beginning to turn into a source of income. Or a person finds courses that interest him, which allow him to develop and learn something new, something that he has long wanted to do. In general, a person who is characterized by the Page of Pentacles Tarot card loves to develop, learn, and receive new information. He never sits still and constantly strives to educate himself.

The lasso also characterizes a person as very practical. He is not particularly distracted by the romantic component of life, considering it nonsense. Usually his whole mind is occupied with more mundane problems: making money, cooking, arranging a home.

Personal relationships

In love readings, the meaning of the Tarot card Page of Pentacles calls for action. The lasso seems to say: you don’t need to sit still, you need to move, to achieve the object of passion. But at the same time, you should set only realistic goals, having soberly assessed the situation. First you need to study the person well, understand how you can win his heart in your direction.

Usually the Page of Pentacles Tarot card talks about a person for whom romance is not very important. He is more down-to-earth, commits specific actions, but at the same time constantly cares about making his partner feel good. These are exactly the people who make sure that their loved one eats on time and puts on a hat when it’s cold. At the same time, the physical component of the relationship is very important for them. If platonic love is implied, then the person to whom the Page is pointing will not agree to this option. He loves sex and sometimes may not get out of bed for a long time, especially if he really loves his partner.

Professional area

The dropped Page of Pentacles in a work or business scenario directly indicates that changes for the better will soon begin. Moreover, they can start with some little thing that a person will not even attach importance to at first. For example, he will exchange telephone numbers with a new acquaintance, and in the future this contact will lead to the conclusion of a profitable contract or a placement in a good job.

If a person wants to find out from the cards what is best for him to do, then the Page of Pentacles Tarot points to the field of agriculture. Environmental specialists also belong here. This lasso also advises you to try your hand at cooking.

Financial sector

If the alignment is made on financial spheres, then the lasso has a favorable meaning. He reports that he will soon be able to find a source of income and solve problems. Salary increases, new deals, contracts, additional cash flows are possible. If the question concerns a new business, then it will turn out to be profitable and will quickly go uphill.


The Page of Pentacles may also appear in health readings. Its meaning will be favorable. Sometimes indicates pregnancy. It can also report childhood illnesses: chickenpox or rubella. An inverted lasso indicates disturbances in the digestive system.

Card of the day

Sometimes fortunetellers pull out one card to understand what to expect from a certain day. There is also a special meaning here, the Page of Pentacles Tarot says that today there will be a good chance for further development. Usually it is unexpected, it comes from where you didn’t expect it at all. Arkan recommends immediately responding to new proposals and not hesitating. This will open up promising opportunities for yourself, especially when it comes to work or study. However, sometimes the Page can report a pleasant offer in his personal life. If a person of the opposite sex invites you to have a nice time, then you should not refuse. The result will exceed any expectations, and the vivid emotions will be remembered for a long time. Also, this proposal can serve as the beginning of a new strong relationship.

Advice: if the lasso comes up as advice, then it recommends turning your attention to something. You must trust the facts and only the facts. If any information is not supported by them, then it may turn out to be useless or even harmful.

Combinations with other cards

When performing the layout, you should also pay attention to the neighboring arcana in order to put together a complete picture. The most famous combinations are:

  • Page of Pentacles - The Hanged Man.
    The Page, in company with the Hanged Man, talks about difficulties in his studies. The person seems to be marking time, although he has good potential.
  • Page of Pentacles - Tower.
    If a Tower falls nearby, then this combination signals a threat of miscarriage.
  • Page and Five of Pentacles.
    This combination indicates the partner’s infidelity. Typically, such cards indicate the presence of a young seducer who has his eye on the other half of the fortuneteller.
  • Page and Ten of Pentacles.
    Arcanum in company with the Ten of Pentacles indicates excellent prospects for career growth.

In a word, the Page of Pentacles is a completely favorable card that will delight you with its presence in the layout. Of course, this only applies to the straight position.

The Page of Pentacles in the tarot has the meaning of material well-being. The lasso represents a young man standing in the middle of a grassy field. Under the bright yellow sky, the rich landscape behind the young man appears tiny and insignificant. The young man walks at a slow pace, not noticing the beauty of the surrounding nature. He holds a gold coin with both hands and lifts it above his head to take a closer look. The scene is peaceful, dominated by the calm look and state of the young man.

General value of the card in the upright position


  • studies;
  • scholarship;
  • news, information, messages;
  • awareness of material aspects;
  • hard work, loyalty, resilience;
  • stability;
  • raising animals;
  • nurturing talent;
  • initial stages;
  • good health outcomes;
  • the beginning of a love affair;
  • stable partner;
  • the first step in building relationships;
  • Agriculture;
  • good news of inheritance;
  • hard work;
  • student of occultism;
  • school;

Pentacles are a symbol of wealth in the tarot deck, but they also represent the material plane of existence - all possessions and a practical approach to providing yourself with wealth. The card represents the younger generation with its immaturity. But the immaturity soon disappears as the person realizes that the coin in his hands can give him something more than he can achieve on his own. There is an awareness of material aspects and setting priorities.

The Page of Pentacles signals the moment when people understand that money is a tool for acquiring things that are part of the world - and the real world is here and now.

The page of this suit is an indicator of new financial opportunities. This could be a raise, a promotion, a new job, or the start of a new project. New way earn money or good news about your financial situation. The card can also represent a diligent student or internship. He is a committed and conscientious person who takes responsibility for learning his craft.

The Page of Pentacles is a stable and reliable personality with qualities that you can always rely on, someone who is professionally minded, ambitious and energetic. This person is tenacious, practical, responsible, patient.

The Page of Pentacles is a messenger who carries ideas that can become the basis of new material opportunities. You may not have gained experience yet, but given your potential, enough time, patience and effort, you will reach heights.

The card may indicate favorable news that will change your life in a positive way. It is possible to meet a positive person who will be interested in your projects, evaluate them and assist in their implementation. This will be a productive and prosperous union. In financial terms, Arkan indicates a new hobby or interest that can turn into a profession or a way of acquiring money.

The card is directly related to study and further education, encouraging continuous self-development. If you are a student, then the Page of Pentacles promises high results in tests, exams, increased scholarship for excellent studies, loyal and friendly attitude from teachers and fellow students. You are not a nerd or an upstart, you are just doing well and sharing your positive energy with others. You are loved for your simplicity, and no one thinks of using it against you.

Reversed position


  • anxiety;
  • disappointment;
  • riot;
  • boring;
  • incorrect;
  • misfortune;
  • unfavorable news;
  • lack of motivation;
  • dive down;
  • no exam;
  • unmotivated.

The Page of Pentacles in reverse represents a person who lives in constant hustle and bustle, or vice versa, a dreamer who has his head in the clouds. He also tends to be melodramatic, moody, argumentative, and prone to bouts of depression. The main characteristic features are wastefulness and unwillingness to accept the obvious and take into account the opinions of others. You should not deal with such a person, otherwise the questioner will end up with problems of a material nature. Such people are accustomed to hackwork; their careless attitude towards their duties and inability to learn from mistakes makes people irresponsible and useless. His views and opinions are not valued or respected by those around him.

In the general context, the Page of Pentacles can be the bearer of unpleasant news - planned plans are canceled, projects remain unrealized, many opportunities remain unused. However, it is often an indicator that your current problems are not due to some external or invisible force, but rather are a consequence of your own behavior or inaction. This may indicate that a lack of goals or necessary follow-up actions may be holding you back and preventing you from expressing your potential. If you want to achieve your dreams, you need to take advantage of all the available opportunities. When describing the personality as such, the Page of Pentacles in reverse position represents a person who is young at heart, lazy, immature, irresponsible, sullen or rebellious, but lacks common sense and prospects for the future. These include the Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

This is the most unfavorable time for loans, large purchases and financial projects. The Reversed Arcana talks about outstanding debts, bills or fees that must be paid immediately, otherwise the problem may get out of control, leading to more debt. The Page of Pentacles reflects a person who is materialistic and craves luxury and comfort, but in an inverted form his constant companions are wastefulness, irresponsibility, lack of morality, extravagance, the desire to live a beautiful life at the expense of others. If you are a student, then perhaps you are already a “former” student, since you missed the chance to successfully correct your grades, establish relationships with teachers and continue your studies. If you decide to become a businessman and open your own business, then the type of activity you choose will bring you nothing but losses.

Strong combinations

  • With a chariot: vision of next steps in completing a project, extreme focus.
  • With 2 of Pentacles: Slow decision-making, contemplation, time to think about your research.
  • From the 10 of Wands: work is stressful, you work a lot. Never give up, no matter how hard it gets.
  • With the Queen of Swords: careful work on the project. There is nothing stopping you from finishing a new project.
  • With 2 cups: You are happy when learning new things and doing internships.
  • From 10 bowls: launch of a new family.
  • With Ace of Pentacles: working on a new goal.

Love and personal relationships

Direct position

In the context of love, the Page of Pentacles is interpreted as the acquisition of missing experience, either through new relationships and feelings, or through an existing connection by strengthening it. In an upright position, the card is always positive. A fortuneteller should not worry about his personal life; you will not face any divorce proceedings or conflicts with your partner; even minor quarrels will bypass you. Your relationship will gradually move into a different phase, to a higher level. Trust, respect, mutual understanding, sensuality in relationships, the desire to give your partner joy and happiness - all these aspects are harmoniously combined in your relationship.

If the card falls to a person thirsting for love, then it only pushes you to action: seduce, conquer, fight for feelings, study the person, try to impress him, or even better, discourage him. Your unpredictability (in a good way) will help melt the heart of a potential partner.

Sometimes the Page of Pentacles accuses a person of being overly obsessed with a partner. It's like you're afraid to breathe on your relationship. Do not forget that too intrusive signs of attention to your partner may seem suffocating. Stop, catch your breath, your love object is nearby, just walk hand in hand.

If you are in a relationship, Arkan advises taking the relationship to another, more serious level, stop wasting away in the “candy-bouquet” period. To do this, you will have to take a deliberate, conscious and psychologically difficult step, but don’t you want happiness and strong love? Especially if the map opens the way for this.

Inverted position

The Page of Pentacles in a reversed position indicates a disrespectful relationship between partners. Criticism, constant nagging and showdowns, distrust, reluctance to share anything both materially and spiritually, indifference, lack of common interests. People live under the same roof, but on different planets.

In a relationship, there is an inability to rationally calculate total income, plan joint affairs, both partners are stingy and greedy, and try to control each other’s spending. Even at the very beginning of the relationship between people, love and tenderness sparkled, but everyday life, routine, despondency, the burden of household chores and minor problems erased former feelings, leaving only disappointments in each other.

Cheating can also occur in a relationship. At the event level, the card warns of an interrupted pregnancy (miscarriage), or complications in the later stages. Financially, due to the wastefulness and extravagance of one of the partners, Arkan predicts money problems. Perhaps you were misinformed, which could also cause trouble.

If you are single, the Page of Pentacles does not advise you to start a new relationship in the near future, since you are not fully ready for it. Be honest with yourself and your potential partner; the time has not yet come for a serious connection.


Direct position

In the professional field, the Page of Pentacles means financial stability and constant improvement and self-development in the activity you have chosen. The person who receives this card does not pursue wealth and material wealth, nor is he interested in fame. He quietly and slowly does his job: improves his qualifications, gains experience, reads a lot and collects the necessary information. He does not set conditions for salary increases and bonuses, because he is confident that his big day will come soon and he will be able to amaze everyone by jumping over the heads of his colleagues and climbing up the career ladder.

The Page of Pentacles reflects the desire to study, diligence and diligence, and in the end the result is not long in coming. The card indicates that conservatism in work is not appropriate, which means new ideas, fresh information, the use of more innovative methods and techniques will allow you to achieve success and achieve your goals.

In its traditional meaning, the Page of Pentacles represents professionalism as such. A person can be anyone - a mechanic, a doctor, a janitor, a jeweler, a lawyer, a builder, a tattoo artist, but it is knowledge, the correctness of actions and the desire to improve that make him an excellent specialist.

Inverted position

The characteristic features of the Page of Pentacles in the reverse position are lack of demand, pettiness and pedantry. The person ignores any job opportunities. Neglects his responsibilities. In this case, a person is described whose selfishness and narcissism make him a consumer who gives nothing in return. He is lazy and ambitious, unreliable, prone to waste Money going nowhere. The card warns of financial problems.

You cope poorly with your work responsibilities, allow yourself absenteeism, often let your colleagues and management down, sign documents without understanding their essence. Your negligent attitude towards your work is reflected in its quality - loss of your client base, disrupted negotiations, misunderstandings with partners, onslaught of competitors. To prevent the moment when it is too late, pull yourself together, use logic, a rational approach and common sense. Check any information in detail; do not trust your superficial knowledge. Expect unpleasant news or a call, be prepared for the blows of fate, but remember, your innate abilities were not given to you in vain, use them and catch luck by the tail. If we consider the interpretation of fortune telling “yes or no”, then the answer is: yes, if you agree to further improve and hone your skills. The answer is no, unless you want to develop yourself and improve your skills, falsely assuming that you have mastered your craft.


Direct position

The Page of Pentacles in the context of health is a very favorable card, indicating a young and healthy body, regardless of age. But you shouldn’t rely on Mother Nature, you need to monitor your health and not neglect it. Proper nutrition, fitness, fresh air, and if you make an effort, you will always be in good shape. Remember that the map is connected to the Earth, so hiking and relaxing in the mountains will be useful for you. Try to eat mostly plant-based, fresh foods, without various additives and dyes. The Page of Pentacles is also interpreted as birth or pregnancy.

It is worth paying special attention to the gallbladder and bladder, as there is a danger of stone deposits. Take care of your joints, keep your feet warm, and take massage courses to prevent salt deposits. Remember, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are afraid of movement and plant foods, change your diet, eliminate salt and spices.

Inverted position

An inverted Arcana warns of accidents, with bruises, fractures, and sprains. Also allowed nervous disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, insomnia, depression, and a number of other psychological problems. The reason for all this may be fatigue caused by work overload. Don’t take on everything at once, all you need is diligence and patience, and even if you don’t have time somewhere, don’t worry, the world will wait. It has long been proven that most diseases are caused by nerves.

The card advises you to decide on your desires, intentions and goals. The material world offers a large number of values, sort them out and set priorities for yourself. In any matter, show rationality and a serious approach. Improve your skills, replenish your knowledge, apply new methods and technologies. Beware of remaining in the role of a “constant beginner” assistant, and stagnate in one place, not noticing the life around you. Look for new directions in your work, learn, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because without them the learning process is impossible. Do not rely on someone’s confidence and knowledge, check the information personally, rely on the facts.
