Water treatment and water chemistry regime. Water treatment and water chemistry Instructions for use of pre-boiler water treatment

Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia)

Guidelines for the development of instructions and regime maps for the operation of pre-boiler water treatment plants and for maintaining the water chemistry regime of steam and hot water boilers

5. Requirements for the contents of the boiler water chemistry regime map

5.1. The boiler water chemistry regime card should indicate the date of its preparation, validity period, and also provide a link to the documents that served as the basis for the requirements contained in the card.

5.2. The initial data for drawing up a regime map for boiler water chemistry must be the relevant materials from the boiler manufacturer, the boiler house design in conjunction with the requirements of the rules and recommendations of the commissioning organization.

5.3. The boiler water chemistry schedule must indicate:

all necessary modes of corrective treatment of feed and boiler water;

quality standards for boiler water and steam, both recommended by the boiler manufacturer and established on the basis of special thermo-chemical tests, as well as the main parameters of the continuous and periodic purging mode, recommended by specialists who carried out thermo-chemical tests;

main indicators of the anti-corrosion regime of feed and boiler water.

5.4. In the regime map for water chemistry, depending on the design features of the boiler, the conditions of its previous operation and the noted deviations from the water chemistry standards, instructions should be given to which elements of the internal boiler devices should be paid special attention the next time the boiler is shut down and its drums are opened, including:

condition of the feed water input unit into the drum;

tightness of vapor separation devices;

presence of damage to the inlet coils of steel economizers (if necessary, cutting out samples);

condition of steam generating pipes in the area with maximum heat stress (if necessary, cutting out samples).

5.5. The regime chart for water chemistry must indicate the maximum specific amount of deposits (g/m2) allowed under reliability conditions for further operation of the boiler. The list of indicators that should be included in the regime map for water chemistry is given in.

6. Requirements for the content of the regime map regarding the volume and methods of chemical control of water chemistry and water treatment plants

6.1. The basis for drawing up a regime map for the volume and methods of chemical control are the requirements of state and departmental regulatory documents and instructions of equipment manufacturers, as well as the results of commissioning work and thermal and chemical tests carried out by the commissioning organization in a given boiler house.

6.2. The regime card for chemical control of water chemistry and water treatment plants must indicate:

a list of control points for the operation of the water supply unit and the condition of the water chemistry of boilers, indicating the conditions for equipping them with devices for sampling and sample preparation;

name of the controlled performance indicators of the water treatment plant and water chemistry;

units of measurement of monitored performance indicators of VPU and water chemistry;

methods for determining (automatic devices, instrumental, manual, analytical methods) of controlled indicators;

errors of the applied determination methods, indicating the rules for rounding measurement results;

frequency of chemical analyzes;

conditions under which additional or repeated chemical analyzes are performed.

6.3. The regime map for the scope and methods of chemical control must include basic requirements for safe labor practices, labor protection and environmental protection.

Operation of the pre-boiler (pre-evaporation) installation

water treatment.

The chemical treatment plant is intended for the preparation of feed water for evaporation plants and chemically purified water for feeding the heating network.

Water treatment scheme - two-stage sodium - cationization. Productivity - 45 t/hour.

1. The essence of the Na-cationization process.

1.1Softening of raw water on filters occurs by filtering raw water through a backfill material - cation exchanger, which is a synthetic resin capable of exchanging its own cations (Na+) for calcium and magnesium cations dissolved in water.

1.2This method of water treatment is called the “Ion exchange method”. In general, the process of ion exchange with an active sodium ion can be represented in the form of the following equations:

2 NaK + Ca (HSO3 ) 2 2 NaNSO3 + SaK2

2 NaK+ Mg(NSO3 ) 2 2 NaNSO3 + MgTO2

The reaction with CaCl2 and other hardness salts proceeds similarly, where TO- a part of the cation exchange molecule that is insoluble in water, has a negative charge and acts as a monovalent anion.

As can be seen from the above reactions, instead of calcium and magnesium salts in the treated water, an equivalent amount of easily soluble bicarbonate sodium salts is formed, as a result of which the hardness is reduced to 10 and below µg eq/l, and the alkalinity and ionic composition of the water remain unchanged due to the replacement of calcium ions and magnesium to the strongly alkaline sodium ion. As a result of the ion exchange reaction, the total salt content of chemically purified water increases slightly, as a result of the replacement of calcium and magnesium with sodium.

      All HVO filters, except mechanical ones, are filled with imported cation exchange resin. similar to the domestic cation exchanger KU-2-8.

      When the filter is put into operation, ion exchange first occurs in the upper layers of the cation resin loaded into the filter and, as the upper layers are depleted, it drops lower and lower, until hardness salts leak into the chemically purified water. This means that complete replacement of ions has occurred Na to ions Sa And Mg and the filter should be put out for regeneration.

      During regeneration, which is carried out with a solution of table salt NaWITHl , ions Na+ displace hardness ions from the cation exchanger Ca2+ And Mg2+ , which are discharged into the sewer with regeneration water. Ion substitution Ca2+ And Mg2+ to ions Na+ proceed according to the following formula:

SaK2 + n2NaWITHlSaSl2 + 2 NaTO

MgTO2 + n2NaWITHlMgWITHl2 + 2 NaTO

Where - P - excess table salt against the calculated ratio of exchanged ions. Thus, the cation exchanger is ready for use again.

Technical data and brief description of tailings equipment.

1. The HVO equipment includes:

Sodium filters - cation exchange 1st stage and Filter No. 7 - hydrooverload(can be used as a 1st stage filter)

№№ 1,2,3,4,8,9.

Filter diameter

Filtration area

Filter layer height

Volume of loaded cation exchanger

Weight of cation exchanger

Operating pressure

Sodium - cation exchange filters 2 stages

Filter diameter

Filtration area

Filter layer height

Volume of loaded cation exchanger

Weight of cation exchanger

Operating pressure

Mechanical filter

Filter diameter

Filtration area

Filter layer height

Loading weight

Operating pressure

Mechanical filter

Filter diameter

Filtration area

Filter layer height

Loading weight

Operating pressure

Salt solvent (salt measuring tank)

Operating pressure

Volume of conc. salt solution

Salt pumps brand 2X-6

2. Cation filters They are cylindrical vessels equipped with a lower drainage device, consisting of a central collector and a system of pipes emanating from both sides along the entire perimeter of the filters.

In the upper part of the drainage pipes emanating from the central collector, slots 0.3 - 0.4 mm wide are made to drain water and trap cation exchange resin grains. All drainage devices are made of stainless steel.

All filters are equipped with an overhead distribution device. in the form of rays emanating from the central pipe.

The distribution device is designed to drain water during loosening of the cation exchanger and when the filter operates in a counterflow pattern. Filter No. 4 can operate in a countercurrent scheme and is equipped with an upper distribution device with slotted beams to prevent the removal of cation resin. The beams are arranged in three tiers (to increase the filter capacity), the beams of the remaining filters are made with holes with diameters of 8-10 mm for uniform distribution of water over the filtration area.

The inner surface of the filter and the bottom are covered with anti-corrosion protection. The bottom of the filter, up to the drainage device, is concreted. Quartz sand of a fraction of 1-3 mm with a layer thickness of up to 100 mm is poured on top to prevent clogging of the rays and reduce the removal of the fine fraction of cation exchange resin from the filter.

There are two hatches at the top and bottom of the filter. The upper hatch is used to inspect the level of the filled material and the condition of the upper distribution device, and the lower hatch is used to carry out repair work and unload the cation exchanger. The filter is equipped with two sampling points: the left one is for sampling raw water, the right one is for sampling chemically treated water. (When filter No. 4 operates in a counter-flow pattern, the selection points will be used in reverse). The filters are equipped with two pressure gauges at the inlet and outlet of water from the filter to monitor the operating pressure and compaction of the backfill material by pressure difference.

3. Wet salt storage bin used for storage and preparation

concentrated salt solution (26%). The bunker consists of two cells with a volume of 18 m3 that do not communicate with each other. Each cell is equipped with a well for collecting salt solution and its own salt pump. The concrete walls and bottom of the wet salt storage bin are protected by waterproof insulation.

4. Salt pumps serve for supplying a concentrated salt solution to the chemical treatment plant, into the salt measuring tank, as well as for mixing the saline solution in the cells and pumping the saline solution from one cell to another.

5.Salt measuring tank (salt solvent) serves for measuring the amount of saline solution required for regeneration, when preparing a working salt solution and for filtering a concentrated salt solution supplied from wet storage cells.

List and brief description of equipping chemical control equipment with chemical control devices.

The HVO is equipped with the following chemical control devices:

    salinity meter (hardness meter) for the maximum salt content of chemical substances behind the barrier filter

    brine concentrator

    water supply flow meter for loosening filters of the first stage of cleaning

    flow meter for water outlet from the waste water treatment plant (behind barrier filters)

    a flow meter for the consumption of chemical chemicals after the intermediate tanks of chemical chemicals.

When a large amount of hardness salts leaks behind the barrier filter, an alarm is triggered and the warning light comes on. See “Operating instructions for the CWA salt content alarm behind the barrier filter.”

The procedure for preparing for start-up, start-up, shutdown and maintenance of the water treatment plant during operation.

1. Before putting it into operation, it is necessary to check whether there are any defects that prevent the filter from turning on:

    leaks of valves and pipelines.

    serviceability of sampling points. pressure gauges and air vents.

    free access to the filter and proper lighting.

2. To put filters No. 5 and 6 into operation, open fittings No. 2, the outlet of chemically treated water from the filter, then open fittings No. 1, the water supply to the filter, and the air vent. When water appears from the vent, it must be closed.

3. When filter No. 4 is put into operation using a counterflow scheme, open valves No. 2a and No. 3. When filter No. 4 is put into operation according to the usual scheme, open valves No. 1/F-4, 2/F-4

4. While the filter is operating, you must monitor:

    pressure on the filter according to the pressure gauge. The pressure should not exceed 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2)

    for the removal of cation exchange resin from the filter, from the right sampling point (for filters No. 5-9), hourly during the selection of chemically treated water for analysis. If the removal of at least a few large grains of cation exchange resin is detected, the filter should be immediately turned off and taken out for repairs to determine the cause cation exchanger getting into chemically treated water.

    make an hourly entry in the statement about the consumption of chemically treated water

    based on the pressure difference (readings of pressure gauges at the inlet and outlet of water from the filters). The pressure drop across the filter depends on the water flow and should not be

higher than indicated in the table:

If the pressure drop increases above that indicated in the table, the filter is taken out for repair to determine the cause.

5. When turning off the filter for regeneration, you must:

    close valves No. 1 and No. 2 sequentially (on filters No. 5-9)

    open the air vent and reduce the pressure on the filter to 0

    Record the duration of filter operation in hours in the regeneration log.

When filter No. 4 is operating in a counterflow pattern, close valves No. 2a/F-4, 3/F-4

6. Due to the prolonged operation of barrier filters, the pressure drop on them may be higher than that indicated in table No. 1. In this case, the barrier filter must be loosened with chemically purified water for 5-10 minutes, and then put back into operation.

Filter regeneration.

1. The filter regeneration process includes 3 operations:


    skipping salt


Note: When filter No. 4 operates in a counterflow pattern. regeneration takes place without the “Loosening” operation. After turning off the filter, you must immediately pass salt through it in accordance with clause 5.3.

2.Loosening the filter .

2.1. Loosening the filter is necessary to eliminate compaction of the caked mass of cation exchange resin and to ensure free access of the regeneration solution to the cation exchange resin grains. In addition, during loosening, fine particles, sludge, corrosion products, and worn-out particles of cation exchanger accumulated in the cation exchanger layer and on its surface are removed. The duration of the filter operation largely depends on the quality of the loosening operation. those. technical and economic indicators of HVO operation.

2.2. When loosening the cation exchanger, water is supplied to the lower part of the filter through the lower drainage device and discharged through the upper distribution device and air vent.

2.3. When loosening it is necessary:

    open the vent on the filter

    open valve No. 4 (drainage)

    open valve No. 3 for water supply for loosening

2.4. The water consumption for loosening is controlled by a flow meter installed on the water treatment plant and is regulated by valve No. 4. Water consumption for loosening should be 3-4 l.sec/m2 or 18-20 m3/hour.

2.5. The duration of the loosening operation is until clean water free of foreign impurities comes out from the left sampling point. but no more than 40 minutes. During loosening, the HVO operator takes water samples every 5 minutes from the left sampling point to check the quality of loosening.

2.6. After finishing the loosening process, close sequentially:

    valve No. 3 - water supply for loosening

    valve No. 4 - drainage

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. These guidelines define the procedure for drawing up and using instructions and regime maps for maintaining the water chemistry regime (WCR) and for the operation of pre-boiler water treatment plants (PWU) for boilers with an operating steam pressure of up to 3.9 MPa (40 kgf/cm 2), which are subject to the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on May 28, 1993.

    1.2. The guidelines are intended for specialists from commissioning organizations carrying out commissioning work on boilers, enterprises and organizations operating boilers, as well as inspectors from the State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority of Russia monitoring the safe operation of steam and hot water boilers.

    1.3. Boiler owners must have in each boiler room two separate instructions with regime maps for the water chemistry of boilers and for the water treatment of additional and feed water, developed by a specialized organization that has a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to carry out commissioning work on water treatment.

    1.4. Regime cards must be drawn up with a validity period of three years. Upon expiration of the specified period and during normal operation of the boiler, the regime maps must be reviewed and re-approved by the owner of the boiler. Before the specified period, the maps should be revised in cases of boiler failures for reasons related to their water chemistry, as well as when reconstructing boilers, changing the type of fuel or basic parameters (pressure, productivity, steam superheat temperature), or water chemistry and water pumping, changing the requirements for the quality of the original and treated water.

    2. Requirements for the procedure for drawing up and content of instructions for conducting water chemistry of steam and hot water boilers and instructions for operating pre-boiler water treatment plants

    2.1. The instructions must be drawn up by a specialized commissioning organization that has a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to carry out commissioning work on water treatment of boilers.

    2.2. The instructions are approved by the head of the enterprise that owns the boiler and water supply unit equipment.

    2.3. The instructions should be drawn up taking into account the requirements of the rules, instructions and passports of manufacturers of boilers and auxiliary equipment, departmental regulatory and technical documents.

    2.4. The instructions must be revised at least once every three years, as well as in each case of changes in the technological process (changes in the composition of equipment, piping scheme, use of a different ion exchange material, etc.)

    time schedule, scope and description of methods for chemical control of samples (manual and automated);

    quality standards for additional, feed and boiler water; indication of details of regulatory documents;

    acceptable values ​​of source water quality indicators in accordance with the instructions of equipment manufacturers, state supervisory authorities, as well as recommendations of commissioning organizations;

    list and description of control, automation, measurement, alarm systems;

    description of operations for starting up and putting equipment into operation, for servicing equipment during operation, when stopping equipment and activities during scheduled repairs;

    a list of possible equipment malfunctions and troubleshooting measures;

    safety rules when servicing technological equipment and when working in a chemical laboratory;

    service schedule for automated VPUs that do not have permanent maintenance personnel;

    regulations for service work on the air pump.

    3. Prevention of damage and accidents to boilers due to violations of the water chemistry regime

    3.1. The main purpose of the regime maps for VPU and water chemistry is to ensure the operation of the boiler and the equipment of the steam-condensate and feed path of the boiler room without damage to their elements due to various types corrosion, corrosive-erosive wear and overheating of the metal due to the formation of deposits in the form of scale and sludge on its internal surfaces, as well as an increase in the relative alkalinity of boiler water to dangerous limits.

    characteristic features of the composition of industrial condensate;

    entries in the boiler passport, including information on the number of starts and stops of the boiler, as well as on the reliability of conservation measures;

    the amount and composition of intra-boiler deposits and the methods used to remove them;

    results of technical and expert diagnostics of boilers;

    assess the reliability and representativeness of the chemical-analytical control of water chemistry.

    3.3. When compiling operational maps, special attention should be paid to boilers with a service life of more than 20 years and with riveted joints in the drums, as well as to boilers that have had more than 200 shutdowns during their operation.

    4. Requirements for the content of the regime card for the VPU

    4.1. The regime map for water intake must be drawn up separately for water pre-treatment facilities, filtration, deaeration units and condensate treatment units.

    4.2. The regime card for the TPU should indicate the date of preparation, validity period, and also provide a link to the documents that served as the basis for the requirements contained in the regime cards. The list of documents is given in Appendix 1.

    4.3. The initial data for drawing up a regime map for the water pump must be the materials of the water pump design, the results of adjustment work on it in connection with the relevant requirements of the rules,

    4.4. The regime map for the VPU must indicate:

    maximum permissible indicators of source water quality: mineralization (salinity), total hardness, total alkalinity, content of suspended impurities (transparency), oxidability, iron content, pH value and other indicators affecting the operation of the water pump;

    a complete list of these indicators is established by the commissioning organization;

    water quality standards after individual water treatment facilities, as well as condensate returned from production, and condensate after the network water heater;

    normal and maximum permissible operating parameters of the VPU and individual devices (number and productivity of devices, temperature, dose of reagents, water consumption during purging, washing, regeneration, conditions for performing individual technological operations).

    The list of indicators for inclusion in the RK for TPU is given in Appendices 2, 3.

    5. Requirements for the contents of the boiler water chemistry regime map

    5.1. The boiler water chemistry regime card should indicate the date of its preparation, validity period, and also provide a link to the documents that served as the basis for the requirements contained in the card.

    5.2. The initial data for drawing up a regime map for boiler water chemistry must be the relevant materials from the boiler manufacturer, the boiler house design in conjunction with the requirements of the rules and recommendations of the commissioning organization.

    5.3. The boiler water chemistry schedule must indicate:

    all necessary modes of corrective treatment of feed and boiler water;

    quality standards for boiler water and steam, both recommended by the boiler manufacturer and established on the basis of special thermo-chemical tests, as well as the main parameters of the continuous and periodic purging mode, recommended by specialists who carried out thermo-chemical tests;

    main indicators of the anti-corrosion regime of feed and boiler water.

    5.4. In the regime map for water chemistry, depending on the design features of the boiler, the conditions of its previous operation and the noted deviations from the water chemistry standards, instructions should be given to which elements of the internal boiler devices should be paid special attention the next time the boiler is shut down and its drums are opened, including:

    condition of the feed water input unit into the drum;

    tightness of vapor separation devices;

    presence of damage to the inlet coils of steel economizers (if necessary, cutting out samples);

    condition of steam generating pipes in the area with maximum heat stress (if necessary, cutting out samples).

    5.5. The regime map for water chemistry must indicate the maximum specific amount of deposits (g/m2) allowed under reliability conditions for further operation of the boiler. The list of indicators that should be included in the regime map for water chemistry is given in Appendix 4.

    6. Requirements for the content of the regime map regarding the volume and methods of chemical control of water chemistry and water treatment plants

    6.1. The basis for drawing up a regime map for the volume and methods of chemical control are the requirements of state and departmental regulatory documents and instructions of equipment manufacturers, as well as the results of commissioning work and thermal and chemical tests carried out by the commissioning organization in a given boiler room.

    6.2. The regime card for chemical control of water chemistry and water treatment plants must indicate:

    a list of control points for the operation of the water supply unit and the condition of the water chemistry of boilers, indicating the conditions for equipping them with devices for sampling and sample preparation;

    name of the controlled performance indicators of the water treatment plant and water chemistry;

    units of measurement of monitored performance indicators of VPU and water chemistry;

    methods for determining (automatic devices, instrumental, manual, analytical methods) of controlled indicators;

    errors of the applied determination methods, indicating the rules for rounding measurement results;

    frequency of chemical analyzes;

    conditions under which additional or repeated chemical analyzes are performed.

    6.3. The schedule for the scope and methods of chemical control must include basic requirements for safe labor practices, labor protection and environmental protection.

    Annex 1


    List of regulatory and other documents used in drawing up the RC on water chemistry and water management

    1. “Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers.” Approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on May 28, 1993.

    2. GOST 20995-75. Stationary steam boilers with pressure up to 3.9 MPa. Indicators of feed water and steam quality. - M., Standards Publishing House, 1989.

    3. GOST 2874-82. Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control. - M., Standards Publishing House, 1996.

    4. RTM 108.030.114-77. Stationary steam boilers of low and medium pressure. Organization of water chemistry regime. - L., NPO TsKTI, 1978.

    5. RTM 24.030.24-72. Low and medium pressure steam boilers. Organization and methods of chemical control over the water chemistry regime. - L., NPO TsKTI, 1973.

    6. Additions to the instructions " Steam boilers DKVR. Peculiarities of operation of DKVR-20 boilers.” - Biysk, BiKZ, 1972.

    7. RTM 108.030.21-78. Calculation and design of thermal deaerators. - L., NPO TsKTI, 1979.

    8. RD 24.031.121-91. Methodical instructions. Equipping stationary steam boilers with devices for sampling steam and water. - St. Petersburg, JSC NPO TsKTI, 1993.

    9. GOST 16860-88*. Thermal deaerators. - M., Standards Publishing House, 1989.

    Appendix 2



    Chief engineer of the enterprise


    " ___ " _____________ 19 g;

    Table 1

    Operating schedule for the installation of sodium cation exchanger filters

    (Validity three years)

    The name of indicators


    Specified indicators:

    1. Quality of water entering the installation:

    1.1. Mineralization (salinity, dry residue), mg/l

    1.2. Total hardness, mmol/l (mg-eq/l)


    1.4. Transparency by font (content of suspended impurities), cm (mg/l)

    1.6. Oxidability, mgO/l

    2. Specifications filter:

    2.1. Filter type

    2.2. Filter diameter, m

    2.3. Filtration area, m2

    2.4. Type, brand of cation exchanger

    2.5. Height of the cation exchanger layer, m

    2.6. Volume of cation exchanger in the filter, m 3

    Controlled quantities:

    3. Softening:

    3.1. Number of working filters, pcs.

    3.2. Filtration speed, m/h:




    3.3. Filter capacity, m 3 /h:




    3.4. Working exchange capacity of cation exchanger, g-mol/m 3 (g-eq/m 3)

    3.5. Hardness of softened water, mmol/l (mg-eq/l)

    3.6. Hardness of softened water when the filter is turned off for regeneration, mmol/l (mg-eq/l)

    Filter operating conditions:

    3.7. Amount of softened water per filter cycle, m 3

    3.8. Hydraulic resistance of the filter at normal performance,

    MPa (kgf/cm 2)

    4. Loosening filter washing:

    4.1. Water speed (flow meter readings), m/h (m 3 h)

    4.2. Washing duration, min

    4.3. Water pressure in the filter, MPa (kgf/cm2)

    4.4. Water consumption per flush, m3

    5. Passing the regeneration solution of NaCl salt through the filter:

    5.1. Pressure in the filter, MPa (kgf/cm2)

    5.3. Consumption of technical salt per regeneration, kg

    5.4. Consumption of saturated (26%) salt solution per regeneration, m 3

    5.5. Temperature of the regeneration solution, ? C

    5.6. Concentration of regeneration salt solution, %

    5.7. Consumption of regeneration salt solution per regeneration, m 3

    5.8. Speed ​​of salt solution passing through the filter, m/h

    5.9. Duration of passing the salt solution through the filter, min

    6. Cleaning the filter:

    6.1. Washing speed into drainage, m/h

    6.2. Duration of washing into drainage, min

    6.3. Washing speed into the loosening tank, m/h

    6.4. Duration of washing into the loosening tank, min

    6.5. Total duration of washing, mm

    6.6. Specific consumption of cleaning water per cubic meter of cation exchanger, m 3

    6.7. Total water consumption for filter cleaning, m3

    6.8. Hardness of washing water at which washing ends, µmol/l (µg-equiv/l)

    7. Total duration of filter regeneration, h

    8. Frequency of chemical monitoring of the installation of sodium-cation exchange filters

    Presented in

    Note. If there is a two-stage sodium cationization, divide columns 2 and 3 into two columns.

    table 2

    Frequency of chemical monitoring of the installation of sodium-cation exchange filters

    Analyzed medium, water sampling points

    Transparency (content of suspended impurities)




    Source water entering the filter

    1 stage

    Softened water after filter

    1 stage

    Softened water after filter

    II stage

    The regime map is drawn up on the basis of RD 10-179-98. Guidelines for the development of instructions and regime maps for the operation of pre-boiler water treatment plants and for maintaining the water-chemical regime of steam and hot water boilers.

    The regime map was compiled by _______________________

    (position, surname, acting)

    Appendix 3


    Chief engineer of the enterprise


    " __ " ________________ 19

    Table 1

    Regime card

    for the operation of a deaeration unit with an atmospheric deaerator ________,

    installed in the boiler room __________

    (Validity three years)

    The name of indicators

    Standard values

    Working values

    1. Specified parameters:

    1.1. Productivity, t/h:




    1.2. Allowable pressure (excess) in the deaerator when the protective device is activated, MPa (kgf/cm2)

    1.3. Test hydraulic pressure (excessive), MPa (kgf/cm2)

    1.4. Specific steam consumption, (kg steam)/(t water)

    2.Adjustable parameters:

    2.1. Working pressure (excess) in the deaerator, MPa (kgf/cm3)

    2.2. Temperature of water entering the deaerator, ?С:

    minimum maximum

    2.3. Temperature of deaerated water, ? C

    2.4. Water level in the deaerator tank (maintained automatically), m:

    average value of level fluctuation from the average value

    2.5. Vapor flow (opening of the valve on the vapor extraction line, in flywheel revolutions, or the diameter of the limit washer), number of revolutions:



    maximum 3. Controlled parameters:

    3.1. Quality of deaerated water:

    pH value

    4. Frequency of chemical control of the deaeration unit

    Shown in table. 2

    table 2

    Frequency of chemical monitoring of deaeration unit operation

    Deaerated water*:

    at the outlet of the deaerator after the deaerated water cooler

    * Sampling must be carried out through a cooler; The temperature of the water sample should be within 20-25 °C.

    (position, surname, acting)

    Appendix 4



    Chief engineer of the enterprise


    " __ " _______________ 19

    Table 1

    Map of the water-chemical regime of the steam boiler (type, registration number),

    installed in the boiler room __________

    (Validity three years)

    The name of indicators

    Standard values

    Working values


    1. Specified parameters:

    1.1. Steam capacity, t/h

    1.2. Working steam pressure (excess), MPa (kgf/cm2)

    1.3. Scale and deposits on heating surfaces, no more than, g/m2

    1.4. Sludge in the boiler

    2.Adjustable parameters:

    2.1. Continuous blowing:

    pressure in front of the diaphragm, MPa (kgf/cm2)


    opening of the control valve (in flywheel revolutions), number of revolutions

    2.2. Periodic purge:

    frequency, once/day

    duration, s

    2.3. Water level in the drum (maintained automatically), mm

    Relative to the geometric axis of the drum

    3. Controlled parameters:

    3.1. Boiler water quality of the first evaporation stage (clean compartment):

    total alkalinity, mmol/l (mg-eq/l)

    pH value

    3.2. Quality of boiler water of the second evaporation stage (salt compartment), blowdown water:

    mineralization (salt content), mg/l

    alkalinity for phenolphthalein, mmol (mg-eq/l)

    total alkalinity, mmol/l (mg-eq/l)

    Measured in the absence of determination of salt content

    pH value

    3.3. Boiler blowdown value, %

    3.4. Relative alkalinity of boiler water, %

    3.5. Quality of saturated and superheated steam:

    GOST 20995-75**

    conditional salt content according to NaС1****, µg/l

    One of these indicators is measured

    pH value

    4. Boiler operating conditions:

    4.1. Feed water quality:

    font transparency, cm

    alkalinity by phenolphthalein, mmol/l (mg-eq/l)

    total alkalinity, mmol/l (mg-eq/l)

    mineralization (salt content), mg/l

    pH value

    4.2. Quality of heating network water condensate, condensate from production:

    transparency (salt content of suspended impurities), cm in font (mg/l)

    total hardness, µmol/l (µg-eq/l)

    total alkalinity, mmol/l (mg-eq/l)

    pH value

    5. Frequency of chemical control over the water chemistry regime

    Shown in table. 2

    *Values ​​permitted by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

    **According to thermochemical tests.

    ***According to the boiler manufacturer's instructions.

    **** For boilers without a heater, steam humidity is allowed up to 1%.


    1. The column “Name of indicators” is clarified by the commissioning organization performing thermochemical tests, taking into account the operating conditions of the boiler, its water-chemical regime and the requirements of RTM 24.030.24-72 and RTM 108.030.114-77, as well as the instructions of the boiler manufacturer.

    2. If there is a III evaporation stage in the circulation circuit of the boiler, its performance indicators should be included in the table similar to the indicators of the II evaporation stage.

    table 2

    Frequency of chemical control over the water-chemical regime of the boiler

    Feed water

    Boiler water:

    I stage of evaporation

    II stage of evaporation

    Steam saturated and superheated

    Condensate from network water heaters

    Condensate from industrial steam consumers

    The frequency of sampling is established taking into account the recommendations of RTM 24.030.24-72 and the results of thermochemical tests of the boiler.

    The regime map was compiled by _______________________

    (position, surname, acting)

    Appendix 5



    Chief engineer of the enterprise


    " __ " ________________ 19

    Regime card

    for the operation of water pre-treatment facilities (clarification with coagulation, liming, soda liming, flocculation)

    The name of indicators

    1. Number of clarifiers, pcs.

    2. Load (productivity) of the clarifier (each separately, if the loads of the clarifiers are different), m 3 / h

    3. Purging of the clarifier (mud collector), %

    4. Blowing of the sludge compactor, %

    5. Quality of water entering the clarifier;

    5.1. Transparency by font or ring or cross (specify), cm or content of suspended impurities, mg/l

    5.2. Total hardness, mmol/l

    5.3. Carbonate hardness, mmol/l

    5.4. Total alkalinity, mmol/l

    5.5. Alkalinity by phenolphthalein, mmol/l

    5.6. Mineralization, mg/l

    5.7. Permanganate oxidation, mgO/l

    5.8. Color on the platinum-cobalt scale, degrees

    6. Water temperature at the clarifier inlet, °C

    7. Amount of suspended matter removed in the clarifier (based on source water), mg/l

    8. Quality of water from the mixing zone of water and reagents in the clarifier:

    8.2. Transparency by font or cross or ring, cm

    8.3. Total alkalinity, mmol/l

    8.4. Hydrate alkalinity, mmol/l

    8.5. Hydrogen value (pH)

    9. Quality of water from the reaction zone in the clarifier:

    9.2. Total alkalinity, mmol/l

    9.3. Hydrate alkalinity, mmol/l

    9.4. Hydrogen value (pH)

    10. Quality of water from the clarification zone in the clarifier:

    10.2. Font transparency, cm

    11. Water quality from the clarifier slurry compactor:

    11.2. Font transparency, cm

    12. Water quality after clarifier:

    12.1.Total alkalinity, mmol/l

    12.2. Hydrate alkalinity, mmol/l

    12.3. Permanganate oxidation, mgO/l

    13. Quality of sludge after sludge compactor, clarifier:

    13.1. Transparency by font or cross or ring, cm

    14. Quality of sludge after the clarifier mud tank:

    14.1. Transparency by font or cross or ring, cm

    15. Data on the coagulant solution at the inlet to the clarifier:

    15.1. Type, brand

    15.2. Dose, mg/l

    15.3. Active substance concentration, %

    16. Data on lime milk at the entrance to the clarifier:

    16.1. Type, brand

    16.2. Dose, mg/l

    16.3. CaO concentration, %

    17. Data on the flocculant solution at the inlet to the clarifier:

    17.1. Type, brand

    17.2. Dose, mg/l

    17.3. Active substance concentration, %

    18. Data on the sodium carbonate (soda) solution at the inlet to the clarifier:

    18.1. Type, brand

    18.2. Dose, mg/l

    18.3. Concentration of Na 2 CO 3, %

    19. Information about other reagents introduced into the clarifier (similar to paragraphs 15-18)

    Note. The composition of controlled indicators of the quality of flows in the clarifier (from the above list) and the frequency of monitoring indicators must be established by the commissioning organization on the basis of commissioning tests of the clarifier.

    RD 10-179-98


    Responsible developers: N.A.Haponen, A.A.Shelpyakov (Gosgortechnadzor of Russia); Y.K. Petrenya, I.A. Kokoshkin, V.Yu. Petrov, G.P. Sutotsky, P.V. Belov (JSC NPO CKTI named after I.I. Polzunov, St. Petersburg); R.Ya.Shiryaev, Ya.E.Reznik (Thermal Power Engineers Club "Phlogiston", Moscow); V.V.Potapova (MPNU - branch of OJSC "Energotekhmontazh")

    APPROVED by Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 02/09/98 N 5

    In furtherance of the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, these Guidelines determine the procedure for drawing up and using instructions and regime maps for maintaining the water chemical regime (WCR) and for the operation of pre-boiler water treatment plants (WPU) for boilers with operating steam pressure up to 3.9 MPa (40 kgf/cm).



    1.1. These guidelines determine the procedure for drawing up and using instructions and regime maps for maintaining the water chemical regime (WCR) and for the operation of the pre-boiler water treatment water treatment plant (installations) for boilers with an operating steam pressure of up to 3.9 MPa (40 kgf/ cm), which are subject to the requirements of the Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers * (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on May 28, 1993.
    * In connection with the introduction of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Water-Heating Boilers (PB 10-574-03), after their official publication, the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Water-Heating Boilers, approved by Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated May 28, 1993 N 12 (order of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated July 17, 2003 N 156).

    1.2. The guidelines are intended for specialists from organizations involved in the design, manufacturing, commissioning and technical diagnostics of steam and hot water boilers, as well as for inspectors of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia who monitor the safe operation of steam and hot water boilers.

    1.3. Boiler owners must have in each boiler room two separate instructions with regime maps for the water chemistry of boilers and for the water treatment of additional and feed water, developed by a specialized organization that has a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to carry out commissioning work on water treatment.

    1.4. Regime cards must be drawn up with a validity period of three years. Upon expiration of the specified period and during normal operation of the boiler, the regime maps must be reviewed and re-approved by the owner of the boiler. Before the specified period, the maps should be revised in cases of boiler accidents for reasons related to their water chemistry, as well as when reconstructing boilers, changing the type of fuel or basic parameters (pressure, productivity, steam superheat temperature), or water chemistry and water pumping, changing the requirements for the quality of the original and treated water.


    2.1. The instructions must be drawn up by a specialized commissioning organization that has a permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to carry out commissioning work on water treatment of boilers.

    2.2. The instructions are approved by the head of the enterprise that owns the boiler and the water supply unit equipment.

    2.3. Instructions should be drawn up taking into account the requirements of the Rules, instructions and passports of manufacturers of boilers and auxiliary equipment, departmental regulatory and technical documents.

    2.4 The instructions must be revised at least once every three years, as well as in each case of changes in the technological process (changes in the composition of equipment, piping scheme, use of another ion-exchange material, etc.).

    2.5. The instructions must contain:

    information about the purpose of the instructions and a list of employee positions for which knowledge of the instructions is mandatory;

    list of regulatory documents used in drawing up instructions;

    information about the technical parameters and description of the equipment of the facility for which instructions have been developed;

    a list of sampling points for steam, water, condensate, and other controlled flows (reagent solutions) and a description of the sampling scheme; time schedule, scope and description of methods for chemical control of samples (manual and automated);

    quality standards for additional, feed and boiler water; indication of details of regulatory documents;

    acceptable values ​​of source water quality indicators in accordance with the instructions of equipment manufacturers, state supervisory authorities, as well as recommendations of commissioning organizations;

    list and description of control, automation, measurement, alarm systems;

    description of operations for starting up and putting equipment into operation, for servicing equipment during operation, operations when stopping equipment and activities during the period of scheduled repairs;

    a list of possible equipment malfunctions and troubleshooting measures;

    safety rules when servicing technological equipment and when working in a chemical laboratory;

    service schedule for automated VPUs that do not have permanent maintenance personnel;

    regulations for service work on the air pump.


    3.1. The main purpose of the regime cards for water supply and water chemistry is to ensure the operation of the boiler and the equipment of the steam-condensate and feed path of the boiler room without damage to their elements due to various types of corrosion, corrosion-erosive wear and overheating of the metal due to the formation of deposits in the form of scale and sludge on its internal surfaces, as well as increasing the relative alkalinity of boiler water to dangerous levels.

    A particular danger to the integrity of the metal is the combined effect of disturbances in the normal circulation of water and the thermal cycling nature of the metal in combination with the unfavorable composition of the boiler water.

    3.2. The specialist drawing up regime maps for water treatment plants and water chemistry must study all technical documentation available at the facility, including:

    thermal diagram of a boiler room or power plant;

    instructions for water chemistry and water treatment;

    characteristic features of seasonal changes in the composition of source water;

    characteristic features of the composition of industrial condensate;

    entries in the boiler passport, including information on the number of starts and stops of the boiler, as well as the reliability of conservation measures;

    the amount and composition of intra-boiler deposits and the methods used to remove them;

    results of technical and expert diagnostics of boilers;

    assess the reliability and representativeness of the chemical-analytical control of water chemistry.

    3.3. When compiling operational maps, special attention should be paid to boilers with a service life of more than 20 years and with riveted joints in the drums, as well as to boilers that have had more than 200 shutdowns during their operation.


    4.1. The regime map for water intake must be drawn up separately for water pre-treatment facilities, filtration, deaeration units and condensate treatment units.

    4.2. The regime card for the TPU should indicate the date of preparation, validity period, and also provide a link to the documents that served as the basis for the requirements contained in the regime cards. The list of documents is given in Appendix 1.

    4.3. The initial data for drawing up a regime map for the water pump must be the materials of the water pump design, the results of adjustment work on it in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the Rules.

    4.4. The regime map for the VPU should contain:

    maximum permissible indicators of source water quality are given - mineralization (salinity), total hardness, total alkalinity, content of suspended impurities (transparency), oxidability, iron content, pH value and other indicators affecting the operation of the water pump; a complete list of these indicators is established by the commissioning organization;

    the water quality standards are indicated after individual water treatment facilities, as well as condensate returned from production, and condensate after the network water heater;

    the normal and maximum permissible parameters of the operation of the VPU and individual devices have been determined (the number and productivity of devices, temperature, dose of reagents, water consumption during purging, washing, regeneration, conditions for performing individual technological operations).

    The list of indicators for inclusion in the RK for TPU is given in Appendices 2, 3.


    5.1. The boiler water chemistry regime card should indicate the date of its preparation, validity period, and also provide a link to the documents that served as the basis for the requirements contained in the card.

    5.2. The initial data for drawing up a regime map for boiler water chemistry must be the relevant materials from the boiler manufacturer, the boiler house design in conjunction with the requirements of the Rules and recommendations of the commissioning organization.

    5.3. The boiler water chemistry regime map should contain:

    all necessary modes of corrective treatment of feed and boiler water are listed;

    the recommended doses of corrective reagents are indicated, the places where they are introduced into the boiler tract are indicated, and the method for monitoring the corresponding processes is indicated;

    the quality standards for boiler water and steam are indicated, both recommended by the boiler manufacturer and established on the basis of special thermochemical tests;

    the main parameters of the continuous and periodic purging mode, recommended by specialists who carried out thermochemical tests, are given;

    The main indicators of the anti-corrosion regime of feed and boiler water are listed.

    5.4. In the regime map for water chemistry, depending on the design features of the boiler, the conditions of its previous operation and the noted deviations from the water chemistry standards, instructions should be given to which elements of the internal boiler devices should be paid special attention the next time the boiler is shut down and its drums are opened, including:

    condition of the feed water input unit into the drum;

    tightness of vapor separation devices;

    presence of damage to the inlet coils of steel economizers (if necessary, cutting out samples);

    condition of steam generating pipes in the area with maximum heat stress (if necessary, cutting out samples).

    5.5. The regime chart for water chemistry must indicate the maximum specific amount of deposits (g/m) allowed under reliability conditions for further operation of the boiler.

    The list of indicators that should be included in the regime map for water chemistry is given in Appendix 4.


    6.1. The basis for drawing up a regime map for the volume and methods of chemical control are the requirements of state and departmental regulatory documents and instructions of equipment manufacturers, as well as the results of commissioning work and thermochemical tests carried out by the commissioning organization in a given boiler room.

    6.2. The regime card for chemical control of water chemistry and water treatment plants must indicate:

    a list of control points for the operation of the water supply unit and the condition of the water chemistry of boilers, indicating the conditions for equipping them with devices for sampling and sample preparation;

    name of the controlled performance indicators of the water treatment plant and water chemistry;

    units of measurement of monitored performance indicators of VPU and water chemistry;

    methods for determining (automatic devices, instrumental methods, manual analytical methods) controlled indicators;

    errors of the applied determination methods, indicating the rules for rounding measurement results;

    frequency of chemical analyzes;

    conditions under which additional or repeated chemical analyzes are performed.

    6.3. The regime map for the scope and methods of chemical control must include basic requirements for safe labor practices, labor protection and environmental protection.

    Appendix 1 (mandatory). List of regulatory and other documents used in drawing up the RC on water chemistry and water management

    Applications e 1

    1. Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers (PB 10-574-03). M.: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Technical Center for Safety in Industry of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia", 2004. Ser.10. Issue 24.

    2. GOST 20995-75. Stationary steam boilers with pressure up to 3.9 MPa. Indicators of feed water and steam quality. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1989.

    3. GOST 2874-82. Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control. M.: Publishing house of standards, 1996.

    4. Stationary steam boilers of low and medium pressure. Organization of water chemistry regime (RTM 108.030.114-77). Approved Ministry of Energy Mash May 10, 1977

    5. Low and medium pressure steam boilers. Organization and methods of chemical control over the water chemistry regime (RTM 24.030.24-72). Approved Mintyazhmash 06/07/72

    6. Calculation and design of thermal deaerators (RTM 108.030.21-78). Approved Ministry of Energy and Machinery 07/02/78

    7. Guidelines. Equipping stationary steam boilers with devices for sampling steam and water (RD 24.031.121-91). Approved technical committee (TC 244) "Stationary power equipment" and put into effect on July 1, 1992.

    8. GOST 16860-88*. Thermal deaerators. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1989.

    Appendix 2 (mandatory). Operating schedule for the installation of sodium cation exchanger filters

    Application 2

    I approve

    Chief engineer of the enterprise

    "____" ___________ 199

    Table 1

    Operating schedule for the installation of sodium cation exchanger filters

    (valid for three years)

    The name of indicators


    Target indicators

    1. Quality of water entering the installation

    1.1. Mineralization (salinity, dry residue), mg/l

    1.2. Total hardness, mmol/l (mg eq/l)

    1.3. Total alkalinity, mmol/l (mg eq/l)

    1.4. Transparency by font (content of suspended impurities), cm (mg/l)

    1.6. Oxidability, mg/l O

    2. Technical characteristics of the filter

    2.1. Filter type

    2.2. Filter diameter, m

    2.3. Filtration area, m

    2.4. Type, brand of cation exchanger

    2.5. Height of the cation exchanger layer, m

    2.6. Volume of cation exchanger in the filter, m

    Controlled quantities

    3. Softening

    3.1. Number of working filters, pcs.

    3.2. Filtration speed, m/h




    3.3. Filter capacity, m/h




    3.4. Working exchange capacity of cation exchanger, g mol/m (g eq/m)

    3.5. Hardness of softened water, mmol/l (mg eq/l)

    3.6. Hardness of softened water when the filter is turned off for regeneration, mmol/l (mg eq/l)

    Filter operating conditions

    3.7. Amount of softened water per filter cycle, m

    3.8. Hydraulic resistance of the filter at normal performance, MPa (kgf/cm)

    4. Loosening filter washing

    4.1. Water speed (flow meter readings), m/h (m/h)

    4.2. Washing duration, min

    Compliance with the water chemistry regime (WCR) is necessary in order to prevent the development of corrosion and the formation of deposits in any equipment where water circulates.

    AQUA-Compositeprovides services in the field selection of reagents and equipment for establishing the correct water-chemical regime of steam, water-heating boiler houses and cooling systems


    1. Organize a water chemistry regime in order to ensure reliable operation of pipelines and other equipment without damage and reduced efficiency caused by metal corrosion. Avoid the formation of scale, deposits and sludge on heat transfer surfaces of equipment and pipelines in boiler rooms, heat supply and heat consumption systems.

    2. The organization of the water-chemical operating mode of the equipment and its control is carried out by trained personnel of the chemical laboratory or structural unit organizations. The organization has the right to attract other specialized organizations to monitor the water chemistry regime.

    3. The frequency of chemical control of the water-chemical regime of equipment is established by a specialized commissioning organization, taking into account the quality of the source water and the condition of the operating equipment.
    Frequency of quality control of source, make-up and network water, as well as water at points of the distribution network of heat sources and heating networks with open system heat supply is determined in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards and regulations. Based on the frequency, a chemical control schedule for the water chemistry regime is drawn up.

    4. The choice of methods for deaerating the feedwater of steam boilers and the makeup water of the heating network, methods for recharging boilers and recharging heat supply systems, and developing water treatment technologies should be carried out by a specialized (design, commissioning) organization, taking into account the quality of the source (raw) water, the purpose of the boiler room, and sanitary requirements to the coolant, requirements determined by the design of heat-consuming equipment, safe operating conditions, technical and economic indicators and in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers. The intra-boiler water chemistry regime and its correction are determined by a specialized commissioning organization based on thermal testing. Operation of boilers without pre-boiler or intra-boiler water treatment is not allowed. Any changes in design schemes and equipment designs that may affect the operation of water treatment plants, as well as the water chemistry of the boiler house, are agreed upon with a specialized (design, commissioning) organization.

    5. Equipment, pipelines and fittings of water treatment plants and condensate purification plants, as well as building structures, the surfaces of which come into contact with a corrosive environment, are protected with a special anti-corrosion coating or made of corrosion-resistant materials.

    6. Boiler rooms are accepted for operation only if the water treatment plant equipment is in good working order, including when the filters are fully loaded and equipped with control and measuring instruments. The composition of the water treatment plant and the method of deaeration (vacuum, atmospheric deaerator) are determined by a feasibility study during the design.

    7. In all controlled sections of the steam-water path, they are installed with refrigerators to cool samples to 20-40 °C. Sampling lines and cooling surfaces of refrigerators are made of stainless steel.

    8. Before putting thermal power plants into operation, you should: establish the operation of the water treatment and deaeration system with the involvement of a specialized organization, test the strength and density of the deaerator and water treatment devices for feed and make-up water. If there is no steam in the steam boiler room to operate the deaerator, before starting the boiler, it is only necessary to perform a test for the strength and density of the deaerator and adjust the hydraulic part of the apparatus;
    subject the boiler to reagent or water with the involvement of a specialized organization (the method of flushing the boiler, depending on local conditions, is determined by the commissioning organization). If necessary, before connecting the boiler, the devices and heat and water supply lines to which the hot water boiler is connected are washed. The boiler can be put into operation only after its flushing has been completed, when the hardness and content of dissolved oxygen in the water in front of the boiler meet the requirements of these Rules; the concentration of iron compounds should not exceed the limit values ​​by more than 50%.

    9. For thermal power plants, taking into account the requirements of manufacturers, these Rules and other regulatory and technical documents, instructions for maintaining the water chemistry regime and operating instructions for the installation (installations) for pre-boiler water treatment with regime maps are developed, which must indicate:
    purpose of the instructions and a list of positions for which knowledge of the instructions is mandatory;
    a list of documents used in drawing up the instructions;
    technical data and a brief description of the main components, as well as main and auxiliary equipment, including boilers, deaeration installations, corrective treatment installations, installations for conservation and chemical cleaning of equipment, water treatment installations with storage facilities;
    list and diagram of water, steam and condensate sampling points for manual and automatic chemical control;
    quality standards for additional, feed and boiler water, steam and condensate;
    quality standards for make-up and supply water in heating networks;
    schedule, volumes and methods of chemical control, methods of conducting chemical analyzes with reference to regulatory documentation;
    a list and brief description of the automation, measurement and alarm systems of installations for pre-boiler water treatment and those used in organizing control over the water chemical regime;
    the procedure for performing operations for preparing and starting up equipment and putting it into operation during periods of normal operation, after stopping the equipment, as well as after installation or repair of installations (checking the completion of work on the equipment, inspecting equipment, checking readiness for start-up, preparing for start-up, starting up equipment from different thermal states);
    the procedure for performing equipment maintenance operations during normal operation;
    the procedure for performing operations to control the deaeration regime, the corrective water treatment regime during startup, normal operation and shutdown of the boiler;
    the procedure for performing operations when stopping equipment (in reserve, for repair, emergency) and activities carried out during shutdown (cleaning, conservation, assessing the condition of equipment to identify the need for cleaning, taking measures against corrosion damage, repairs, etc.);
    cases in which it is not allowed to start up equipment and perform certain operations during its operation;
    a list of possible malfunctions and measures to eliminate them;
    basic safety rules when servicing main and auxiliary equipment and when working in a chemical laboratory;
    diagram of water treatment plants and corrective treatment plants;
    list and consumption rates of reagents necessary for the operation of water treatment plants and corrective treatment, as well as reagents intended for analytical determinations.

    10. Instructions and regime maps are approved by the technical manager of the organization and are located at the personnel’s workplaces.

    11. Periodically, at least once every 3 years, with the involvement of a specialized organization, carry out an audit of water treatment equipment and its adjustment, thermochemical tests of steam and hot water boilers and adjustment of their water chemical regimes, based on the results of which the necessary adjustments should be made to the operating instructions water chemistry regime, as well as in the operating instructions for installations for pre-boiler water treatment and in the regime maps of the water chemistry regime. In this case, changes are made to the regime maps and instructions for maintaining the water chemistry regime and operating pre-boiler water treatment plants, and they themselves are re-approved.
    Before the specified period, regime maps should be revised in cases of damage to boilers for reasons related to their water chemical regime, as well as when reconstructing boilers, changing the type of fuel or basic parameters (pressure, productivity, temperature of superheated steam), water chemical regime and water treatment installations, when the requirements for the quality of source and treated water change.

    12. In boiler houses, an annual internal inspection of the main equipment (drums and boiler manifolds) and auxiliary equipment of water treatment plants (filters, warehouses for wet storage of reagents, equipment for corrective treatment, etc.) is organized with the drawing up of reports approved by the technical manager.
    Internal inspections of equipment, sampling of sediments, cutting out pipe samples, drawing up inspection reports, as well as investigation of accidents and malfunctions associated with the water chemistry regime should be carried out by the personnel of the relevant technological workshop with the participation of the personnel of the chemical workshop (laboratory or relevant department), and when in the absence of such, with the involvement of representatives of commissioning organizations under the contract.

    13. In addition to the internal inspection of the equipment, samples of the most heat-stressed boiler pipes are cut out, as well as samples of deposits and sludge are taken from heaters, pipelines and other equipment.
    The frequency of cutting samples of pipes of boiler equipment is established by a specialized commissioning organization when setting up the water-chemical regimes of equipment, taking into account the schedules for major repairs of equipment with the inclusion of this value in the instructions for maintaining the water-chemical regime, but not less often than through:
    15,000 hours of operation of boilers operating on liquid and gaseous fuels or a mixture of them;
    18,000 hours of operation of boilers operating on solid fuel or a mixture of solid and gaseous fuel.

    14. The frequency of water heating equipment is set so that the specific contamination by deposits on the most heat-stressed areas of the heating surfaces of the boiler by the time it is stopped for cleaning does not exceed:
    for steam boilers - 500 g/m2 when operating on gaseous and solid fuels, 300 g/m2 when operating on liquid fuel; for hot water boilers - 1000 g/m2.
    For network heaters, cleaning should be carried out when the temperature rise exceeds the established standards or the hydraulic resistance increases by more than 1.5 times compared to the design data.
    The method of cleaning equipment, as well as the need to take other measures to prevent corrosion and the formation of deposits, are determined by a specialized commissioning organization depending on the quantity and chemical composition deposits, as well as based on internal inspection data of the equipment. To assess the effectiveness of chemical cleaning of equipment, control samples of pipes are cut out before and after cleaning.

    15. The quality of boiler water and additional water for feeding steam boilers, as well as the quality of feed water components (condensate from regenerative, network and other heaters, water from drainage tanks, tanks of low points, condensate reserve tanks and other flows) is established in the regime maps for water management -chemical regime of thermal power plants based on the results of thermochemical tests and equipment adjustment. The quality of these waters must be such that compliance with feed water quality standards is ensured. If the components of the feed water are contaminated, causing a violation of the standards, they are cleaned or discharged before being returned to the cycle.
    The quality of saturated steam of steam boilers is established in water-chemical regime charts based on the results of thermal-chemical tests.

    16. Direct addition of hydrazine and other toxic substances to the make-up water of heating networks and network water is not allowed.
    and for corrective treatment of make-up and network water, undergo hygienic assessment in the prescribed manner for use in hot water supply practice. The residual content (concentration) of substances in water should not exceed hygienic standards.

    17. Each case of supplying untreated water to feed the heating network is noted in the operational log, indicating the amount of water supplied and the source of water supply. The quality control of network water in the supply and return pipelines of each outlet is carried out using special samplers.

    18. In the boiler room, it is necessary to keep a log (statement) on water treatment and the water-chemical regime of boilers to record the results of analyzes of water, steam, condensate, reagents, on boiler purging and maintenance operations of water treatment equipment in accordance with the approved regime map and the frequency of chemical control. Each time the boiler is stopped to clean the internal surfaces of its elements, a description of the physical and mechanical properties and thickness of deposits, scale and sludge is made in the water treatment log.

    19. On reserve raw water lines connected to softened water or condensate lines, as well as to feed tanks, two shut-off devices and a control valve between them are installed. The shut-off elements must be in the closed position and sealed, the control valve is open. 22. for thermal power plants are established by the requirements of the manufacturer of equipment for thermal power plants. In the absence of these quality requirements, state standards should be followed.
