Holy places of Russia: pilgrimage, trips, tours and excursions. Holy places that I visited Where to go to holy places

The world is full of secrets and mysteries, one of them is the miraculous deliverance from diseases and ailments through prayer in holy places. Therefore, strings of suffering people or just curious tourists are drawn to unusual places, monasteries, closer to holy springs, in order to strengthen or gain faith in a miracle, cleanse the soul, and improve health.

The territory of the Russian Federation is not an exception, but a confirmation of this rule. There are hundreds of natural springs and thousands of man-made shrines with miraculous power.

The expanses of the country with centuries-old traditions of ancient beliefs closely intertwined with Christianity are filled with strong energy emanating from mother earth in the form of pure springs, stone ledges, mountains.

Connecting with the light of heaven and human prayer, it acquires life-giving power.

Holy places exuding positive power are:

  1. Sources (Rattler, St. David);
  2. Deserts (Root Nativity-Bogorodichnaya deserts, Optina deserts, Xenofontova, Mikhailo-Afonskaya Zakubanskaya);
  3. Men's and women's monasteries (Cosmo-Damianovsky in the Crimea, Valaamsky, Alexander-Svirsky, Antoniev-Siysky, Achairsky and others);
  4. Graves (Hieromonk Mardarius, Holy Father Nikolai Guryanov);
  5. Hermitages, caves (St. George);
  6. Lakes, mountains (Irgen, Pyukhtitsa)
  7. Churches, temples, laurels.

Most of the temples and monasteries built at different times appeared where the faces of saints appeared or unusual appearances of icons, crosses took place, holy springs began to gush. So, the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Malinniki was built on the site of the miraculous appearance of an icon with the image of a holy elder. The image was found in a haystack.

The Chapel of the Assumption of the Mother of God was erected at the foot of the Crane Mountain. According to legend, four centuries ago, the appearance of the Virgin Mary took place here, which showed people a healing source.

The overwhelming majority are Orthodox holy places. Their origin stories are associated with the names of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the apostles or martyrs, church ministers, holy ascetics. In the lists of guidebooks, prayerful cloisters of monks are often noted, places of spiritual exploits, which are strengthened by many hours of prayer vigils.

Visiting holy springs and monasteries occurs for several reasons, the main ones are:

  • spiritual enrichment, familiarization with the origins of faith;
  • hope for physical and mental healing;
  • acquaintance with Russian shrines.

Organizational services are provided by 88 pilgrimage services that operate at dioceses, monasteries, 29 public organizations, more than 80 hotels and houses that receive pilgrims. There is also a myriad of travel agencies that can create comfortable conditions and provide a rich program of excursions to holy places.

Travelers before the trip should study the complexity and range of routes in order to calculate their strength. One must be prepared for long journeys, foot crossings, Spartan living conditions, many hours of services and sermons. You will need to follow some rules of conduct and at least minimal theoretical training.

The most popular pilgrimage destinations were and still are: Solovki, Valaam, Optina Hermitage, Lavra of Sergius of Radonezh, churches of Rostov the Great, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Suzdal, Uglich.

Over the centuries of existence, new shrines arose around the ancient places of worship, gradually growing into complexes.

For example, the Trinity Cathedral of the beginning of the 15th century is considered the center of the Lavra, a century later (1585), at the behest of Ivan the Terrible, the Assumption Cathedral was erected, later supplemented by the tomb of the family of Boris Godunov.

The surroundings are famous for the Bogolyubsky, Paraklitovsky, Chernigov-Gefsemane sketes and the Bethany monastery of the 18th - 19th centuries.

Pilgrims honor the island of Valaam with its Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the origins of which date back to the 10th century. There are also little-known areas that have an individual purpose.

It is important to know! It is better to plan a pilgrimage tour through the territory of Russia in advance, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate, the possibility of transporting sick people, their accommodation and food.

Moscow and Moscow region

This region has the largest number of man-made shrines and healing springs. The capital and the suburban area is located at the junction of a large earth fault, so there are many so-called geopathogenic zones with powerful energy charges.

Religious buildings were built on the territories of outlets of positive earthly energies.
Significant and eventful will be the pilgrimage to the city of Dmitrov with its large and small churches.

Worthy of attention is the temple complex in Sergiev Posad. Zaraysk, Zvenigorod, Volokolamsk, Kolomna, Klin stand out with Christian domes.

The Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery arouses interest among believers, which is famous for its healing power, thanks to ascetic monks and a wonderful source that gives peace of mind and drives away illnesses of the body and spirit. This is the favorite abode of the royal family of John IV.

Each monastery must have holy springs with baths and specially equipped places for collecting holy healing water. There are more than 30 holy springs in Moscow and its environs.

The well-known and revered source "Cold" is located in Teply Stan. It is convenient to get to it from the Konkovo ​​metro station. Drink water on an empty stomach at sunrise. It cures diseases of the kidneys and liver, headache, strengthens the immune system.

Gremyachiy spring - the source of Sergius of Radonezh, according to legend, made its way from the bowels of the place where the venerable elder prayed for the unification of the Russian people. The water temperature is always +4 °, the stream falls from a height of 35 meters into 3 jets, named after the saints Faith, Hope and Love.

Many believe that the first of the jets helps the heart, the second - to the female organs (gives the joy of motherhood), and the third drives away ailments from the head. In fact, all the water from the spring is the same. Experts examined the composition of the liquid in the laboratory and classified the water as conditionally drinking, since the radon contained in it exceeds the established norms, and an overdose of this substance is not desirable for the body.

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There are places in Russia for healing ailments and holy springs in many remote areas, in the Ural Mountains, Siberia, the Volga region and even in Kamchatka.

Ural and Sverdlovsk region

The city of Alapaevsk has become significant for the believing Christians of the Sverdlovsk region, where several revered objects are located:

  • convent of Princess Elizabeth Romanova with a miraculous mine;
  • Monastery of the New Martyrs of Russia;
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral and Church of the Holy Martyr. Euphrosyne.

It is worth visiting Verkhoturovye with its St. Nicholas Monastery, where the relics of Simeon Verkhoturovsky, an elder, are kept, to whom prayers are addressed for physical and spiritual health, peace of mind. There is also a newly opened Intercession Convent, where the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" is kept and the relics of the holy fool Christ for the sake of Cosmas are buried.

The city of Yekaterinburg with its cathedrals and the Church on the Blood, built in honor of the murdered members of the family of Emperor Nicholas, can worthily head the list of Ural shrines.

In the Urals, the temple in Verkhoturye and another one on the very bank of the Tura River stand out for their beauty, magnificent decoration and extraordinary energy. The village of Merkushino is famous for its miracles, the birthplace and place of residence of Simeon of Verkhotursky, a holy righteous man who helps people. His relics, buried near the church, 50 years after the burial began to rise from the ground, exuding fragrance and healing people.

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Within the walls of the Middle Ural convent, one can not only take a break from the hustle and bustle, but also forget about ailments forever, being healed by the water of sacred springs and the prayer word of the abbot. No wonder a children's rehabilitation center was built on this land.

The sources of the Taraskovo village will relieve diseases, heal wounds, and stop bleeding. For the first time, their abilities were noticed by the inhabitants after the treatment of animals that drank this water. Another miracle of the Ural Mountains is the source of Platonides, enriched with natural radon. His fame has long crossed the borders of the country, and the origin is overgrown with legends.

Ignatius Cave is the oldest temple-sanctuary with rock paintings dating back 14,000 years. In the 19th century, the holy righteous Ignatius settled here, healing people. The cave is located on the right bank of the Sim River, near the village of Serpievka.

Other holy springs

The holy springs of Russia, the life-giving power of water, its invaluable grace surprise people everywhere, and especially in places where life-giving moisture is combined with a bright thought and word of prayer - in monasteries.

In addition to the springs described above, it is necessary to highlight another source in the Tatar ravine (Moscow region) near the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, which cures mental disorders. There are 20 keys in Kolomenskoye.

Water from a spring called Kadochka near the Church of the Ascension saved the wife of Ivan the Terrible from infertility.

The Muranovsky spring of the Pushkinsky district near the village of Gribanovo became famous for its crystal clear water. Its water is able to regenerate integumentary and epithelial tissues, which means it can heal any wounds, rejuvenate the body, giving rise to new cells. Beneficial effect on all living things. Holy water from the monastery in David's Hermitage will help the eyes, stomach, and intestines.

Holy places and monasteries that heal people are being actively developed, equipped with baths and pools. Paths are laid to distant holy springs. The only threat to underground and surface waters is the increasing impact on their condition of industrial and human waste, pollution, and depletion.

Important to remember! When traveling through the holy places of Russia, it is necessary to use the gifts of nature consciously, carefully, without causing damage to the surrounding world.

Useful video: Holy springs of Russia


You can preview the holy places with photos and descriptions in online guidebooks, where you can also find information about the location, methods of travel, modes of transport, routes. There are many holy springs in Russia, they are ready to give the joy of healing to everyone in need, but it all depends on the desire of people to recover and the degree of their faith.

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Orthodox holy places in Russia. Pilgrimage tours, churches, monuments and religious sites of Russia.

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Pilgrimage in itself is a very logical thing: you don't need to invent anything here, you just need to understand why and where a person wants to go. After all, a true pilgrimage is not just a round trip. The pilgrim not only and not so much travels in usual meaning of this word - he is co-present at some personal and necessary event only for him. It is necessary that the pilgrim feel that all his thoughts and aspirations coincide with the upcoming journey.

Practical points

As you know, the level of accommodation facilities in our country is very uneven, which directly affects the choice of hotels for pilgrimage tours in Russia. Most often they mean accommodation in inexpensive hotels. But sometimes it turns out that there simply aren’t any in the area: then either very expensive accommodation options remain, or lodging for the night in monasteries or in the “private sector”.

One of the most important practical points that must always be taken into account is the peculiarities of nutrition (observance of fasts, Wednesdays and Fridays) and the organization of the liturgy. As a rule, the time of travel is calculated so that pilgrims arrive at the place in the evening, can defend the vigil and spend the night. And in the morning - liturgy and departure. All programs are built in such a way that there will be one or two obligatory liturgies per trip.

Travel duration

In terms of duration, all pilgrimage tours in Russia can be divided into one-day tours (mostly in the Moscow region), "weekend tours" and multi-day trips - mainly from 3 to 7 days. The maximum number of days on a tour, as a rule, is no more than 12. Most often, these are either routes on a boat, or a pilgrimage to remote regions of Russia, when the journey takes quite a long time - for example, Yekaterinburg, Tobolsk and Altai.

A good pilgrimage route should be logical and complete. For example, if a pilgrim decides to visit holy places in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg or Tobolsk, it makes direct sense to go on a comprehensive journey, covering all the main shrines of the Urals.

Here is an example of such a route. Moving from Moscow to Tobolsk takes about two days, depending on the chosen train. Most often, it is planned to stop in Tobolsk for 2-3 days and see the nearby sights. Then - transfer to Yekaterinburg by bus or train and sightseeing around the city. In addition, from there it is not far to Perm, where the monastery of Belogorye is located - a kind of "Ural Athos". Thus, in one journey it is possible to unite the Holy places of the Northern and Central Urals, as well as “attach” to it the entire path of the Royal Martyrs in the Urals and Siberia.

Where and when do they go

If we divide the pilgrimage tours on a regional basis, we can identify the directions to which pilgrims most often go. This is, first of all, the North-West and the Center of Russia, the most developed part of the country, which was still in the Middle Ages, at the time of the emergence of Christianity and its development in Rus'. A lot of pilgrims go on a journey along the Golden Ring, Zadonsk (Lipetsk region), Kursk and Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) and, of course, to the North-West region.

The North-West is not only Karelia (Valaam and Kizhi), but also Arkhangelsk (Solovki) and Vologda lands, Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. Pskov is interesting not only for the Pushkin Mountains and Pechora - besides them, many pilgrims visit the Talap Islands, where Father Nikolai Guryanov lived and served.

Most of the cities in Golden ring Russia are inextricably linked with the history of Orthodoxy in Rus': they contain many shrines, and almost every temple and monastery is an object of pilgrimage. The most visited cities are Alexandrov, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Kostroma, Suzdal and Vladimir.

In addition, it is necessary to note such southern directions as Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Arkhyz - recently many monasteries have been restored and opened there. Altai occupies a special place, pilgrimages there are inextricably linked with the study of the traditions of local residents.

It is difficult to single out the most favorable time for travel. In summer they go everywhere and for a longer time - from 3 to 7-12 days. In autumn and spring, as a rule, relatively short programs for 2-3 days are chosen. The only exceptions are major holidays: here it’s a weekend or not, it doesn’t matter much.

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A Brief Overview of the Holy Places of Orthodox Russia

All monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church have common principles for organizing monastic life. But it is also worth noting that each monastery has its own history and spiritual image. This is most clearly and vividly seen in the ancient monasteries - Kirillo-Belozersky (Vologda region), Valaam (Valaam), Pskov-Pechora (Pskov region), Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Moscow region).

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery The monastery is located on Bolshoi Solovetsky Island in the White Sea, and hermitages and deserts are located on other islands of the archipelago. Exactly geographical position largely affected the history of development and the fate of the monastery. The monastery was a kind of border fortress: it withstood the siege of the Livonians, the Swedes and the British, and from the end of the 16th century it was also used as a place of exile. After its closure in 1920, there was a special purpose camp and prison.

Flying over Kolomna

The shrines of the monastery: the relics of the founders of the Solovetsky - Zosima, Savvaty and Herman (the gate church of the Annunciation), particles of the relics of many revered saints, the relics of St. The feasts of the monastery: the Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, the Monks Zosima, Savvaty and Herman - August 21, the Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints - August 22, the Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Solovetsky - August 23.


Monasteries: St. Danilov - part of the relics of the blessed prince Daniel of Moscow, Donskoy - the relics of Patriarch Tikhon, Zachatievsky - the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful", Novospassky - the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", Svyato-Pokrovsky - the relics of the blessed matron of Moscow, Novodevichy - revered icons Mother of God of Smolensk and Tikhvin.

Shrines: the relics of Righteous Alexy of Moscow (Mechev) in the Church of St. Nicholas on Maroseyka, the venerable "Kiev Cross" with particles of the relics of more than 300 saints in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki.

Moscow region

Monasteries: Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Vysotsky Bogoroditsky in Serpukhov - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", Savvin-Storozhevsky in Zvenigorod - with the relics of St. Savva Storozhevsky, Joseph-Volotsky, Resurrection in New Jerusalem - with part of the relics of the martyr Tatiana.

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

Saint Petersburg

Monasteries: Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra - the relics of the noble prince Alexander Nevsky, St. John's - the relics of the righteous John of Kronstadt.

Shrines: the relics of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg in the chapel of Xenia of Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow with pennies" in the church in honor of this icon on the Zelenetsky Compound, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" of Tsarskoye Selo in the academic church of the St. Petersburg Spiritual academy.

Other regions of Russia

Altai Territory: The Theotokos-Kazan (Korobeinikovsky) Monastery - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Thank you for your help in preparing the material Yuri Akhmetovich Minulin (Pilgrimage Service "Radonezh")

There are places in Russia that literally breathe holy power and a healing spirit. In such areas, a person feels freer, lighter, and even those who consider themselves unbelievers recognize the pacifying properties of such places. Despite the fact that the virgin lands and territories are attacked by technological progress, and the wild nature is giving way to fields and gardens, the spirit of such places does not age and even after years they will retain their healing properties.

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Rational view of the question

Orthodox holy places seem to many to be archaic, a relic of the past and are not recognized as healing places among the general public, including young people. It is worth noting that, first of all, such protected areas are good for their own microclimate, which has developed over several centuries of careful attitude to nature. In addition, a tour of the holy places of Russia is interesting in itself, as it allows you to learn much more about the history of your own country.

So, for example, it includes several largest monasteries, which are an example of the lost skill of artists and sculptors of the past. Treatment with beauty and peace has the same positive effect on the human body and consciousness as therapy, so you should not neglect the opportunity to combine a historical tour with a visit to protected places and springs, at least immediately and categorically.

Monastery of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra

This monastery belongs to the category of not just old, but centuries-old. Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra remembers the formation of Peter the Great, the monks of this monastery blessed Dmitry Donskoy for the coming battle, the holy brothers stood at the embrasures along with the soldiers, protecting the temple from the invasion of the Poles. In these places, all the buildings breathe history, and the tour allows you to visit all the buildings of the temple complex, including the cells and the refectory.

The monastery is located in the suburbs, on the Konchura River in the very center of the city of Sergiev Posad. The city belongs to the category of small, but rich in history, it is pleasant to wander along its streets, thinking about the sublime. The monastery itself is considered the oldest in the Russian Federation and heals human souls.

Relics of the Matrona of Moscow

Holy Great Martyr Matrona are in Intercession Stauropegial Convent, which, along with the Lavra, has earned worldwide recognition. Russians from Moscow and the Moscow region know that Matrona will not refuse help, help to cope with the disease and bless for new achievements. The petitioners stand for healing from diseases, help in ensuring a successful pregnancy and admonishing negligent youths.

As for the rest, the Orthodox believe that the patron saint is able to cure such ailments:

Among the truly holy places where a person feels better and is able to know unity with the holy spirit, the relics of Matrona occupy one of the leading and leading places in the entire CIS. A tour of the monastery is also interesting because of the ancient architecture and the life of the nuns, which has been preserved for centuries without changes.

Source of Seraphim of Sarov in Diveevo

It is considered one of the most healing places in all of Russia. Those who have lost faith in themselves, have no housing and suffer from illnesses make pilgrimages here. The monastery also accepts women who hope to become pregnant and hope for God's help. As the holy brothers say, the saint does not refuse to help all those who are faithful to the commandments of God and keep His word.

Gives intercession to all believers, the waters of its source are able to save from such misfortunes:

The source is clean, the water from it is incredibly tasty, it has healing properties outside the monastery. The waters of the Sarov spring strengthen health, help to cope with diseases of the joints and muscle tissues. The holy brothers are ready to help those who participate in the pilgrimage by staying at a monastery or a hotel nearby. A tour of these places offers the most beautiful views, as the nature around the monastery is truly virgin and magnificent.

Spring of St. Sergius of Radonezh

The source of Sergius of Radonezh is located in the village of Vzglyadnevo, Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region. The monk is the intercessor of Rus', the shield of believers from misfortunes in the form of evil tongues and enemies. The waters of the spring, named after the saint, are healing both for the body and for the soul. Pilgrimage is made here in search of intercession from slander and intrigues, including curses and the evil eye.

Known for his intercession over the sick, the waters of his source give deliverance to all who suffer, especially for such diseases:

A tour of the "Raspberries", as the source is called by local Orthodox, involves not only visiting the holy place itself, but also the nearby forests, which have retained their former beauty and healing spirit. This Orthodox holy place is unique in its nature, as it allows you to touch the holy spirit and feel its response outside the walls of the monastery or temple.

Spring ring in the Ivanovo region

The spring was named in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky. There are confirmed precedents when the source saved people from all sorts of ailments and misfortunes, helped to heal the soul and body. Near the spring ring there is a temple, which contains the relics of the saint himself. The tour, which includes a visit to the source and the monastery, takes place in the Ivanovo region, here, to the attention of pilgrims, there is wonderful nature and an example of ancient architecture, since the temple was built in ancient times.

Those who make pilgrimages to these holy places count on the help of the saint in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. You can swim in the waters of the spring, admission is free. Many of the Orthodox who entered the waters of the spring take with them T-shirts and shirts in which they bathed.

City of Kirillov

It is difficult to find this holy place, since the city is located among the lakes of the Vologda region and is hidden from the eyes of the curious by dense forests and impassable paths. Kirillov is, according to many Orthodox, the spiritual center in the north of Russia. Located in the city Kirillo-Belozersky monastery, which has earned the status of the largest monastery in Europe.

The monastery is rich in antiquity and examples of architectural craftsmanship of the past. The monastery is rich not only in history, here you can touch many eminent icons, see how the holy brothers live. There is no tour as such in the dungeons of the monastery, but you can come here on your own. Those who keep the word of God are always welcome in the monastery.

The Sverdlovsk region of Russia is rich in springs and holy places with a long history. One such place is , which is considered one of the best near the Urals. Every person in that area has heard about the many precedents for the healing of parishioners and Orthodox from all sorts of ailments and misfortunes.

The spring waters are famous for helping to get rid of problems with the musculoskeletal system and contribute to the speedy healing of wounds. Many residents of the Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg and tourists from the Urals come here alone or with their children. People make pilgrimages here in search of spiritual knowledge and healing of the soul. As for the monastery, which is located next to the source, it is just a small church, which many Orthodox believe is more a plus than a minus, since it makes it possible to enjoy virgin nature and achieve unity with thoughts.

True believers and Orthodox people in Russia have heard a lot about Solovki, this almost mythological holy place is known for its own internal culture, beautiful nature and clean, healing air. The holy monastery is located on the Solovetsky archipelago, which is located in the middle of the White Sea. These places literally breathe history, since the archipelago has been considered one of the most sacred places on the map of Russia since ancient times.

In ancient times, there were many temples here, pagan rites were held. Later, a temple and a complex around it grew on the archipelago. Later, a small settlement appeared and the monastery began to grow. The waters of the White Sea are healing in themselves, as they are rich in iodine. Those who make a pilgrimage to the complex expect a speedy recovery from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and muscle tissues. Now such a pilgrimage is considered one of the most serious, since the complex is far enough from civilization and the path to it runs through the wild.

Verkhoturye and patron of the Urals

Verkhoturye remains one of the few poorly popular places in modern Russia because he is not famous. Meanwhile, it was here that miracle worker Simeon of Verkhoturye, whose relics come to bow from all over the Urals. He is considered the protector of this region and helps the local Orthodox spiritual and healing touch.

In 1913 appeared on Verkhoturye the third largest cathedral in Russia, called the Exaltation of the Cross. The relics of the miracle worker are kept in the temple complex, there is a belief that the confessor protects Verkhoturye even after his death, and grants healing from diseases to all the righteous.

Church of St. Nicholas on the Three Mountains

St Nicholas belongs to the category of the most beloved saints among the Orthodox people of Russia. This intercessor is approached for a variety of requests, from a little help in everyday life, to curing diseases and even helping the disabled. The temple belongs to the category of relatively young, but is interesting as an example of architecture. Pilgrimage to the saint takes place daily.

As for the nature surrounding the temple, a tour to this place can be called picturesque. The location of the monastery allows you to look around the open spaces around the hill. Good view also complements the healing air.

Holy Vedenskaya Optina Hermitage

The origin of this temple complex remains unknown. The monastery is located near the town of Kozelsk and belongs to the category of one of the oldest in Russia. Historians admit that the monastery was built by parishioners, illuminated by the holiness of the spirit. Now the complex is a small town that lives on its own.

A tour to this holy place provides an opportunity to get to know the unique life of the monks, and those who make a pilgrimage to the temple believe that grace, peace and tranquility will descend on them here. The monastery remains one of the most remote from civilization, so the trip here should take place with appropriate preparation.

Valaam archipelago

A tour of the holy places of Russia should end in the most remote regions of the state. The archipelago is located in South Karelia, its population does not exceed several hundred monks, fishermen and foresters, who, however, do not enter the temple and practically do not contact the clergy. The pilgrimage to Valaam is made primarily for the sake of themselves and their appeasement. This temple complex is large and covers several islands at once. It is beautiful on its own, but together with the beautiful and wild nature of South Karelia, it is simply magnificent.

The monks of Valaam live in isolation, but will readily accept pilgrims traveling in the name of God. The complex is interesting as an example of architecture, in particular, attention should be paid to the prayer cathedral. You can stop in local villages where fishermen and hunters live. The archipelago is also rich in game, here you can come across wild animals, which for many pilgrims is both happiness and a reason for fear, because the beast remains unafraid. You should also prepare for such a trip as carefully as possible.

The holy places of Russia, healing people, are scattered throughout the country. Seeing them all is a feat in itself, as few are prepared for the long journey of hardship and self-denial. But even if you come to one or two such places, you can fully feel the power of the holy spirit and come to grace, a healthy body and strong faith.

Vaalam archipelago

Russia is the richest country in Christian shrines and values. The shrines of Moscow and the Moscow region participated in the formation of the history of the state and Russian Orthodoxy, in places revered by pilgrims there are miraculous images of saints, springs with healing water, holy relics, ancient monasteries. Pilgrims from all over the world come to these places to worship the famous shrines.

Shrines of Moscow

The capital of Russia is one of the main ancient cities of the country, on the territory of which many holy places are concentrated.

Temple of Sergius of Radonezh

The Kiysky cross is a duplicate of the cross of the crucifixion of Jesus. Inside this shrine, located in the temple of Sergius of Radonezh, more than 400 particles of holy relics are hidden. The cross itself is made of cypress wood, decorated with precious stones and gold.

Temple complex of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Pilgrims from all over the country go to this shrine in order to ask for help in any troubles, by touching the Cross you can gain not only spiritual strength, but also bodily strength.

Location address: Moscow, Krapivensky lane, 4.

Holy Trinity Monastery

The miraculous icon of St. Panteleimon and his relics is kept in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

Shrines help believers in healing various diseases. During his lifetime, Saint Panteleimon was a Christian doctor, helping with the power of Jesus Christ.

Location address: Moscow, Sokolnicheskaya square, 6

Holy relics of the venerable old woman Matrona

All Orthodox believers know Saint Matrona, she helped ordinary people during her lifetime and continues to work miracles after death. You can turn to her with any problem and pain. People from all over the world come to bow to her holy relics, there is always a huge queue.

Location: Moscow, Taganskaya street, 58.

Assumption Cathedral of the Mother of God

The cathedral keeps within its walls one of the most ancient shrines of Christianity - the Nail of the Lord, one of those nails with which Jesus was nailed to the cross.

Cathedral of the Assumption Holy Mother of God in the Kremlin

The shrine helps pilgrims to be strong in their faith. According to legend, it is believed that the places where the Nails of the Lord are stored are hidden by God from epidemics and wars.

Location: Moscow, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God, Kremlin.

The miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Vladimirskaya"

The Vladimir icon of the Mother of God is considered a symbol of Russian Orthodoxy. Pilgrims turn to her with any troubles in life, they pray for order and prosperity throughout the country.

Location address: Moscow, small Tolmachevsky lane, 9, Church of St. Nicholas.

"Merciful" miraculous icon

The Zachatievsky Convent keeps within its walls the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful". Couples and women who do not have children and trust in the will of the Lord in this matter pray to this image. The shrine has helped many people in need.

Location address: Moscow, 2nd Zachatievsky lane, 2.

Holy Springs of Moscow

The capital of Russia places more than 25 holy springs on its territory and the territory of the region.

Holy Springs of Moscow:

Read about holy springs:

Important! In the situation with the current environmental situation, Orthodox clergymen recommend consecrating water from springs in the temple before drinking it!

Holy springs in the Moscow region

Not far from the city of Sergiev Posad is the monastery of St. Sava with a healing holy spring. The spring has several baths for women and men;

  • the holy spring "Kolotsky", located on the territory of the Assumption Convent, is known to many pilgrims. You can’t plunge into its waters, you can pour yourself next to the spring, the water from it is pleasant and mild in taste, the grace of God is felt in everything;
  • spring "Gremyachiy Klyuch" near the city of Sergiev Posad. Tradition says that the key was scored during the prayer of St. Sergius of Radonezh for the unification of Russian lands at this place. The water from the spring contains a rich complex of minerals, which has been confirmed by several laboratory studies. At the source, you can plunge into the font, you can pour yourself under the keys, collect holy water with you on the road.

Water from the source of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps to heal spiritual wounds and add strength to strengthen faith in the Lord.

Holy places of the Moscow region

The Moscow region is rich in holy places, monasteries that keep revered shrines within their walls, to which you can turn with mental and physical pain, waiting for help from Christ.

The most famous holy places in the Moscow region:

The Moscow region keeps a huge number of churches and 24 monastic cloisters, it is impossible to tell about all the shrines at a time. Many shrines on the territory of Moscow and the region have great historical and cultural significance.

To believe or not to believe in the special power of holy places is a personal matter for everyone. Discussions on this topic have been going on for centuries. Orthodox pilgrims in all sacred places feel grace descending on them above. The territory of Moscow and the region is rich in healing holy places, this is evidenced by the reviews and wonderful stories of many people.

Russia is more than a believing country. Russian people have always believed in the Lord, they were united in their faith. The history of our country is closely connected with the Orthodox faith, so visiting holy places is not just a ritual for pilgrims, but something more!

Through the holy places of Moscow

Top list of anomalous zones to which rumor ascribes healing and mystical properties

There are many places in Russia that are attributed with mysterious properties and where people from all over the country go in the hope of getting healed and recharged with positive energy - the so-called "places of power". We will not claim that pilgrimage to such places really heals and gives health; after all, many of the phenomena occurring in such mysterious places often baffle even serious scientists. But in any case, we found it interesting to acquaint readers with some of these anomalous zones.

Solovki (Arkhangelsk region). The Solovetsky archipelago is located in the shallowest western part of the White Sea, at the entrance to the Onega Bay, not far from the Arctic Circle, and consists of six large and about a hundred small islands. The main island of the archipelago is Bolshoi Solovetsky, its dimensions are about 25 kilometers long and 16 kilometers wide. The main attraction and spiritual center of the archipelago is the Solovetsky stauropegial monastery. Also popular places of pilgrimage are Golgotha ​​- the highest mountain of the Solovetsky archipelago, the stone church of Anzer Island, which offers an incredible view of the entire archipelago, Holy Lake. There are many mystical and mysterious places on Solovki, for example, there is one of the most ancient agglomerations of stone labyrinths, inherited by mankind from the great people who came here after the retreating glacier, and for some reason left these places. And, of course, many legends about Solovki are associated with all sorts of miraculous healings and the special energy of this place.

Mount Belukha (Republic of Altai). The highest mountain of Altai has been revered since ancient times as a sacred place of power not only by the Altaians, but also by the peoples of India and Tibet. Many people who are fond of oriental teachings believe that the legendary Shambhala is located here. There is also a version that the great Gautama Buddha came to India just from this region. Belukha has a completely unique geographical position: it is equidistant from three oceans - the Pacific, the Arctic and the Indian. The famous mystic artist Nikolai Roerich brought worldwide fame to the mountain, in many works he noted its strong energy and created the concept of the connection between Belukha and Everest, which are a kind of cosmic antenna connected by an energy bridge. Belukha is worshiped not only by the Altaians, among whom there is a taboo on climbing the mountain, but also by climbers (“Belukha must be respected, it is for the soul, not for records”), many of whom are also confident in its supernatural properties. Knowledgeable people they recommend not to come to Belukha with insignificant goals, not to ask her for any nonsense and not to disturb her in vain.

Arkaim (Chelyabinsk region). This ancient city was found by Soviet archaeologists in 1987 at the confluence of the Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers, not far from Magnitogorsk. According to legend, the city was built by the Slavic goddess Slavunya, the great-granddaughter of the ancient Slavic single god Rod. The opinion of scientists is more prosaic: Arkaim is a city-fortress of the ancient Aryans, who for some reason left their homes and left. Four entrances lead to the city, clearly oriented to the cardinal points, there is a central square and several streets diverging from it, and Arkaim itself is surrounded by two rings of defensive structures. Rumor ascribes supernatural properties to Arkaim, for example, if you spend the night on top of the nearby mountain Shamanka, you can get rid of all diseases. It is also argued that women who have problems with their personal lives should certainly visit the Man's Forest - supposedly after that a lover will definitely appear in life.

Vottovaara (Republic of Karelia). Vottovaara is a cult sanctuary of the Sami, located on the mountain of the same name in Karelia. The complex covers not only the entire surface of the mountain, but also several nearby single hills. The main sacred objects of Vottovaara are cult stones - the so-called seids. Unlike stones, the place and location of which was determined by nature, seids are characterized by human intervention - although the stones were not subjected to mechanical action, one can see their artificial grouping, the addition of “legs” and “tops” to them. In total, there are about 1,300 seids in Vottovaara. The Saami call Vottovaara "Death Mountain" and forbid their women and children to come here. But all kinds of followers of various teachings consider Vottovaara a place where a person acquires strong energy, is healed of illnesses, understands his purpose in this life, feels a connection with the Cosmos.

Lake Pleshcheyevo and Sin-stone (Yaroslavl region). The age of Lake Pleshcheyevo, on which the ancient Russian city of Pereslavl-Zalessky stands, is more than 30 thousand years old, it was formed after the retreat of continental glaciers. The area of ​​the lake is more than 50 square kilometers, it is believed that its water gives energy and strength. One of the main legends of the lake is connected with the Sin-stone - the legendary boulder, in which, according to ancient legends, the spirit lives, giving strength and health. The blue stone is located on the shore at the foot of the Yarilina Mountain and attracts many pilgrims here, which does not affect its condition in the best way - it happens that exalted “pagans” even break off pieces from it with a hammer. The area around the Sin-stone was fenced and landscaped, to access this area you need to buy a ticket for 50 rubles, and all the surroundings around the attraction were chosen by sellers of souvenirs and magical artifacts.

Lake Baskunchak (Astrakhan region). Baskunchak is a unique creation of nature, a kind of deepening on the top of a huge salt mountain, leaving its base thousands of meters deep into the earth and covered with a layer of sedimentary rocks. It is the largest and saltiest of all known salt lakes in the world. Baskunchak area is about 115 square kilometers. Since the 8th century, salt has been mined on the lake and sent along the Silk Road. The lake is fed mainly from springs, numerous springs flow into Baskunchak, bringing more than 2.5 thousand tons of salt water during the day. On the coast of the lake there are deposits of healing clays, from May to September thousands of tourists flock here, driven by the desire to strengthen their strength and get rid of ailments. Salt waters of the lake and therapeutic mud are especially useful for those who suffer from diseases of the joints, skin and lung diseases, and problems with the respiratory system.

Reserve Mon Repos ( Leningrad region). Mon Repos (from the French Mon Repos - “my peace”) is a picturesque rocky landscape park on the shore of the Protective Bay of the Vyborg Bay and one of the main attractions (along with the famous old fortress) of Vyborg. In Mon Repos, you can see both stunning natural objects, in particular, the majestic stone selgas of the Ice Age, and man-made attractions (Ludwigsburg Chapel, Imperial Column, etc.). One of the most visited places is the source of Narcissus - a pavilion built according to the project of the great Montferrand in the 1820s. The water of the source, as the rumor says, is healing and, in particular, cures eye diseases.

Valley of the Zhane River (Krasnodar Territory). In this unique place, several natural and archaeological monuments are concentrated at once. In particular, there are megalithic tombs dolmens and ancient Adyghe burials. Ancient builders applied symbolic drawings to the walls of dolmens, to which many people attribute miraculous properties. Thousands of people make a pilgrimage here, looking for a special energy; they believe that ancient people built their shrines in this unusual place for a reason, and that it can endow with extraordinary power.

Mount Mashuk (Stavropol Territory). This is a 994-meter laccolith mountain, at the foot of which lies the central part of the city of Pyatigorsk. On the southern slope of this mountain is the famous Pyatigorsk Proval - a deep natural well-cave with an underground lake of stunning sapphire color about 8 meters deep, and in general Mashuk is rich in sights, in particular, it was here that the death duel of the great poet Mikhail Lermontov took place. In the past, about 40 springs self-flowed around Mashuk mineral waters, near which the famous drinking galleries were built. Under certain weather and lighting, it is clearly seen that Mount Mashuk is very reminiscent of a man-made regular pyramid with a truncated sloping top. And this gives reason to mystically inclined people to consider Mount Mashuk a place of strength and a source of healing energy.

Donskoy Monastery and the grave of Matrona of Moscow (Moscow). This monastery was founded in 1591 by Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich in gratitude for the miraculous deliverance of Moscow from the troops of the Crimean Khan Kazy Giray. The monastery is dedicated to the Don Icon of the Mother of God, painted by Theophanes the Greek, after whom the monastery was named. As the legend says, this miraculous icon Sergius of Radonezh blessed the Russian army for the Battle of Kulikovo, and later the intercession of the Mother of God helped protect the city from the invasion of the Crimean Tatars, who never again approached the Moscow walls. This was regarded as a divine miracle. Within walking distance from the Donskoy Monastery there is another well-known place - the Danilovskoye cemetery, the burial place of the Matrona of Moscow, where people from all over the country flock with the hope of healing and gaining health.
