Alternanthera is lovely. The variegated Alternanthera plant is a good way to add variety to your flower bed! distance between plants

Alternanthera is a perennial plant that is often grown as an annual. Valued for its unpretentiousness, decorative leaves.

It reaches a height of up to 20 cm. The flowers are not decorative, as they are very small and inconspicuous. In addition, alternanthera rarely blooms. There are more than 200 species in the genus, some of the species (A. Reineka) grow exclusively in water and are often used for landscaping aquariums.

Types of alternanthera

  • Multicolored– reaches a height of 15 cm; with proper care, the plant forms a lush bush. The leaves are green and red.
  • Bettzika– the bush reaches a height of 20 cm. The leaves are pale green on top, with yellow and red spots on the bottom.
  • sedentary– reaches a height of 20 cm, the leaves are bright green or dark red.
  • Darling– reaches a height of about 10 cm, the leaves are shiny, green-red, pubescent below.

Care and cultivation of alternanthera

The plant is unpretentious and grows well in sunny and shaded areas, but in the sun the leaves acquire a richer and brighter color. Alternanthera is not demanding on soils, but develops better in nutritious soils containing lime. Some species feel better on moist soils, along the banks of artificial reservoirs (near the water itself).

The plant is provided with moderate watering throughout the growing season. Excess moisture in the soil negatively affects the condition of alternanthera (with regards to certain species).

Complex mineral fertilizers are applied throughout the growing season, 1-2 times a month.

For tillering and giving the desired shape, regular haircuts are carried out. Pruning stimulates the formation of side shoots.

Some gardeners grow alternanthera in containers. For growing in containers, a substrate is used from a mixture of leaf, turf soil, humus and sand. In summer, the plant is kept outdoors, and in winter it is moved indoors. In winter, the alternanthera is kept at a temperature of about 10-15 degrees Celsius, in a bright place. Water as needed.

Reproduction of alternanthera

The plant is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings, which are cut in the fall. The cuttings are rooted in a nutrient substrate in a warm and bright place and under a plastic bag. The cuttings are buried in the soil up to the first leaf. Water moderately as needed. With the appearance of new leaves, the plastic bag is removed. The tops of grown cuttings are pinched, and thanks to pinching, new side shoots are formed. In May, young plants are transplanted into open ground. 2-3 cuttings are planted in one planting hole (or pot, if you plan to grow in a pot).

The division of the bush is carried out in the spring. To do this, the mother bush is transplanted into a pot in the fall and moved indoors. The bush is kept in a bright place throughout the winter, where the air temperature is maintained at about 15 degrees Celsius. In winter, the plant is watered moderately as the substrate dries. In May, the bush is divided, the long roots are trimmed and the divisions are planted in a permanent place.


Alternanthera is used to create carpet flower beds, mixborders, and alpine slides. Looks good as a border plant. Some species are suitable for landscaping the coastal zone of water bodies.

Diseases and pests

May be affected by gray mold as a result of overwatering. Sometimes it may suffer from spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies.

Alternanthera is unpretentious, pleases with a full crown when grown in a pot, and pleases the eye with its variegated foliage, occupying sunny areas in flower beds, near gazebos or near paths.

Care after purchase

Having brought a flowerpot with an Alternatera bush home, overcome the desire to move the acquired pet into a common home garden. There may be gray mold spores on the stems of the newcomer, and whiteflies, green aphids or spider mites on the foliage.

It is easier to fight any of the scourges on one plant than to then treat also infected green old-timers.

It is advisable to place the flowerpot in a room with windows facing south, southwest. When the foliage becomes dusty, it is rational to give the plant a light shower of warm water. When working alone, it is better to cover the soil in the pot with a plastic curtain. When working with an assistant, it is enough to hold the flowerpot at an angle during the shower and not direct the flow of water onto the ground.

You can see the appearance of the Alternanthera plant in the photo below:


Provide the plant with moderately warm water, taking into account the warming and dry air. On hot days, water more abundantly; on cool days with little sunshine, reduce the volume of water.

IMPORTANT. The soil around the plant should not crumble into dust, but stagnation of moisture is also unacceptable - it will lead to the formation of gray mold.

Excess water is not dangerous for species used to form flora in an aquarium environment.


The dissolution of buds that form spike-shaped, capitate inflorescences does not increase the decorative value of the plant, since the flowers are small, inconspicuous, hidden in the axils of the leaves near the main stem.

They are dry to the touch and rarely form in potted crops.

Crown formation

All Alternaters are ground cover plants and tolerate pruning well. In the process of removing branches, the crown can be given a spherical, cubic shape.

REFERENCE. Faded leaf color is a sign of lack of light.

Soil Features

When planting in open ground, avoid:

  • loamy areas;
  • poor soils shaded by nearby objects.

Alternators love soils:

  • nutritious;
  • moisture-, breathable;
  • neutral acidic.

When filling indoor flowerpots, use:

  • greenhouse mixture enriched with humus;
  • a mixture of peat with garden soil, clean sand (all in equal parts);
  • turf, sand, humus, garden soil with a lot of last year's foliage (all in equal parts).

Planting and transplanting

Before transplanting a plant or rooting a cutting, disinfect the soil for the flowerpot by calcining it or pouring boiling water over it.

Alternatas grow strongly - when planting bushes in a flowerbed, leave at least 8 cm between them.

Move bushes from a flowerbed to containers or from a flowerpot to a larger pot using a transfer method.


The plant is bred:

  • dividing an adult plant into two smaller bushes;
  • cuttings.

Strong, healthy branches are selected for cuttings.

Procedure algorithm:

  1. The cut is made behind the node and frees the lower part of the stem from the shoots.
  2. The cuttings are placed in the ground slightly below the level of the first leaves left.
  3. The soil around the submerged end of the plant trunk is well compacted.
  4. During winter cuttings, the seedlings are covered with a polyethylene cover that transmits light, and the nursery is placed in a lighted place.

The appearance of cuttings indicates the success of the cutting procedure.


Alternators grow:

  • in the flowerbed all year round as perennials, if the climate is warm and there is no frost in winter;
  • in a flowerbed as annuals, if, with the approach of frost, the plants are not transplanted into flowerpots for placement in a heated room;
  • as potted crops (with sufficient lighting they retain natural attractiveness);
  • several plants in a flowerpot, if they are young and the flowerpot is large enough.

IMPORTANT. Fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are used as top dressing. Apply twice a month starting from the end of February and ending in August-September.

Alternate growing temperature:

  • Winter: lower limit 14°C;
  • Summer period: upper limit 28°C.

Benefits and harms

They allow even novice flower growers to add color to their clubs without much difficulty.

Harm to humans and animals has not been established.

The scientific name of Alternanthera is Alternanthera.


Gray mold affects plants that receive excessive water.

Fighting methods:

  • reduction of watering,
  • elimination of heavily affected areas of the plant,
  • replanting into new soil,
  • maintaining optimal temperature.


Spider mite (identified by the presence of a large number of cobwebs between the leaves and stems).

Sweet Alternanthera (Alternanthera amoena)– a herbaceous perennial plant, belongs to the Amaranth family. The plant is native to Brazil. It is low-growing, reaching a height of only 15–25 cm. The stem may branch slightly from the base; there are small pubescent grooves at the bottom.

The leaf is small, oval-shaped, its underside is slightly pubescent. The leaves are mostly green, burgundy, red-orange. The flowers are small, located at the ends of the shoots, dense, filmy. Sweet Alternanthera is grown outdoors, in the fresh air.

Alternanthera dear - care:


Sweet Alternanthera loves bright, abundant lighting. In the shade the plant grows and develops very poorly. The growth rate is significantly reduced. Positive attitude towards direct sunlight. Before planting, you need to carefully select a suitable place for the growth of Alternanthera sweetheart.


Alternanthera sweetheart is a very heat-loving plant. In summer, it should provide an air temperature of about 19 – 29 °C. At lower temperatures, it is believed that the plant loses its bright leaf color. Morozov is not very fond of him. In cases of severe frosts, you need to dig up the plant and replant it in a pot for the winter. After wintering, return to open ground. It is also possible to shelter Alternanthera sweetheart for the winter. Therefore, temperature conditions must be carefully monitored. It also cannot tolerate strong drafts.


Alternanthera sweet needs moderate watering. There is no need to water the flower too much. This can lead to rotting of the roots. Under no circumstances should you water the plant with cold water. For watering, you need to take slightly constant water, warm. It also cannot tolerate dry soil for a long period.


Sweet Alternanthera grows well in average air humidity. It does not need spraying, you can only provide moderate watering of the flower. The optimal humidity for Alternanthera miliosa is considered to be about 45 - 55%.


The sweet Alternanthera does not really need feeding with useful substances. But you can apply complex mineral fertilizers at least once a month. With their help, the plant will grow more actively, and the color of the leaves will be brighter.


Alternanthera, dear, requires frequent transplantation. The plant should be replanted only when necessary. For example, the place for growth is not well chosen, or the soil is not suitable.


Sweet Alternanthera is propagated by dividing an old plant or by cuttings. The right time of year for breeding is spring. Planted cuttings should be placed in a place with maximum light, and they should be watered abundantly for rapid rooting. The cuttings can be covered with a bag or film. When the cutting takes root, leaves will soon begin to appear on it. During this period of time, you can remove the bag or film. To propagate Alternanthera sweeta, you need to take breathable, well-drained soil.

Some features:

Sweet Alternanthera looks great in the garden next to other low-growing plants. Can grow in small bushes. From time to time you need to prune so that Alternanthera sweetheart does not lose its decorative effect. Because over time, many extra shoots appear.

Sweet Alternanthera – diseases and pests:

Alternanthera sweetheart can be affected by various pests and diseases. But this happens very rarely. The most important pests for the plant are spider mites, whiteflies, spider mites, aphids, and gray mold. The first signs of the disease are the appearance of spots on the leaves, white cobwebs, wilting of the leaves, and lethargy. When these signs of disease appear, you should immediately treat Alternanthera sweetheart with special chemical substances against these pests.

Family: amaranthaceae (Amaranthaceae).

Homeland: tropics and subtropics of America, Africa, Asia, Australia.

Form: perennial herbaceous or subshrub plant.


Alternanthera is a perennial herbaceous or subshrub plant. Plant height is up to 25 cm. Alternanthera stems are fragile, branch strongly, forming a spreading bush. The leaves are opposite, small, lanceolate. The color of the leaves is very diverse and constitutes the main decorative value of the plant. In the light, the color of the leaves becomes brighter and more intense. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, located in the axils of the leaves, collected in capitate or spike-shaped inflorescences.

About 200 species of alternanthera are known, and there is still a lot of confusion among the species names. Some species grow exclusively in water and are of interest only to aquarists. The main types of alternanthera used in the plant have numerous varieties and forms.

Alternanthera Betzick (A. bettzickiana). Homeland - Brazil. Height up to 15 cm (sometimes up to 20 cm). The stems grow vertically, pubescent at the base. The leaves are spatulate, pointed at the ends. The color of the leaves is two-sided: olive-green on top, yellow-red spotted below.

Alternanthera serrata (A. denticulata). Homeland - South America. Height up to 35 cm. Stems are straight, branched. The leaves are linear, narrow, 3 cm long. The color of the leaves depends on the variety.

Alternanthera is lovely, or alternanthera dear (A. amoena). Homeland - Brazil. Height 10-20 cm. Stems are strongly branched from the base, pubescent below, furrowed. The leaves are oblong, lanceolate, pubescent below, with bright red petioles. The color is green-red-orange.

(A. versicolor). Homeland - Brazil. According to some opinions, it is a type of Betzick's alternanthera. Height up to 15 cm. Strongly branched stems form spreading bushes. Young shoots are pubescent. The leaves are wide, oblong, spatulate, tapering towards the petiole, wrinkled, blunt-pointed, shiny. The color is variegated green-red-pink.

Alternanthera sessile (A. sessilis) is of tropical origin and grows along the banks of water bodies. The length of the stems is 20-50 cm. It spreads by rhizomes and takes root by stems. Thus, a decorative mat is formed along the shore and surface of the reservoir. The leaves are opposite, narrow, and the color ranges from bright green to beet green, depending on lighting conditions.

Growing conditions

In order for the alternanthera leaves to be colored as intensely as possible, the plant should be planted in the sunniest part of the garden. Alternanthera needs warmth; it does not tolerate frost. It prefers calcareous, nutritious soils, but can also grow on neutral soil. Moderate humidity is required.


To decorate a site, alternanthera is most often used as an annual decorative foliage plant, without bothering with the hassle of transplanting it into a greenhouse for the winter.

Alternanthera is the star of carpet floriculture. Its low growth, excellent tolerance to haircuts, and most importantly, a huge variety of colors allow this plant to be used for carpets, floral designs, and figured compositions. With the help of a competent haircut, you can give the alternanthera an ovoid, spherical, comb-like shape.

Alternanthera sessile is used to decorate small plants. In summer it is planted on the bottom in shallow places or along marshy banks.


Alternanthera is very thermophilic, so in winter mother plants are transferred from the street to bright greenhouses with a temperature of +12 - +16. Plants that overwinter outside in relatively warm climates still need shelter. Alternanthera is replanted back into the ground only after spring frosts. If night frosts are possible in summer, the plant also needs to be covered.

Alternanthera requires moderate regular watering all year round. It is not allowed to water with cold water. It is not necessary to spray the plant.

The main care activity that an alternanter requires is regular, literally weekly haircuts. Thanks to this procedure, the plant bushes strongly, develops many additional leaves and becomes fully decorative.

Alternanthera sessile is placed in containers at the bottom of the reservoir to a depth of 50 cm. It is necessary to limit its spreading and take it away for the winter in time. Overwinters in a cool room.


Alternanthera propagates by dividing old plants and cuttings. When propagated by division, long roots can be cut off without harming the plant. The planted plants should initially be in a bright and warm place. When propagated by cuttings, the planted alternanthera is first kept under a transparent bag in a very warm place. When young leaves appear on the plant, the bag can be removed.

Diseases and pests

Alternanthera is resistant to diseases and pests. Potential problems include gray mold, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies.

Popular varieties

Varieties and forms of Betzick's alternanthera

  • ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- a plant with large yellowish leaves.
  • ‘Juvel’- large-leaved, tall alternanthera with carmine-red leaves.
  • ‘Kuntzii’ (‘Kuntzi’)- a plant with densely arranged yellow leaves, dull green at the base.
  • ‘Paronychioides’ (‘Barbed’)- low-growing alternanthera with curly pinkish-red leaves.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera serratus

  • ‘Purple Knight’- tall (up to 50 cm) alternanthera with dark purple leaves.
  • ‘Royal Tapestry’- alternanthera with leaves of red, copper-red, purple and burgundy shades.

Varieties and forms of Alternanthera charming

  • ‘Amabilis’ (‘Excellent’)- a plant with olive-green leaves with red spots.
  • ‘Rosea’ (‘Pink’)- low-growing alternanthera with pinkish-red leaves with an orange tint.
  • ‘Ficoidea’ (‘Fig’)- a plant with leaves of pink-violet-green color.
  • 'Metallica'- tall, large-leaved alternanthera with dark brown leaves with a purple tint.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera variegated

  • ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- alternanthera with golden yellow leaves.
  • ‘Tricolor’ (‘Tricolor’)- a plant with green-pinkish-red leaves.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera sessile

  • ‘Rubra’ (‘Purple’)- Alternanthera purpurea has pink-red leaves.

Characteristic features of the plant, tips for growing alternatera in a home aquarium and garden, recommendations for propagation, control of possible pests and diseases, facts for gardeners, types.

The content of the article:

Alternanthera belongs to the large Amaranthaceae family, which is sometimes called Shchiritsa. This includes representatives of the flora, in the embryo of which two cotyledons are formed. Almost all species included in the genus grow in lands where there is a tropical or subtropical climate. These include areas of America, Asia, the Australian continent and Africa, but such plants can be found even in the Galapagos. In their natural environment, they prefer to settle in coastal areas, near waterways, which often experience floods or floods.

Family nameAmaranthaceae or Shchiritaceae
Life cycleAnnual or perennial
Features of growthHerbaceous or subshrub
ReproductionSeed and vegetative (cuttings or division of rhizomes)
Open ground planting periodSeedlings are planted in early June
SubstrateNeutral, medium moisture
IlluminationOpen area with bright lighting
Humidity indicatorsMoisture-loving
Special requirementsThere are some difficulties
Plant height0.1–0.25 m
Color of flowersWhite, pinkish, green
Type of flowers, inflorescencesGlobular
Flowering timeMay June
Decorative timeSpring-summer
Place of applicationAquariums, flowerpots, carpet beds, borders, floral designs or portraits, flower beds, pool landscaping
USDA zone4, 5, 6

Sometimes you can hear people call the alternanthera the Alternanther. But the plant gets its scientific name from the combination of the Latin words “alternus” and “anthera”, which translates as “variable” and “stamen”. The result is the phrase “variable stamens” and, in all likelihood, this indicates the alternation of sterile and fruitful stamen formations.

All Alternanthera growing in nature have a herbaceous or semi-shrub form and do not exceed 10–25 cm in height. The shoots are distinguished by good branching and through them the formation of wide bushes occurs. The development speed of such bushes is quite high and they have the ability to reproduce quickly. Often, because of these properties, alternanthera is usually used as a ground cover crop. These representatives of the flora can be grown both in an aquatic environment (aquariums) and as a potted crop. At the same time, the anther is also able to extract nutrients from both water and soil. It is usually grown as an annual or perennial plant.

Alternanthera has gained popularity among gardeners and aquarists because of its brightly colored foliage. The shape of the leaf blades is lanceolate. The coloring can take on shades of reddish-brown, orange, yellow or yellowish-green. It happens that there is a pattern of whitish spots on the surface of the leaves. All color combinations depend on the species.

When flowering, small and inconspicuous flowers are formed, which do not represent any decorative value. They gather inexpressive dense inflorescences, crowning the tops of the branches. The flowers are filmy, their color takes on a white, greenish or purple tint.

Tips for keeping Alternanthera in a pot or home aquarium

  • Lighting and choice of planting site. Only under the influence of bright lighting will all the beauty of the foliage shades be revealed. The more sunlight illuminates the bush, the richer the color the foliage will become. With a lack of light, the leaf plates will gradually acquire the usual green color, and, ultimately, it will simply become pale. The duration of daylight should be at least 12 hours, so when growing in an aquarium, lights are needed.
  • Water indicators for aquarium keeping. If you decide to grow the plant in an aquarium, then an acidity in the pH range of 6.2–6.8 is suitable for it, while the water hardness should be from 2 to 12 dKH.
  • Content temperature alternantera in summer should be in the range of 24–28 degrees, and with the arrival of winter not lower than 15 units.
  • Humidity. Very high humidity parameters are most suitable, and only under such conditions is Alternanthera flowering possible, although its flowers do not have any decorative value, but the plant feels fine in dry indoor air.
  • Watering When keeping alternanthera in a pot, regular planting is required throughout the growing season. But it is important to remember, for some varieties, that excess moisture is harmful.
  • Trimming. If you regularly trim the shoots, they begin to bush very much.
  • Fertilizers. It is recommended to support the plant with mineral fertilizers during the growing season, which should be applied once every 15–30 days. When growing in an aquarium, divalent iron salts are added to the water once every two weeks.
  • Alternanthera wintering. Because of her love for warm climates, she will not tolerate winter in our latitudes, therefore, when heat indicators approach 15 degrees, the bushes are dug up and planted in containers. During the autumn-winter period, they are kept in a room with good lighting, where the temperature is in the range of 15–17 degrees.
  • General tips for keeping an aquarium. It is necessary to change the water frequently - every week up to 20% of the container volume. The plant does not like to be overgrown with algae and loves crystal clear water, so a powerful filter is used.
  • Replanting and tips for choosing soil. This tropical plant can be grown as a potted plant. Since its growth rate is low, it should be replanted infrequently, only if the container has become small for the root system and the size of the bush itself. It is recommended to use a soil mixture of leaf and turf soil, with the addition of humus and coarse sand - all parts of the components are taken equal. When kept in a pot, you need to lay a drainage layer on the bottom to avoid stagnation of moisture. You will also need to make holes in the bottom of the container to drain excess moisture. When growing Alternanthera as an aquarium plant, soil does not play a special role, so special compositions of substrates for aquarium flora should be used. They should contain coarse sand, which has a positive effect on the growth of bushes. In an aquarium tank, it is recommended to place Alternanthera on shelves arranged on the sides so that the stems have the opportunity to rise above the surface of the water.
  • Application of anther. Since the plant is small in size, it is customary to grow it not only in aquariums; such bushes decorate alpine slides and mixborders, are planted as border landscaping, and also create carpet flower beds, flower portraits and drawings. Because of its love for moist soils, it can be planted in the coastal zone of artificial and natural reservoirs.

You can get a new plant by seed and vegetative methods (cuttings and dividing the old bush).

The first method is quite difficult, since Alternanthera often does not produce flowers, so in floriculture it is recommended to use the second. In this case, preference is given to cuttings. It is customary to cut the blanks for this in the autumn. Then the cuttings are planted in nutritious and heated soil, which can be a sand-peat mixture. The container with cuttings is covered with transparent plastic film and placed in a well-lit place without direct sunlight. The twig blanks are buried down to the first leaf blade, and the length of the cutting should be at least 8–10 cm and 8 leaves. Care will consist of airing and moistening the soil. When young leaves appear, the cover can be removed and the young alternanthera can be accustomed to indoor conditions.

After signs of increased growth appear, the tips of the shoots need to be pinched, which will help them begin to branch, forming new shoots on the sides. Cuttings can take root in 8–10 days. When May comes and the return frosts pass, these plants are transplanted to a prepared place in the garden. To get more lush bushes, it is recommended to place 2-3 young seedlings in one planting hole. If Alternanthera is planned to be grown as a potted crop, then a small pot is selected.

When propagating a plant in an aquarium, the cuttings are simply left to float on the surface of the water. Soon it will develop root shoots and such seedlings can be planted in the substrate.

With the arrival of spring, you can divide the overgrown bush. Usually on autumn days, when heat indicators begin to decrease, the bush of the mother specimen is transplanted into a pot and kept in greenhouses or a prepared room. In such a place it is necessary to create good lighting and heat indicators are maintained at about 15 degrees. In winter, watering is carried out moderately, waiting until the substrate dries on top. With the onset of May days, the alternanthera is pulled out of the flowerpot, its elongated root shoots are pruned, and then division is carried out. It is necessary that each division has a sufficient number of roots and shoots. Then the plant is planted in a permanent place in the garden, pond or pot.

Control of possible pests and diseases of alternanthera

The plant is quite resistant and is not susceptible to diseases or pest attacks. But still, with frequent violations of maintenance conditions, it can be affected by gray rot, especially if this representative of the flora is grown as a potted crop. This problem occurs when the soil moisture is high. To cure, it is recommended to remove all affected parts of Alternanthera, and then treat the bush with fungicidal agents. It can be copper sulfate or similar preparations with a similar effect.

Among the harmful insects that cause harm to the alternatera, spider mites, aphids or whiteflies are distinguished. If signs of damage are detected (whitish specks on the back of leaves or white midges, cobwebs on leaves and twigs, or small greenish bugs), it is recommended to treat with insecticidal preparations with repeated spraying after a week.

Facts for gardeners about Alternanthera, photo of the plant

Since there is information that some varieties have poisonous properties, it is important to clarify this aspect before purchasing.

Types of alternanthera

  1. Alternanthera reineckii. Its native distribution area is in South America. The branches of this shrub are about 25 cm long. The shoots have sessile foliage, but sometimes the leaves are crowned with short petioles. The color mainly includes various shades of red. The root system is delicate. It can be grown in aquarium conditions, where the plant is attached to the walls of the container, then the stems can spread along the surface of the water, but if they are completely immersed under water, the growth rate will slow down significantly. In cultivation there is a dwarf-sized variety, Alternanthera mini, which is distinguished by even smaller bushes and foliage.
  2. Alternanthera sessilis. This shrub can reach a height of up to 30 cm. The variety is relatively undemanding and has gained popularity among aquarists due to the pink-green coloring of the foliage, but can be grown in humid greenhouse conditions. If completely submerged in water, the growth rate is not reduced as much as that of Alternanthera reineckii.
  3. Sweet Alternanthera (Alternanthera amoena) or as it is also called Alternanthera charming. The length of the shoots is not so long and their maximum size reaches 10–20 cm. This species is distinguished by the fact that in the lower part of the branches there is abundant branching. Moreover, while the plant is young, the shoots are covered with pubescence and have grooves. The foliage is colored in greenish-red tones, sometimes giving way to an orange tint. The shape of the leaf plate is oblong-oval or in the form of a narrowed ellipse. When flowering, filmy small flowers are formed, collected in compacted apical inflorescences. The color of the flowers is whitish. The native growing areas are in Brazil.
  4. Alternanthera versicolor mainly growing in natural conditions in Brazilian territories. It can grow as a subshrub or have a herbaceous form. A perennial that approaches 15 cm in height. Due to the strong branching of the shoots, the shape of the plant resembles dense bushes with spreading outlines. When the stems are young, their surface is covered with slight pubescence.
    The leaf blades have a blunt-pointed oblong-spatulate shape, with a narrowing towards the petiole. Its length is quite short. The surface of the leaves is covered with wrinkles. The name of the variety indicates the unusual color of its foliage, which mixes different shades of pink, yellow, red and greenish. This species has a large number of garden variations.
  5. Alternanthera lilacina or as it is also called Alternanthera lilacina. Naturally, the eye cannot help but stop at the decoratively colored foliage, which is varied on the upper and lower sides. So the top of the leaf is red or greenish, and the back side is dark burgundy. The shape of the leaf plate is oblong. The shoots have straight-growing outlines. If the plant is grown as an aquarium culture, then the length of its shoots can approach half a meter. If the owner provides fairly humid growing conditions, then the formation of whitish flowers is possible.
  6. Alternanthera red round It is also distinguished by rather long shoots, on which leaf plates are located in opposite order. They are attached to the branches by means of short petioles. On average, the length of a bush is 20 cm. The growth rate of this species is very low, but if all growing rules are followed, the plant will delight you with flowering. However, such flowers do not have beauty.
  7. Alternanthera bettzickiana takes the form of a subshrub or has a herbaceous form. This perennial plant can reach a height of 15 cm with its vertically growing shoots. At the very base, the branches have pubescence. Since they are distinguished by strong branching, they can form spreading thickets. There is a sharp point at the tops of the leaf blades. The leaf shape is spatulate with a slight bend in the central part. The color takes on shades of olive green, while on the surface of the foliage there is a pattern of specks of whitish, white-yellow and reddish shades. Flower capitate inflorescences originate in leaf axils that grow on the tips of the shoots. This species has a large number of forms, the leaves of which are cast in rich shades of green, red or yellow.
Video about the alternator:
