Why does an impotent man take a mistress? My husband is impotent: what to do and how to live with him further? Why does a man become impotent?

Impotence is a common problem for men, and they are not always ready to make efforts to solve it. Women usually easily recognize such people even during the period of acquaintance and eliminate them. The situation is much worse if sex life is lost after several years of marriage, putting a previously strong union in jeopardy.

Impotence in men occurs suddenly only after severe stress or trauma. In all other cases, the problem develops gradually - over 3-4 years. The first sign is a decrease in the intensity of sexual activity: sex happens less often, without much enthusiasm on the part of the husband. When his wife tries to take the initiative, he pulls away, citing fatigue. In the process, the man increasingly begins to get tired, his penis falls periodically, as a result, the act is often completed without ejaculation. The wife notices that her husband has moved away, become withdrawn, and the old emotions and feelings are giving way to causeless irritation. As a result, even forced sex disappears.

Sexologist Yuri Prokopenko gives a lecture on the signs of the disease

Another characteristic symptom of incipient impotence is sexual prudishness. If a man previously reacted with interest or neutrally to openly dressed women and erotic scenes, now he deliberately condemns such things and even attacks his wife with reproaches of promiscuity if she tries to reason with him.

In some cases, a man feels guilty towards a woman, trying to satisfy her in other ways, but without the corresponding emotions. Such a surrogate for normal sex becomes a burden for both. The wife accumulates resentment, the husband grows complexes and anger at himself. Relationships in the “man-woman” format slide into the “son-mother” or “father-daughter” model. If a wife loves her husband, they have a warm relationship despite impotence, then she finds herself in a trap. The only way out can be mutual frankness and the desire to find a solution to the problem.

Is the spouse to blame?

There is a well-established stereotype in society that the wife is to blame for her husband’s impotence: sometimes she is not well-groomed enough, sometimes she has gained weight, sometimes she is unaffectionate, as well as a host of other reasons why a man does not want a particular woman. However, as practice shows, husbands with a normal level of libido and healthy erectile function, even with a wife who is not very desirable, perform full sexual intercourse from time to time - the sexual instinct requires implementation.

There is also such a nuisance as habit when the wife is no longer a sexual object. No one is to blame here. But you can try to awaken your libido by playing on curiosity: order intimate toys, stimulating lubricants. But there is a risk that all efforts will hit the wall of male bewilderment.

We should not forget that the main erogenous zone of a man is his brain. In order for sex not to disappear in a long-term relationship, the woman must be interesting to him not only physically, but also spiritually. The main mistake of wives is being fixated on the interests of their husbands, children and everyday life. At first it will be accepted with enthusiasm, then by default. As a result, the wife is lost against this background as a woman. All that remains is to console yourself with a stereotyped status on social networks – “happy wife and mother.” A self-sufficient, constantly developing, enthusiastic woman always feeds the notorious male hunter instinct. The husband will perceive his wife as an individual, and this will also fuel sexual interest.

There are options when a man does not want sex in principle, no matter what tricks the woman goes to. But at the same time he is not necessarily physically impotent. In youth, almost all men have excellent potency due to excess androgens. How long this period will last depends on the sexual constitution. For some, the decline occurs after 30 years - the man becomes sexually lazy. At the same time, he has no problems with an erection, but there is no desire to cause one. Sex for him turns into a chore, unnecessary stress that does not bring pleasure. It's not the wife's fault.

We can talk about impotence when sex between spouses has become impossible due to the man’s inability to perform sexual intercourse even with desire (read) . Erection is insecure, unstable or completely absent. A woman can provoke this in the following way:

  • Ridicule and humiliation of a man's dignity;
  • Indifference to sex, suppression of any attempts to induce sex on the part of the husband;
  • Treason;
  • Bad habits that affect appearance and behavior;
  • Prolonged postpartum depression;
  • Changes in character, scandals, constant complaints.

If a man, due to his upbringing or mild temperament, cannot influence the above factors, and in principle he does not allow connections on the side, then he may well develop. The desire for intimate relationships will be gradually repressed, sexual energy will be sublimated into a career, sport, or hobby. Returning to a normal rhythm of sexual activity can be difficult.

Many husbands are to blame for their impotence, but they follow the simple path - they blame their wives. A trip to the doctor, giving up the couch in favor of the gym is unthinkable for them. Even male sexologists, in most cases, when talking with a couple, tend to place the blame on the woman. Moreover, the arguments often contradict each other:

  1. Too much pressure on a man, excessive ingenuity and activity.
  2. Boring and monotonous sex.
  3. You can’t tell a man that sex isn’t the most important thing in a relationship.
  4. Sex should not be elevated to a cult.

In addition to women, there are many factors that negatively affect male libido and erectile function. You can deal with them if you wish. The main problem for the wife of an impotent man is to stimulate him for treatment and find motivation. Men often resign themselves to the situation and do not want to do anything.

Reasons for the development of impotence

Everything can be roughly divided into psychological and physiological. It is easy to distinguish psychogenic impotence from organic impotence - just pay attention to availability of night and . If the penis can get up spontaneously, then the cause of failure in bed should be sought at the mental level.

Physiological reasons

Most often, the provocateurs of organic impotence in men are pathologies associated with the condition of blood vessels:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Impaired peripheral blood flow;
  • Cerebrovascular diseases.

Obstructed blood flow not only does not ensure normal blood supply to the penis, but also causes a malnutrition of the brain. As a result, the conductivity of nerve impulses deteriorates and libido decreases.

In men, it often occurs against the background of chronic prostatitis, the treatment of which is sometimes ineffective and drags on for years. A common cause of impotence is also observed in diabetes mellitus, testicular or adrenal dysfunction, and pituitary tumors.

Especially It’s hard for men over 45, When androgen levels themselves are steadily decreasing. The situation is aggravated by high blood pressure, taking medications, and congestive processes in the pelvic area.

Impotence can also develop in young men. The reason is usually a passive lifestyle and bad habits (more reasons), but it happens the other way around. Sports for potency are a stimulating factor, but in moderate dosage. There are men who devote themselves entirely to training, actively using anabolic steroids at the same time. As a result, the wife observes an athletic, but not functional in terms of sex, souvenir body. Most often, this happens to men of asthenic physique who suddenly decide to take care of themselves and gain weight. Anabolic steroids and exhausting workouts reduce libido.

Psychological reasons

Most common cause of psychological impotence in modern men- ordinary infantilism, caused by uninteresting work, personal complexes, chronic reluctance to change your lifestyle. As a result, the husband spends the evenings discussing with the TV or sits down to realize himself in computer games. At the same time, the wife’s claims embitter her, and their absence relaxes her even more.

Psychotherapist Grigory Ovtsov talks about the causes of psychological impotence

Psychogenic impotence can be caused phobias. Modern men, under the influence of the information environment, often develop pathological fear of infection. They try to avoid any situations in which they could theoretically become infected. As a result, a feeling of disgust arises even towards one’s own wife.

A common cause of impotence is job loss. A long search for a new woman, adaptation to another place for many men is a strong stress, as a result of which libido decreases.

How can a wife help?

A wife can only help if the man has realized the problem of impotence, accepted it and is ready to solve it. Some women, desperate to persuade, begin to threaten with divorce and provoke jealousy, but the opposite side perceives this as a challenge and a reason to go deeper into depression. You cannot demonstratively show your irritation from the lack of sex. This stresses the man out even more. The wife in his eyes becomes a nymphomaniac, far from his own needs.

There are men who withdraw into themselves and try to distance themselves. The complexity of the situation is that this may be evidence of his relationship on the side. It is important not to immediately accept this thought as the only true one. A confidential business conversation in a calm tone without a hint of pity will help bring a man to a revelation and develop constructive tactics with him.

The first thing to do when doing so is exclude physical pathology. You shouldn’t expect any particular enthusiasm on the part of a man when he proposes to be examined by a urologist-andrologist, but you need to gently insist. You can start with a simple hormone test.

If everything is in order regarding urology, then it will not be superfluous check the spine. Due to injuries in the lumbar region (hernia), a man's erectile function and libido can significantly deteriorate.

If there are no physiological problems, you can agree with a psychologist (sexologist) and go to a family consultation.

If your husband is overweight, then you can adjust the diet by removing trans fats and enriching it with fiber and protein.

What should a man do?

There are many ways to get rid of impotence (we wrote more about them), but they will only work if used as intended. First you need to find out the cause of the dysfunction so as not to aggravate the situation with self-medication.

Medicines and dietary supplements

Most men, at the first sign of impotence, go to the pharmacy for dietary supplements or "Viagra". Both the remedy can help if a man has or psychogenic. Dietary supplements will help accelerate blood flow in the groin area, gently stimulate the production of testosterone, and relieve inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Examples of bioactive additives:

  1. Extracts of eurycoma, creeping palm, tribulus, ginseng.
  2. Yohimbine.
  3. Icariin.
  4. Beekeeping products: dead bees, beebread, propolis, drone homogenate.

For impotence supplements are taken in courses. The first effect can be noticed after 2-3 weeks.

As for PDE-5 inhibitors (Viagra), then You can drink them only with a doctor’s permission. The drugs are strong, dilate not only the blood vessels of the penis, but also raise overall blood pressure. Single dose tablet can help with psychogenic impotence, when some men, at a reflex level, forget how a normal erection occurs. Viagra will help you remember, but only in the presence of sexual arousal. Subsequent sex often occurs without pills.

The most popular drug for erection and potency is Viagra. Urologist-andrologist Tonyan Arsen tells us more

In the initial stages of impotence, the erection will be strengthened stimulating lubricants and sprays(more about them in). Some of them can be used in courses for medicinal purposes.

In men over 40, the following symptoms may be observed along with impotence:

  • Weight gain;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Headache;
  • Depression.

All of the above - andropause symptoms And testosterone reduction. The doctor may suggest hormone replacement therapy. Don't be afraid of her, exogenous testosterone does not cause cancer. But others are possible side effects, which are taken into account and controlled by the doctor.

Lifestyle correction

The human body has the ability to self-regulate, but it takes effort to start this process. Many men underestimate the influence of a healthy lifestyle on potency, but it is significant, especially in adulthood. What can be done:

  1. Minimize the amount of fatty and soy products, smoked foods, semi-finished products, and alcohol in the diet.
  2. Exercise regularly and take a contrast shower.
  3. Take courses of vitamin complexes with zinc.

If there are contraindications to physical activity, then static squats, yoga, and qigong gymnastics are well suited for getting rid of vascular impotence.

Surgical intervention

There are cases of hopeless impotence when it is not possible to achieve a natural normal erection in a man using conservative methods. This is possible, for example, with diabetes, Peyronie's disease, after prostate surgery. The output is . The essence of the operation: implants are inserted into the cavernous bodies of the penis, allowing the organ to take an erect form.

There are 3 types of prostheses installed for impotence:

  • Elastic, in which an erection is achieved by lifting the penis with the hand;
  • Hydraulic two-component. A pump is placed between the testicles, and cans with reservoirs filled with saline are sewn into the corpora cavernosa of the penis. When you press on the scrotum, the solution flows into the cans and an erection occurs;
  • Hydraulic three-component. The reservoir with the solution is placed behind the pubic bone. This avoids unnecessary pressure on the corpora cavernosa when the balloons are deflated.

Service life of modern order models 25 years. The probability of rejection is 0.5%.

Prevention of impotence

Even minor erectile dysfunction can develop into impotence, so it is important for a man to take action at the first sign.

Prevention methods:

  1. Regular physical activity - against congestive processes and prostatitis.
  2. Rational nutrition - against problems with blood vessels and excess weight.
  3. Fighting bad habits - for the health of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems (more about).
  4. Timely treatment of infectious urological diseases - to preserve the reproductive organs.

To prevent endocrine impotence, it is useful to periodically donate blood for hormones (especially for men after 35).


For some women, an impotent husband is a real problem. Many of them develop neuroses due to lack of sex. But there are wives for whom the husband’s impotence does not play a decisive role. Their sexual constitution allows them to be content with periodic self-satisfaction. But for the man himself, the inability to live a normal sex life is always a blow to self-esteem. Only partners who love each other will find a way out: the woman will support and be patient, and the man will actively work to solve the problem.

Letters from afar

“I read a letter about how a woman divorced her husband and went to live with a Turk. How things worked out for them or didn’t work out is the fifth thing, but everyone, including women, condemns the poor lady who was looking for love and no one I thought that wives don’t run away from good husbands.
I'll tell my story.

My husband and I have been married for a long time, about 25 years. On the outside, we have a great family, adult children, each with their own business, we live in abundance, we have an excellent house and apartment. But no one knows about what is going on inside our family and what kind of pot we are boiling in, not even our parents. Why bother parents? We are adults.

So, I have my own business, I bring goods from Turkey, and I have had a lover in Turkey for 14 years. All the years the same lover. And I go to Turkey once every two months for two weeks, not so much for goods, but for the warm embrace of this dark man. We are good. We are happy with everything. Sometimes he and I go somewhere on vacation, but most often we relax and have fun in Istanbul. And all this time my husband was with the children and nothing terrible happened to him.
We have our own apartment in Istanbul.

Does my husband know that I have a lover?
I think he does. Everyone knows exactly as much as they want to know.
I wanted to get a divorce 8 years ago. My husband persuaded me not to get a divorce for the sake of the children, but I know the real reason, and promised that he would not say anything, even if I had a lover. But I didn’t want to have a lover in my city, where everyone knows each other through one. I didn’t want unnecessary rumors and gossip, and I didn’t want every dog ​​to poke their mother’s behavior into the eyes of their children and parents.

What caused me to have a lover?
My husband served. He became the cause of this misfortune of mine.
It is clear that any young woman in the prime of life and strength needs a man, needs sex. And my husband stopped being a man at 30, and by 33 he became simply impotent. He says that the reason was the army, since the service was not easy, I had to lie in the snow in the cold. I don’t rule it out, but I think beer is to blame. My husband didn’t see anything wrong with drinking a couple of liters of beer after work.
Watches a movie and drinks, watches football and drinks, drinks beer with friends on weekends, and drinks beer on trips. So interest in the opposite sex “fell.” And then he was treated, both by his grandfathers and grandmothers, but what’s the point?

I can say that I'm not the only weird one who... good husband walking...
And it’s not easy for an impotent husband to live with such a good husband. He can’t do anything, but he’s freaking out, and he’s furious, and he’s angry, and he’s nervous. You have to be able to tolerate this. He swaggers around, like a man, like a hero, but in reality he only wears pants and that makes him look like other men.

So, you can condemn any woman, but I would not rush to pour slop on each one.
Women, tell me honestly, could you live with impotent men from a young age? At what age could you?
Men, would you live with a wife who has a decent lover? And it was your fault that she got this lover?
Just don’t say that in good hands and the rope stands, but in bad situations the crowbar falls. My hands are fine, no one has complained."

Impotence is a serious problem that can happen in every family. Unfortunately, very few families are able to withstand such misfortune; in most cases, sooner or later the marriage breaks up. However, this doesn't have to be the case because impotence is not the end of the world. Firstly, there are various ways to return so you shouldn’t despair right away. Secondly, it is necessary to act as a united front, as in the case of any other problem that arises in the family. The wife should not distance herself from the should not start blaming the wife for her problems. Spouses must unite and analyze the current situation together in order to find a joint solution. If your husband is impotent, then this is not a death sentence, so you should read this article to get information on what you should do and how to continue to live with it. Under no circumstances should you panic and let your emotions get the better of you. If you care about your husband, impotent or not, you will stay by his side and help him deal with his problem.

Impotence in the modern world

Unfortunately, in modern world everything is far from being as simple as many would like. An impotent husband now is a full-fledged stigma, which is terrifying for both the man and the woman who lives with such a man. And it’s very difficult to get rid of this, because it’s a kind of stigma. But you should understand that intimate life It’s called intimate for a reason - it’s something that happens only between you. So why is it so difficult to combat this problem?

What it is?

So, impotence is the loss of erectile function by a man, which leads to the inability to perform sexual intercourse. In the modern world, the image of a macho man is very common, so any man who loses the ability to perform sexual intercourse can be considered inferior. And that is why many husbands do not even share their problems with their wives, simply trying in every possible way to avoid her and, accordingly, sexual intercourse. But this only leads to more serious complications, since a woman may suspect her husband of cheating or some other unpleasant matter, which further increases the likelihood of a family split and subsequent divorce.

Causes of impotence

At the same time, in the modern world, impotence is becoming more and more common, and there are a huge number of reasons for this, from constant stress to unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, you should not see impotence as a personal problem and damage to your own image, since it is just a disease for which you need to see a doctor. And in this case, the wife must play a decisive role, since most men will not want to inflict such severe damage on their ego and consult a doctor with intimate problems. Accordingly, it is the wife who must convince him of the need for such a step. As you can see, an impotent husband is a serious problem, but not at all in the sense in which many might think. This is a problem because of the existing stigma that must be overcome if you want to maintain happiness in the family.

Is the wife to blame?

However, before you consult a doctor, you need to think carefully and independently analyze the current situation, because the cause may not be physiological at all. There is a possibility that the wife is the reason why the husband is impotent. What should the wife do in this case? How can this even happen? It turns out that very often there are cases of partial psychological impotence, that is, the reason lies not in physiological, but in psychological problems, and the root of these problems is often the spouse herself. She can criticize her husband, ridicule him, and criticism of his capabilities in bed has a particularly strong impact on him. There may also be a lack of spiritual intimacy, which deprives some men of the desire for physiological intimacy. So the first thing you need to do is think about how you have behaved towards your spouse lately. Try changing your behavior, talking to him about your relationship, and so on. However, this is only a special case, and it often happens that the reason is indeed physiological. So, your husband is impotent. What should a wife do in such a situation?

Possible reasons

The fact is that impotence is not something shameful and has nothing to do with a man’s libido, because in most cases it is caused by a variety of diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension and so on. As you can see, all these diseases damage the blood vessels, which reduces the blood supply to the sexual organ, thereby making an erection impossible. Accordingly, you need to monitor not only how your impotent husband behaves, but also what diseases he has developed. There is a high probability that all his problems in bed are associated with some serious illness, and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. And here we are no longer talking about the ability to perform sexual intercourse, but about the health of your man, as well as even a possible threat to his capacity and life. If your husband is impotent and does not want to be treated, then you will have to influence him, because this will be the only reasonable way. Therefore, try to explain to him how important it is to start treatment as early as possible.

Timely treatment

If a woman says to herself, “I love my impotent husband,” then the problem is already half solved. The fact is that impotence often becomes a consequence of a rather cool relationship between spouses, and not only because the wife no longer loves and praises her husband so much, but only criticizes him. The fact is that, as you have already learned, impotence most often does not occur on its own, but is a consequence of some disease. Moreover, there can be a lot of diseases that cause such an illness, since impotence manifests itself both due to diseases of the cardiovascular system and due to diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary and even nervous systems. Therefore, a caring wife will quickly notice that something is wrong with her husband’s health, so the problem will be eliminated effectively, and the man’s potency will gradually return. So the wife’s task is to monitor her husband, and even if he refuses to go to the doctor, as many men do, to convince him that timely treatment will benefit both him and the whole family. So you shouldn’t be that woman who writes “I’m cheating on my impotent husband,” because such women not only do not help solve the problem, but are also one of the main reasons for this problem.

How to proceed?

In the event of such an unpleasant set of circumstances, the wife needs to be very careful so as not to offend her man in any way. As you already understand, this is not the end of the world, so you just have to accept the fact of the disease and the fact that your husband is now impotent. How to live further? This is a stupid question that for some reason appears on the Internet very often. You need to live on in exactly the same way as before, but at the same time you just need to overcome an unpleasant disease. How to move on when your husband gets the flu? A question like this doesn't make sense, does it? The same applies to impotence. But only in this case it is worth understanding that many men become very withdrawn and sensitive to intimate topics, so you will need to behave as carefully as possible and show care and love. If a man sees that you understand him, that you accept his problem and want to help him, then he himself will be more likely to open up and happily work to regain his masculine power.

But first of all, you need to understand that there should not be any psychological problems in your family, since in this case no clinic will help you. There must be love and understanding in the family, and only in this case can you fight the physiological factors that cause problems. So, as you see, you do not need to decide how to live with an impotent husband. You need to focus on how you can cure your husband.

Spouse activity

If your husband has become impotent, then you need to see a doctor who will help determine the cause and prescribe treatment. However, as stated earlier, there is no cure for impotence, only a cure for the diseases that cause impotence. Therefore, you need to take matters into your own hands and promote further sexual activity in your family. Potency does not immediately return to a man, so you need to take the initiative. This is much easier to do than you might think. You just need to use some unusual underwear, turn on the music, choose a new place, a new position, and most importantly, do not put any pressure on your man, and if he still doesn’t succeed in bed, convince him that that everything is fine and he has nothing to worry about.

Increased tone

Potency is also affected by the overall tone of the body, so your husband should go in for sports. Now there are a large number of gyms, and there is a high probability that his workplace already has one that he can visit for free. Naturally, this is not the only option, and you can encourage him to go for a run in the evenings or just go for a walk with him. You can also give him a relaxing massage, and many experts recommend a contrast shower as a way to quickly and effectively increase body tone.


When a woman begins to say: “My husband has become impotent - what should I do?”, users often suggest using Viagra and other similar drugs. However, this is incorrect advice, since such drugs only temporarily increase blood flow to the penis, which does not provide a long-term beneficial effect. You need to focus on products that are called aphrodisiacs. This means that they increase a person's sex drive, and if your husband constantly consumes such products, then his sexual function will not only return, but will become even better. Most often, aphrodisiacs include a variety of seafood, from mussels to oysters. It is also recommended to consume citrus fruits and a variety of spices, known for their miraculous properties. These include, for example, ginger, cloves and saffron.

What should you not do?

Since we are talking about Viagra and other similar drugs, it is worth paying attention to all the main points that neither a husband nor a wife should do if they are faced with this unpleasant problem. The most important point that you should always remember is that you first need to consult a doctor. Even when it comes to such proven methods as increasing body tone and eating citrus products, you should always consult a doctor first. Do not under any circumstances use the products traditional medicine, since they will most likely only harm you or, at best, have no effect.

You should also work on your attitude towards this issue. You shouldn't ignore it, but you shouldn't pay too much attention to it either. No panic, no “ends of the world.” You need to approach the problem seriously and calmly together, develop a strategy to combat the disease and solve it once and for all. Under no circumstances try to find someone to blame or blame yourself or your husband. This will only make the situation worse.

What should a husband do?

The wife is the person who should help her husband in everything if he is faced with the problem of impotence. However, the main responsibility for treatment in this case still lies with the man. Therefore, he should independently understand the seriousness of the current situation and take the initiative. Firstly, he should not resist visiting a doctor, but, on the contrary, independently express a desire to visit him. Secondly, a man should not be afraid or ashamed, especially in front of his own wife. It is with her that you need to discuss the problem first. Thirdly, you need to focus not only on the disease, but also on additional factors, such as a passive lifestyle, excess weight, and so on. Fourthly, you need to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, both in matters of treatment and in matters of diet, physical activity, and so on. And fifthly, you need to be more attentive to the issue of sexual intercourse. Don't have sex when you're stressed, when you're tired, or when you're having a hard time. It is best to create ideal conditions for sexual intercourse in case of such a problem for a greater likelihood of success.

When meeting a man, a woman often imagines herself in bed with him. Even the most inveterate prude imagines a romantic date that will smoothly turn into an unforgettable night. However, the night may well turn out to be very unforgettable: sexual failures are remembered for a long time.

Sexual relationships are, if not the main, then a very important component of any close relationship between partners. It is known that 59% of couples break up only because of unsatisfactory sex, of which 46% are women who are not satisfied with men. It is quite understandable that a woman wonders about the sexual capabilities of a potential lover or groom.

If you learn to understand what makes up a man’s sexuality, then you can predict with a high degree of probability what he will be like in bed.

By studying the psychological aspects of relationships, scientists have proven that the man who can understand and feel her can satisfy a woman. And a proud woman who knows her worth will get an orgasm. It is quite logical: a very harmonious alliance is created from an understanding man and a woman who knows what she wants. Great sex in this situation is guaranteed.

When American experts began to study the reasons for sexual success or failure between a man and a woman, they received very interesting answers. In fact, the happier a person is, the more pleasure they experience from sex. This applies to both women and men. The fact is that the degree of emancipation is important, as well as the readiness not only to receive pleasure, but also to be able to give it. Moreover, oral sex plays an important role in mutual pleasure.

If a man is attentive and sensitive in communication, then in sex he will not show the habits of a brutal male. He will not only enjoy himself, but also listen to the woman, try to feel her mood, so that the two of them can achieve apotheosis.

Character is manifested not only in communication. Men read like bright magazines on a sunny day, a woman just needs to be a little more attentive and observant. For example, expecting wild sex and a fantastic hurricane in bed from a shy and modest guy is simply stupid. He is not able to become a hot lover, because even on the street he is embarrassed to look at a girl or take her hand. But with a confident man who knows how to both listen carefully and eagerly look at a woman with an undisguised sparkle in his eyes, he will be very good in bed.

But here's the thing. There is a slight subtlety in the relationship between a man and a woman. After all, not all couples meet to get married. Some pursue sporting interests, and this is a personal matter for everyone. In this case, the soulful look of a man who devours with his eyes means only one thing - hints of sex and nothing more. However, there are no guarantees that a man will be a great lover. Such people do not rush at unfamiliar women with a lustful and promising look.

An unproven statement, but very often used as an argument for male sexuality, is the length of the fingers. It is believed that the length of the ring finger, which exceeds the length of the index finger, is an indicator of male sexuality. This fact is explained at the hormonal level - the length of the fingers depends on the level of hormones in the blood, and the amount of testosterone affects the length of the fingers. In a similar way, hormones influence a man’s voice, his smell, as well as facial features, which are distinguished by correct symmetry in active sexual individuals. As for the voice, the higher the testosterone level, the lower the voice. Probably everyone knows that women who have more male hormones acquire a rough, low voice and excess body hair...

But that's not all. Sex doesn't happen suddenly; couples often bond first by kissing. By the way a man kisses, one can judge his sexuality. A dry and quick kiss indicates the same kind of sex – quick and indifferent. But there is also a cardinal opposite - a man who will slobber and procrastinate on a woman’s lips, slurp his tongue and actively try to excite a woman. For an amateur, of course, or rather an amateur, but even in this case you won’t have to expect breathtaking sex.

Real lovers who know how to give a woman true pleasure kiss confidently, skillfully and boldly use their tongues, are ready to listen to the woman’s reaction and will never suck their lips like a flock of bees.

Now let's look at the tactile aspects. The fact is that men are not always fans of touching or hugging a woman. Often she has to take the initiative herself, and he has to obediently agree. In this case, you should not be surprised that the woman will take the initiative in bed. But a man who rudely throws a woman into a bed, demonstrating his strength, passion and great desire, will also not impress with such an initiative: rudeness rarely excites anyone, but the effect of animal sex is guaranteed. I don't think I'll want to do it again...

How can you find out more about a man? Well, this is a matter of business. You can run to bed on the first date, or you can watch a man’s behavior in a cafe or restaurant, find out his interests, get to know his manners and habits. For example, if a man needs alcohol before sex, this indicates his lack of self-confidence, complexes and emotional discomfort. By the way, this sometimes happens if you don’t like a woman, but simply want to sleep with her. A self-respecting young man will neither drink himself nor offer it to a lady.

Men who talk a lot to win a girl’s affection are zero lovers, believe me. They are subconsciously tuned to verbal seduction, realizing that sexual games do not work out for him. Talking about sex, bragging, hints, vulgarity in conversation are direct signs of sexual problems. And deviations can be different: from impotence to perversion. Taking risks and seclusion with such a man can be fraught.

It is curious, but men who have pets, and whom they love to caress and cuddle, actually realize their sexual discomfort in this way. Everything may be normal with health, but with the opposite sex there may be problems. The need for affection, as well as expressing it to someone, is expressed in tender emotions towards a living being.

Another option to predict the sexuality of a potential partner is his handwriting. The longer the tails of the letters, the more emotional and hot the partner will be. The stronger the pressure, the more aggressive the sex. For lovers of gentle men in bed, with a quiet disposition and delicate manners, go ahead and look for writers with small handwriting.

Watching a man eat candy or fruit can also draw conclusions. By biting and savoring (which is rare), a man reveals himself as a gallant lover who knows how to give a woman pleasure. Swallows without chewing - there is no doubt about the absence of culture (and sexual culture too). But unwrapping the candy and eating it, while simultaneously devouring a woman with his eyes, can only be done by a very active and passionate lover.

So, what can you take away from all of the above? Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. Of course, in any relationship there are a lot of individual details, and a lot depends on the woman. But it is important to remember that sex is an integral attribute of close relationships. But if people are dear to each other, then they will always be able to find common ground that is important for them and come to a compromise even when the sexual side does not suit one person.

When discussing a sexual partner, it is also necessary to take into account his status. If sex is a weak point for spouses, then after 40 years it will no longer be the main stumbling point. But living together until the age of 40 will not be easy.

Impotence worries not only the man, but also his wife. Problems in your sexual life should not be solved independently, but together with your partner. After all, it is the wife who is always ready to come to the rescue and do everything so that intimate life returns to normal. Many men do not believe in this and withdraw into themselves, preferring to remain in splendid isolation.

Who is an impotent person and how does he behave?

An impotent man is a man who is unable to have sexual intercourse due to erectile dysfunction. He may experience sexual desire, but his penis refuses to erect. Such men cannot satisfy women, and they themselves only receive negative emotions after futile attempts to make love. If an excited guy suffered a “defeat” once in bed and was under the influence of alcohol, he is not impotent. An impotent man does not have an erection with any partner for a long time.

For many women, sex life plays the most important role, as for men, and they are afraid to start a relationship with an impotent man. But there are also those for whom emotional intimacy plays the greatest role and they dream of building their life with an impotent man. This is not surprising - all people are different, and for some women the most important role is played by spiritual intimacy, not sex. Many men might argue with this, but the reality is that asexuality has been in fashion for a long time.

Women who do not plan to give up sex often wonder how to recognize an impotent man so as not to waste time on him. In fact, a man who has problems with erectile function is practically no different from others, unless his pathology is caused by an excess or deficiency of sex hormones. He behaves the same way as the rest of the stronger sex. The only difference may be that he will not hint at sex to you on the first date and try to get an unfamiliar girl into bed. He will be quite polite, gallant and calm. Perhaps a little anxiety and depression. But such men are also found among those who do not have any problems with potency.

Why does a man become impotent?

Psychological or physiological factors can lead to impotence. Physiological ones include:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Injuries.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

Men are very susceptible to bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle will sooner or later lead to impotence. The wife needs to reconsider her diet and add vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and lean meats to it.

They also become impotent after psychological trauma. It is enough to regularly tell a man that he is impotent, and he will become impotent. Unsuccessful sexual experience, constant dissatisfaction with a partner, stress, depression and much more can make a completely healthy man impotent.

What should a wife do if her husband is impotent?

Impotence is a treatable disease. You shouldn’t give in to panic, much less bring charges against a man. Men, when faced with erectile dysfunction, are even more upset than their wives. And, if your husband currently has problems with potency, this does not mean that he will be impotent for the rest of his life. No person is immune from illness, and think about how, in your opinion, a man whose wife was seriously ill should behave? Should we reproach her for this or even ridicule her?

My husband is impotent: what should I do?

  1. Intimate talk. If your husband is impotent, you should not worry and put pressure on the man. The wife needs to prove to the man that the lack of intimacy does not affect feelings in any way, that she will also love him, but she sees how bad he is and wants to help.
  2. Visit to a specialist. Men are afraid to visit doctors, especially urologists. What to do if you need to establish the cause of the disease? It is best if the woman herself finds the most suitable clinic and makes an appointment with her husband. To establish the causes of impotence, it will also be necessary to visit an endocrinologist, psychotherapist and sexologist.
  3. Belief in success. The relationship with your husband may worsen due to his worries. Inside, he has already decided to remain alone and believes that no woman will need him. After all, society repeats every day that a man cannot be impotent! In fact, all these are ploys for advertising impotence remedies, because more than 50% of men have problems with potency. Under no circumstances should you give in to your husband’s negative emotions and make sure that he takes the recommended medications.

At the moment, there are only a few diseases that cannot be cured - and impotence is not one of them. Men who are faced with this problem have every chance to make their sex life as bright and rich as before. In this case, the woman has an important role to play: to direct her husband to take active action - and in no case become depressed.

How to excite such a man? There are cases when an impotent husband turns out to be even a very hardy partner in terms of intimacy, but with another woman. If a man has a mistress with whom he often spends time, then impotence with his wife will only benefit him. A satisfied man will never go to a specialist and will not take potency enhancing drugs, citing their harm to the body. The only way to recognize a deceiver is by an internal erection or to determine the presence of a mistress using feminine tricks.

Very often the cause of impotence is psychological. An emotional impotent person does not have diseases of the internal organs or impaired blood circulation, but he does not have an erection. After all, at an important meeting, in transport, or when communicating with an unfamiliar woman, they do not get an erection. Being under the influence of irritating factors, men turn on self-preservation mode, and it is only a myth that a man should want everywhere and always.

If a man is in a state of stress, depression or anxiety disorder, then there can be no question of any sexual desires. Sometimes impotence appears due to failures in bed, when a man convinces himself that he cannot. In the future, he cannot relax in bed, thinking only about how to please a woman. If a man does not have any physiological disorders, then impotence can be cured in a short time using medications and psychotherapy.

You should know:

  1. Impotence is a treatable disease that is not a death sentence. Think about what you did wrong that you had to face this pathology? Maybe it's time to start leading a healthy lifestyle and quit smoking?
  2. If you don’t know how to live without sex, then think again about your behavior. Very soon you will be able to cure the disease, but for now you can enjoy the world around you and find your favorite hobby. Life is not only sex.
  3. Do you feel bad when your wife tries to excite you? Treat it like a game. It won't be a huge tragedy if things don't work out for you. Her overly sexual behavior is aimed at helping you. After all, no one except your significant other dreams of making love to you so much.
  4. If impotence is psychological in nature, then a man is able to overcome it himself. To do this, you need to carry out long-term work on yourself and remember where the problem of erectile dysfunction began. If you can’t put your feelings and nerves in order on your own, contact a psychotherapist, who will definitely help.

The danger of impotence should not be exaggerated. If you can't now, it doesn't mean your sex life is over. Perhaps this is a hint that you need to do something else that will bring even more pleasure.

How to avoid becoming impotent

  1. Avoid fatty, salty, smoked foods.
  2. Give up bad habits such as alcohol and smoking.
  3. Normalize your rest and sleep patterns.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Treat inflammatory diseases in a timely manner.
  6. Don't forget to strengthen your body with vitamins and minerals.
  7. Avoid stressful situations.
  8. Work on yourself and your emotions - try to get rid of the negativity inside.
  9. Believe in yourself and your success, then impotence will not be scary for you!
