Watch the walkthrough of the game silent hill 2. Walkthrough. Hotel in a parallel dimension

On the left, take the hospital map. Go to the room with documents; to do this, go through the registration desk. Near the typewriter lies a lilac bull key. Read a magazine about a patient treated in this hospital. Forget that you are a gentleman and kill any lady you meet on your way.
Use the map to find the stairs to the second floor. Go to the women's locker room. There you need to get a crooked needle stuck into an ivy bear and a shotgun. Now go to the men's locker room. It’s scary to think what awaits you there after the finds in the women’s room.
In the locker room is the key to the examination room. It lies in the pocket of a blood-stained robe. Go downstairs and unlock the patient examination room.
Inside, take the cartridges and go up to the second floor. Go to room number three. Take the first aid kit and check the carbon paper in the typewriter. Write down or remember the number on a piece of paper. We will still need it.
Now head to room M2 and pick up the ammo and the Lapis Eye Key. What kind of miracle is this?
Go to room M3 for ammo and a health drink. Go up to the third floor. The door leading to the rooms under the letter "S" is locked. You need a code.
Easy and normal levels - 7335
Difficult level - 1328.
For the curious, the clue is on the wall, on the first floor in the examination room.
After you open the door, go to room S3. Maria will pretend to be sick and leave you - thank God. Take the roof key from the table. You can immediately climb to the roof, or you can walk around the rooms, collecting first aid kits and cartridges, and also read the diary.
As soon as you decide to go further, you will realize that something, or rather someone, has blocked the door. Bah, yes, this is our old friend - boss Pyramid Head! Watch the video and check the map. You need to get to the third floor in the special therapy rooms.
In one of the rooms, the entire wall is covered in blood. Your task: to make out the four-digit code on it. The higher the difficulty, the more difficult it will be to do this.
Go to the second floor and check how Masha is doing. Go to room S14. Inside is a box that requires 2 codes and 2 keys to open. Use the Eye of Lapis Key and the Purple Bull Key to remove the chains. Now enter the codes you found at the hospital. Ugh, there's a strand of someone's hair inside. And why did it need to be locked?
Now go to the shower and examine the drain overgrown with green muck. Go to inventory and connect the hair and needle. Pick out the key to the elevator on the third floor.
Take it down to the first floor. Go to room C3 and talk to Laura. Arm yourself with a shotgun, because the second boss is waiting for you.

Difficulty level

IN Silent Hill 2 before the start of the game you are free to choose the difficulty level for the puzzles ( Puzzle) and for fights ( Combat). The first parameter directly affects the complexity of some riddles, so, with easy ( Easy) level you get almost a direct answer to all questions in documents randomly encountered at the level, and at a difficult level ( Hard) even direct hints can be encrypted. The difficulty level of battles affects the number and vital energy monsters encountered along the way, as well as the duration of their “coma”. So, at the hard level of difficulty, monsters do not die at all, even after brutal finishing off by kicks.

This walkthrough is written for normal people ( Normal) settings for the difficulty of both puzzles and battles.

Restless dreams

I see you more and more often in my restless dreams. I remember you. I think of you. I'm waitingyou. There in Silent Hill, in our special place... Whatever you say, it is always unexpected to receive letters from your own wife. Especially if she died three years ago...

The man admiring the early morning haze over the lake and endlessly replaying the same lines from the mysterious letter in his head is James Sunderland, our off-screen alter ego. Three years ago, he and his wife Mary spent a whole month in the quiet American town of Silent Hill, living in a hotel, room 312, and spending whole days in a park by the lake. Mary died and James left. If it weren't for this letter, everything would be so simple and so ordinary. If it weren't for the letter...

So, after getting to know James a little, take a look around. We are located at the very entrance to Silent Hill, near a small abandoned diner. “Our special place” - maybe a park near a lake? Be that as it may, you need to check all options. Go to James's car parked near the diner and take the map of Silent Hill from the interior and go down the steps near the sign on the right side of the screen.

Walk constantly in one direction, and you will not lose your way, the path will wobble, go down and go up, but still stubbornly continue moving until you see a well straight ahead. Inside the well there is a mysterious object that looks like a red square. Later in the game you will come across similar “squares” more than once; with their help you can save or build the game, but we, as proud owners of the PC version of the game, may not need this - the developers allowed us to save and respawn in any convenient place .

Leave the well and continue down the path. In the lowlands there is terrible fog with visibility no further than ten to fifteen meters. Get used to it, we won't see better weather conditions anytime soon. Follow the path until you see an iron gate. After passing through them, you will find yourself in a cemetery. Hello... sorry... yes, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you looking for someone? At the cemetery you will meet a strange woman named Angela, apparently crazy. She seems to be looking for her mother, but why in the cemetery? And how do we understand all this nonsense about “the evil fog there in the city”? Be that as it may, after listening to Angela to the end, go through the gate near the ruined chapel, onto the road to Silent Hill.

Foggy morning in Silent Hill

Stop and carefully study the map taken from the car so as not to get lost on the foggy city streets. The place where we found ourselves is called Wiltse Road, the road leading to the city gates. Run in the only direction possible, past abandoned cars and overturned trucks, and go through the gate onto Sanders Street. On the opposite side of the street there is a small flower shop. Take a first aid kit from the table near the entrance and move along the street until it intersects with Lindsey Street. Someone's shadow flashed ahead and disappeared into the fog, leaving behind a thick trail of blood. Throwing caution to the wind, follow the bloody trail along Lindsay Street. Along the way you will come across a bottle with a healing drink, just in case, grab it and continue driving to Vachss Road, where the trail turns and goes to a dead end.

Continue following the trail. On the right side of the street there is a small courtyard fenced with an iron mesh, and inside, on the table, there are two more bottles of medicinal drink. After capturing the trophies, move to the end of Watches Road until you hear a strange noise. Sounds like the crackle of a broken radio. The noise is coming from behind the fallen scaffolding near the entrance to the tunnel - make your way through the fallen boards and...

Thank God I had a board with a rusty nail at hand. Take this makeshift sword at the ready and prepare to resist what looks like a moving pile of charred human remains. The zombies, and that's exactly what they are, strike the first blow. After dealing with the dead man, examine the find. Yes, a really broken radio. Enter the personal items menu and make sure the radio is turned on (On). Now, whenever the evil dead is nearby, the radio will warn us with a characteristic crackling sound.

Returning along Watches Road back to the city, you will find it literally overrun with zombies, blithely wandering the streets or waiting in dark corners. Look at the map and try to plan your next steps. You can't go back along Wilt Road, the road is blocked, which means you need to find some way to the park near the lake, located to the north. I want to warn you in advance that no matter which street you take to the park, there will be a dead end at the end of each road, but it will still be a good idea to wander around the area and look for useful things like bottles of healing liquid, first aid kits and pistol cartridges.

Continue to the end of Saul Street and, when you come across another dead end at the end of the road, go into the trailer parked on the left side of the road. Carefully examine all the contents of this house on wheels until you find a piece of paper reporting "something interesting" in a bar on Neely Street. Get out into the fresh air and move towards the new mark that appears on your map. After defeating a couple of zombies hanging around near the back entrance to the bar, go inside and take the card from the table. This is the same map of Silent Hill, but with some additional marks, in particular an incomprehensible symbol placed near the Martin Street dead end.

Head down Martin Street, be careful - some zombies may suddenly appear from under the wheels of cars parked on the side of the road. At the end of the street you will notice a torn corpse. Search it and, having acquired the Apartment gate key, look at the map again. This house is also marked with a special symbol at the end of Katz Street. Having reached the cast iron gate, open it using the key you found and enter the patio.

House with the ghosts

The grate slammed behind us, separating us from the bustling world of the living dead, but leading us to the mournful abode of an abandoned house. Wandering around the courtyard, you quickly realize that the left wing of the building is locked and there is only one way forward - through the wide oak doors on the right. Once inside the building, first grab the Map of the apartment building from the left wall. You can navigate using this plan in the same way as using a general map. Having picked up a bottle of healing drink and, just in case, shaking the door in the hall (alas, it’s locked), go up the stairs and go to the second floor.

After a short battle with the living dead in a narrow corridor, look around the area and study the map. So, on the second floor, in fact, there are only a few rooms we need, the rest are either locked from the inside or blocked. First, explore the small open room to the right of the stairs. This is what is called a public laundry combined with a garbage chute. Examine the garbage disposal and James will say that there appears to be "something interesting" stuck inside, but there is no way to get "it" out. Well, let's forget for a while.

Exit the laundry room, check the map and follow to apartment No. 205. An amazing home... and an even more amazing mess. Pay attention to the mannequin, glowing with some unnatural light. Get closer and remove the flashlight from him. Great, now we have something to light our path! As soon as you receive the flashlight, a certain creature, at first resembling the second fallen dummy, will rise from the floor and launch a frontal attack. Meet our new zombie friends: mannequins.

Come into apartment No. 208 and carefully inspect the entire room. On the table next to the phone is an inconspicuous notebook with poems like this: “Henry is the shortest and slowest, Mildred is long and fast, and Scott is the smallest and most agile of all.” In apartment No. 208 there is another room with a huge wall clock and a strange inscription on the wall. Light the inscription with a flashlight and you will see three arrows with the signatures: “Henry, Mildred, Scott.” The riddle is simpler: Henry is the hour hand, Mildred is the minute hand, and Scott is the second hand. All that remains is to turn the hands, but... another problem: the clock is locked. We'll have to look.

Laura, are you with her?

Go out into the corridor. There is nothing else noteworthy on the second floor, go to the end of the corridor, exit to landing and go up to the third. Hmm... Who thought of putting a grate right in the middle of the corridor? Carefully inspect the corridor and you will notice something that looks like a key behind the steel bars. That’s right - a key, but when you try to reach it, an unknown little girl will appear out of nowhere and with a deft blow will knock the key away to the wall. Let's get to know each other better.

So, there is nothing to do, you will have to temporarily do without the key. After getting rid of the zombies in the corridor, inspect all available doors. In apartment No. 303, take several bottles of medicinal drink and a box of cartridges, go out into the corridor and go to apartment No. 301. Some kind of crazy maniac clearly lived here, there is no trace of gunshots on the walls, and the “crime weapon” itself lies in a small cart in the middle of the room. A police pistol (Handgun) is just what we need to successfully confront our otherworldly friends.

Go down to the second floor and move along the corridor until you hear someone's ominous scream. Apparently, they were shouting in some apartment opposite the exit. Run to apartment No. 208 and... who is that grinning through the broken bars? Well, it doesn’t matter, go into the room and... It seems this poor guy screamed, gutted near the TV. But where did he come from? Search the entire room again and on the shelf near the wall you will find the key to apartment No. 202 (Key to room 202). Having gone all the way along the corridor again, go to room No. 202, unlock it with the key and go inside. Never mind the butterflies fluttering in the flickering light, the occupant of apartment 202 was once an accomplished entomologist. Look around the room and pay special attention to the huge hole in the wall, oozing some kind of sticky liquid. Having overcome your disgust, stick your hand inside - and voila! Clock door key.

Return to apartment No. 208, go into the room with the clock and open the door. So, all that remains now is to correctly place the hands on the clock, in accordance with the drawing on the opposite wall. Remember: Henry is the hour hand, Mildred is the minute hand, and Scott is the second hand. When the arrows reach the desired position, a click will be heard and the invisible lock will open. Go around the clock and push it to the side as best you can. An opening in the wall leads to a room on the opposite side of the corridor grate. In the destroyed kitchen, take a bottle of medicinal drink from the table and go out into the common corridor. The strange creature seems... gone, but where? Go north, exit through the door onto the landing, pick up the ammo and go up to the third floor. First of all, take the Fire Escape Key and start inspecting the room. Most of the apartments are locked, only in room No. 303 you can get hold of a first aid kit, a bottle of healing elixir and a pack of cartridges, and in room No. 307...

You better not go into room 307, James. Some terrible creature with a head that looked like a huge pyramid (Pyramid head) jokingly dealt with two mannequins before our eyes, but, frightened by the shots, retreated, leaving us alone with cold sweat and a wildly pounding heart. When the video insert ends, examine the room and take the key to front door(Courtyard key) from the closet in which James was hiding.

Once again in the corridor, go to the opposite exit, open the door and go down to the landing. Continue down until you reach the first floor. Plastic packaging of orange juice (Canned juice). And this is what we went through all the trials for? Be that as it may, take the trophy, use the key to unlock the front door and go out into the painfully familiar courtyard. Do you still remember the “something” stuck in the garbage chute on the second floor? Juice packaging is quite heavy, and if you throw it down the garbage disposal, then... well, you get the idea.

So, go through the door in the right wing, go up to the second floor, turn into the “laundry room” on the right and feel free to throw the packaging onto the bag stuck in the garbage chute. Go down to the patio and approach the trash can between the doors. In the garbage package you will find an old magazine with an article about a local maniac who killed two children and committed suicide, and something more interesting - a silver coin with a minted old man's profile (Old man coin). After collecting the trophies, return to the right wing of the building, use the front door key to unlock the back door on the first floor and exit on the other side of the courtyard. Three zombie friends have already taken up residence in the wide pool in the middle of the yard. Carefully shoot all three, jump over the side and examine the contents of the baby stroller in the center of the pool. Another coin, this time with a minted snake (Snake coin). If you look closely at the map, you will realize that the entire house has been ransacked upside down, with the exception of the previously locked first floor. Head to the first floor and enter apartment No. 101. A picturesque corpse crushed by a refrigerator, and a sound, a sound... where did this sound come from? Take the cartridges from the table and unlock the door to the next room...

No, I didn’t kill, I didn’t kill anyone, they’re all dead!.. In this... this city! Some huge, really huge citizen with a clearly upset stomach is confessing to the toilet on his knees, while at the same time trying to make acquaintance with us. So, his name is Eddie, he ended up in Silent Hill completely by accident and, hiding from monsters, locked himself in this room. Is everything you say true, Eddie? I swear I didn't kill anyone!

Well, take care, big guy.

Well, there's nothing else noteworthy about this house. Go up to the second floor, check the map again and go straight to the fire exit and open the door with the key.. Hmm... Looks like the house is so old that the fire escape was removed during the construction of the neighboring building. There is nothing to do, you will have to jump out the next window and go through another house.

House with a closed safe and a crazy woman

The layout of this house is very similar to the layout of the one you just escaped from - the same floors, the same staircases, even the design of the premises is somewhat similar. Well, this is not the time to think about design. So, after looking around, head to the bathroom and get ready for one not very pleasant procedure, namely: plunging your hand directly into the toilet in order to fish out a useful note. The note contains some combination of numbers, but for what? Oh, that’s why, there’s a locked safe in the next room. Go to the safe and dial the required combination. The arrows on the note indicate in which direction you should rotate the handle, and the arrows indicate at what number to stop the rotation. The episode with the safe is not important for successfully completing the game, however, by opening the iron box, you will have as many as four boxes of cartridges at your disposal. Take the bottle of healing potion from the kitchen and leave the room.

Zombie zombies... It looks like we can't escape them anywhere. Having suppressed the resistance of the undead, try to open the doors to other apartments, but, alas, they will all be locked. Only in one apartment (No. 209) will there be a note from some Lin, saying that he took the key to his uncle living in the room near the stairs to the first floor. Having memorized the useful information, go out to the landing and go down. For ease of orientation, do not forget to grab another fire evacuation plan (Map of the west apartment building), located on the stairs. Go down to the first floor, take a first aid kit from the “laundry”, exactly the same as in the haunted house, and go into apartment No. 109. For some reason it immediately became a little... creepy. Take some cartridges from the sofa and open the door to the next room.

Oh, is it you again? James, my name is James. And my name is Angela. The second meeting with Angela turned out to be somewhat strained. And yet, try talking to a woman with obvious signs of a mental disorder and a huge knife in her shaking hands. Have you found your mom? No. Did she live in this house? Don't know. So all you know is that she lived in this city? Angela didn't see Mary or her mother. Something strange is happening to this woman, and she runs away, leaving us her terrible knife (Angela's knife) as a souvenir. After the end of the video scene, look around the room and take from the same coffee table as the knife a coin with the woman's profile ( Prisoner's Coin).

Go out into the corridor and go to the room that a certain Lin mentioned in the note in apartment No. 209. There is nothing notable in the room except for a strange secretary near the wall. The secretary has neither a lock nor a keyhole, but there are several small holes on its surface (what a coincidence!), the diameter of which is exactly suitable for the coins we found. On the back of the secretary there is a sign with the verses: “On the left is the old man, and on the right is the one who is crawling, and between them is the one who is captive.” Using simple logical reasoning and basic selection, place the coins in the holes in this order: in the second from the left - a coin with an old man, in the far right - a coin with a snake, and in the third from the left - a coin with a captive woman. The secretary opened and Lin's key to room No. 209 was found inside. (Lyne house key).

Go along the familiar path to room No. 209, open it with the key and go to the balcony. Amazing layout - the balconies in apartments No. 209 and No. 208 turned out to be common. Go to apartment No. 208, take some cartridges from the chair and the Apartment stairway key from the bed. Once outside the room, go along the eastern corridor to the door to the landing, open it with the key and...


Our recent acquaintance Pyramid seems to have come to say hello. There is no way to kill this beast, but the opposite can happen quite easily - just look at the huge cleaver sword in his “hand”. There will be only one tactic to fight this monster - move, shoot, move. The room in which the battle will take place is a small patch of land in the ocean of a damp basement. If your pistol has enough charges, proceed as follows: run back to the corner and, while the Pyramid is unfolding its heavy sword, fire exactly five shots, reload the pistol while running and rush to the opposite edge of the room. So, running from one end to another and not allowing the Pyramid to use his weapon, continue to fire at the monster until the water suddenly recedes and the angry Pyramid retreats to the basement along the iron stairs. Run after the adversary, open the doors and go... out into the street.


A gloomy day in Silent Hill

The morning has long passed, but the fog has not yet cleared. The pyramid disappeared somewhere, and we were again left alone in our strange war with the silent city. Have you forgotten that we walked through two terrible houses only to make our way to the western part of the city and end up in a park near the lake? Check the map and start heading north along the road. As soon as you leave the house, suddenly a... appears on the wall... Hey, weren’t you the one who knocked out the key from me back there in the house?! What do you want? Maybe me too! The little girl who really spoiled our blood in the terrible haunted house is now carefree sitting on a high wall and reading some paper. What is this in your hands, a letter? What do you care? You didn't love Mary anyway! Mary? You know her, hey, stop! The girl disappears just as suddenly, without clarifying the situation at all.

Continue along the northern road, checking the map and, after going through a tunnel, you will eventually reach the park. Well, one of the answers is already close. After wandering around the relatively safe park for a bit, you may find several boxes of ammunition and bottles of healing compounds, but, be that as it may, your main goal is the northern embankment of the park near the water. Once on the embankment, go to observation deck, Suddenly... Mary? No, my name is Maria. A woman who bears a striking resemblance to James's late wife, the same voice, the same face, only the clothes and hairstyle are different. But this is not Mary, this is just a woman who woke up in the morning and saw the fog... All the people left, and those who did not leave turned into monsters. The electricity disappeared, the telephone connection disappeared... so she came to the park, hoping to meet at least one living soul. But this park... it was our “special place”. "Special"? Weren't there any others? Hotel! The hotel on the other side of the lake where they spent a whole month three years ago. This is the kind of “special place” Mary could be talking about in her letter.

Maria, who for obvious reasons did not want to be left alone, forced herself on the journey with us. From now on, Maria will constantly follow us, and now during battles with the living dead you need to monitor not only your health, but also Maria, because if she dies, the game will not end at all as you would like. Leave the park in the direction that Maria will show you, simultaneously shooting all the zombies and mannequins you come across along the way. Check your map and follow the road north that circles the lake and leads to the hotel. If the explorer's mania has awakened in you, then you can simultaneously examine all the houses, courtyards and buildings you encounter along the way, but pay special attention to the Texxon Gas Station, where you can get hold of new bladed weapons in your car, instead of a plank with a nail - steel pipe(Steel Pipe), as well as several boxes of ammo and bottles of healing mixture.

Continuing north, you will eventually find that the road ends and the bridge ahead is destroyed. Near the cliff lies someone's corpse (apparently a policeman), carefully search his pockets and you will find a map of western Silent Hill with a special mark - Pete's Bowl-O-Rama. Bowling Club is located a little south along the road from the place where the bridge was destroyed. Having reached the place marked on the map, Maria will suddenly refuse to go inside. Well, we'll have to go alone. Approach the central entrance and open the door. Hmm... Because it's locked someone's indistinct conversation can be heard from the door. Go through the white door to the right of the entrance and, while you go around the torn tables and swept away shelves, you will have time to hear part of the conversation between Laura and Eddie, that same “big guy” with an upset stomach. Oh, James, hi, I just met Laura. The big guy eats the pizza as if nothing had happened and swears that he doesn’t know who this girl is or where she comes from. He only knows that she is looking for some woman. Mary... or whatever her name is? Damn it, the girl literally ran away from under her nose! Run outside and after a short conversation with Maria, run after Laura.

Follow the alley on the right side of the bowling alley until you reach the gate gate. Turn right and run along the alley until you see Laura, who deftly slipped into the opening between the walls. There is no way for us to get through after her, but then Maria comes to the rescue, taking the key from nowhere and opening the next door. Hmm, well, thanks for that. Once inside some room, apparently a nightclub, take the first aid kit from the chair and go outside through the opposite door. Walk along the street until you see Laura again, hiding behind the doors of some building, and enter the room after her... And yet here’s what’s strange: why, of all the buildings in such a large city as Silent Hill, did the damn girl choose the insane asylum?

Clinic for the mentally ill

The historical society building is unusually deserted this evening.

Before you start searching for Laura, take from the wall at the entrance a plan of the hospital with all its rooms, wards, examination rooms and offices. Considering that half of the doors are locked, and the other half is opened using various keys, the labyrinth is quite large. Wander through the corridors, practicing shooting a new type of zombie - a kind of mutated nurses with ulcerated faces, and then start opening all the available doors one after another. Few will be open, for example the Reception office, through which you can go to the Document room. In this room, read all the documents found, especially those related to violent patients. Also note the handwritten paper in which someone admits to having obtained "this key." "This key" is located here (Purple bull key). We have nothing else to do on the ground floor for now. The elevator, alas, does not work, so you will have to climb up the good old steps. Well, well, there’s no point in moaning, let’s knead the bones.

Once on the second floor, get rid of the zombie nurses and start exploring the area. First of all, look into the men's locker room and take the Examination room key from your robe pocket, go through the parallel door and look around the Women's locker - there in one of the lockers you will find - a long-awaited item - a shotgun. Now it will be incomparably easier to fight back against persistent monsters. Continue exploring the premises. In the same room for women, pay attention to the toy teddy bear, what is in it... hmm... a fish hook (Bent needle) - it will do well in the household. Go out into the corridor and explore the clinic further. In Examination room 3, in addition to the certainly useful first aid kit, you can find a typewriter with an unfinished sheet containing a lengthy message and a “code for the box.” We have yet to find out what kind of “box” this is, but remember the code, or better yet, write it down.

Then you can walk along the corridor with rooms numbered with the letter M. In almost each of them you will find something useful: a first aid kit, cartridges or a bottle of healing elixir. In room M2 you will find another mysterious key (Lapis eye key). After finishing the examination, go down to the first floor and use the newly acquired key to open the Examination room, from where, without wasting time, immediately go to the Doctor’s lounge. In addition to a valuable box of shotgun cartridges and several worthless pieces of paper, in the office there is a wall sheet for various notes. Study it and remember the code for the door leading to the wing of the building reserved for patient wards. We have nothing more to do on the first floor, finish off all the surviving undead medical workers and go up to the third floor.

Well, it's time for a decisive confrontation. Feel free to unload your shotgun at all the advancing zombies, don’t spare your boots, trample down the defeated ones and move deeper into the level. Near the door to the wing leading to the patient rooms (numbered S), remember the code you saw on the first floor. Enter it on the combination lock and go into the spacious hall. The tactics remain the same - suppress the resistance of our undead friends and begin a methodical inspection of each room to look for useful things. And continue like this until room S3. Maria, what's wrong with you? I'm tired, I'm just tired. Well, so much the better, let Maria rest, and take the Roof key from the bedside table and go out into the corridor. In room S11 there is a box entangled in chains and locked with several locks, containing something obviously very valuable. Remember this place and continue searching for Laura. What's left? Shower room only, go into the room and carefully inspect the drain. There is clearly something inside, but you can’t reach it with your hand - the cells in the lattice are too narrow. The fish hook is also missing, which means something else is missing.

Well, all the accessible rooms have been inspected, almost all the locked rooms are open, so there is only one thing left - the roof, but we haven’t looked there yet. Climb the stairs to the very top flight, unlock the door and go out into the fresh air. Evening is slowly falling over Silent Hill, and with it the darkness of night, and we need to hurry. Examine the roof, try to open the locked doors and carefully examine the tattered notebook, which turns out to be the diary of some patient. Rain, rain again today. It hasn't stopped since I got to this damn clinic. What do they want from me? What will they do to me? I don't know. Wander around the roof a little more and try to approach the locked Elevator control room. Suddenly there will be some noise, and... Pyramid! An old acquaintance will suddenly appear behind him and hit James with all his might with his terrible sword. Scream, flight, blow and darkness...

You will wake up on the third floor, in a locked ward for “violent” patients (Special treatment room). Having broken the roof, you fell down, so urgently improve your health with a first aid kit or several bottles of healing elixir and try to explore the room. All doors are closed, except for one, the middle chamber, thickly smeared with blood. To the left of the entrance door to this closet, try to make out the inscription written in blood on the wall. Strange, but this is just another code. Remember it and go out into the common corridor.

So, let's see what we have: two mysterious keys and two equally mysterious codes, one hastily written on a typewriter, the other, apparently in a fit of madness, in blood on the wall of the room. Isn't that enough to open the mystery box in room S11? Go to the room and alternately use the Lapis eye key and Purple bull key on the box. The chains have disappeared, all that remains is to open the combination locks. Enter the code that you saw on the printed sheet on the electronic code pad, and enter the second code, written in blood, on the combination lock. But what is this, what?! All this suffering for the sake of a cotton pad and a tuft of someone's long hair! What a disappointment... Although... wait a second, what if you tie a fairly strong hair to a fishing hook and try to get that “something” stuck in the shower drain. Go to the shower room at the other end of the corridor and complete the whole operation using an improvised fishing rod, using the Combine menu item by combining hair (Hair) and a hook. Great, we got just what we needed - the Elevator key. Using the newly acquired key, open the plug near the door in the corridor, call the elevator and go down to the first floor, wing C.

According to the scheme that has already been worked out many times, begin to study all the rooms. Try to open room C1, in room C3 grab some boxes of ammo and go into room C2. Well, of course: in a city teeming with the dead, in an insane asylum, decorated with streaks of someone’s blood and full of evidence of the terrible torment of patients, Laura sits calmly in a quiet room and plays with a teddy bear. Laura, tell me, do you know Mary? Yes, we were friends with her when she was in the hospital. So. But this is impossible, Mary is dead. No, she is alive, she wrote a letter. Tempted by the possibility of seeing the mysterious letter, James heads after Laura. And... he falls into another trap. The cunning girl locks James, who is already starting to go crazy, in the examination room and... Laura, open up, can you hear? Open the door immediately!.. But she won't open it anymore.

"Live Meat"

The next “boss”, or rather even two “bosses”, with whom we have to fight because of Laura’s tomfoolery, is a little more terrible than the Pyramid. Two mutants, looking like huge pieces of animated steamed meat, appear under the ceiling and, slowly moving in “carriages” suspended from the ceiling, try to grab James with their terrible tentacles. The tactics here are the same as during the fight with the Pyramid - move, move and move again, only this time instead of a pistol, use a shotgun to deal with these monsters. Let the two mutants get as close as possible, then fire a series of shots, run to the opposite corner of the room, reload and again wait for them to come within range. As soon as the last of the monsters hangs lifelessly in his “carriage”, the siren will howl, and James, from long-term fatigue, will fall unconscious on the spot.

Night in a madhouse

What happened while we were unconscious is called “substitution of spaces.” Silent Hill lives in two forms - in the form of a city of mysterious fog and in the form of a city that seems to have come from a parallel world. Otherworldly, hellish world. A universe of concentrated evil. Night has fallen, and the Silent Hill of old is no more. Welcome to the world of crazy night, James.

So, we woke up in the garden of an ominous clinic. It's raining outside, night is falling over Silent Hill, and the madhouse is getting even crazier. Go around the rooms in the corridor with the letter C again - in addition to ominous graffiti, several gifts like first aid kits and cartridges have appeared there. Take the elevator and go up to the second floor. Continue to comb all the rooms in corridor M according to the pattern you have already worked out many times. In room M6, in addition to a first aid kit and a box of pistol cartridges, by examining the picture on the wall, you will find a Basement storeroom key and a fresh Dry cell battery. Read the note next to the picture... Hmm... it seems that someone defended the ring in the basement, but does not want to return for it “for some reasons.” Remember this message well and continue your walk. In the Day room in the middle of the hall there is a huge refrigerator. What, James, shouldn’t you open it, should you have eaten more porridge? Apparently, you can’t do without help here. Go out into the corridor, call the elevator and go up to the third floor.

In the corridor with the letter S, everything is the same, except for the fact that Maria has disappeared from room S3... This was still not enough, we begin an active search. Open the door to the common wing and go out onto the landing. We have nothing to do on the roof, so we go down the stairs to the lowest level and, using the found key, open the door to the basement. A bit empty, don't you think? Try pushing the cabinet off the wall and... Maria? Where have you been? Have you found Laura? I was so scared, everything was gone, this... this night! After a short exchange of impressions, Maria rejoins the team. We continue our research: go down the stairs into the opening that opens behind the closet and in the opened cellar, take a cheap copper ring from the floor. There is nothing else to look for here: go back to the landing, go up to the third floor, call the elevator and go down to the second floor.

What was it? Suddenly the radio, which had previously only crackled quietly in my pocket, burst into a real concert on demand! Voice says something strange, some questions similar to radio quiz questions. If you listen carefully to the entire speech, you will get three questions:

1. What is the name of the park in the northern part of Silent Hill?

2. What was the name of the maniac who killed two children? And

3. What is the name of the road leading from Silent Hill to Palville?

Anyone who answers the questions correctly can come to the warehouse on the third floor and get their prize! As in the long-standing riddle with the safe, this radio broadcast is an optional but interesting episode of the game. If you want to take part in this unique quiz, take the elevator to the third floor, go to the electronically locked Storeroom and press the correct answer options on the electronic console: button No. 1 in the first row, button No. 2 in the second, and button No. 2 in the third - No. 3. If successful, you will receive as many as five boxes of shotgun shells and two medical ampoules as a reward.

After finishing the quiz, go back down to the second floor, go to the rest room and, with the help of joint efforts with Maria, open the refrigerator on the floor. ???Lead ring... hmm, where might a ring come in handy? Maybe you noticed the portrait of a woman near the elevator that appeared on the third floor? The hands of the painted woman look just like real ones... So, go up to the third floor, use both found rings on the portrait, and hooray! - a secret door, a long-awaited way out of a dead end. Go into the opened passage and start going down the stairs.

Having reached the lower level, follow Maria along the long corridor. Pyramid! Here again, the old scoundrel. It is simply unrealistic to fight the insidious beast in such a narrow space, so run as fast as you can straight down the corridor, not paying attention to the rapid breathing behind your back. Forward, forward, forward and... The door behind her begins to close, Maria desperately stretches out her hands, the Pyramid comes closer. James!.. The door slams shut and Maria is gone.

The elevator comes to the first floor. Whether we have a desire to continue the search or not, we need to move on. Once in the Director's room, look at the map on the table. A new direction has opened, a path has been outlined: back to eastern Silent Hill, from there again to the park by the lake, where a treasure is buried in a secret place, and only then to the Historical Society Silent Hill Historical Society Take the Hospital Lobby Key from the table and exit the damned clinic through the central door.

Darkness over Silent Hill

Night has fallen over the city, the streets are teeming with awakened zombies, and our way back to the streets of Silent Hill is very difficult. Check the map, choose a direction and begin to smoothly move back towards the city. In principle, for the sake of saving ammo, you don’t have to engage in battles with numerous dead people, but then forget about collecting all the useful gifts scattered along the side of the road and just rush forward, periodically checking the route on the map.

Run along Carroll Street, turn onto Rendell Street. From there, head south along Monson Street and to the east on Saul Street, turn into a long tunnel. Be careful - you will have to run along a grated floor, behind which several dead people are hiding. Just don't stop there and you'll easily get past this dangerous area. At the end of the path, open the gate and... does it remind you of anything? We came back to where we started. If you want to replenish your supply of medicine, you can look into an old trailer on the side of the road and get a first aid kit. Look at the map again and move towards the mark “Gonzales's Mexican Restaurant”. On the steps of the front door, someone specially left a letter and a wrench for you. Take your things and carefully read the message: approx. The statue of a praying woman that stands in the park by the lake has something important hidden. Well, let's go there.

We no longer have to go through a scary haunted house to get into the park. This time everything is much simpler - go out to Katz Street, move west and at the end of the road open the previously locked door leading to the western part of Silent Hill. Still ignoring the rampaging zombies, get to the park, go to the western part of it and look for a small area with a stone statue. Does she look like a woman praying?.. Quite. Go around the rear of the statue and carefully examine the suspicious lump behind it. After discarding the earth, open the discovered box with a wrench and take the Old bronze key.

The penultimate piece of the puzzle has been solved, and now our path lies in only one direction - the Silent Hill Historical Society, marked in the northern part of your map. Run along the familiar highway to the mark on the map, pick up the first aid kit near the central gate and use the old bronze key to unlock the front door.

Silent Hill Historical Society

At first, it will be quite difficult to navigate without a map, so listen carefully to the advice. Through the only door you enter the central room of the society and, if you wish, you can examine the paintings hanging on the walls. Pay special attention to the huge panel depicting... yes, the Pyramid! A pyramid standing with his sword against the backdrop of the evil prisoners of the Toluca prison. Go into the next room and go down through a huge hole in the wall. Come down, are you kidding me!? In fact, the descent down is not just long, it is extremely, extremely, maxi, impossible, extremely, surprisingly long. You will fall lower and lower and lower, but don’t worry, eventually a door will loom somewhere in the distance and you will enter some kind of underground dwelling.

Hmm, it looks like there haven't been living people in this room for a hundred years... Or maybe two hundred. The document lying on the table dates back to the first half of the century before last, and it talks about quite ordinary things. After looking around the area and grabbing a first aid kit to be sure, go into the next room. Since we still don't have a map, try to concentrate and listen carefully to the instructions on the route you need to follow in order to find the exit. So, after the gate, turn right and follow until the fork, then turn right again, ignore the door and turn around and go through the door from where you came. Surprised? This corridor is not as simple as it seems. Finding ourselves in a completely new room, we find ourselves at a dead end. The only way out is to jump into the seemingly bottomless hole in the floor. Well, go ahead - jump, fly, hit.

How stupid this is! Of your own free will, fall to the bottom of a deep well from which there is no way out! However, do not lose hope: search every centimeter of the well wall. Continue searching until James says he noticed something strange. Stop in that place, take a jagged board or steel pipe at the ready and start pounding on the wall as hard as you can. Eventually the brick will crack, allowing you to enter further through a secret passage. Walk along the damp sewer until you notice a door on the right wall; go inside and past the floor grate into the next door. In a small room, grab the grate key (Spiral-writing key) and... Damn it, how the battery died at the wrong time... and what is that damned rustling noise? Quickly, before the worst happens, use the battery found in the clinic for the mentally ill, turn on the light on the flashlight and start trampling the huge beetles that have come running from all sides. When the arthropods calm down a little, look for a way out. Activate the panel next to the slammed door and get ready to solve another, not too difficult puzzle. See how only three of the nine numbers are highlighted on the console? You need to select the required combination of pressing these three buttons in the simplest way in the world - brute force. Try it, there really aren't many options.

Once freed from the terrible room, return to the room with the bars and open the lock on the floor. Well, let's take one more risk? Jump down.

Location: Apartment "Wood Side", 2nd floor, apartment 208.
In the room there will be a large grandfather clock against the wall. You need to set the time correctly, after which the clock can be moved aside and you can go into the next room through the hole. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the riddle, which is written in a notepad lying on the nightstand.

Three different sizes,
time on the run.
Three young men circlin'
round the sun.
Henry is short and
very, very slow,
Scott can't stop
he's always on the go.

Three different sizes,
and time flies.
Three guys went
circle around the sun.
Henry is short himself
And very leisurely.
Not worth it, cheerful Scott
He's always on the road.


Three needles stand
three different heights.
The fat, the tall and the thin.
From slow to fast they
move to the right.
Scott rests not on three but fifteen.

Three arrows
It bothered them to stand together
Thick, long and thin.
From leisurely to fast
They went to the right.
Scott stood at 15, not 3.

Also note the inscription next to the scratches on the wall near the clock:



Name Henry ( H enry) corresponds to the clock ( H ours), Mildred ( M ildred) - minutes ( M inutes), Scott ( S cott) - seconds ( S econds).
Pay attention to the scratches on the wall - they show the correct position of the arrows. Open the clock and move the hands to 21:10. After this you will hear a click. Done, the passage is open.

Safe code

Location: Blue Creek Apartments, 2nd floor, apartment 203.
There will be a locked safe in the room. He wrote the code for it on a piece of paper from his wallet, which James takes out of the toilet. This riddle is not required to complete. But there are four packs of ammunition in the safe, so it’s better to take them. The code will be different at different difficulty levels of the riddles, and it will also change constantly.

Turn the knob so that the vertical indicator is at the number “10”, then turn it to the right to the number “6”, then to the left to “14”, and finally to the right to “3”.

Hard difficulty level of riddles:
You receive a code made up of Roman and Arabic numerals. This code means the following: scroll the knob to the number “9”, then right to “6” (since V1=5+1=6), then left to “12”, and finally right to “14” (i.e. k. X4=10+4=14).

In this case, the code will consist of Arabic numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet. In this example, you would first turn the knob to "8", then to the right to "14", then to the left to "10", and finally to the right to "18".
Latin letters correspond to numbers, starting with the number 10, i.e. A-10, B-11, C-12, D-13, E-14, F-15, G-16, H-17, I-18, J-19, K-20.

Riddle with three coins

Location: Blue Creek Apartments, 1st floor, apartment 105.
In the room there is a box with five round recesses for coins. You have three coins - “Prisoner”, “Snake”, “Elder”. They must be placed in the recesses in a certain sequence. The riddle written right there will help you with this. The text and solution differ depending on the difficulty level.

Easy riddle difficulty level:

To the right is the lady.
To the left is the old one.
In the center crawls the other.

Now just two spaces remain,
But fear not for now,
The puzzle is done.
The puzzle is done.

On the right is a lady. And on the left is an old man.
Someone else is in the center
rustling on the ground.

Let two places be empty
Remain for now
Don't be afraid, my friend,
After all, the riddle is simple.

Elder | Empty | Snake | Empty | A prisoner
According to the text of the riddle, the lady is located on the right, i.e. the “Prisoner” coin should be placed in the far right recess. On the left is an old man, i.e. in the leftmost recess there should be an “Elder” coin. In the center we crawl the remaining one, i.e. the Snake coin should be in the middle.

Normal riddle difficulty level:

Three bright coins in five holes be
At one end sits
the Seducer of she

The wind from behind
the woman doth play

The Formless One,
Null, lies furthest from them

The Old One beside
the Serpent sits not.

Tis to the Prisoner's left
that he doth rot.

Three coins shine, five cells for them. Her seducer on the edge became silent somewhere.

Behind that lady's back
The wind blows easily

A Formless, Zero
he is far from them

Near the Snake Old Man
won't want to sit.

He's on the left of the Prisoner
was left to decrepit.

Empty | Elder | Prisoner | Empty | Snake
The line “The seducer of her on the edge has become silent somewhere” means that the “Snake” coin (a reference to Adam and Eve) should be located on the edge - in the right recess. “Behind that lady’s back, the wind blows lightly” - that is, the “Prisoner” coin should be located in the middle, and the wind is the penultimate empty recess on the right. “And the Formless, Zero is far from them” - an empty recess on the left. Based on the last lines, it is clear that the “Elder” coin should be to the left of the “Prisoner” coin - in the second recess from the left.

Hard difficulty level of riddles:

First lies the seat of
He who is Peerless
Silent and empty
heartless and fearless
Beside him sits one who knows
The place of the servant is
next to throne

Dozens of feet,
yet not a single toe
The One that is Hidden
beside him doth go
Seducer of dreams,
creature of Hades
Lying further from
Man and closer to Lady

Man and Woman seeing all
Heedless to the Raven's call

Silent and Hidden the two may be
They won't be there for you to see

Return them to when
they would be
And blessing shall
descend on thee

I speak like this with
the North Star behind me
The birth of the sun is
the start of the story

The first bed of the one who is Fearless
Empty, Incomparable,
Soulless and Quiet
The one sitting next to him
who knows what the place is
Servants near the throne
their masters

Dozens of legs -
not a single finger
Nearby is the One Who is Hidden
Along with him is the one
who tempts with a dream
And it attracts you to the underworld
He stayed away from the man
I started looking for places closer to the lady

The Lady and the Man see everything
They won't heed the crow's call

To the Quiet with the Hidden, perhaps
You'll be lucky to avoid the gaze of strangers

Once everyone is in place
you'll put something dear
Instantly grace
will descend on you

I speak with the North Star
behind my back
The birth of the sun
this story will begin.

Empty | Elder | Empty | Snake | A prisoner
From the first line of the riddle it is clear that the first recess will be empty. Further it says about the one “who knows that the place of servants is near the throne of their masters” - this refers to the “Elder” coin. The next line, “Nearby is He Who is Hidden,” means the third empty recess. From the following lines it becomes clear that they refer to the “Snake” coin, which in turn is located further from the man (the “Old Man” coin) and closer to the woman (the “Prisoner” coin), therefore the “Snake” and “Prisoner” coins will be located in the last right recesses.

Extra difficulty level of riddles:

Like coins in the hazy
aether tossed
Our souls must by
their sinful weight
Descend to earth
with lightness lost
To "right" the sins
that they hat laid
When thrice in falling they intone
The Happiness shall be your own

The first note be not by
the Horned One run
Though it be there that
all sins be sprung

The Bringer of Life and
the Bringer of Shame
The sins of the latter be
even more than that

Thought coming
in the Aged One's wake
The Formless One's soul
in fear doth quake

The Needless One, silent,
with hungers all sated
Is at least then in sin
with his lusts all abated

For the gravest of sinners
His place be appointed
And if he be lucky
May his soul be anointed

Like the coins that were thrown
into the endless foggy ether
Under the weight of sins our souls descend
having lost your light, into this world
By “right”, atoning for all your sins
What have they accomplished in their lives?
They will sing three times in a row, disappearing
And you will become happy instantly

Their first note will be played
not by the Horned One himself
But he is nearby - he serves everyone’s sins
One eternal source

O Life Bringer
and you, Bringer of Shame
You are both sinners, but the second one is in Gehenna
faces a lighter sentence

Silently the Formless One steps
Staying Behind the Old Man
His soul knows no peace in fear
having known the bitter taste of sin

Ignorant of Needs only became silent
satisfying your hunger forever
He is the least broken by sin
Suppressing all lust within myself

A terrible fate for sinners
His punishment awaits
But if you are lucky, you will be anointed
And will find eternal peace

Elder | Empty | Snake | Prisoner | Empty
The first lines say that the coins must be arranged according to the degree of sinfulness. Next it is written about the one who is the source of all sins. With reference to biblical legends, it can be assumed that this refers to the “Snake” coin. It is further said that the one who brings life and the one who brings shame are both sinners, but the second is less sinful, therefore the Snake coin should be placed to the left of the Prisoner coin. “The Formless One steps silently behind” - an empty recess. Next it tells about the old man who has the least sin, so the “Old Man” coin should be placed in the leftmost recess.

Door code riddle

Location: Brookhaven Hospital, 3rd floor.
In order to open the door to the patient wing on the 3rd floor of Brookhaven Hospital, you must dial the correct combination. Registration in the Doctor’s lounge on the 1st floor will help you with this.

Easy/normal difficulty level of riddles:

3rd floor patient wing hall - 7335

Patient wing on the 3rd floor. - 7335

Everything is simple here - code 7335

Hard/extra difficulty level of riddles:

The pin number this month is
"T". Last month it was "X"
and before that it was “Z”.
But what are they going to
do next month? That's all they
can express with 4 numbers.

Anyway does the door to the
Patient Wing really need to have
its combination changed this

Code number for this month
"T". Last month there was an "X"
and the year before it was “Z”.
But what will they do in
next month? That's all that
can be expressed in 4 numbers.

In any case, is it worth it?
change the door combination
to the patient wing so often?

The code corresponds to the letter "T". If you put it on top of the code panel, you can understand that you should dial the code 1328.

In the first part of the game, Harry Mason visited the northern part of the city of Silent Hill in search of his daughter Cheryl Mason.

It all started with an innocent vacation and a trip with my daughter in a jeep around the cities of the United States. At a late hour our wanderers reached the outskirts of Silent Hill. On the way, they only met a girl, a police officer, who rushed past on a motorcycle. A little later, as he entered the city, Harry noticed a police motorcycle lying on the side of the road, but the officer was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, the figure of a young girl appeared in front of a jeep rushing along the highway at high speed. Trying to avoid a collision, Harry turned the steering wheel and the car flew off the road.

He woke up in the car, but his daughter was not nearby. In search of Cheryl, he had to leave the jeep and head deeper into the foggy city. On one of the central streets, Harry notices the silhouette of his daughter, who immediately runs away, hiding in the thick fog. Harry follows her into a small courtyard. Everything around suddenly becomes dark and Harry sees terrible creatures that look like children wandering in the dark. He sees several decomposed bodies lying on stretchers and hanging on the walls. Small creatures armed with knives attack Harry and kill him...

Harry wakes up in the 2 to 5 cafe and realizes that everything he saw was a nightmare. Next to him is that same young girl, a police officer named Cybil Bennett.

She talks about strange things happening in the city and that she was summoned to Silent Hill. She then leaves Harry, heading for reinforcements.

Harry cannot sit still, and he goes in search of his daughter. A miraculously found bloody letter tells the story of the “way to school.” Worried and discouraged, he immediately sets off on his journey. Harry quickly notices the dual nature of the town of Silent Hill. Darkness and nightmares return in reality. Everything around gets dark and becomes dilapidated and abandoned. After defeating a terrible monster in the school basement, Harry meets a ghost girl who caused an accident on the road. He later meets a woman named Dahlia Gilespie, who gives him conflicting information in a pseudo-biblical manner.

In his wanderings through the dark world of the city, Harry meets two characters - Lisa Garland, a nurse, and Dr. Michael Kaufmann, who worked at the local hospital. Harry realizes that the real evil is Dalia, since she was the leader of the secret cult. A girl named Alessa, Dalia Galespi's own daughter, was sacrificed to evil spirits. Galespie burned down her house along with her daughter to hide all the evidence.

Harry moves deeper into the darkness of the city and realizes that Cheryl is somehow connected to Alessa. After finding five magical talismans, Harry kills Samael, an evil demon summoned to the city by Dahlia. Along with his death, the darkness recedes and Samael, dying, releases Alessa’s soul to freedom. Alessa's spirit gives the baby to Harry. Harry and Sybil leave the city with the child in their arms. Now they will start a new happy life.

The story continues...

It all starts quite trivially, James Sunderland received a letter from his wife. She died 3 years ago, and wrote a letter only now. Her name was Mary. James immediately goes to the town of Silent Hill, lost in the vastness of the USA. He hopes to meet Mary alive!



He is the main character of the game. James came to town because he received a letter from Mary, his wife, who died 3 years ago. In the letter, Mary says that she will wait for him in some special place. James knows that the whole city was special to them. They could spend hours walking at the local Rosewater Park near Lake Toluka and looking at the water.

Angela is looking for her family in the city of Silent Hill. She is the first "living soul" James meets on his way to the city. Will she find her loved ones or does she have some special reason for staying in the city of Silent Hill? We'll have to find out.

Laura is a little girl who tries in every possible way to make life difficult for James. Either she steals the key she needs, or she locks it in the room... Why does she hate the main character? We'll have to find out.

A brilliant and sensual woman who cannot leave anyone indifferent. She is a very bright character, at first glance, completely incompatible with the interactive thriller genre. She closely resembles James' wife, Mary, but her clothing style, charm and personality are very different. She will accompany James on his dangerous journey.

Mary is the main character's "deceased wife". She suffered from an incurable disease. Perhaps she contracted the virus from William Birkin, or maybe she also became a victim of a cult widespread in the city?


Eddie is a very versatile character! We can see how well Laura treats him. We know that he once played baseball. However, his behavior and the dead body in his room leave open the question of the hero’s state of mind. Why did he come to Silent Hill and what secrets does he hide? We also have to find out.

New meeting with SILENT HILL:

The game begins with a rather interesting visit by the main character to a crummy bathroom located in a mansion on the outskirts of the city. After the video fragment, take the card lying in the car.

There is no urgent need for this, just check the memory card again if you want. After this, we will head to the cemetery, the safest and quietest place in this city.

A visit to the cemetery gives us our first meeting with Angela. After a specific conversation with her, continue exploring the residential areas by exiting through another gate into the cemetery. Follow the path shrouded in fog and you will soon reach the gate doors. Follow the chosen path.

So we reached Sanders St. There's a dead end in the east. Having crossed the street, we find ourselves in front of a flower shop, on the table in front of which there is a first aid kit. We'll take it with us, it might come in handy. Let's continue our journey to the west. When you reach the first intersection of Sanders St. and Lindsey St. You will see trails of blood leading north on Lindsey St. Soon you will notice a silhouette emerging vaguely through the thick fog. Before you follow the fresh, bloody tracks, pick up a bottle of health-improving drink on the steps of the building on the west side of the street. You won't be able to go west on Sanders, so turn north up Lindsey. On the western side of the road there is nothing but ugly, unkempt houses.

On the east side of the street there is also a bottle of healing drink next to the garage door near Vachss Rd.

Before you go down the street, cross it and approach the supernatural monument in the courtyard. Read the inscription on the monument, which in the original reads: “The x meters of land surrounding this monument were originally swamp, but were later filled in. From long ago, the swamp was nicknamed Blood Swamp because the executioners poured the water used to wash the execution tools in here. Perhaps it"s for that reason that many people claim to have seen ghosts in the area."

As you understand, this message clears up a little the fog that keeps the secrets of the town, and, approximately, it will sound like this: “The lands surrounding this monument were originally a swamp, but were later filled in. Long ago, executioners washed their weapons in swamp, for which it was nicknamed the Swamp of Blood. Perhaps for this reason, many people claimed that they saw ghosts near this terrible place."

Now we go down Vachss Rd. On it you can find two drinks and a place where you can save the game. A few more steps forward and fans of the previous part will recognize the familiar “ringing” of the radio. Watch the video clip and then kill this creature. Another lovely cutscene, now head back the way you came. Return to Lindsey St. and go down Sanders St and turn west. There should be a healing drink to your right. Cross the road again and head to the eatery called "Happy Burger", where you will find a first aid kit next to the trash can. After this, continue your journey south towards Neely St. and then turn onto Saul St. Enter the travel agency and look for a map of the area there, you can save the game at the same time. After this you will learn that you should visit Neely's Bar, so do so. Note that Neely's Bar is blocking the approaches to the south, Saul Street is blocked from the west, at least for now, and Harris Street is completely blocked.

Walk to the north side of Neely Street and you will find another first aid kit next to the Chiropractic and Sports Injury Center.

Next, follow to Neely's Bar on the right side and go inside. There you will find a map on which the Wood Side Apartment building is circled, and Martin St. has a "?" drawn on it. Before you leave, look at the windows, the inscription on them reads : There was a gap here, now it’s gone (There was a HOLE here. It's gone now.) Interesting! Okay, we'll come back to this later, get out and head up Martin St. and pick up the healing drink on the right, just before Katz St. Move further, passing the car parked on the left side of the street you can find another healing drink. Take the key to the WoodSide building. The key can be found in the pockets of a lifeless body lying near the fence. Turn back and head west. Look at the map. Do you see Lucky Jade Restaurant? Go there and you can find a first aid kit and a drink there, you don't care on the way. The north side of Neely Street is blocked, the west side of Katz Street is too. By the way, there is a very strange inscription on the wall: “The door that awakens the darkness, opening into nightmares.” Next to this cute sign there is a locked door. Residential building in the Woodside area. Open the doors and step into the unknown. Just go straight, passing the double bluish doors, on the left you can see a map of the building. On the right you will find a good old save pad and a bottle of life-giving drink. The door located in some distance away, it cannot be opened yet, so go up to the second floor. Look at the map and find room 205. When you find yourself behind the door in the hallway, run straight, without turning anywhere, do not try to fight the creatures that will try to attack you. Your only goal is a flashlight. Take it and run to the exit, dodging mannequins waving their arms, or rather even legs. Now go up to the third floor. On the other side of the grate there will be a key, but a little girl will grab it and drag it into the darkness. Go to room 301 and take the gun. Well, where are these monsters now? Right there... Return to the second floor. Strange, all the enemies are gone. Enter the room located on the right side, the first door from the stairs, and you will notice that there is a substantial pile of garbage clogging the garbage disposal. Now go down to the Hall and you will hear a scream. Time to run to room 208, located in the northern part of the building. Once you are in the room, you will notice a strange figure on the other side of the wall. The creature won't move, so move on. Oh oh oh! It seems that someone was having fun with the owner of this apartment. The picture is frankly unpleasant. After turning the camera and the scene, take the key to room 202 from the bookshelf and follow it into it. The monsters have returned, but mostly they just get under your feet, not posing a real threat.

In room 202, look for a healing drink in the kitchen. This room is full of red butterflies, including dead ones. There is a hole in the right wall of the room. Stick your hand into it. Scary? Of course, that’s how it was intended! So we got the key to the watch.

Return to room 208. In the room on the table to the right there is a notepad with a riddle:

Three needles stand of Three different heights. The fat, the tall and the thin. From slow to fast they. Move to the right. Scott rests not on three, but fifteen.

which translates to:

There are three needles, all of different heights. One is thick, another is long, and the third is short. From slow to fast. They are moving to the right. Scott stays not at three, but at five.

(Please note: this riddle may vary depending on the difficulty level you choose, but the answer to this question is always the same)

Now go to the room on the left and you will see a huge grandfather clock and an inscription on the side that reads: “The scars from the past must be removed by the claw that stopped time.” the past shall remove the nail that stops time"). On the opposite wall you can see a sign on which the names are written: Henry, Mildred and Scott, each of them is underlined. Have you solved the puzzle? The mystery of the old clock is solved quite simply. The name Scott is just a hint at The word seconds is therefore referring to the second hand of a clock being stuck at ****** seconds, so Henry should represent Hours and Mildred should represent Minutes!

Now let's look at the scratches from the claws on the wall, they will tell us where the clock hands should have been. The time on the clock was approaching 9:10. Go to the clock and open it with the key. Move the arrows around to 9:10. Did you hear a click? Now all that remains is to move the clock to the side.

So we ended up in 209. There is a save in the room, so you can use it and at the same time take a healing drink from the kitchen. Next, follow the stairs through the blue door. Go up to the third floor and take the cartridges there. Go to room 307. Watch the video insert and collect your things. Don't forget to grab the courthouse key in the restroom. Visit room 303, it contains a useful first aid kit and a healing drink. Be careful! Monsters are swarming in the room. Leave the room and look for the fire exit key lying on the floor to your left. Then grab some more ammo from the laundry room and go down the east stairs to the first floor. Pick up the fruit juice in the jar at the end of the hall. Open the double doors and run to the first pair of double doors. Return to the second floor and throw the saved jar of juice into the trash heap. Go back outside and pick up the coin, then read the article. After that, go back to the double doors again.

Now you can go through earlier closed door. There is a swimming pool outside in the courtyard. Distract the monsters from the trailer in the center, then jump down, grab the snake coin in the stroller, and get out of the pool as quickly as possible. Exit through the eastern door of the courtyard. Go to room 104 and take the ammo. When you leave the room, unlock the blue door next to it. Now look into room 101, you will find cartridges and hear the sound of something tearing. Open the door on the left side of the room and here's another beer drinker, a guy named Eddie. Residential building in the Blue Stream area:

After watching the video with Eddie, return to the second floor. At the left end of the corridor, use the fire exit key to open the blue door. So you ended up in another building, climbing the fire escape. Now you are in the Blue Stream residential area. Look around. Take the wallet that somehow ended up in the toilet and find a piece of paper with a new code.

Safe riddle:

Whether you play on a difficult or easy level, the numbers will still be displayed on the safe. If you have chosen a difficult path to solving riddles in the game, most likely the safe will have Roman numerals on it: “X” and “V.”, where “X” is equal to 10 and “V” is equal to 5. Consider this example: X7. Just add two numbers. 10+7=17. Another example is VV, that is 5+5=10. Enter the resulting combination of numbers into the safe to open it. It doesn't matter which way you turn the safe handle.

So, if you placed the arrows on the first number, move to the right to indicate the next number. The next movement should be in left side. All these actions are carried out by pressing the crossbar on the joypad, which rotates the handle of the safe in one direction or another. In practice, everything looks much simpler, so don’t be alarmed, it’s still early! One way or another, inside you will find four boxes of pistol bullets. Before leaving the room, grab a miraculous healing drink, carefully left for you by the creators of the game.

Now we need to look for a map, don't we? Leave the room and dodge the monsters, making your way to the door leading to the stairs. The door, by the way, is white, at least there is some difference. You find yourself on the left side of the building. Unfortunately, some bad person locked all the doors. You can read the sign on the door to room 209. After that, head towards the stairs. Well, let's try to go down to the first floor. In the laundry room on the left you will find a first aid kit. Then cross the hall. Go straight and don't turn anywhere to room 105 and look at the table standing near the wall with an incredibly long puzzle that changes according to the selected difficulty level. Now you only have two coins, but we will need one more to solve the riddle. Luckily it is very easy to get. All rooms on the first floor are locked except 109, that's where we'll go. Pick up the pistol ammo and exit through the other door. Here we have a new meeting with Angela. Watch the video! After this, take one of the key items of the game - a knife. Pick up the last coin of the “convict”, we came all this way here for it. Let's return to room 105 and start solving the puzzle. The riddle of three coins:

In general, the solution to the riddle differs depending on the difficulty level of the puzzles selected in the game.

Let's look at the easy level first: old man's coin, empty, snake coin, empty, prisoner's coin. For normal difficulty, the riddle is: empty, old man's coin, prisoner's coin, empty, snake's coin. And finally, a difficult level of riddles: empty, old man's coin, empty, snake coin, prisoner coin. The key to Lyne House rests in the table, the sign on the door said about the second floor. Now go to 209, cross it and enter 208 to the open balcony, there are some pistol cartridges, an Apartment Stairway Key and finally a save point. Now it's worth saving!!! You never know, now use the key you just received. Watch the video!

Fight a boss with a pyramid head. Just stay away from him and avoid his throws. You don't even need to shoot him, just hold out for a while because the battle is time limited. After a while, you will hear a siren wail and the hexagonal head will retreat back into a flight of stairs filled with water, which will soon drain after its departure. Don't try to follow him! You will simply be cut in half.

Once the boss is out of sight, go down the stairs and out the door. We have nothing else to do in this building!

In the western direction there is a first aid kit, but further on the road is blocked, so we turn north. Another video clip. This time we will be shown Laura, an obnoxious girl who pulled the key out of her hands. James also remembers how she crushed his hand, after a meaningless conversation, continue your journey in a northerly direction. Cross Nathan Ave. and head towards Rosewater Park. Take the first left and pick up two boxes of ammo and a healing drink. Continue north. On the right you can also find a box with pistol cartridges and a bottle with a healing drink. So we came to the lake. Turn west and walk a few meters along the pier. You will be shown one of the best cutscenes in the game. Maria is a mystical and charming girl. She is the one who will keep you company in Silent Hill 2. This innovation will make the game somewhat more difficult. We will have to protect her from monsters, since she has no weapons or means of defense. I can say that things are a little different if you try to run through the game. In this case, you will protect both James and Maria from injury, which is important for the successful completion of the game. Also my advice to you is to shoot carefully! Don't hit Maria with your shot, she might die!!!

Now leave the park and pick up the healing drink lying on the right along the way, near the exit from the park. We cross the street and head to Jack's Inn, another Norman Baintz motel. Maybe he's doing business here? You can see a save point next to the blue car parked in the parking lot. Pick up the box of ammo on the corner of Monson Street. Turn south and run along Monson street, you can pick up another bottle along the way in the alley on the left.When you reach Katz street, find two first aid kits, a drink and a box of ammo on the west side of the street.

Next, head up Nathan Street to the Texxon Gas station. Here you will find a machine with a steel pipe inside. Take the “baby”, we will need her. Around the gas station there are three healing drinks scattered in different places and two boxes with pistol cartridges.

Go up Nathan Street and soon you will see a fairly decomposed corpse, several boxes of pistol cartridges next to it and a map that will show you Pete's bowling alley. On the way back, look into it and pick up a first aid kit near Silent Hill Historical Society (building is now closed) Now go to Pete's Bowl-O-Rama.

Pete's bowling alley:

Another video. Maria will remain waiting for you outside. Enter the door on your left. Another video segment featuring Eddie and Laura. Laura will run away before you can open your mouth and you'll be talking to Eddie. After the conversation, go through the room and exit through the other door. Maria was waiting outside and saw Laura running out, but was unable to catch her. Head towards the alley. Follow it to the end and Maria will tell you that Laura slipped through the crack in the wall. The only way to find out what's behind the wall is to go through the door. Luckily Maria has the key. Take the first aid kit located nearby. Now leave the room and run down the alley to the main road, which is located in a southerly direction. Here we are! Video clip with Laura's participation.

Return to the Brookhaven Hospital building. Of course, this is not the same hospital that the creators kindly introduced for combat operations in the first game. BROOKHAVEN HOSPITAL:

As soon as you find yourself inside the hospital, take the map hanging on the wall.

Pay attention to the door directly in front of you, leading to the reception. A save point awaits you here. Next to the notebook is the story of three patients who were kept in the hospital. Next to Maria there is a bottle with a healing drink. In the next room, a doctor's letter and a purple Bull key await us. After collecting all of the above items, return to the central hall. Go up to the second floor and try not to get caught in the foul breath of the damned nurses. Maybe the damned sounds better?

This is where the recently found steel pipe comes in handy. Go to the women's locker room and find a gun and a crooked needle stuck in a teddy bear. In the men's locker room you will find the key to the examination room in a bloody robe.

There's nothing more for us to do here. Now we need to go to the third reception room (examining room 3) through the stairs. There you can find a first aid kit. Before leaving the room, inspect the piece of carbon paper left in the typewriter. Write down the resulting number, you will need it later.

Note: This code changes with each playthrough and there is no use writing it down here! Go into room M2 and take the shotgun cartridges and the Eye of Lapis key, Lyapis Trubetskoy has nothing to do with this. The next place to visit is room M3, as you can find pistol ammo, a healing drink, and a nurse in it. Leave the last one in the room. Run past rooms M4 and M5 and enter M6. Take the shotgun cartridges and another bottle of healing drink.

Return to the first floor. Let's use the exam room key and go inside. There is nothing interesting in the first part of the room, let's move on. In the second part there is a box of shotgun cartridges located in the closet. Notice the white plaque hanging on the wall. If you are playing on an easy or normal level, most likely the number 7335 will be written there. If you choose a hard level, you will be presented with a riddle in the form of an inscription saying that the letter "T" represents the current month. The previous month it was the letter "X", and the month before it was the letter "Z". "Is the roof moving?" No problem, we'll figure it out now! I'm with you.

Let's go to the third floor and try to penetrate the secret meaning of what is written.

Carefully! "Caring" nurses nearby! Get rid of them and grab the First Aid Kit in the far east corner of the hall. Let's head to the double doors and enter the code.

Door puzzle with code:

The riddle is as ingenious as it is simple. Many of you have probably already guessed that at a difficult level you need to enter the letter “T”. How can I do that? Of course, by pressing 1328, as if “drawing” the letter “T” on the numeric keypad of the lock (upper stick 1-3, lower stick 2-8).

Simple and normal levels, I think, do not require any explanation, just enter 7335 and that’s it. Now that the doors are open, you can head to the new wing of the building and find room S3 along the way. Video screensaver! Maria is unwell and will not go further. After the cutscene, take the roof key from the table and leave the room. Head to room S11 and you'll be rewarded with a healing drink and the useful ability to save your game. It's time to go up to the roof. Go to the diary and look through it. Now go to the door, which will be closed. Look for another door, which will also be locked. As soon as you try to open it, a video will follow featuring the boss leaving through a flooded flight of stairs. Time to look at the map! We need to find Special Treatment rooms. In one of them, the wall will literally be covered in blood, through which four digits of the code will appear. The difficulty of reading them depends on the level of difficulty. Try to write them down. Go to room S14 to solve another riddle. Louis's puzzle:

There are many locks on the chest. We will have to use the code received in the room with the bloody wall. On the lock with buttons, you need to enter the code from the carbon copy found in the typewriter. Now all that remains is to use the two found keys of Lapis and Bull key. There will be a strand of hair inside. Now head to the shower, but not to wash yourself. Look around this room carefully. There is an object stuck in a dirty, moss-covered drain. Use the bent needle and strand of hair you found earlier. Now you have received the key to the elevator. Do they also lock the elevators? Before heading to the elevator, I strongly recommend that you save your progress. Now you can safely look for adventures on your own. Once in the elevator, we go down to the first floor. You can look into room C3 and get some shotgun and pistol ammo. Next, go to room C2. Video screensaver! Laura meets James again and runs away as always. And we have to...

Battle with the Gallows:

Arm yourself with a gun and get ready for a fight. Shoot back with all available means. Start with a gun! The strategy I propose is this: stand in the corner of the room and as soon as one of the hanged men approaches, run to the opposite corner (that is, diagonally). Shoot! If you see someone approaching you, run again to a corner free from enemies. As soon as you kill two hanged men, a third one will come down to you. You can try to kill this one using a pistol to save the pitiful remains of ammunition for the gun. After the battle, the room will be “filled” with the sound of the good old radio, everything around will change, not for the better.

Alternative hospital:

Now you are in the garden, which is much smaller than on the map and than it seems. All the marks on the rooms from the hospital we walked through were gone. The hospital has undergone dramatic changes.

When leaving the garden, pick up a box of shotgun cartridges; you can also save on the way to the central hall. Arm yourself with a pistol, enter room C1 and immediately start shooting! The zombie nurse was ready to rush at you as soon as the door opened. Now you can take a bottle of healing drink and cartridges for a pistol. In room C2 you can find a first aid kit. Get into the elevator and go up to the second floor. Room M4 is inhabitable. You will have to neutralize two nurses before taking the healing drink and shotgun shells. Be careful when fighting the nurses and make sure to kill them.

Visit room M6 and find a battery, a storeroom key, a box of pistol ammo and, finally, a first aid kit. On the table you can see a reminder about a bell in the basement. On the wall in the room there is a painting depicting reaching hands looking for something...

It's time to visit the third floor, so we go into the elevator. Deal with the attacking nurses and go into room S3.

Maria has disappeared! Now there is a handful of pills on the table in the room. What are they here for? Who left them? In any case, let's continue exploring the floor. Go to room S11, there are pistol cartridges and an ampoule. Save the ampoules you find, because they have a very strong effect that provides quick healing. There is a poem about an angel on the bed. In fact, it is about a door located next to the elevator. Check it out when you leave room S11. You will see a hand stuck in the door. Don't forget to collect pistol and shotgun cartridges, as well as take the first aid kit waiting for you in the room. Time to go down to the basement. Exit room S11 and head towards the stairs, where, by the way, there is an opportunity to save the game. Use the storeroom key. In the far part of the room you can find shotgun cartridges. Now move the shelf to the side and go down the secret staircase you found. Video insert! Maria has been found! Now she is slightly insane, but it will pass, believe me. Go down the stairs and take the copper ring lying in the pool of blood. Go to the third floor, going back up the stairs. Put the copper ring on your hand and take the elevator down to the second floor. Once you decide to move on, a strange message will suddenly be broadcast, talking about a game called "Trick or Treat" and a bizarre hint that James will be a contender! Listen to three questions and see if you can answer them. If not, don't worry, I will help you. On the second floor, find the refrigeration room, Maria will help you open it, and you can get the second, leading ring. Now go back to the third floor. Before you put on the second ring, visit the basement storage room and answer the questions in the game. To answer the first question, you need to choose number 3. The answer to the second question is number 1. And finally, the answer to the third question is number 3. You can ask me - where is the prize? The prize is five boxes of shotgun cartridges and two ampoules.

Return to the door and put the drive ring on the handle. Now the door is open, and you can continue down the steps. Stop at the first bend to the right to read the blue book, which talks about the Director's key. Whoever wrote these lines was clearly somewhat illiterate, as can be seen from the incorrect spelling of the words. Here's a little trick, listen carefully!

When you walk along the corridor, rounding the first corner, for the second time, run as fast as you can! A boss with a pyramid head will chase James and Maria. If he gets to Maria, the game will be over! I think there is no need to say what the death of James threatens. Run quickly to the elevator without stopping for a second. Video screensaver! So, James managed to escape from his boss and got into the elevator, Maria didn’t have time... We don’t know what happened to her.

Now you are on the first floor. Of all the doors, only one opens, the door of the Director's room. Once in the room, you will find a card with notes that need to be transferred to the existing one. When the key to the hospital lobby is taken, lying on the table, Laura will run past the window. Follow her and save at the main entrance and leave the hospital.

Alternate South Valley:

Monstrous transformations affected not only the hospital, but the entire city. Before you begin, take a short walk through the valley and collect useful items located in this part of the city.

Opposite the hospital you can find a box of shotgun cartridges. Next, go south along Carroll Street, then turn towards Rendell, there are an ampoule, two boxes of shotgun cartridges, rifle cartridges, pistol cartridges and a healing drink. On the south side of Monson Street, grab two boxes of pistol ammo and two bottles of healing drink. Now go east along Saul Street. Soon you will see a gate and lifeless bodies hanging. Just run past them without stopping until a door appears that will allow you to return to another part of the city. On Saul Street you can find a save point, two boxes of shotgun ammo, a first aid kit and pistol ammo. In the northern part of Nelly Street you can find a first aid kit, as well as rifle ammunition. The Happy Burger Cafe also sells rifle ammo. After walking down Sanders Street, stop by Nelly's Bar to read the writing on the walls. Take the pistol cartridges. Next, follow Nelly Street north for about fifty meters and collect three bottles of healing drink, cartridges for a pistol and a rifle. Head back south to Sanders Street and follow it east, collecting shotgun ammo along the way. Cross Lindsey Street and find some more shotgun and pistol ammo. Next, go north along Lindsey Street and pick up the letter and wrench from the house that is located on the west side of the street. You will recognize the desired house because the camera will change its position at this moment. Remember how it was in the first Silent Hill in front of the cafe door at the very beginning of the game? Afterwards, head north and look for handgun ammo on north Lindsey Street, just before Vachss Rd. Now go towards Katz Street and go through the door at the end of the street, which will be open. Take Monson Street north and then turn west and follow Nathan. Here we are again in Rosewater Park. Two boxes of shotgun ammunition are waiting for us at the parking lot. You can find the ampoule in the statue's pothole, to the left. Walk around the statue and dig behind it. You will find a box. Use the wrench to open it. Inside you will find a bronze key. Continue your walk through the park in a southerly direction. Take the first turn to the west and you can pick up two boxes of shotgun ammo. Now our path lies to the west, along Nathan Street. Grab the Rifle Ammo at the end of the road, then turn and go into the Historical Society building. Use the bronze key on the building door.

Silent Hill Historical Museum:

From now on we will no longer have a map of the area. But don't worry! I will lead you by the hand until the very happy end.

Take the first aid kit and look through the papers scattered in disarray on the table. They date from 1820. Next, follow the corridor, killing raging demons along the way. The door on the right is closed, so turn left and move further along the corridor, which will lead you to a fork. There's a dead end on the left, so let's turn right. After all, our cause is just!

In the room to your right, there are pistol cartridges, and in it you can also see three paintings illustrating the Toluca prison.

Now leave the room and turn right to reach a room with a large hole in the wall. Jump down and you will find yourself in a well. To get out of it, slowly turn around and feel the walls until James notices a vague spot on the wall. Hit the spot with a steel pipe twice, then a skillfully hidden door will open to your eyes. Go along the sewer drain and kill three demons and several cockroaches along the way with your “steel girlfriend”. The only functioning door here will be in the recess on the right. When you find yourself in a short corridor, go into the door located on the right side of the corridor and take the Spiral writing key.

Suddenly the flashlight goes out. Run to the door and stand next to the combination lock. Now enter the menu and change the battery, and quickly use the keyboard, as there will be hordes of cockroaches in the room. That's disgusting! The Riddle of the Cockroach:

The riddle is not simple and its solution changes with each new playthrough. Take a look at the keyboard, which should have at least two numbers displayed. If the riddle looks like this, then try all sorts of combinations until the door is open. In the case of three numbers, selecting the desired combination will take more time.

Go back outside and turn right. Get to the end of the hall and you will find yourself in a room with a hatch. Use your spiral-writing key and jump down.

Toluca Prison:

James will now find himself in a deserted cafeteria Video Intro! Looks like Eddie's in trouble. After he leaves, take two bottles of healing drink and a strange tablet with the inscription “gluttonous pig” (“gluttonous pig”). You may want to save your game before leaving this room. Let's follow Eddie. Oddly enough, instead of him, only demons are waiting for us in the long hall. As you jog past the second table, stop and pick up the map of the surrounding area that we were sorely missing. There are also pistol cartridges in this hall. Now let's go east to the room located in the middle of the hall - this is the shower room. Immediately finish off the two intrusive demons and pick up the tablet with the inscription "the seductress" ("seducer") in the open cabin in the north-eastern part of the room. Now exit and follow the corridor south to the only door on the left. You will find yourself in the southern part of the building in the cells. There are demons in some cells, so be careful! The fifth chamber contains pistol cartridges, and the ninth contains a wax doll. Now make your way through the east wing to the north. Take the pistol cartridges lying on the table. Get the rifle ammo in the middle room. In this room you need to be careful and start shooting from the threshold at the possessed nurses.

Return to the hall and go first north and then west. You must reach the cameras. In the first chamber you will see strange drawings and nothing else, and in the seventh you will find a tablet with the inscription "the depressor" ("the oppressed").

It's time to return to the east hall. Go outside into a fairly large courtyard, in the center of which there is a scaffold with three loops. In its center there is a stage with gallows. In its front part there are three recesses into which you need to insert the brought planks.

When all three tablets are on their own, you will hear the cry of the executed man. Go back to the doors you came out of and find the horseshoe. Take it and enter the building. Go through the cameras located in the northern part of the building. And return to the western hall.

Don't open the north door for the time being! Go through the right door, located not far from you, to take the first aid kit. Now head north to the northeast door. It leads to another corridor, in which two demons are waiting for you. Go to the room located nearby. You will find a lighter and a first aid kit. Enter the women's restroom and hit the last stall. When you leave, it will become clear to you that someone was there. There is a save area in the men's room. After passing through the corridor, you will reach an office where you will find: a first aid kit, an ampoule and a healing drink. You can read the notebook lying on the bookshelf and the magazine on the table, if of course you want.

Legend of Lake Toluca:

Lake Toluca with clear and clean water is of great interest to tourists. Interest is caused not only by the external attractiveness of the lake, but also by the secrets that lie in its depths.

Many old towns are characterized by local legends about ghosts, but in the case of the town of Silent Hill, things are different. The legend speaks of real events that happened here many years ago.

On a cold November day in 1918, a ship called the Little Baroness with 14 tourists on board did not return to port.

Despite an intensive search, police were unable to find the bodies of passengers and crew, or the remains of the ship.

The year 1939 was marked by an even stranger incident... (The following pages are missing from the journal).

Many bodies rest at the bottom of this lake. They say that the bony hands of the dead are sometimes visible above the water, as if asking for help from those floating by.

In the room behind you, you can find the long-awaited rifle, as well as two boxes of rifle cartridges, shotgun and pistol cartridges. Exit into the main hall and go south. After going through the gate, you will find a door in the floor that will not have a handle. Melt the found wax doll (Wax doll) with a lighter and use the horseshoe found earlier (All three items - wax doll, lighter and horseshoe must be combined simultaneously in inventory). Open the door and jump down again into the dark, unknown space. Morgue:

You find yourself in the prison morgue. This is where all the dead and executed convicts are brought. There are tons of bodies in this morgue, emitting a viscous and suffocating “aroma.” Have you ever been to a morgue? It's time to visit this cool place in all respects. There are tons of bodies scattered everywhere. Quickly go through the hall and jump into another hole in the floor. Now James has come across an abandoned mine. Open the door and jump into another dark hole. Now we can use the elevator and pick up a first aid kit, rifle, shotgun and pistol ammo as soon as the elevator starts moving down. It's good that I didn't have to jump into the elevator shaft! It's hard to pick up knocked out teeth with broken hands!

When the elevator stops, exit it and use the save located next to the door. Now go through the door.


We found ourselves in a long hall. There is no map for this area in the game. Keep your flashlight on. Enter the long corridor and turn right. There should be a door ahead, entangled with wire. You will find yourself in another corridor, with a company consisting of three demons. After the battle, head east to find yourself in another corridor leading from north to south. In it you must find a ladder to go down. On this floor there is interesting feature, hanged men wander below you, and a boss with a pyramidal head leads a strange parade of the dead, walking in circles. Quietly look for the door without drawing undue attention to your modest person. In this room you will find a large knife that was once used by the pyramid head, also grab two boxes of shotgun cartridges and run to the southern stairs.

There will be some nervous demons there. Kill them quickly and go up the stairs. This is where the fun begins!

Rubik's Cube Riddle:

Upon entering the room, you will see a beautiful rotating cube in the center. The room has a wall located behind the cube that should have a notch that fits one side of the cube. We need to try to rotate the cube so as to make a door hidden in the wall appear. Then you need to ensure the appearance of a second door leading in the other direction.

If you are playing on easy or normal difficulty, you need to rotate the cube so that the face engraved on it with red glowing eyes is facing your direction, and its right side is at the top of the cube. This is the location of the face on the cube - :) or so that the cube has green eyes and a head down

If you select a difficult level, the riddle changes with each new playthrough of the game. You will have to match the recess in the wall to the desired face depicted on the cube and its correct position. This process is interesting and not complicated as it might seem.

Once the correct combination is found, you can continue on to the next video cutscene.

Has Maria come to life again? After a quarrel, you need to go into the room with the cube and take the wire cutters. Then you can return to the door entangled with wire, so that, after cutting the bonds, you can go down the stairs into the half-flooded corridor.

There will be two staircases in the hall. One of them is the staircase along which we just made our way, the other is a staircase leading to a dead end. Be careful - demons live in these places! In this corridor you need to turn right at the fork leading to another staircase and get into another half-flooded tunnel. Turn right at the fork and follow another set of stairs. Having returned to “solid” ground, follow the corridor, at the end of which there will be a fork, where you will again need to turn right. Following this branch, you will reach another fork. Turn left and move towards the stairs going down. Now go along the corridor, there is a branch to the left. Turn left and then go up the stairs. There are pistol cartridges in this corridor. After taking them, find another staircase at the end of the corridor leading down. This flooded tunnel is inhabited. There's a guy walking around here with a pyramid head, so if you want to get two boxes of pistol ammo, go straight. Skip the left turn and go to the fork. Next, move as carefully as possible so as not to come face to face with the pyramid head. Now, turning right and reaching the room, you need to find the stairs leading up to another room. In this room you can save your game and find a newspaper. You can read it if you want.

Go out into the hall, there you will hear a terrible scream coming from the next room. Open the door and go into the unknown. Video screensaver! Now it's time to save Angela from the next monster.

Gatekeeper of Purgatory:

This boss will not be an easy trophy for you. Since the room is small and the escape routes are blocked, the battle promises to be difficult.

I suggest you, armed with a gun, stand in one of the corners and shoot until the boss gets close enough, and then run to the other corner and repeat this process over and over again. Let's hope that our hero has enough first aid kits, because the attacks of this creature are extremely dangerous! After 8-10 accurate shots it will be all over. One cannot expect a word of gratitude from Angela. When she runs out of the room, follow her into the corridor. This corridor connects two rooms. In one of the rooms you will find six dead bodies. Each dead man will have a piece of paper attached to his forehead describing his crime. So, in order: Kidnapper, Arsonist, Counterfeiter, Embezzler, Murderer, Ripper. Write down or remember everything you see. You probably won’t have any problems with this, the picture is picturesque! Now go to the next room, there will be six loops hanging from the ceiling and puzzles underneath each on the wall.

The riddle of the six hanged men:

Depending on the difficulty level of the game, the riddle has a different solution. First of all, you have to decide which of those hanged was convicted unfairly. This can be done by pulling the noose that took the life of an innocent person.

The answer to each riddle differs depending on the difficulty level you choose.

For the easy level, this is the Snatcher, for the normal level, this is the Arsonist, and finally, for the difficult level, this is the Counterfeiter.

Pull the noose of an innocent man. Now return to the other room, where you can find the key of the persecuted, in the place where the unfortunate man stood. If you pull the wrong loop, several demons will appear in the room. Their number differs depending on the selected difficulty level. Use the key you just received on the handcuffs at the end of the corridor. Use the valve to lift the doors to the chamber and enter it. Video screensaver!

Maria is dead, this time it looks especially true! Her darkened face. Yes, she's definitely dead, this time!

Exit into the corridor through just now open door. In the corridor you can find a first aid kit. Move on. Walk through the cemetery and find three boxes of shotgun ammo and a save location. Between the two graves lies a miraculous ampoule. Taking the ampoule, jump into the hole located on the left side of the cemetery. As soon as you land, take out your good old gun.

Fight with Eddie:

After the cutscene, immediately start shooting at Eddie. As soon as you notice that the health level begins to decrease, start treating your hero. After every six shots, reloading will take him some time, which must be used as wisely as possible. Stop and keep shooting at him. Eddie may try to hit you at this moment, but the force of his blow is not comparable to a gunshot wound.

When Eddie feels the "breath of death", he will run into another room. At this time, James needs to heal, reload his weapon and take two boxes of ammunition for the gun.

Now the chances of survival increase dramatically. After a short scene in the refrigerated room, hide behind the pieces of meat. After a while, Eddie will return to check if he coped with you. Just keep hiding behind the pieces of meat so Eddie can't spot James. As soon as Eddie loses sight of you, shoot him. Repeat these steps several times. When Eddie gets tired of this process, he decides to attack James with his bare hands, which will be his last mistake in life. After spending eight or nine rounds, you will finally get rid of him.

After the cutscene ends, go to the docks and use the save location located on the barrel. Now climb into the rowing boat and head to your final destination - a hotel overlooking Lake Toluca. Lake Toluca:

This adventure will be especially enjoyable for those playing on Easy or Normal difficulty. You just have to turn the boat from side to side to sail forward. When you cast off and leave the pier, turn right and swim until you see glimpses of light. Turn around and soon you will find yourself next to the pier near the hotel building.

Those of you who have taken the difficult route through the game should learn how to row. You need to "row" using analog controls. The left analog “mushroom” of the joypad must be turned clockwise, and the right one must be turned counterclockwise. These actions must be performed in unison to keep the boat straight and sailing in the desired direction. This will be a good workout for your thumbs.

Hotel by the lake:

The recommended weapon for use in this area is a shotgun. Armed, head towards the fountain to pick up the little mermaid's music box. It's time to enter the house using the double doors.

Take the opportunity to take the map located next to the guest directory, on your left. There you will find a message left for James.

Here's what you have to do:

Go to the restaurant called "Lake Shores". Video screensaver! Now we have to find out what the connection is between Mary (James's deceased wife) and Laura. The mosaic of disparate facts is gradually beginning to form a coherent picture. Laura will give you a letter, but will immediately run away. This is quite in her style. In the room, on one of the dining tables, find the fish key. Take it and leave this dark place. Finally, we found out what Laura has to do with Mary.

It's time to meet the gatekeeper of purgatory. What a bad time! Run, head for the doors. Once you are in the corridor, run west to go down to the end of the corridor on the left. Enter the southwest door and look for two annoying mannequins. Pick up three boxes of pistol ammo, as well as rifle ammo. Return again to the corridor from which you should get to the basement. Go down the long stairs and kill some more mannequins. All doors here are closed, except for the elevator, in which you can find a felt-tip pen with a built-in solvent. This device will make it possible to erase what was written with other felt-tip pens and “reveal” previously written lines. It will become clear to you later why this is needed. Pick it up and return to the first floor. Now go into the lobby through two pairs of double doors. In the lobby you have to find a note left for James on the counter of the guest registration desk. The note talks about a videotape. There are letter boxes behind the counter. In one of them you will find the key to room 312. Near the stairs you can see a large music box. You will need to return here a little later. You can use the save option and then climb the stairs to the second floor.

Go to the room with the clock, where you can replenish your supplies of first aid kits, shotgun and pistol cartridges. Here you will find the briefcase. Use the fish key to open it. Now you have the key to room 204. Return to the corridor and go south to the reading room. Pick up the ammo for the pistol before entering the room. Inside the room there are shotgun cartridges and a bottle of healing drink.

Time to use the found key to room 204. On the way you may meet two gatekeepers of purgatory. In room 204 you will find an employee elevator key and a hole in the wall leading to room 202. There is another briefcase covered in stickers in the room, and there are scattered photographs on the bed, one of which is marked with a black marker. Use your felt-tip pen on it, which you found in the elevator earlier. The code that unlocks the lock on the briefcase is now in our hands. Inside you will find Cinderella's music box. Exit back to the corridor through room 204 and go east. When you reach the elevator, you will find a healing drink and rifle ammunition. Now go to the northern part of the corridor to the last door. Use the employee elevator key. Inside there is a save point, two bottles of healing drink and a working elevator. The elevator can only be used by one person, apparently an outdated model, so you will have to get rid of all the “extra” items, leaving them on the right side of the room. It's a shame to tears!!! Now you can use the elevator. We found ourselves back on the ground floor next to another notice board, giving us the opportunity to get a map of the building.

Now our path lies in the pantry, where the last white music box awaits us. All that remains is to pick up the can opener, which was thoughtfully left for us, and pick up the video tape from the safe. Go to the employee lounge and take the two boxes of rifle ammo lying on the refrigerator.

Next, follow to the basement. When you go down, two mannequins will already be waiting for you there, waving their legs in a friendly manner. Deal with them and go into the boiler room, where the bar key is. Now go to the kitchen, avoiding the mannequins that appear. Use a can opener to open the can and get a new device that ensures the focus of the beam of your flashlight. In the kitchen you can find three healing drinks in bottles. Now, using the nozzle, find the door and open it with the newly found key (bar key). You will again find yourself in the corridor with the elevator.

Go up to the second floor to pick up the abandoned items acquired through back-breaking labor.

As soon as the old gun is in your hands, the dummies will avoid meeting you.

Music box riddle:

Go down to the first floor. Arrange the music boxes on the large one, from left to right. For easy and normal difficulty levels, the order is as follows: Cinderella music box, Snow White box and Little Mermaid box. For the difficult level of the game, the order is as follows: Cinderella music box, Little Mermaid box, and, finally, Snow White box.

Let me remind you that the sequence of installation of the boxes is given from left to right. After installing all three boxes, you must play the melody. For this you will receive a key to the stairs of the third floor of the hotel (hotel stairway key). Go up to the third floor and use the key.

You will also find a TV and VCR. Take the opportunity to watch the videotape and find out the true reason for James Sunderland's suffering in the terrible world of the city of Silent Hill. Remember one of the 10 commandments of the great book - the Bible - thou shalt not kill!

After the viewing, a short scene with Laura will follow. After she leaves, you will hear Mary's voice coming from the radio. Everything around has changed again...

Alternative hotel:

Go down to the second floor and go into the reading room. There will be headphones on the table, using which you can hear a conversation from the past. Next, follow the western hall. Now you will be able to notice that when you enter a particular room, you teleport. From room 204 to room 207, from room 202 to room 219, which in turn sends you to room 220, from which you again find yourself in room 207. Room 212 will take our hero to room 202. You can avoid such a lengthy teleportation procedure. Enter room 207 and exit room 219, in which you find yourself. In the hall, pick up two boxes of pistol cartridges. Go further along the corridor and soon you will find two ampoules lying next to the elevator. By the way, this elevator is now working.

Use it to get into the basement. The basement is flooded with water and several demons live in it. It's time to learn to swim! Kill the demons and go to the Venus Tears bar. Inside you will find five useful bottles with a healing drink. Next, go to the kitchen and replenish your supply of ammunition for the shotgun and rifle. Go out into the hall and follow the steps of the stairs. A new video screensaver, and a new meeting with Angela. Mystic! Angela climbs the steps and disappears into the flames. This is her fate and there is nothing we can do to help her...

Now go up to the first floor, it looks completely burnt out, and does not look at all like it did two minutes before the fire. Turn left and, walking along the hall, take two ampoules. Go back and pick up two boxes of rifle ammo. Now exit the room through the eastern door. There will be evil hanged men in the hall, so you need to run along the corridor to the door as quickly as possible. Once you are in the room, there will be nine save spots on the wall in front of you. This makes me think about saving the game before visiting the double doors. After saving, open the doors and enter. Video screensaver!

Maria is killed again. It's starting to look like a play.

In any case, we still have to meet with two pyramid-headed guys.

Pyramid Head Guys:

This is a real test of strength, especially for those who play on a difficult level. You will spend about 80-90 rounds shooting a rifle, if you don't have that much then I suggest spending at least 130-140 shotgun rounds. Killing these guys is difficult, especially on difficult levels, but it is possible! It is better to run away from them into the corner and, pressing the L2 key, turn around and shoot, repeating these actions until the bitter end. Accurately calculate the time of your turn and subsequent shot at the target. If monsters come close, then run immediately! On a difficult level you only have time to fire one shot! Be patient, reasonable and agile! After the end of the battle, your opponents will be defeated, but not killed. They will come to the center of the room and “blow off” their own heads with their own hands, in any case they will be dead, and this is what we wanted!

Take the rusted egg and scarlet egg from the cold corpses. Now that you have the eggs, return to the save location and walk steadily towards the double doors. It doesn't matter in what order you use your "rusty" finds. After the door opens, you will find yourself in a long corridor. Run towards the door located at the end of the corridor. You may hear conversation while moving. You can listen or not, depending on the ending of the game you want to get! More on this later. Go through the door and go up to the gate, behind which the final battle awaits you.

After the video cutscene, you will meet Samael or the Demon of the city of Silent Hill.

Silent Hill City Demon:

This battle is not difficult at all compared to the previous one. Samael only has two types of attack. In one case, he will attack you with his tongue like a whip, which will be used as a means of strangulation. Move all the joypad control buttons to free yourself from the deadly embrace. Another type of attack involves a huge cluster of butterflies that chase you around the room. If you start running away in time, you can get ahead of them. If they catch you, you will also have to start pressing all the buttons in a row before they can cause damage.

Use your rifle to kill this demon.

Just shoot whenever you get the chance. If Samael starts choking you, don't worry too much! It would take him at least three strangulations to kill James. Let's hope James has a good supply of recovery supplies. After thirty accurate hits from the rifle, the demon will collapse to the floor, and our hero will only have to make a control shot in the head.

Sit back and watch a beautiful, frightening, exciting, mystical or depressing ending, depending on what actions were taken during the game.

The town again plunges into fog, awaiting new wanderers who will visit it to atone for their sins. Secret items:

Chainsaw - beat the game and start playing again. You will find it lying next to the path leading to the town of Silent Hill.

Holy Oil is a vial of white liquid that can be found in the apartment building in the Blue Creek area in room 105. This is the kitchen.

Obsidian goblet - kept in the Silent Hill museum in one of the broken glass cabinets.

Spray - obtaining this item is only possible if you beat the game twice with the same ending. You can find him in the house on Saul Street. Spray color may vary. The best - green color spray, in this case he can kill any enemy! Anyone!!!

If you got the yellow spray, it will stop bosses like the gatekeeper and Eddie. The white spray works on mannequins, nurses and demons, not counting the city demon.

Book of Forgotten Memories:

The book is on the newspaper stand at the corner of Nathan and Carrol right in front of the Texxon gas station.

Book of the Crimson Ceremony:

The book is located in the alternative hotel in the reading room located on the second floor. She explains how to use the Obsidian Cup and Holy Oil. Dog key - it comes into play only after receiving the "Rebirth" ending. After watching the ending, start the game again and pick up the key from the booth on Nathan Street, right in front of Jack's Inn.

Additional options

Enter game options and, as in the first game, press L1 or R1. You can increase the size of the map, change the color of enemy blood, etc. The number of additional options will increase with each new playthrough of the game.

Complicating the riddles

Successfully complete the game on difficulty levels - easy (easy), normal (normal) and difficult (hard). You will be able to set the "hard riddle difficulty" option and replay the game with new puzzle combinations.

New soundtrack

If you do not press control buttons in the main menu for a while, the game will launch demo mode, in which there will be no sound in some scenes. Complete the game once and the “new” soundtrack will become available in the game.

Game completion status:

The best status is achievable if the following conditions are met:

Complete the game on all difficulty levels. Play in Extra Riddle Mode. This mode is achievable by completing all three difficulty levels. When playing on Hard, save only twice. Collect 100 items in the game. Unlock all 5 endings. Finish the game within 3 hours. Swim in less than a minute. Kill 45 monsters using melee weapons and 45 using firearms. Find the chainsaw, spray and dog key.

Alternative game endings:

Follow my walkthrough exactly, do exactly what Maria says. Don't let monsters hurt her. When you are in the West South Vale, do not leave her alone for as long as possible, especially near the hospital. After James has to leave her in one of the hospital rooms when she gets sick, visit her as often as possible. After parting in the labyrinth, find Maria again, sitting in one of the chambers of the labyrinth.

As you walk down the long corridor leading to the city demon's room, don't stop to listen to the conversation! Follow my advice and you will get, without a doubt, the best ending to the game.

If you want to see this ending, examine the knife Angela was playing with. Read the diary lying on the roof of the hospital. Listen to a conversation using headphones in a hotel. Listen to the conversation with Maria in the corridor in front of the city demon. If you do not hear the conversation while standing at the door, then this ending is guaranteed to you. Do not immediately use health-restoring agents after injuries.


Be healthy and cheerful. Don't touch anyone, or at least try to avoid fighting creatures, especially melee weapons.

During your first meeting with Maria, do not force her to remind you of the way to the hotel. Hit Maria several times. In your menu, read her letter and view the photo.

After meeting her in the park, quickly get to the hospital, where in room S3 you will part with her. Spend as little time with her as possible. Listen to the conversation in the long corridor in front of the city demon.


The only way to get this ending is to complete the game twice, collecting the two books "Lost Memories" and "Crimson Ceremony". You also need to find two items: white chrism (holy oil - a vial of white liquid) and obsidian goblet (obsidian cup).

"Dog Ending Game"

Follow the main storyline of the game and get three endings: "In the Water", "Farewell" and "Maria" or "Rebirth" to get the dog key. The key can be found next to Jack's Inn Hotel. It must be used in the alternative hotel after watching the videotape to open the Observation Room on the third floor.

If you save the game before entering the room, then after viewing the ending you can beat the game and get a different ending.

Walkthrough for James


James Sunderland looks at his reflection in the mirror... Exit the toilet. After a short monologue, go to the car and take a map of the city of Silent Hill. Go left and go down the stairs. Next follow the winding path. On the way, you will come across a well, in it there is a red square sheet - this is a save point (you will encounter such sheets throughout the game). Save if you wish and go through the gate. You are in a cemetery. Go forward to one of the gravestones, there will be a young girl sitting there - Angela. After talking with her and finding out how to get into Silent Hill, go to the opposite gate. Go straight all the time (If you are playing on the "Beginner" difficulty level, then along the way you can find a chainsaw lying on a log. If you are playing on a different difficulty level, then this weapon will be available upon replaying).
So, you find yourself on the street of the city of Silent Hill. Turn right and go to the intersection, you will see bloody footprints on the ground and someone’s silhouette disappearing in the fog, follow this silhouette, it will lead you to a dead end. Climb over the wooden fence. Hmm... Where does this crackling sound come from? This radio is now in your inventory and will make a lot of noise if there are monsters nearby. After examining the radio, James sees the first monster. Having torn the stick with the nail from the fence, kill these evil spirits and climb back over. Go out onto the city street the same way you came here. On the right, behind the lattice fence, you can find bottles of healing drink and a save point.


Now there are monsters walking around the city streets - you can simply ignore them and run around them. (As you jog, pay attention to the sidewalks on the sides: very often there will be bottles with a healing drink there).
Walk down Saul Street until you see a trailer parked at the curb. Go inside and look around. Read the note that talks about Nelly's Bar. James will mark this place on the map - this is where you now need to go.
Exit the trailer and, following the map, follow to the designated place. Stop by Neely's Bar. Take the map, it shows a place on Martin Street. That's where you need to go.
Having reached the place indicated on the map, you will find the corpse of a man on the ground, go up to him and take the key to the Wood Side Apartment. Find this place on the map and head there. Use this key to open the gate to the courtyard.

Wood Side Apartment

There is a map of the apartment to your left, take it. Head to apartment No. 205. There, take the lantern and kill the monster. Go up to the third floor. Behind the bars you will see a key, as soon as you try to get it, a little girl will run up and push it away. Now you can’t reach him... Go to apartment No. 301. Take the pistol from the shopping cart. Go down to the second floor. You will hear a noise. Go to apartment No. 208. Behind the bars stands a strange creature with a pyramid on its head. You don’t have to be afraid of him, as long as he won’t cause you any harm. Go into the apartment, check the corpse and take the key to apartment No. 202 from the shelf.
Go to apartment No. 202, use the key you found to open the door. Go to the room where butterflies are flying. Take the clock key out of the hole in the wall. Go to apartment No. 208, use the key to open the clock door. Set the clock hands to 21:10. You will hear a click. Move the clock and go into the next apartment through the hole in the wall. Go up to the third floor. Take the same fire escape key that the girl threw away. Go to apartment No. 307. After a short scene, take the key to the yard, which lies next to you. Go to the first floor on the south side. Pick up a juice box. Go up to the second floor to the garbage chute - something is stuck there. Throw the juice box to push the item. Go outside and look at the trash bag. Take the Old Man coin and read the newspaper. Go to the yard. Go down to the pool, kill the monsters, and take the Snake coin from the stroller. Go to apartment No. 101. Go to the restroom where the sounds are coming from and talk to Eddie. Go up to the second floor. Open the fire escape door with the key. Jumping through the window, you find yourself in the neighboring Blue Creek Apartment building.
Go to the toilet. Take your wallet out of the toilet. Go to the next room where there is a safe. In order to open it you will need the code that is in the wallet you just took. Depending on the level of complexity of the riddles you choose, the code can be of several types. One of the simplest looks like this: 01>>02<<14>>19. You will need to turn the handle of the safe, following the arrows, and stop at the corresponding numbers. The code may also look like this: h>>X3<<08>>XX. This means the following: h is replaced by the number 8, because h is the eighth letter in the English alphabet. X3 equals 13, because X is 10, and 10+3=13. Also, XX - 20.
Note: In some Russified pirated versions of the game, the code is not displayed, and you can see the following entry: >><< >> <<. Поэтому, для того, чтобы увидеть код, вам потребуется поставить английскую версию игры или русскую версию, в которой код виден.
Take four boxes of pistol ammo from the safe. Exit to the stairs. Take the building map. Go to apartment No. 109. The same girl you met in the cemetery will be there. After a short dialogue, Angela will leave and leave you a knife. Take the Prisoner coin from the nightstand. Go to apartment No. 105. There will be a box with five recesses for coins and a riddle for their correct location.
Easy level: Old Man - first slot, Snake - third slot, Prisoner - fifth slot.
Normal level: Old Man - second slot, Prisoner - third slot, Snake - fifth slot.
Difficult level: Old Man - second slot, Snake - fourth slot, Prisoner - fifth slot.
If you did everything correctly, the box will open and inside will be the key to apartment No. 209. Enter apartment No. 209, go through the balcony to the neighboring apartment No. 208. Take the key to the stairs and ammo. Be sure to save!
Exit through apartment No. 209. Go left along the corridor. Open the door with the key.

Pyramid Head

First boss. Quite light. The battle tactics are as follows: just run away from him and avoid blows with a huge cleaver. There is no use shooting at him. After a certain period of time (depending on the difficulty level), the siren will start blaring, after which Pyramid Head will leave. Go down the stairs and go outside.

Rosewater Park

Having walked a little forward, you will meet a girl sitting on the wall, the same one who threw the key away from you. After the dialogue, go straight. Entering the park, you will meet Maria - an exact copy of James's dead wife. After the dialogue, she will join you. Protect her from monsters and try to ensure that they cause as little damage to her as possible. Head to Nathan Ave. At the end of the street, check the map lying next to the corpse. Go to Pete's Bowl-O-Rama. There you will meet Eddie and find out that the girl's name is Laura. Follow her. After leaving the bowling alley, go right, go through the fence, then Maria will open the door to the building for you. Go to the opposite door. After leaving the building, go left on Carroll Street. Laura will enter the hospital, follow her.

Brookhaven Hospital

Take the hospital map that hangs on the left wall. Go to the Reception Office, and from there to the Document Room. Read all the documents and take the purple key with the image of a bull. Go up to the second floor. Kill all the nurses who get in your way. Go to Woman's Locker Room. From the robe, take the key to the Examination Room. Take the shotgun from the locker. Examine the teddy bear, James will take the hook. Go to Examination Room3. Check what is written on the paper near the typewriter. There will be a code there.
Note: In the pirated Russian version of the game, the code may not be displayed; in order to see it, install the English version or any other version in which it is visible.
Go to room M2. Take the azure key. Go to the first floor, to the Examination Room. From there you go to the Doctor’s Lounge. The code for the door to the hospital wing will be written on the board. Go up to the third floor. Enter the code you just received. Explore rooms S. Go to room S3, Maria will say that she feels bad. James will leave her here alone. Take the roof key. Go up to the roof. Read the diary. The door will not open back, go to the one that leads to the Elevator Control Room. You will be attacked by Pyramid Head. Having fallen, you will find yourself on the third floor with a minimum of health - use healing agents to restore it. There will be a code written on the wall in blood, remember it. Go to rooms S14. Use the keys and codes you have to open the box. There will be a strand of hair inside. Go to the Shower Room. Use a strand of hair and a hook to get the elevator key from the tube. Use the key to open the door cap and take the elevator down to the first floor.
In room C3, grab some boxes of ammo. Save before entering room C2.

Flash Lip

In room C2 you will meet Laura, having deceived her, she will lock you in the room. Flesh Lip monsters will attack you. The second boss in the game. At first there will be two of them. Change your position to dodge their attacks. Shoot them with a shotgun. After they die, another one will appear. After you kill him, the siren will start blaring. What is it for?

Alternative Brookhaven Hospital

You find yourself in the hospital garden. Go into the corridor. Take the elevator to the second floor. Go to room M6, take the basement key and battery. Explore the second floor. There will be a refrigerator in the Day Room. You won't be able to open it. Go up to the third floor. Maria disappeared somewhere from room S3. Go down the stairs to the basement and open the door with the key. Move the closet, there will be a ladder behind it. Maria will appear here. Now she will accompany you again. Go down and pick up the copper ring. Go up to the third floor. Take the elevator down to the second floor. A radio show awaits you in the elevator, in which the hosts will be asked three questions, each of which will have three answer options. Remember the correct options. Go to the Day Room and open the refrigerator with Maria. Take the bone ring.
Go up to the third floor and go to the Store Room. Remember the riddle with three questions? It's time to solve it. The instructions are as follows: lines with numbers 01 go horizontally; 02; 03, and vertically the answer options. In line 01, press button 1, in line 02 - 1, in line 03 - 3. If everything is done correctly, you received five boxes of shotgun shells and two ampoules. Go to the third floor, to the door with a picture of a woman. Use two rings. Save and go down. At the very end there will be a long winding corridor. Pyramid Head will chase you. Run as fast as you can. If he kills Maria, then it's all over. At the end there will be an elevator. Only James will have time to run in. After a short scene, go to the Director's Room. Take the key to the hospital's front door and examine the map. Leave the hospital.


Now darkness has descended on the city and nurses are roaming the streets. Go down Carroll Street, then Rendell Street, then Monson Street. Go to Saul Street towards the tunnel. Be careful there: there will be monsters under the bars. Run without stopping and they won't be able to damage you. The map shows the location of the wrench. On your way to Lindsey Street, stop by Neely's Bar. Take the wrench and read the letter in the envelope. Go west on Katz Street. Now you can open the door that was closed during the day.
Go to Rosewater Park. Find the statue of a praying woman. Behind it, dig a hole and use the key to open the box. Take the key from the Silent Hill Historical Society. Head down Nathan Ave.

Silent Hill Historical Society

Go through the open doors. There will be a hole in the wall in the room, go down the stairs. After a long run, you will see a door. Come into it. Examine all doors. In one of the rooms there will be a huge hole in the floor. Jump.
You find yourself in a well. There seems to be no way out of here. Inspect the wall of the well, slowly moving around the perimeter. James will see in one place that the tiles are slightly different. After breaking through the wall, you will see a door. Come into it. Go through the only open door on the right. There will be a key to the grate on the floor. Your flashlight batteries will run out. Use the battery you took from the hospital. The room will be filled with cockroaches, and you will not be able to open the door. There is a code panel on the right. You must click only on the glowing numbers, there are only three of them. You don't know the exact sequence, so you have to try different options at random.
Having opened the door, go into the rooms with bars on the floor, open the lock and jump into the hole again.

Toluca Prison

You find yourself in the kitchen. Eddie is sitting on the floor. After the dialogue, take bottles of healing drink and a sign with a picture of a pig. Go out and find a map of the prison in the long corridor. Using it as your guide, go through the central door on the right. This will be the shower room, there take the sign with the image of a temptress. Go to the southern corridor. Check all cameras. In one of them you will find a wax doll. Go to the northern corridor. Check all cameras as well. One of them will contain paintings, just look at them. In one of the cells there will be a sign with the image of the oppressor. The cell door will jam, but don't worry - push it three times and it will open. Go to the largest room. You can ignore the strange noises. Go to the center of the garden, there will be a scaffold with three loops. Insert the found signs into three holes. You will hear a man scream. Go to the exit. Remove the horseshoe from the door handle. Head through the northern corridor to the west. Explore the two rooms on the right. One of them will contain a first aid kit. In the other room there will be a passage opposite. Enter the first room on the other side. Take the lighter. Check the toilets. Go to the reception area, read the magazine and there, in the second room, pick up the gun. Find the hatch. He doesn't have a pen. Use a horseshoe, a doll and a lighter. Open the hatch and jump down. You will find yourself in the basement. Go through the only open door. Don't be afraid of corpses, they don't bite:) go through the door. There will be a large hole in the room, jump into it. Open the door and jump into another hole.


Get into the elevator. It will close and take you down to the lower floor. Pack your things. After a long descent, go through the door. The map will be completed as you progress. Go left, reaching the wall, left, then right, right again. There will be Pyramid Head walking below and monsters under the bars. Find the door. There you will find Great Knife. Go up and find another staircase. Go downstairs and go up. In the center of the room there will be a cube, on the sides of which faces will be depicted. Turn the cube over so that the green eyes are facing down. Go through the door that appears at the back. Maria will be behind bars. After the dialogue, return to the stairs and pick up the wire cutters.
Go back to the very beginning and use wire cutters to cut through the wire. Follow numerous corridors, guided by the map. When you get to the save, read the newspaper and save.

Abstract Daddy

Walk a little further, you will hear a scream. James will enter the room. Angela was attacked by a monster. The third boss in the game. The main thing is not to get too close to it and not to stand in one place for a long time. The difficulty is that the room is too small and there is practically nowhere to run away. It's best to shoot him with a shotgun. After the victory, Angela will finish off the monster. Watch the dialogue and exit.

Riddle of the Hanged

Go to the door. Go through the door on the right. There will be six hanging corpses. Look at the signs on their faces. Remember their location. Go to the next room on the left. There will be six loops. Read the inscription that hangs on the grille. You must pull the noose of that criminal who was unjustly executed. If you pull the wrong loop, three monsters will appear in the corridor. At all difficulty levels you need to pull the loop that corresponds to the arsonist. Return to the room with the corpses and take the key. Open the handcuffs and the passage. Go downstairs and go through the white door. After a short dialogue with Maria, go into the opened passage. You will find yourself in a cemetery. Save and go down to the grave.

Go through the not very long corridor. There will be a door at the end, go in. After the dialogue, it will become clear that Eddie is against you. Shoot him, after that he will leave you. Follow him and shoot him completely. The boss is not that strong, so killing him will not be a difficult task.

Lake View Hotel

At the pier, get on the boat. Swim to the white point. When you get there, go up the stairs. Before entering the hotel, take the Little Mermaid's box from the left fountain. Come to the hotel. On the right, take the guest card. Go to Restaurant "Lake Shore". Take the Fisk Key. Before you leave, there will be a scene with Laura. When you exit, monsters will be walking along the corridor, similar to the boss from the labyrinth, but much weaker. Go to the Lobby, check out the music box. There will be three niches for boxes. Insert the little mermaid's box into the left niche.
Go to Reception. There, take the room key from room 312. There is no use going up to the third floor. Go down to the basement. Go to the elevator and pick up the solvent there. Go up to the second floor. Go to the Reading Room. Take the elevator key. Go to room 204. There will be a passage to room 202, photos of the diplomat will be scattered there. Check the photos, one of them will have something crossed out with a black marker. Use a solvent. The photo will show the code to the diplomat. Open it. Take Cinderella's box. Go to the music box. Insert Cinderella's box into the right niche. Go to the service elevator. Open the door with the key and go inside. A signal will sound - the elevator is designed to transport not too heavy loads. There is a closet nearby, leave all your things in it. Go down to the first floor.
Pick up your staff card. Go to Pantry. Take Snow White's box. Go to Office. Take the videotape and can opener. Go to the basement. Enter the Boiler Room. Take the key to Bar “Venus Tears”. Continue on to the Kitchen. Open the can using a can opener. Take the lamp. Go to Bar “Venus Tears”. Use the lamp in the lamp. Use the key to open the door and run for things. After taking your things, go down to the music box. Insert Snow White's box into the central niche and take the key to the third floor. Go up to the third floor and go to room 312.

Alternative Lake View Hotel

Watch the tape; after the dialogue with Laura, leave the room. The flashlight doesn't work. Go down to the second floor. Visit the Reading Room. Listen to the conversation using headphones. Go to room 204. When you enter it, you will exit room 219. Without entering the doors, leave this corridor. Take your things and go into the elevator. Go down to the basement and go to the Venus Tears Bar. Exit to the service premises. When you find the door leading to the stairs, there will be a dialogue with Angela.
Go back. Go up the stairs. Go through the only open door. Go to the double doors, there will be ten save sheets. Save and come in.

Pyramid Head

After a short scene, you will be attacked by two Pyramid Heads. This is perhaps the most difficult battle in the game. If you have a lot of healing items in your inventory, then you can take the Great Knife and use this weapon against bosses. Or use a rifle. The most suitable tactic is the following: stand in the corner of the room and shoot at the monsters, as soon as they get close enough to you, run to the opposite end and continue shooting. Keep doing these steps until you kill them.
After they die, take the scarlet and rusty egg. Insert them into the doors and enter any of them.


Go through the big door. Listen to the monologue that will sound while you are running along a long corridor. Come in the door. Go up the stairs. After the dialogue, Mary, who has become a monster, will attack you. She will attack you not only up close, but also from afar, sending moths at you. The boss isn't very difficult. Use a rifle or shotgun against him and don't stand in one place.


Well, that's all, you've completed the game, now you can watch one of several possible endings.
